Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

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To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 37

164 2 0
By deblaru

Reece was reluctant to leave me at school after Mia slapping me across the face, I think he also felt bad for scaring me as I'd never seen him physically put his hand on a girl before and although Mia was a bitch, and probably deserved to be put in her place I didn't want him getting into trouble because of me.

He tried to convince me to go home with him, but I knew that would have led us to do other things, and Reece would have got no sleep while I wouldn't have any studying done. Eventually, he gave in and unwillingly went home without me.

I told him he'd thank me in the end, but he said he wouldn't because he was now left with a case of blue balls, making me laugh out loud. I promised I'd make it up to him later. 

School had dragged on, and I found myself looking at my phone to check the time - it was almost 1.00pm, which meant lunchtime was approaching. I was starving. Just then, I received a text from Samia, asking me to meet her in the cafeteria. She and Jordan had been going through a difficult time lately, and she needed someone to talk to.

When the bell rang, everyone quickly made their way out of the room. Connor followed me, telling me to wait up. It seemed like he and Austin had become my personal bodyguards ever since Reece had asked them to watch out for me after what Mia did. They walked me to every class I had,even if we didn't share the same one.

As we entered the cafeteria, we bumped into Austin at the entrance. Samia was sitting at the back, Austin and Connor accompany me to our table. Glaring at anyone who looked in my direction, but it was getting a bit excessive.

"Oh my god, will you two cut it out? Not everyone is out to get me," I said, exasperated.

"Lorna. Reece told us to make sure nobody comes near you or even look at you," Austin explained.

"That's what we're doing," Connor added, Noting, because if we don't he'll chop our balls off.

I shook my head. "That's a bit far-fetched," I said, sitting down and letting out a sigh. No those were his exact words, Austin quips, and I'm very fond of my balls, so I'm going to do what he says ok.I roll my eyes at his comment, I'm going to have a word with Reece later.

Casting a smile at Samia, what's going she queries, nothing just twiddle Dee and twiddle dumb haven't stopped following me around school all day, they are stuck to me like glue, I moan..

Why ? She asks, but before I could speak, because she was attacked by Mia this morning for no reason,after she tried to help her up when Nick pushed her. Mia blamed her and slapped her across the face. So Reece asked us to keep an eye on her. Austin blurts out..

' Samia, shocked and angry, yells, "What the actual fuck?!" She moves her hand towards my face, pushing my hair back, and gasps at the mark left on it.

Determined, she says, "I'm going to find that bitch. Where is she?" But I pull her back, telling her to sit down.

Informing her that Mia went home after Reece threatened her to stay away. Samia was furious, she vowed to tell Sarah about this. I don't blame Reece for having these two to protect you. Who the fuck does that bitch think she is to put her hands on you?

I eventually managed to calm down Samia, and then I asked the boys to give us a little privacy. I knew she wanted to talk about her and Jordan. "We'll be right over there, okay?" Connor said, giving us a smile.

"Just scream if you need us. I'll be your knight in shining armor," Austin said, winking at me and earning a slap on the back of his head from Connor.

" Yeah, Reece said to watch over her, not hit on her..." Samia and I laughed. Austin shrugged, "A guy can try." He winked again walking away.

"Now that they're gone, tell me what's going on with you and Jordan," I inquired.

She told me what was happening - that Jordan wanted a break. Suggesting they should see other people, I was surprised because I actually thought he was so into her. He would never leave her sight when they were out. He had always been the perfect boyfriend.

I'm so sorry, babe,"placing my hand on hers giving it a gentle squeeze, Her shoulders sagged, and she replied, "Yeah, thanks. I just wish I knew what went wrong." A sigh escaping her lips. "I'm sure you two will work it out. If it's meant to be, you two will get back together," I reassured her, giving her a hug to console her. "But hey, you always have me."

"Does that mean you'll dump Reece for me?" she giggles. "Of course, hoes before bros," I say, giving a wink. "Yeah right, Lorna, and pigs will sing. Casting her a funny look, I say. "You mean fly?.

'Whatever," she retorts, "you and Reece are end game. You two are literally meant to be since you were little, and don't think I don't know that you're at it every chance you get." My face blushes. "SAMIA -. " what? It's true," she states. "He can never keep his hands off you," she says.

"Hmm, true," I agree with her. "Telling her - he wanted me to skip school this morning. He wasn't happy I left him with blue balls, I admit." She laughs, "See, I told you.."


Finally, it was time to go home. Both Connor and Austin were waiting for me outside my class, resembling two towering bouncers. "I assume you're my ride too?" I remark.

Austin throws his arm around my shoulder, smirking down at me, and says, "I can be your ride anytime you want baby." I smirk back, pushing his hand off me and say, "Really? Great! I'll make sure Reece knows you said that." Austin's voice rises, "Oh no, don't tell him that! He'll kill me. I was just joking!"

Myself and Connor burst into laughter. "Serves you right," Connor comments. "Shut up, Connor," Austin retaliates, walking ahead. I yell after him, "I won't tell him, Austin! Come back..."

The boys drop me home; I have enough time to do my homework and grab a bite to eat. Reece won't be here until 7:00.

As soon as I'm finished, I check the time. Shit, it's 6:00 already. I rush into the bathroom for a quick shower, not bothering to wash my hair; I'll just tie it up.

Upon coming out, I see a text from Reece.

"Hey beautiful, I'm on my way. Wear something that's easy access 😏."

That guy is always thinking about sex, but I have to admit I was feeling quite needy too. We haven't done anything in the last few days, and I'm starting to feel the effects of it, or lack thereof.

I opt for my black and cream checkered shirt dress, styling it with my black chunky Chelsea boots. My hair is tied up in a messy bun. After slapping on some mascara and lip balm, I'm ready to go.

I walk downstairs, and my mom just comes through the front door with Reece following behind her. "Hey honey, look who I found outside," she grins.

"Oh, hey, Mom." I look at Reece, and he looks me up and down, his eyes twinkling with approval and lust. I guess he likes my outfit.

"So where are you two off to?" She asks, clearing her throat and shooting me a look that says, "Don't think I didn't notice Reece checking you out."

"Just going to the cinema," I say, grabbing my bag and leather jacket. "Okay, have fun. Make sure to be home by 10:30, Lorna; you have school tomorrow." She emphasises after me. 

"Don't worry, I'll have her home safe and sound," Reece says, giving her a charming smile. I see her blush. Wait, is my mom crushing on my boyfriend?

"Bye, you two," she waves after us.

"You really are a charmer, huh? Making my mother blush. Are you trying to get back at me for ogling your dad?" I tease.

"No, if I wanted to get back at you, I would've called her Mommy or Milf," he retorts, smirking at me wickedly.

"You're not funny," I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I think I'm hilarious, actually," he adds, winking at me.

"Sure, you tell yourself that," I reply sarcastically. "Are we going or what?"

Lorna - his tone holds an authoritative edge. "Keep this attitude up and we might just have to skip the movie so I can punish you again. Is that what you want?" His brow quirks up in question, his words causing my insides to flutter.

"I bite my lip while shaking my head.

Hmm, you don't seem too sure. Do you want to be punished? His hand slides up my leg, squeezing it.

Looking at him straight in the eye, trying to be serious, 'I don't I say, "I really do," But I also want to see this movie. Plus, he said he would do things to me in the movie theatre, and I really want to know exactly what he'll do. I'm feeling extremely tingly down there at the thought of it. I really was starting to develop a kink for doing stuff in public.

He smirks at me, giving me that look that he's definitely going to keep his promise.

We walk into the cinema and order two movie tickets. "What do you want to eat, babe?" Reece asks me, adding, "Pick whatever you want."

"No, I'm paying, Reece. You promised, so let me, or else I'm walking out," I say firmly.

"Okay, okay," he laughs, pulling me to his side and nuzzling my neck. "Just get me a water and popcorn. that's it," I inquire.

"Yup, still on a diet, so I can't eat too much crap. Ugh, boring," I sigh. He nuzzles my neck again and whispers in my ear, "Well, I know something else I could eat," his husky tone sending heat throughout my whole my body, causing me to clench my thighs.

"We get our tickets and food and head towards the theater, just as we are about to enter..

Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Matthews! We turn around to see a petite brunette with two other girls I've never seen before, although the brunette looks familiar. I feel Reece tense up beside me.

"Oh, is this the guy you told me about, Mel?" her blonde friend says, ogling Reece in front of me. "Yeah, it is," Mel says, staring at him, biting her lip and fluttering her eyelashes at him. She glances at me for a second, leering at me.

Turning her attention back to Reece, she says, "You never called me again after our fun night together! I thought we could have picked up where we left off, especially after we were interrupted, when your friend got into a bit of trouble." Her sarcastic tone doesn't go unnoticed, especially when she makes it so obvious by throwing me the side-eye."I hope you are over your trauma now, Lorna.

I frown at her comment, unsure by what she meant.

She's fine now, thanks," Reece spits. I can see he's trying to hold back from lashing out at her.

"Yep, all good now thanks," I say, pulling him away from them.Well, it's nice to meet you again, Melissa - is it ? We don't want to be late for our movie."

"Are you okay?" Reece asks, as we find a seat at the back and seat down. I respond with a muttered "yeh, I'm fine," feeling slightly annoyed because I now remember who it was.

It was Nick's sister, the one Reece hooked up with at Nick's party that night. It's clear that she's pissed off because Reece ended their steamy encounter together, I'm also reminded of that creep trying to force himself on me. Then of Reece coming down in only his jeans with no top on, making it obvious to everyone of what they had been doing. It all comes flooding back and the thoughts of it fill me with jealousy and annoyance.

Will this be a recurring theme every time we run into someone Reece has been with? Will I constantly have angry girls mad at me whenever they see me with him? Ugh, who am I kidding? It was always like this even before we became a couple.

Are you sure you're okay? He takes my hand in his. Pulling me from my thoughts. " Yeah, I'm fine," I say, giving him a small smile.

"I'm sorry about her," he says. "Don't be. I'm used to jealous girls hating on me for being around you. They'll just hate me more for being your girlfriend now."

"Just ignore them, baby. They're jealous because you're so beautiful," he leans in, capturing my lips in a longing kiss. I kiss him back, his kisses always take away my worries. I feel his hand slide up my thigh towards my underwear.

"Reece, the movie hasn't even started yet," I giggle, trying to push him away.

"So what? I need to feel your pussy, baby. I haven't felt it in so long," he whispers in my ear. "I want to feel you clench around my fingers," he kisses along my jaw and down my neck. "I want you so badly, baby," his mouth is on mine again, as his fingers slip under my underwear.

I stop him from going any further, "I need to use the ladies' room first. I'll be back in a second," as I give him a peck on the lips and stand up.

"Okay, hurry back," he expresses, tapping my behind.

After finishing up, I walk over to the sink to wash my hands. I hear someone enter the restroom, as I look up, I notice Melissa standing behind me in the mirror, staring at me harshly . So you and Reece huh ! She states.

Here we go again... Why does it concern you? I ask.

"Well, you broke my brother's heart and dumped him just to start dating Reece," she spits out.

'I chuckle turning around to her. "First of all, it's none of your business who I choose to be with," I retort, staring back at her. "Secondly, I didn't break your brother's heart. We mutually decided to end things that had barely even started in the first place. And thirdly, my relationship with Reece has nothing to do with you. So please, mind your own business and stay out of mine."

I begin to walk away, but she speaks from behind me. "It's not going to last, you know! He's a fuckboy, and you're no different from any other girl he's been with. In fact, you're too innocent and naive for him. He prefers older girls, college girls. He's well-known around our campus."

Excuse me, I reply, feeling my anger starting to rise. Who does this girl think she is? Look, I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt because Reece never called you back, but there's no need to be mad at me. You don't know him like I do. We were best friends before we started dating, and he truly cares about me. That's the difference. I don't even know why I'm explaining myself.

"Yeah, he cared so much about you that night at the party. The sarcasm in her tone evident. " Even after I told him you seemed upset after seeing him enter my room," he didn't seem to care much about you, he literally slammed my door behind him and grabbed me, threw me on my bed and fucked me senseless, she seethes, wearing a contemptuous smile, she brushes past me, leaving me standing there furious.

My hands clench in and out, and I feel like I'm going cry. I receive a text from Reece, asking where I am and informing me that the movie has started.

In an attempt to calm myself down, I return back to the theater, I sit down without uttering a word trying to place all my attention to the movie,. However, my mood has been dampened, and all I want is to go home. I sense his gaze on me, and then his hand reaches for mine. "Is everything okay, babe?" he asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

"It's fine," I reply, spitting out the words without looking at him. I'm furious, and my emotions are overpowering me.

I am aware that Reece has a history of being intimate with multiple girls, and it makes me feel uncertain about myself. Especially when I witness or hear about these girls throwing themselves at him, or reminding me of how inexperienced I am when it comes to Reece.

"Are you sure?" he questions once more. "Yup, all good, just tired. I vex out. I'm know he senses something's off, but he doesn't press further.

He attempts to pull me onto his lap, his hand slipping back to were it was earlier, his kisses on my jaw and neck trying to entice me, but I can't even enjoy it, I know it's not his fault, well it kind of is, if he wasn't such a man whore before he got with me, we wouldn't have this problem.

I'm not in the mood now Reece I sigh pushing myself off him and sitting back in my seat, his brows furrow together in confusion, what's wrong Lorna ? He asks his tone serious.

Nothing - I say, but I can't remove the scowl from my face, he sits back saying, " okay if you say so, I know he's going to press further after the movie, but with prying eyes he won't make a scene here.' I hope ..

My bad mood permeates the air. I couldn't enjoy the film; Melissa's words had me that upset. She got to me, and all I desire now is to go home." Turning to him, I assert, "I want to go home now!"

Yikes well that took a turn, how about Melissa what a beep !!!

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