good thing // johnjaeyong (...

By kyhyuns

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๐ฅ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ฅ ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ž!

189 7 20
By kyhyuns

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¹ ³⠀⁴ ⁵ ⁶⠀⁷ ⁸ ³ ⁵ ⁶ ²⠀⁷ ²⠀¹ ³⠀⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷

Taeyong types away at his computer, eyes skimming across the screen as his nimble fingers tap away at the keyboard in a rhythmic motion. He pauses, chewing on his lower lip, before he rests his elbows on the edge of his desk. He runs his hands through his gelled, slicked-back pink hair, a groan slipping from his lips. He rests his clasped hands over his mouth, leaning his chin against them.

He can't focus on his work at all, his mind preoccupied with a certain dimpled individual. He was hoping to actually talk to Jaehyun today about their fight from a few days ago. But no, the younger had called in sick this morning instead.

Well, that's what Yuta said, anyway. When Taeyong asked Yuta if he had seen Jaehyun, Yuta had said Jaehyun had called him, unwell, and Yuta had approved his sick leave in the system for the day. He also offered to cover Jaehyun's remaining work from yesterday, and start his portion for today.

It made Taeyong a little suspicious, as Jaehyun would have called the reception desk to call in sick, then one of the receptionists letting Taeyong know of Jaehyun's call. But, that's not what happened.

Truthfully, Taeyong isn't sure what he wants to say to Jaehyun. He knows he was being ridiculous the other day; getting jealous of Yuta first, then Jungwoo later on, then getting mad at Jaehyun for it. He replays their fight, over and over, and every single time, he just gets mad at himself again.

He didn't mean to call Jaehyun stupid or a moron. He didn't mean to make it out like Jaehyun was incompetent at his job, and telling everyone at the office he scolded him for an hour because he fucked up the files he requested. He didn't mean to blame their steamy office sex session on Jaehyun, when he wanted it just as much. He didn't mean to get jealous again.

Taeyong has never really been a possessive or jealous person, hell, even in his one and only relationship he ever had, he never felt possessive over him.

So...why is he feeling this way over Jaehyun?

Is it because he knows that he's not the only one who wants Jaehyun? Jaehyun is definitely the most beautiful man Taeyong has ever laid eyes upon, and he most certainly is not the only one who thinks so.

It's no secret that when Jaehyun first started at SMCU, in Taeyong's department, he turned a lot of heads. He was all any of the employees could talk about: the handsome new hire in the marketing department. His ethereal face and charismatic charms wooed everyone, Taeyong included. Within the first month of Jaehyun working under him, Taeyong was whipped.

Taeyong didn't even meet him until a week after Jaehyun had started because he was away on a work trip for a huge project the department was working on at the time. While he was away, he heard through the grapevine about the 'really hot intern in the marketing department with the cute dimples' and was certainly intrigued.

Well, technically, he met Jaehyun during his third year of university. But if he was honest, he never really spoke to Jaehyun back then so he didn't recognise him when he first started. However, Jaehyun mentioning it to him the night he confessed did jog a bit of Taeyong's memory. He would usually tag along with Johnny for their group study sessions, but he never really spoke and was really shy. Jaehyun is still not the most outgoing person, but he's not as closed off as he used to be.

The rumours and gossip about Jaehyun and his surreal looks certainly made Taeyong curious. The saying "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back", could not have been more true for this scenario. The first time Taeyong properly laid eyes upon Jaehyun, he certainly was not disappointed.

Everything about Jeong Jaehyun was—and still is—perfect, leaving Taeyong wondering if he were actually real, or just a figment of his overactive imagination. Jaehyun's face is a canvas of striking features that add to his illustrious allure; cute dimples, expressive eyes, full red lips and dazzling smile.

Deep dimples pop in his rounded cheeks when he smiles, adding a contrast of cute youthfulness in amongst his otherwise mature visage. His skin appears smooth and even, reflecting a luminosity that enhances his overall attractiveness; his pale complexion radiating a flawless beauty, akin to the soft glow of moonlight. His cheeks, when bashful or shy, will envelope in the most delicious cherry colour, burning all the way up to his ears, which Taeyong found the utmost adorable.

Then, there's Jaehyun's eyes. They are deep mesmerising pools, a rich hue of dark chocolate, radiating a magnetic charisma that is hard to look away from. The shape of his eyes is both soulful and expressive, with a gentle almond contour that imparts a sense of warmth and sincerity. His dark lashes, like delicate brushstrokes on a masterpiece, frame those expressive eyes, adding a touch of softness. In moments of intensity, they cast delicate shadows that enhance the dramatic temptation of his gaze, creating a visual poetry that captivates onlookers. Jaehyun's eyes drew Taeyong in like a moth to flame.

Of course, then there's Jaehyun's lips. Taeyong swipes the tip of his thumb across his plump lower lip, reminiscing the feel of Jaehyun's lips on his. He really is a good kisser, never failing to leave Taeyong breathless and begging for more. His lips, like delicate petals, exhibit a natural rosy tint that makes anyone looking want to kiss him senseless. The upper lip gracefully follows the sharp curves of his cupid's bow, a soft and captivating arc that imparts a sense of refinement, with the lower lip slightly fuller, often being taken by his teeth when nervous. The way his lips part in a radiant smile that rivals the brightness of the sun is just yet another mystical attribute to Jaehyun's allure.

Jaehyun's beauty is truly eesome, one of a kind, and Taeyong just can't help but want to keep him to himself. But, that's proving a hard feat when everyone seems to want him in one way or another.

"Fuck...I miss him." Taeyong exhales deeply, leaning back in his chair. His heart aches, just wanting to hear the younger's deep, honey baritone voice once again. "'s my own damn fault we haven't spoken." He admits quietly to himself, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Yeah, sounds about right." Yuta says, standing just inside Taeyong's office, the door clicking shut behind him. Taeyong startles, opening his eyes. He then scowls, standing to his feet.

"Do you not know how to knock?" Taeyong snaps, watching as Yuta approaches his desk, stopping on the other side.

"I did knock. Three times," Yuta deadpans, holding up three fingers with one hand. In his other hand, he holds a stack of papers. Taeyong blinks at him, before slowly sinking down into his chair.

"Oh." Is all Taeyong says. He looks away. "What do you have for me?"

"The files Jaehyun was meant to work on today." Yuta holds out the papers for Taeyong to take. The pink haired male looks at Yuta's hand, before reaching out to grab the stack. Taeyong takes the papers and sets them down on his desk. He looks back up at Yuta, who gazes down at him with a hard stare, hands tucked into the pockets of his pants.

"...what?" Taeyong asks, voice snappy. Yuta's return into his life has not at all been pleasant. He looks even better than he remembered—well, it has been nearly a decade since he last saw the Japanese male. He's definitely filled out more, grown into himself. The long, black hair suits Yuta's striking visage, the piercings glittering upon his face accentuating his prominent features. Taeyong has no feelings towards Yuta anymore, but, he must say: the other male is certainly enticing.

"You know, you really hurt Jaehyun." He says in a low voice, shrugging his shoulders. His deep voice brings Taeyong back to reality, his boba eyes widening and jaw clenching. "Your insecurities got the better of you, again, and made you lash out at him."

Taeyong scoffs. "What would you know?" Taeyong grumbles, standing angrily to his feet. "Don't talk to me like you know me."

"Well, I did know you. And we often had fights due to your insecurities." Yuta tilts his chin up slightly, glaring down his nose at Taeyong. "Nice to know you haven't changed."

"Excuse me?" Taeyong grits his teeth so hard his jaw hurts. "Last time I checked, you caused those fights because you didn't know how to not flirt with others when I was right next to you." He snaps. "Oh, and who was the one who up and ghosted me and never gave me an explanation why? Leaving me heartbroken with no idea what I did wrong?" He crosses his arms, setting his jaw.

"I broke it off because I knew we wouldn't work out long-distance." Yuta says matter-of-factly. "I did you a favour."

"You didn't even fucking try!" Taeyong shouts, his patience wearing thin. "You didn't even fucking tell me you were moving, then suddenly you were back in Japan? Then not even a month later you've blocked my number and all my socials with not a single word or explanation." He inhales deeply, attempting to calm his nerves.

Yuta removes his hands from his pockets, folding them across his chest, biting his lip. "Do you still have feelings for me?" He asks quietly, looking away.

"No. No I don't. I haven't for years." Taeyong says lowly. "What about you?" Yuta shakes his head. "Jaehyun, then?" Yuta's head snaps up to meet Taeyong's fiery gaze. "So I was right." His cheeks hurt from how hard he's frowning, but he's angry. He's annoyed. "Why?"

Yuta places one hand on his hip, the other hanging limp by his side. "Why not? Have you seen the guy? He's insanely hot." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, only irking Taeyong further. "And cute. He was very cute last night." His voice lowers, tone sly.

Taeyong goes rigid. "Excuse me?" Yuta rolls his shoulders, once again folding his arms. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

Yuta shrugs, acting nonchalant. "Jaehyun was with me last night. We live across the hall from each other, and I made him come home 'cause he was still here, working at ten p.m last night on the shit load of work you piled up on his desk." Yuta explains in a slightly snarky tone, examining his nails. "He was tired, he was hungry 'cause he skipped lunch, and he was upset. We went back to my apartment, he got drunk." With every word that tumbles from Yuta's pierced lips, Taeyong finds himself getting angrier and angrier. "He told me all about how he feels people only like him for his face and his insecurities, all about the two of you, and how much he likes you and how shit you've been treating him in the last couple of days."

Taeyong's heart stops. "He—what?"

Yuta doesn't look at Taeyong, but his almond-shaped eyes curve into a glare. "He likes you. A lot. And he's really hurt by you." He grits his teeth, scoffing. "Crying like that over you when I was right there in front of him, confessing to him, comforting him." He turns his head to look at a stunned Taeyong, his glare deepening. "You don't realise how much you hurt him, do you?" Yuta pauses. "You know, I heard part of your argument in your office the other day."

" much did you hear?" Taeyong questions, slowly sinking back down into his seat.

"I heard you dodging accountability," Yuta responds, annoyed. "You got jealous, you were the one calling him stupid and a moron, you were the one bragging to everyone in the office about how you scolded him for an hour for not doing something properly—yeah, I heard enough."

Taeyong looks away, taking his lower lip into his teeth and gnawing on it. " don't know anything." His boba eyes return back to Yuta, a frown on his lips. "What else?"


"What else did he say to you?" Taeyong implores, toying with his fingers on his lap.

Yuta stares down at Taeyong, the corners of his lips quirking up in a small smirk. "He asked me to fuck him."

Taeyong's head snaps up so fast he almost gave himself whiplash. He doesn't know how to respond to that, his jaw falling slack in shock. Jaehyun...asked Yuta to fuck him? "'re joking, right?"

"No." Yuta says smugly, a smirk twisted into his lips. "Did you know, when you fuck him, as he gets closer to coming, his voice gets higher in pitch? It's so cute. You'd never expect that from a guy with a voice as deep as his." He leans over, placing a palm on Taeyong's desk, now eye-level with the still shocked Taeyong. "That's why he's not here today. Because he spent the night writhing under me, crying and whimpering my name."

Taeyong swallows thickly, his heart hammering against his chest, threatening to burst. "I..." he looks away.

"Have you two fucked?" Yuta asks.

"Yes." Taeyong looks up at Yuta. "I left marks on his neck." Alongside Johnny's marks... he thinks sourly.

"Oh, those were your marks?" Yuta questions, eyebrows raised. "Did you bottom?"

"Why should I tell you that?" Taeyong snaps.

"So you bottomed. Figures." Yuta smirks.

Taeyong scowls. "The fuck is the supposed to mean?"

Yuta shrugs yet again. "Anyway, I have to get back to work." He turns, and slowly walks away from Taeyong's desk. Taeyong can only stand there and watch him walk away, mouth dry and heart pounding. "Oh, and one last thing." Yuta stops, turning his head back to face Taeyong, that annoying smirk still plastered on the bastard's handsome face. "You should start being nicer to Jaehyun. Who knows, he might just fall for me instead if you're not careful." He taunts, and Taeyong feels like pegging a rock at Yuta's head.

Taeyong opens his mouth to retort, but Yuta swiftly leaves before he can say anything. Taeyong slumps back into his seat, staring blankly at the ceiling as his office door clicks shut.

Is Yuta doing this as a way to get back at Taeyong for something regarding their past together? Or is Yuta genuine in his affections towards Jaehyun? Taeyong isn't sure, Yuta has always been good at lying.

But, Taeyong can't deny that he feels incredibly hurt and angry at the potential of Jaehyun being fucked by Yuta last night. Did Jaehyun seriously go straight from Taeyong to Yuta because they were fighting? Because Taeyong isn't good enough? Because he prefers to be on the bottom?

Taeyong chews the inside of his cheek, picturing Jaehyun's broad, muscular body hovering over him, plowing into him with his ridiculously endowed cock, sweat dripping down his handsome face and low moans tumbling from his kiss-bitten lips. It was certainly a sight to behold for Taeyong, and he very much enjoys being pinned beneath Jaehyun and having his lips and tongue all over his body, savouring him like he was the most delicious thing in the world. He presses his thighs together, his pants feeling tighter over his crotch as he thinks about Jaehyun fucking him senseless.

But what would Jaehyun's face look like if he were the one on top?

Taeyong is curious. He's never topped before. Even when he was with Yuta, he always bottomed. He always preferred to be pampered, taken care of, to be touched and fucked. Having Jaehyun finally fulfil those fantasies Taeyong had been having about him was euphoric, it was far better than he had ever imagined. But now, he's wondering what it would be like to top Jaehyun instead?

He wants to know what Jaehyun sounds like, what places to touch to make him come undone, how to angle his hips to hit his prostate, see him crying and whimpering Taeyong's name instead of moaning and grunting as he thrusts into Taeyong.

Taeyong pushes his chair back, standing to his feet. He's still mad at Jaehyun, but he wants to see him again before Yuta does. If Johnny and Yuta get to fuck Jaehyun, then Taeyong does, too.

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¹ ³⠀⁴ ⁵ ⁶⠀⁷ ⁸ ³ ⁵ ⁶ ²⠀⁷ ²⠀¹ ³⠀⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷

Jaehyun lays on his couch, staring blankly at the ceiling, hands clasped together over his abdomen. His eyes sting from crying, his cheeks are sticky with dry tears, and his chest aches from the way his heart thumps painfully against his rib cage with guilt. He doesn't exactly know how things could have potentially gotten worse from yesterday, but they did.

He feels so incredibly guilty regarding Sicheng and his earlier confession. He had no idea his best friend was in love with him, and for so long too. Hearing Sicheng recount how he fell in love, and why, just made Jaehyun's heart crack into small pieces. Unlike with Johnny, Yuta, and Taeyong, Sicheng fell in love when they were kids, and because of Jaehyun's actions rather than his looks.

But, Jaehyun feels nothing towards Sicheng. While he certainly is attracted to Johnny and Yuta, and in love with Taeyong, he can't say the same for Sicheng. His best friend is definitely a good-looking guy, and Jaehyun knows people often fawn over Sicheng for how cute and handsome he is, but Jaehyun had never felt attracted to him. He loves Sicheng dearly, but as his best friend, nothing more. And the thought of being Sicheng's unrequited love for more than a decade weighs heavy on his heart.

Jaehyun never suspected anything, he had no clue that Sicheng liked him more than a friend; he hid it extremely well. Hearing Sicheng tell him how he tried to date others to get over Jaehyun honestly hurt more than it probably should have.

He scrubs his hands down his face, groaning loudly into his sweaty palms.

Why does everyone 'fall in love' with him? It makes no sense to him. Maybe he has a pretty face, and a nice body, but other than that, what was so special about him that he makes everyone close to him fall for him? Maybe he died and was isekai'd into a harem game where he's the main character?

Jaehyun sighs, covering his eyes with his hands. Perhaps the best course of action for him to take is to move to a remote town in the mountains and change his name and dye his hair and run away from his problems. Yeah, sounds like a good plan.

His thoughts are scattered when three loud knocks resound from the door, startling him. Jaehyun sits up, staring at his door. He doesn't really want to answer it. The knocks come again, this time louder. Jaehyun groans, standing up from the couch groggily and dragging his feet over to the door. The knocks continue rapidly now, and Jaehyun clenches his jaw in annoyance.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming," Jaehyun grumbles, unlocking his door and throwing it open. All anger and insults on his tongue dissipate as soon as his chocolate brown eyes fall upon pretty pinked haired Taeyong standing at his door with his fist still raised. Jaehyun shrieks, immediately slamming the door shut again.

"The fuck, Jeong?" Comes Taeyong's muffled, angry voice from the other side of the door. "Open the fucking door, Jaehyun!"

"No, I can't!" Jaehyun cries, resting his forehead against the wood of the door. "I—I just—I can't face you right now."

He hears Taeyong scoff on the other side of the door. "Oh? And why is that?" Jaehyun stays silent. "...I know about last night. That you and Yuta had sex."

Fuck. Jaehyun thinks. "Th-that's exactly why I can't face you, Hyung." Jaehyun mumbles, shoulders sagging, heart pounding away in his chest like a drum. "I'm so embarrassed and ashamed, and I'm sorry..."

Jaehyun hears Taeyong sigh, the sound muffled by the door. "Jeong, please open the door and let me in. I want to talk to you." Jaehyun inhales shakily, but otherwise reaches down and unlocks the door, slowly cracking it open. Taeyong stands there in his work suit with his arms folded across his chest, a scowl settled upon his ethereal visage. Jaehyun drops his gaze, not looking at his pretty hyung's face, stepping aside so Taeyong could enter.

Taeyong steps inside, removing his shoes in the entrance way. He doesn't say anything further, and Jaehyun simply watches him as he walks inside the apartment, slipping his suit jacket off and hanging it on the back of an armchair in the living room. He walks over to the couch, daintily sitting upon the cushion and crossing one leg over the other. He folds his arms, then looks over at Jaehyun expectantly, who is still standing in the doorway.

"You coming or what, Jeong?" Taeyong asks, deep voice raspy. Jaehyun inhales slowly, walking over to join Taeyong on the couch. He sits beside him, but leaves a noticeable gap between the two.

Silence engulfs them, and they sit awkwardly in the stifling reticence, neither of them knowing how to start the conversation.

"I'm sorry." Jaehyun blurts, breaking the quiet stillness. Taeyong doesn't look at him, uncrossing his leg and resting his elbows on his knees and leaning forwards, autumn gaze on the ground. "It was a mistake. I was drunk...and...I'm sorry."

Taeyong exhales deeply, and Jaehyun glances at him from the corners of his eyes. His gaze travels along Taeyong's diamond-cut jawline, and down the thin column of his neck disappearing into his white button-down shirt. He can see faint red blotches upon his skin; faded hickeys from their last night together. He swallows thickly, reminiscing the sweet taste of Taeyong's skin, the beautiful and erotic sounds of his moans, how deliciously good he felt burying his cock deep inside Taeyong... Jaehyun bites his lip, averting his gaze elsewhere; anywhere but at the sinfully alluring man beside him.

"I'm really mad, Jaehyun," Taeyong finally speaks, snapping Jaehyun from his thoughts. "I'm disappointed, and upset." He twiddles his thumbs, gaze never leaving his hands. "But, at the end of the day, you were drunk, and Yuta took advantage of you."

Jaehyun's breath hitches. "D-don't make excuses for me, Hyung," he stutters out, voice shaky, "even though I was drunk, I wanted it. I egged him on. I knew what I was doing. And I feel shit about it." He turns to look at Taeyong, jaw set. "I played with his feelings, and I was a selfish asshole to him. And I was a selfish asshole to you, too. I'm sorry I strung you along when I'm so confused by what I want. I'm sorry for hurting you." Jaehyun stammers out, voice catching in his throat, eyes stinging with tears once again.

Taeyong heaves a heavy sigh, his broad shoulders sagging. He finally looks up at Jaehyun, his own deep boba eyes glimmering with unshed tears. "I'm sorry, too." He mumbles out, taking his plump lower lip into his teeth. "You definitely were an asshole. But, that doesn't excuse the way I treated you the last few days. I treated you like shit before you went and...slept with Yuta." His gravely voice lowers. "I'm the reason you got drunk in the first place, right? Because I hurt you?"

"I—" Jaehyun swallows nervously. He doesn't know how to respond to that. He decides to be truthful, his heart throbbing painfully in his chest. "Yeah. You hurt me a lot, Hyung. And...I don't know what I did to make you mad at me, but I'm sorry, for whatever it was." He hangs his head, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. "The way you treated me at work, like I was a stupid moron who didn't know how to do my job, and bragging about scolding me for an hour, when for half of that, we fucked and you wanted it too, but you seemed to blame it all on me. Then the work kept piling up, I missed out on breaks and didn't eat, I stayed late and came in early to catch up on the work, and on top of that, you got mad at me when I wanted to go get coffee with Jungwoo." Jaehyun explains softly, and he can feel his pretty supervisor's autumn gaze on him. He looks up at Taeyong, blinking back tears. "I just...did I do something wrong?" Jaehyun questions, his brittle voice breaking at the end.

Taeyong can only stare at him with wide, reddened doe eyes, plush pink lips agape and jaw slack. He looks guilty. And internally, Jaehyun thinks, You fucking should be.

"...I'm sorry." Taeyong murmurs after an eon of quiescence. "I...I got jealous of Yuta because he and I have history together, and I took out that jealousy on you," he pauses, swallowing thickly. Jaehyun watches the subtle action, his prominent Adam's apple bobbing. "I got jealous of you and Jungwoo hanging out together, and I shouldn't have. Then, I took that out on you, too. Even after we had talked about my being jealous of Yuta." He hesitates. "I'm sorry for what I said, about you not being able to do your job properly, and telling everyone I scolded you for an hour. That was...incredibly unprofessional of me, especially when I wanted the office sex just as much as you did." He looks away. "I'm sorry for calling you stupid, and a moron. You're not stupid, and you're not a moron. You're actually a very smart guy."

Jaehyun leans into the back of the couch, gaze now on the ceiling. "Why did you do it, though?"

"I don't know." Taeyong admits, voice quiet. "I really don't know why I did that." He lifts his hand to his mouth, teeth chewing on the tip of his thumb. "I'm...I'm also sorry for continuing to pile up your work when I knew you were behind."

"Did that on purpose?" Jaehyun asks, now looking at Taeyong.


Jaehyun's heart drops. "Why? Why would you do that?"

Taeyong leans forwards, burying his face in his hands. "It was your work though, but it was your work for the next few days. I just...brought it forwards. I didn't intend for it to get so bad."

"But you still piled on my work on purpose. Why would you do that?" Jaehyun asks again, now agitated.

"I don't know! I was mad at you." Taeyong cries, turning to face Jaehyun. "I don't know, the thing with Yuta and Sicheng got me annoyed, then Yuta said something to me that pissed me off, and then you and Jungwoo too—and I don't know, I took it all out on you instead of being mature and talking to you about it." He's out of breath, cheeks flushed and the tears shining in his eyes finally slipping.

Jaehyun exhales slowly, trying to calm his raging nerves. "I guess, on the bright side, my work for the next week is done, then." He says sourly, and Taeyong flinches at his tone. "I guess...with everything that transpired last night, and with Johnny too, I guess I deserve it."

"No, no you don't." Taeyong quickly responds, looking at Jaehyun once again. "You don't deserve that. It was childish of me. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I mean, it's not...but..." Jaehyun sighs. "We'll call it even then?" He eyes Taeyong.

"...only if you want." Taeyong mumbles. Jaehyun reaches out to take Taeyong's hand, intwining their fingers together. Taeyong doesn't tug his hand away, his thin fingers tangling with Jaehyun's. Taeyong bites his lip, gaze lingering on their joined hands. "Yuta also...mentioned other stuff you told him, about your insecurities regarding people only liking you for your looks."

Jaehyun sighs. "I did tell him about that, yes. And not just last night, either." He pauses. "For a while, I've been feeling like people only want to be around me—only want to be my friend—because they have ulterior motives regarding me. People only seem to like me because I'm conventionally attractive. Not because And, right now, I feel like the biggest slut alive." He brings his feet up onto the couch, hugging his knees to his chest.

Taeyong's nimble fingers tighten their hold on Jaehyun's hand, rubbing his thumb gingerly across his knuckles. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Jaehyun heaves a heavy exhale, clenching his jaw. "Johnny is in love with me. And has been since high school. Because I smiled at him. Yuta confessed to me last night, and also confessed he never would have noticed me if I didn't look like this. And...Sicheng confessed to being in love with me this morning."

Taeyong's boba eyes widen in shock. "Sicheng is in love with you, too?"

"...yeah." Jaehyun looks away. "My mechanic also asked me out and got my number, too."

"Wow...I don't even know what to say." Taeyong admits quietly. "Are you...attracted to any of them?"

Jaehyun shrugs. "Maybe sexually to Johnny and Yuta. But Sicheng has always just been my friend. And it honestly feels like a slap in the face knowing I've been his unrequited love and hurting him for so many years..." he trails off, voice cracking. "I don't know what any of them, or you, see in me besides the fact I'm apparently attractive."

"Well..." Taeyong clears his throat. "I can't say the same for the others, but I know for me, while my crush initially developed because you physically my type, that crush developed into something more a few months after you had started here at the office." He explains softly, shuffling closer to Jaehyun. Jaehyun looks up at him, eyes wide, curious. "Do you remember when we went for a coffee run together, and we came across a crying little boy who was lost?"

Jaehyun nods slowly. "Yeah, I remember."

Taeyong smiles fondly at Jaehyun, a nostalgic glaze in his deep autumn eyes. "You, without hesitation, went up to the little boy and helped calm him down by talking about a Sanrio character—I think it was?—he had a bag of the character and you just got him to talk about it and managed to get him to stop crying."

"Oh, yeah, Pompompurin," Jaehyun says. "He's my favourite character."

Taeyong's smile only broadens, reaching up with his free hand to rest against Jaehyun's cheek. "After that, you managed to help the boy find his mother. I remember saying to you, 'I didn't know you liked kids, or were good with them.', and you replied to me that you loved kids. I then asked you if you wanted your own kids, and you told me you did, and wanted your own family one day." He smiles bashfully, cheeks pink. "I don't know why, but that just got my heart pounding and feeling so giddy were just everything I wanted in a man, a partner. You were just so good with that little boy, so charming and sweet, and determined to help find his mother. I think I might have fallen for you at that moment."

Jaehyun's cheeks, and the tips of his ears, burn red, his chocolate eyes widening in surprise at Taeyong's heartfelt confession. "I...that actually makes me so happy, Taeyong, you have no idea." He finally drops the honorific, and he can see Taeyong perk up when he says his name. "But...I don't deserve your love." He turns away from Taeyong, the older's hand falling from his face. Taeyong gazes at him with wide boba eyes. "Especially not after last night. Especially when I'm a selfish asshole who doesn't know what I want."

Taeyong goes quiet, but then his grip on Jaehyun's hand tightens. "Well, if you're a selfish asshole who doesn't know what he wants, does that mean I at least know what I want?"

Jaehyun looks at Taeyong, confusion strewn into his handsome features. "What?"

Taeyong inches closer to Jaehyun, their faces millimetres apart. Jaehyun can feel Taeyong's sweet breath fanning across his wet lips, his nose barely brushing against his own. Taeyong is so close that Jaehyun can see the small and delicate brushstroke shadows of his long eyelashes framing his enormous, reflective eyes.

"I'm a selfish asshole, too. I want you all to myself." Taeyong admits, gazing lovingly into Jaehyun's own wide chocolate brown eyes. Jaehyun can see his own reflection staring back at him in Taeyong's round boba irises. "Which, is hard, because everyone wants you." His gaze drops from Jaehyun's eyes to his red, moistened lips. "I see the way others look at you, and it just makes me want to put a chain and collar on you, lock you away, mark you—so that everyone knows that the one you love is me. Not anyone else. Me."


"Sexually, you might not know what, or who you want," Taeyong continues, "but I'm the only person you actually like, right? The only one you've confessed to?"

Jaehyun's eyes impossibly widen further. "'re right. You're the only one I've confessed to, and the only one I've left marks on, too."

"Not even Johnny?"

"Not even Johnny." Jaehyun confirms. Taeyong's pretty pink lips stretch into a broad smile, his white teeth dazzling.

"That's good to know," Taeyong says cheekily, now on all fours on the couch, Jaehyun sitting in between his arms, their faces still inches from each other. "You know one other thing, though?"

"Wh-what is that?" Jaehyun asks, cursing his voice for stammering.

"I'm really annoyed Yuta of all people fucked you last night," Taeyong scowls, pillow pink lips pursed into a cute pout. "He got to hear you moaning and crying out his name, while squirming and writhing beneath him." Jaehyun's cheeks flush cherry, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, before he yelps as Taeyong pounces. He pins the younger male to the couch below him, smashing their lips together in a fiery kiss.

Jaehyun happily welcomes the kiss. He missed the sensation of Taeyong's soft lips against his own, his velvet tongue wrestling with his own, soft whines and moans slipping from his throat. Taeyong's sultry moans make all the blood in Jaehyun's hot body rush south, immediately being turned on simply by the serene sounds his pretty hyung makes.

Taeyong pushes himself close, hands splayed upon Jaehyun's hard chest, thin fingers groping the taut muscle beneath. Jaehyun softly moans into the kiss, their lips barely parting for a second. He moves to wrap his arms around Taeyong's waist, but the older quickly snatches his wrists in his hands, breaking the searing kiss. They pant, breathless, gazing hungrily into each other's eyes. Their lips are wet, kiss-bitten, red and swollen.

"What's wrong?" Jaehyun whispers in between pants, his voice raspy.

Taeyong doesn't answer, sitting up to straddle Jaehyun's waist, hands gripping Jaehyun's wrists tightly. He wordlessly pushes the younger's wrists up above his head, Jaehyun simply letting him manhandle him with wide, curious eyes. Taeyong holds Jaehyun's wrists in one hand, reaching up and undoing his tie around his neck. He slides it off, leaning forwards and wrapping the long cloth around Jaehyun's wrists, binding them together.

"Uh...what're you doing?" Jaehyun now questions, tugging at the tight restraint. He didn't really like the idea of being tied up.

"Revenge," Taeyong taunts, sitting back on Jaehyun's hips, making sure to teasingly rub his perky ass over Jaehyun's obvious bulge. Jaehyun moans from the slight friction, the sound low and breathy. "You're not allowed to touch me today. It's payback for tying me up last time, and for last night."

"O-oh..." Jaehyun swallows nervously, noting the dangerous glint in Taeyong's glassy boba eyes. Taeyong leans over him, nimble fingers grasping the hem of Jaehyun's (Yuta's), shirt and pulling it up over his abdomen. He lets his fingertips graze the sensitive skin of his stomach, relishing in the soft whines escaping Jaehyun's swollen lips. Taeyong pulls the shirt up and over Jaehyun's head, but leaves it around his wrists.

"You're so beautiful," Taeyong marvels, hand ghosting down Jaehyun's chest and abdomen, his fiery gaze burning hot across Jaehyun's skin. Jaehyun feels his cheeks, ears and chest flush scarlet, his body feeling like an inferno. "I'm going to cover your skin in new marks. Cover Johnny's and Yuta's. To show you're mine." Taeyong growls lowly, leaning over Jaehyun on his hands and knees.

Jaehyun swallows thickly, the older male using his hand to gently grasp Jaehyun's chin in his soft fingers. He carefully tilts Jaehyun's head to the side, lowering his face into the crook of Jaehyun's neck, attaching his lips to a sensitive spot under the younger's jawline below his ear.

Taeyong sucks the skin into his parted lips, teeth tugging on the sensitive flesh. Jaehyun squirms, biting back a moan. Jaehyun can feel his pretty hyung's pillow pink lips under his jaw, sucking harshly. He feels Taeyong hum against his skin, pulling back and gazing down at the fresh red blotch on Jaehyun's skin.

"There, right where you can't cover it up," Taeyong murmurs, admiring his handiwork. He barely gives Jaehyun a second to recuperate, before diving back into the crook of his neck. Jaehyun moans loudly as Taeyong's lips and tongue attack the susceptible skin of his throat, teeth tugging on the flesh to create more marks.

Jaehyun turns his head to the side, allowing more access for the older's onslaught of bites and sucks. Bite after bite, Jaehyun's milky skin quickly becomes decorated in rosy red blotches, blooming like roses in the spring. Along the thick expanse of his neck and throat, across his prominent collarbones, down the centre of his chest in between his thick pecs; hickeys stain his once unblemished skin.

Jaehyun squirms underneath Taeyong, moaning and gasping at every suck, every bite, every small ministration of Taeyong's soft lips and talented tongue against his flesh. He chokes out Taeyong's name, his voice catching in his throat as his pretty hyung's supple lips capture his left nipple in his hot mouth. Jaehyun's eyes fly open wide, a loud gasp breaking past his reddened, swollen lips. He arches his back as Taeyong's velvety tongue swirls over the hypersensitive nub and traces around the areola.

Taeyong suckles on the erect bud, other hand groping the other side of Jaehyun's chest, nimble fingers pinching and toying with the other nipple. Jaehyun writhes under him, wriggling his hips impatiently. Taeyong nibbles on the swollen nipple in his mouth, grinding his ass down on Jaehyun's hard cock straining in his sweats.

"O-oh—Taeyong—" Jaehyun moans, bringing his bound wrists up and looping his arms around Taeyong's neck. "I need to—I wanna fuck you—" He cuts himself off as Taeyong chomps down on his nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from the male below him.

Taeyong removes his swollen lips from Jaehyun's puffy, reddened nipple, the skin slick with saliva. "Hm...not today, Hyunnie." He teases, swiping his pink tongue over his glistening lips. "Today, I want you screaming my name, writhing in pleasure beneath me, rather than the other way round."

Jaehyun's big brown eyes widen like saucers, his mouth going dry. "You—what?"

Taeyong's lips quirk up in a sly smirk, once again unhooking Jaehyun's tied wrists from around his neck, pushing them above Jaehyun's head on the arm of the couch. "Today, I'm topping you. I'm not happy Yuta got to see you underneath him as he fucks you senseless." He lets go of Jaehyun's wrists, shuffling himself down Jaehyun's legs so he can tug the baggy sweats down from around Jaehyun's hips. He pulls them down Jaehyun's toned thighs and down his long legs, before tossing them unceremoniously over his shoulder somewhere in the living room.

Jaehyun can only watch with wide eyes, heart thrumming in anticipation. Jaehyun's no stranger to bottoming (obviously), but when it comes to his pretty hyung, he's always been the one on top. Hell, he didn't even think Taeyong had it in him to top someone. Jaehyun would be lying if he said he wasn't extremely aroused by Taeyong's brazen antics and possessive words.

Taeyong gazes down at Jaehyun's hard cock that rests idly upon his bare abdomen, the tip flushed red and oozing pre-cum. Jaehyun watches Taeyong's Adam's apple bob as he swallows thickly, his eyes wide and hungry, glazed over with lust. The older male settles himself in between Jaehyun's thick thighs, one hand groping his left thigh, and the other hand grasping the base of Jaehyun's thick, leaking sex.

Jaehyun gasps, hips flinching at the simple yet fiery touch on his incredibly hard cock. Taeyong's soft fingertip rubs sensually around the leaking slit, the minimal movement causing Jaehyun to squirm and gasp in pleasure. Jaehyun watches with hazy eyes as his pretty hyung lowers his head, slick pink tongue darting out and lapping at the tip of Jaehyun's dick.

Jaehyun groans as Taeyong's plush pink lips part, taking his cock into his hot, wet mouth. Inch by inch, his length disappears into the older male's mouth. Jaehyun throws his head back and moans loudly as the tip of his dick hits the back of Taeyong's throat, the tight wet heat driving him insane.

"Oh—Taeyongie—feels g-good—god—!" Jaehyun chokes out in between heavy breaths, Taeyong humming around his cock. Taeyong begins to bob his head, sucking harshly on Jaehyun like a popsicle. Jaehyun peers back down at Taeyong, staring at him through cracked, watery eyes at his pretty hyung's ethereal face with his mouth full of Jaehyun. His pillow pink lips stretching around the wide girth, cheeks flushed strawberry, lips glistening with saliva, and his eyes, oh his eyes—those expressive dark boba irises gazing up at Jaehyun with this burning intensity, the lights of his apartment shimmering in his deep hues. The whites of his eyes are brilliant, his long eyelashes prettily framing his round eyes.

He feels like he could cum from just looking at Taeyong's absolutely pulchritudinous and flawless visage.

Taeyong brings his mouth back up the length of Jaehyun's cock, before running his tongue over the prominent vein along the bottom of it. Jaehyun whimpers in response, his chest heaving.

"You're so big, Hyunnie," Taeyong hums, although it sounds like he's speaking to himself, rather than to Jaehyun. He leans over the younger male again, attaching his lips to the sensitive skin of Jaehyun's left hip, sucking on the pale flesh to create yet another mark.

"Ah! H-Hyung, what're you doing?" Jaehyun gasps out, biting back another moan as Taeyong moves his lips up to Jaehyun's abs, near his navel, biting the tender skin. Jaehyun inhales sharply at the interesting feeling of Taeyong biting and marking the skin of his abdomen.

"I told you, didn't I?" Taeyong whispers against Jaehyun's quivering skin, tracing his slick tongue around the younger's deep navel. Jaehyun whimpers, his stomach dipping at the older's touch. "I'm going to cover you in new marks." He repeats his sentiment from earlier, sitting up to admire his art.

The porcelain skin of Jaehyun's jawline, throat, neck, collarbones, chest, abs and hips are all covered in blooming red blotches. Not one part of his body has been left untouched by Taeyong's swollen, moistened lips.

"Hm...where else can I leave marks?" Taeyong muses, sitting up and running his hands up and down Jaehyun's toned, trembling thighs. Jaehyun mewls softly, his heart pounding in his chest in anticipation for what's to potentially come next. "Oh, I know a good spot."

Taeyong pushes Jaehyun's thighs further apart, the sudden action startling the younger, a surprised yelp falling from his lips. Taeyong hooks one knee over his shoulder, attaching his slick, swollen lips to the skin of Jaehyun's thigh just behind his knee. Jaehyun whines at the odd feeling, never having been touched like that on his legs of all places. He squirms as Taeyong leaves more love bites along the inside of his thigh, working his way down to Jaehyun's crotch.

Jaehyun's whimpers increase in pitch as Taeyong's mouth gets dangerously close to his balls, the older deciding to bite the pale flesh of his ass cheek, barely inches away from his twitching hole.

"G-god, Taeyong—this is too much—!" Jaehyun whines, causing Taeyong to laugh.

"Again, revenge for last time." Taeyong says with a grin, before sliding two fingers into his mouth. Jaehyun watches Taeyong suck on his long fingers, his heart leaping into his throat in anticipation. After an insane amount of time watching Taeyong suck and drench his fingers in saliva, the older finally removes his slick digits from his puffy pink lips.

This time, Taeyong decides not to tease, slipping one finger straight into Jaehyun's awaiting hole. Jaehyun grits his teeth at the familiar yet slightly painful intrusion. As Taeyong begins to work his long finger in and out of Jaehyun, he places Jaehyun's marked thigh back onto the couch beside him, instead lifting his other thigh and hooking his knee over his broad shoulder. He kisses and licks the inside of that thigh, marring the milky skin in rosy marks.

Jaehyun pants and moans, tilting his head back and squeezing his eyes shut as Taeyong slips in a second finger. He scissors him, stretching his puckered hole nice and wide. Jaehyun jolts as Taeyong thrusts his bony fingers in nice and deep, prodding and poking around, trying to find Jaehyun's prostate.

"Considering you got fucked last night, you're so tight, Hyunnie." Taeyong marvels, voice gravelly against the hypersensitive flesh of Jaehyun's toned thigh. Jaehyun doesn't respond verbally, only yelping in titillation as Taeyong pushes his fingers in as far as they can go, crooking them right into his sweet spot. "Oh, found your prostate." Taeyong grins against Jaehyun's thigh, letting go of it and letting it flop back onto the couch.

"T-Taeyong...Hyung...please..." Jaehyun begs, his voice pathetically high. "I...I need you in me. Now."

Taeyong looks at him, his cheeks flushed scarlet red. He blinks, recollecting himself. "Right. In you. Right." He stammers, quickly standing from the couch and undoing his tight suit pants. Jaehyun watches him with hooded eyes as he finally rids his stifling clothes, hanging his pants over the armchair to the side, leaving his socks and shirt on. He undoes the top half of the buttons of his shirt, leaving the shirt hanging loosely on his broad frame. "Oh...lube. Where's your lube?"

"Ugh, Hyung," Jaehyun whines, not really caring how desperate he sounds. "In my bedside drawer. Hurry up, would you? Teasing me for so long and not even having lube on you? Just use your spit or pre-cum, I don't care I need you in me, or me in you. One or the other."

Taeyong seems to contemplate for a moment, before shrugging his broad shoulders and quickly climbing back onto the couch in between Jaehyun's thick thighs. "Okay, okay, Mister Impatient."

"You're the one who's been teasing me for an eternity!" Jaehyun bites out, watching as Taeyong uses his insane amount of pre-cum oozing from the tip of his own dick as lubricant, rubbing it up and down his reddened shaft.

Taeyong is certainly nowhere near as big as Johnny (to be fair, he doesn't think many people are, that man is ridiculously big), and only a tad smaller than Yuta. His cock wasn't as long as Yuta's, but the girth was a little larger. Jaehyun had never cared for dick size, it's all in how one uses it. No point in having a huge cock if all he does is ram it in and hope for the best.

Jaehyun, despite being gay, has never found dicks attractive. Like, they're certainly ugly to look at. But there was something about Taeyong's that made it kinda cute, which he complimented Taeyong on the first night they fucked. It certainly wasn't a small kind of cute, but maybe the colour? How perfect it looks? Taeyong's face looks like it was stripped straight from an anime or manga, and his cock looks like it's been hand-drawn from a BL webtoon or something of the like. Jaehyun bites his lip, trying to stop staring at his pretty hyung's perfect dick.

"You usually bottom, don't you?" Jaehyun questions as Taeyong is lining up his cute cock to Jaehyun's entrance, causing the older male to stop and look up at him with wide eyes.

"...well, yeah. This is the...first time I've ever topped." Taeyong admits bashfully with red cheeks.

"Oh. I'm glad to be your first, then." Jaehyun internally swoons, happy he's Taeyong's first for something. Jaehyun is certainly curious to how Taeyong will feel inside of him, considering he's usually a bottom.

"Okay. Okay I'm about to put it in." Taeyong says lowly, one hand gripping Jaehyun's thigh, pushing it apart, the other hand holding his swollen cock. Jaehyun watches him with lidded eyes, watching how Taeyong swallows nervously, before slowly edging the tip of his dick into Jaehyun's entrance.

Jaehyun clenches around the foreign yet familiar intrusion, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. The sting was certainly painful, despite being used to it. He hears Taeyong inhale sharply, halting his ministrations.

"Does it hurt?" Taeyong breathes, his hands rubbing soothingly up and down Jaehyun's thick thighs. "God, you're so tight, Hyunnie." He adds under his breath.

"It does, but just shove it in." Jaehyun exhales shakily through his nose.

"Okay Hyunnie," Taeyong bites his lip, before thrusting his pelvis forwards suddenly, burying his cock to the hilt in Jaehyun's tight heat.

Jaehyun yelps out in pain, tugging at the tight restraints around his wrists. He clenches his jaw, breath escaping his reddened lips in heavy pants. He keeps his eyes screwed shut, trying to relax as much as possible.

"F-fuck..." Taeyong chokes out, voice raspy. "How are you so tight?" He grips both of Jaehyun's thighs in each hand, pushing them as far apart as possible.

Jaehyun doesn't answer, just letting himself adjust to the intrusion. Slowly, the pain subsides, and Jaehyun cracks open his eyes to gaze up at Taeyong, nodding wordlessly to give Taeyong the go ahead to move. Taeyong chews his lip, hard, before pulling out until only the tip remains inside. Jaehyun shudders and moans at the friction, then cries loudly as Taeyong slams himself back in with no warning.

Jaehyun throws his head back, arching his back up in an elegant curve as Taeyong begins to thrust into his tight heat with rhythmic accuracy. His moans start low, but as Taeyong pounds into him, his whimpers and sounds increase in pitch.

Taeyong moans as Jaehyun clenches tightly around him, the tight heat making him feel delirious with pleasure. He angles his hips, trying to find that bundle of nerves hidden deep within Jaehyun, wanting to make Jaehyun cry out his name louder.

Jaehyun's eyes roll back into his head and he cries out as Taeyong's cock finally hits his prostate, the action causing stars to dance behind Jaehyun's eyelids, his head fuzzy with pleasure.

"Ah! T-Taeyong, there!" Jaehyun yelps, his voice high. "Please, more!"

A growl resounds in Taeyong's throat, aiming his thrusts to that exact spot that had Jaehyun writhing and squirming under him, Taeyong's name tumbling from Jaehyun's swollen lips in broken whimpers and moans.

" thing...Yuta was...ngh...right about?" Taeyong groans out between thrusts, moans breaking his sentence into fractions. He leans over Jaehyun, their faces once again inches from each other as he pounds senselessly into the writhing younger male below him. Taeyong cups Jaehyun's strawberry cheeks with his soft hands, their lips brushing against each other as he thrusts.

"Ah! Ngh—what?" Jaehyun chokes out, mewling as one of Taeyong's hands leaves his face to grope at his breast.

"'re really cute...ngh...when you're on the...ahh—receiving end..." Taeyong moans, voice raspy and low. "God, you're so fucking cute—ngh—right now."

"T-Taeyongie—ah!" Jaehyun cries, pushing his face forwards to smash his and Taeyong's lips together. The older male's plush, wet lips mould against his in a messy, heated kiss. "L-love you—god—" He bites down on Taeyong's lower lip, hooking his tied arms around the older's neck.

"F-fuck—I'm close—" Taeyong whimpers, his thrusts starting to lose rhythm. "Hyunnie—baby—ah!" His hips stutter as he cries out, spilling his thick seed into Jaehyun as he tips over the edge into delirious insanity. He moans out, continuing to thrust into Jaehyun's oversensitive hole, milking himself dry.

Jaehyun squirms under him, his voice insanely high as he climaxes, his body trembling with titillation. His body is racked with pure bliss, stars twinkling behind his eyelids with his cum coating his abs and chest. He deflates, Taeyong collapsing in a boneless heap on top of him. Jaehyun can feel his cum hot on his skin, squishing onto Taeyong's skin and shirt as he lays on top.

Taeyong pulls himself out of Jaehyun, both of them moaning simultaneously, their bodies overstimulated. Jaehyun can feel Taeyong's hot cum dribbling out his stretched ass, and he knows it's going to stain his couch but right now, he doesn't care.

"H-how was your first time topping?" Jaehyun questions, still out of breath. Taeyong hums in response, tucking his head under Jaehyun's chin.

"It was certainly something. It good, to be inside you." He admits truthfully, running a hand up Jaehyun's blotchy chest. "Your voice really does go higher when you cum, huh?"

Jaehyun flushes. "Who told you that?"

"...Yuta did."

"Figures." Jaehyun says. "Can you undo my wrists now? They kinda hurt."

"Oh—right." Taeyong says, cheeks burning. He unhooks Jaehyun's arms from around his neck, sitting up upon Jaehyun's abdomen, ignoring the semen staining Jaehyun's skin. He unties his tie, tossing it onto the ground, before slipping Jaehyun's bunched shirt off his arms. He gingerly rubs the reddened skin of Jaehyun's wrists, pressing a chaste skin to the flesh. "Sorry. It was payback for tying me up."

Jaehyun chuckles, "I know." He sits up, too, Taeyong now straddling his waist.

"You know, I don't like sharing," Taeyong says, running his soft hands down Jaehyun's chest, fingers ghosting over the blooming red blotches over his milky skin. "So...even though I'm mad at you, I don't want you falling for someone else." He loops his arms around Jaehyun's neck, pecking the younger's lips softly. "So...don't go falling for anyone else."

Jaehyun smiles, his deep dimples popping in his cheeks. He rests his large, warm hands on Taeyong's narrowed waist, rubbing his thumbs tenderly into Taeyong's supple skin. "Mmh, well, you've already got my heart, what more could you want?" One hand rests on the back of the older male's head, long fingers threading through his soft pink locks.

"Hm..." Taeyong hums, glancing down, a smirk tugging into his lips. "Maybe your dick in me?"

Jaehyun smirks, hands moving up to hastily unbutton the rest of Taeyong's shirt. "Oh, now you're making sense." He teases, slipping Taeyong's stained dress shirt off his broad shoulders, tossing it onto the floor beside the couch. He doesn't give the older male a chance to retort before his soft lips are on Taeyong's pierced nipple, sucking on it like a vacuum.

Taeyong cries out, immediately wrapping his arms around Jaehyun's neck and pulling him closer, the younger's mouth trying to engulf as much of Taeyong's squishy tit as possible. Jaehyun removes his lips from the erect bud, before biting down on the sensitive flesh beside the areola, marking Taeyong's flawless skin.

"O-oh god, Hyunnie—!" Taeyong whimpers, yelping as Jaehyun's teeth take his overstimulated pierced nipple, tugging and nibbling on it. He reaches up to Taeyong's lips with his free hand, nudging two of his fingers against Taeyong's kiss-bitten, swollen lips.

Taeyong understands what Jaehyun wants him to do, eagerly opening his mouth and sucking on Jaehyun's long fingers. Jaehyun's lips work their way up Taeyong's chest and remarkable collarbones, marring the older's sweet skin with his own love bites.

Jaehyun moans lowly against the sensitive flesh of Taeyong's throat as the older's velvet tongue sweeps over his fingers in his hot mouth. "Fuck, Taeyongie—you're so hot." Jaehyun murmurs lowly into his skin, licking up Taeyong's sharp jawline. He pulls his slick fingers out from Taeyong's mouth, the other male kissing his fingertips as they leave his lips.

"I want your fingers in me. Now." Taeyong demands, panting heavily and gazing down at Jaehyun with a dark lusty gaze.

"Okay, Mister Impatient." Jaehyun teases Taeyong with the same name he called him earlier. With one hand pulling apart Taeyong's perky ass cheeks, he uses his slick fingers of his other hand to teasingly circle around the older's twitching entrance. Taeyong whimpers, wriggling his hips impatiently.

Jaehyun leans forwards and attaches his swollen lips to the base of Taeyong's neck, sucking as he shoves one finger inside Taeyong's hole. Taeyong hisses, arching his back as Jaehyun begins to slowly pump his finger in and out, moaning into Taeyong's skin as he feels the soft walls squish and clench tightly around his digit.

" feel so good." Jaehyun groans, inserting a second finger. Taeyong mewls, pushing his ass down onto Jaehyun's fingers. He pants, bony fingers gripping the younger's broad shoulders tightly as he works his fingers in Taeyong's ass, stretching his soft hole nice and wide.

"G-god, I need you in me. Now." Taeyong hiccups, his voice tight. His breath escapes his reddened lips in breathy wheezes, his body twitching in ecstasy. Jaehyun takes Taeyong's pierced nipple into his hot mouth again, staying silent as he quickly removes his fingers. Taeyong shudders, moaning breathily. His heart skips a beat in anticipation for what's to come next.

Jaehyun manoeuvres Taeyong so his ass is hovering above his erect cock, hands gripping his firm thighs tightly. He rubs smoothing circles into the soft skin of the older's luscious thighs, the minimal action tugging a content sigh from Taeyong's pinked lips.

"You ready, Yongie?" Jaehyun asks lowly, voice sultry. Taeyong nods, taking his plump lower lip into his teeth. He simply hums in response, his awaiting hole twitching in anticipation. Jaehyun's firm hands move up to Taeyong's hips, gripping them tightly before suddenly slamming the older down on his throbbing cock.

The sudden, sharp intrusion startles Taeyong, a shrill cry ripping from his ripened lips as Jaehyun's thick penis impales his tight hole. He forgot just how much it hurt to start with, having that monstrosity inside him. Taeyong sobs, clutching at Jaehyun's broad shoulders with shaky hands, burying his face into the younger's shoulder.

"F-fuck—you're so fucking big..." Taeyong whimpers, his uneven breath fracturing his sentence. Jaehyun bites back a moan, Taeyong's hot, soft walls clenching deliciously around his aching length. Taeyong is so ridiculously tight it was driving him insane. It feels so sinfully good inside his pretty hyung, he feels like he could cum from how hard Taeyong is sucking him in.

"And you said I was tight—fuck." Jaehyun murmurs lowly, tilting his head back, releasing a low moan of ecstasy. "You okay?" He asks, running his long fingers through Taeyong's messy pink locks. His fingers catch on gelled knots, gently untangling the fine strands.

"Y-yeah...just...give me a minute...ah..." Taeyong shudders, leaning up straight and looping his arms around Jaehyun's neck. His husky, lidded boba eyes graze over the red blotches marring Jaehyun's pristine skin, his chest swelling with pride. "Those hickeys look good on you." He says in a sultry tone. Jaehyun swallows thickly. "D-did you just get bigger?" Taeyong stammers out, cheeks enflaming in red.

"I can't help it when you say hot shit like that," Jaehyun whines, ears burning.

Taeyong chuckles, before deciding to bounce slightly, testing the waters. The small movement sent rippling waves of pleasure through Taeyong's body, a loud moan spilling from his lips. Jaehyun groans, his grip on Taeyong's sexy hips tightening.

"Fuck...that felt good..." Jaehyun moans. "Wanna try that again?"

"Y-yeah." Taeyong tightens his hold around the younger's neck, before pushing down on his knees and lifting his hips, with Jaehyun's assistance. Jaehyun bites back a moan as Taeyong's pulsing walls drag along his aching cock, Taeyong lifting his ass until only the tip of Jaehyun's dick remained inside him. Taeyong braces himself, before he slams his hips down without warning.

Taeyong releases an elicit cry as Jaehyun's cock fills him to the brim, narrowly missing that hypersensitive bundle of nerves he was aiming for. Jaehyun moans loudly, Taeyong's tight heat deliciously ecstatic. Taeyong's thighs tremble, but he forces himself through the titillating pleasure to begin unevenly bouncing on Jaehyun's swollen cock.

While Taeyong definitely enjoyed topping Jaehyun, and having the younger clamp tightly around him while he made him come undone, he cannot deny that this is what he prefers—Jaehyun's dick penetrating him in the most insane and delicious ways, making him come undone with each thrust.

Jaehyun's hips snap up with each bounce, meeting Taeyong's ass as he comes down onto Jaehyun's pelvis. He grits his teeth, moans and groans slipping past his red lips as he thrusts. Taeyong just feels so good, unable to describe just how sinfully incredible the older's tight asshole feels clenching and sliding around him, the tip of his dick pushing deep into Taeyong's cavern.

His chocolate brown gaze rake down Taeyong's surreal form as he rides Jaehyun, eyes thirstily drinking in the erotic expression twisted into his pretty visage. God, Taeyong is just so ethereal, especially with his ample cheeks flushed cherry, flawless skin coated in a light sheen of sweat, tears dripping from his round boba eyes and saliva drooling out the corners of his open lips. Oh, and his voluptuous breasts jiggling with every bounce.

Jaehyun wants to take Taeyong's entire tit into his mouth and suck on it, it looks so juicy and his pink nipple so ripe... he gives into his impulsive thoughts and takes Taeyong's pierced nipple into his hot mouth, opening his mouth as far as it could go to take in the soft, squishy muscle. He suckles harshly, tongue swirling around the areola before his teeth tug on the sensitive bud.

Taeyong arches his back in a beautiful curve, pushing his chest further into Jaehyun. He gasps and moans, squirming in Jaehyun's grip. His bouncing ceases as he mewls in pleasure, heavy pants falling from his ripened pink lips.

"G-god, H-Hyunnie—ah!" Taeyong cries, the younger continuing to thrust his pelvis up, cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside Taeyong. "Oh! Ahn—th-there! Hyunnie, please, there!" He mewls, fingernails scraping painfully across the skin of Jaehyun's broad back.

"O-oh, fuck—" Jaehyun moans into Taeyong's hypersensitive skin. His rhythm quickly becomes uneven, his hands on Taeyong's hips assisting in slamming Taeyong down to meet his thrusts. Taeyong throws his head back and moans, Jaehyun continuously abusing his prostate, the pleasure blinding.

"C-coming!" He cries, arching his back as thick strings of cum spurts from his cock, coating his and Jaehyun's sweaty stomachs in white. He clenches hard around Jaehyun, the tight heat squeezing his dick deliciously, yanking Jaehyun over the edge. He moans out Taeyong's name, chomping down on the older's neck as he comes, spilling into Taeyong's hole.

He fills Taeyong to the brim with his thick seed, the older shuddering at the odd yet titillating feeling of his stretched insides filling with cum. He moans lowly as Jaehyun gently grasps his hips and lifts him off his now limp dick, cum dribbling out his gaping hole.

"Th-that good." Taeyong whispers, settling himself on Jaehyun's lap, cradling the younger's reddened face in his bony hands. His thumbs rub soothing circles into Jaehyun's soft peachy cheeks, his nose bumping slightly against the younger's.

Jaehyun knows they're both sweaty as fuck, and covered in cum and saliva, but he cannot care less right now. He's just ecstatic that him and Taeyong have made up, and had a good make-up fuck, too.

" was." Jaehyun says softly. "Wanna go have a shower and cuddle in my bed? I feel gross as fuck."

Taeyong giggles. "Yeah, let's."

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Taeyong lays his head upon Jaehyun's bare chest, rubbing his cheek against the younger's soft skin. He sighs in content, listening to Jaehyun's steady heartbeat. Jaehyun wraps one arm around the older's broad shoulders, the other arm resting under his head.

They just lay together, bathed in content silence, listening to each other's soft breaths. Jaehyun's brain begins to whir with thoughts and anxiety once again, his earlier debacle and problems rearing their ugly heads once again.

He thinks back to one of the many components to his and Taeyong's fight—Yuta. That man certainly made a huge dent in his and Taeyong's relationship, simply with his existence. Jaehyun had an inkling from witnessing Yuta and Taeyong's first interaction that they had history together, which Taeyong confirmed earlier in his apology. He knows he screwed up by sleeping with Yuta, even if he was drunk. He still feels guilty about it, knowing how Yuta feels about him and still egging him on last night. He wants to apologise to Yuta, but he isn't sure how.

"Hey," comes Taeyong's low, raspy voice. Jaehyun flinches, startled by his pretty hyung's voice. Taeyong rolls over, head still upon Jaehyun's chest, now facing him. "You okay? Your heart started beating faster."

Jaehyun averts his gaze, arm tightening around his hyung's shoulders. "Yeah, I'm okay. I think."

"'You think'?" Taeyong questions, and Jaehyun looks down at him. His ample cheek is squished against his chest, his round boba eyes large and thick black eyelashes casting delicate shadows across his eyes.

Jaehyun sighs, looking up and staring at the ceiling. "Earlier, you said you had history with Yuta. Care to elaborate?"

Taeyong shuffles uncomfortably. " you remember me telling you about how I hadn't dated since my first year of university? When I was nineteen?"

"Yeah, I remember," a pause, "that was Yuta?"

Taeyong nods against Jaehyun's chest. "That was Yuta." He confirms.

"...what happened?"

"Well..." Taeyong pushes himself up into a seated position, gazing down at Jaehyun. The younger stays lying down, but stares up at the older's face. "First, it starts as Yuta and I being friends in middle school. We had a lot in common, despite the culture differences, and we hit it off pretty quick." He smiles slightly, clearly reminiscing. "We started dating half-way through our first year of high school. And, it was nice. We fought like a normal couple, we were immature at points, which is expected, we were what?—fifteen to eighteen years old?" He pulls his knees to his chest, now frowning. "I mean, I thought it was nice, and that everything was fine. We started university, we both got accepted into NCIT. But right as the semester was starting, he just...up and moved to Japan with no warning." He exhales slowly. "Like, he never told me he was moving, and I had to find out that he had moved, he never let me know he had moved either." He then frowns. "We tried long distance for, like, a month, then he ghosted me."

Jaehyun sits up, jaw falling slack in shock. "What?"

"Yeah." Taeyong laughs bitterly. "I don't...I don't even know what I did. He just blocked me on everything, blocked my number, and...I didn't hear from him or see him again."

"...until now."

"Yeah." Taeyong bites his lip. "Imagine my shock when I see him as I walk into the director's office a couple of days ago, telling me he's come from the Japanese branch and will be joining me as head of the department." He runs a hand through his soft pink hair.

Jaehyun nods, taking Taeyong's hand in his own, gingerly rubbing his thumb over the older's knuckles. "You...also mentioned about how he said something to you that pissed you off? And how you thought he was getting you back for something?"

"Mhm," Taeyong hums, "when I took Yuta into my office after the altercation with Sicheng, I scolded him for going off at you and Sicheng, and he just got mad at me. He said something about me still being a control freak, and that I haven't changed." He sighs. "And as for the 'getting me back', I don't know what he would be getting me back for, but I never would have guessed he was flirting with you because he...likes you, too."

Jaehyun flushes, remembering of the attractive Japanese male's feelings towards him. "Sounds tumultuous."

Taeyong suddenly giggles. "That's a big word." He says, before turning serious again. "You know, I was pretty bitter about Yuta up until I started developing feelings for you. Like, I was genuinely heartbroken for years over him." He tightens his grip on Jaehyun's hand, chewing his lower lip.

"Did..." Jaehyun breaks off, swallowing thickly. "...did Yuta coming back reignite any feelings for him?"

Taeyong immediately shakes his head. "No. I don't like him like that anymore." He hesitates. "But, I am still upset with him, and I want to know why he did what he did."

"I'm sorry for how your relationship with him ended up," Jaehyun says earnestly.

"Mm, well it's okay, because now I have you." Taeyong says with a smile, looking up at Jaehyun's face. He rests one soft hand on Jaehyun's cheek, thumb ghosting across the younger's plump lower lip.

Jaehyun's ears burn, and he too beams, resting his hand over Taeyong's. "Still couldn't believe you like me back, if I'm honest." He laughs softly.

The two of them chuckle, before they lay back down on their backs, hands entwined, staring at the ceiling. They once again lay in silence, simply enjoying each other's company. Until, Taeyong speaks.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" He asks, not looking at Jaehyun. The younger male rolls onto his side, gazing down at his pretty hyung's serene face.


"Not that I would...but how would you feel if I went and slept with someone else?"

The question takes Jaehyun aback, his eyes widening like saucers. "Well...if we're not together, like, if we're not dating...then it would depend on the person." He says honestly, and this shocks Taeyong, the older rolling over to stare at Jaehyun with wide eyes.


"Well, if we're not dating, it's not cheating." Jaehyun says with a shrug of his shoulder. "And...I'm not really a possessive person. long as they don't leave marks on you, then I don't mind."

"...what about if it was with Johnny?" Taeyong questions, voice low.

Jaehyun thinks for a moment. Johnny fucking Taeyong? "If I'm honest, that would be kinda hot. Id watch." He says in a joking tone.

"Seriously?" Taeyong asks, surprised.

"Yeah. I mean, you're hot. He's hot. I don't know, it would be hot." Jaehyun says. "As long as he doesn't leave marks on you, then I'd be chill with it." He pauses. "Unless we were dating. Then that's a different story."

Taeyong bites his lip. "What about Yuta?"

Jaehyun stares at him, blinking. "That would be hot, too."

Taeyong snickers. "So, you'd be down for a threesome, then?"

"I wouldn't mind." Jaehyun confirms, and Taeyong's eyes widen.

"I was joking...but..." he swallows thickly.

Jaehyun rests one arm around Taeyong's narrow waist, the corner of his red lips quirking up in a half-smirk. "Look, as I said, I'm not a possessive or jealous person. Johnny and Yuta are attractive people. So...thinking of people I'm attracted to fucking...I don't know, it's kinda appealing." He says truthfully.

Taeyong pouts. "So you think they're attractive?"

"Well, duh. Have you seen Johnny and Yuta?"

Taeyong bites his lip. "Well..."

"Still," Jaehyun reaches up and brushes a few strands of Taeyong's pink fringe from his striking autumn eyes, tucking his hair behind his ear gently. "You're definitely the most stunning person I've ever laid my eyes on, nobody even comes close to you."

Taeyong's face erupts in a fiery blush, and he whines in embarrassment, burying his face into Jaehyun's bare chest. "D-don't say stuff like that. I'm weak."

Jaehyun barks a laugh. "Romanticist." He teases. "You really crumble easily, huh?"

"Sh-shut up," Taeyong pouts.

"So while I'm not possessive or territorial, you definitely are," Jaehyun says, changing up the subject. Taeyong freezes, nervously laughing. "Look, earlier when you topped me, and you were saying possessive things, that was fine. I don't mind you being possessive." He says earnestly. "Just...there's a time and place. I really don't wanna fight with you like that again."

Taeyong pushes his face from Jaehyun's chest, gazing into the younger's chocolate eyes. "I promise I won't act out like that again. I'll get my jealousy in check."

Jaehyun nods. "Speaking of which. What do you wanna do?"



Taeyong hesitates. "I...I don't know."

Jaehyun's heart sinks. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Taeyong toys with his fingers. "It's mainly the same reasoning as last time. I'm just so busy, and I'm leaving for Japan in a month for work for a couple of weeks. So...yeah. I'm sorry." He says quietly.

Jaehyun sighs, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "It's fine."

Taeyong goes to respond, but a knock at Jaehyun's front door interrupts him. The two startle, Jaehyun sitting up. He mumbles about going to answer the door, climbing out of bed and walking over to his drawers, grabbing out a pair of sweats and a plain shirt. He silently slips the clothes on, before walking out of his bedroom through his apartment to the front door.

He's a little upset, but he guesses he only has himself to blame to as why Taeyong doesn't want to go further with him. Which honestly surprises him, considering how possessive he was earlier.

Jaehyun heaves a heavy sigh as he reaches his front door, unlocking it and pulling it open. He stops dead and his breath hitches in his throat as his chocolate brown eyes land on Yuta standing in front of his door. Yuta is in his work suit, his long black hair pulled into a low ponytail with small wisps of loose hair framing his handsome face.

"O-oh, hey Yuta." Jaehyun stammers out, cheeks enflaming.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Yuta asks, hands in the pockets of his pants.

"I'm okay." Jaehyun answers softly, averting his gaze.

"I'm sorry. About last night." Yuta apologises earnestly, averting his dark gaze.

"It—it's fine. It wasn't your fault." Jaehyun says quietly, not able to look the Japanese male in the eye. "I egged you on, even after knowing how you feel about me."

Yuta looks at him, eyes wide. " remember everything?"

"Yeah." Jaehyun scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh." Is all Yuta says, his cheeks pink. "I mean, I guess that's a good thing, so I don't have to pretend last night didn't happen." At this, Jaehyun's gaze snap to Yuta's face, his chocolate eyes wide.

" don't want to pretend it didn't happen?" He asks, and Yuta steps closer to Jaehyun, hand reaching up to rest on the back of the younger's neck, long fingers tangling into Jaehyun's soft brown hair. He gently tugs Jaehyun's face closer to his, never breaking eye contact. Jaehyun's cheeks burn red, his eyes wide in shock. He tries to pull away, but Yuta's other hand rests on his hip, pulling him close.

"No way. Last night...even though it was a quick fuck, and probably felt like a hookup to you," Yuta inches his face closer to Jaehyun's, his dusky eyes dipping to the younger's lips. "It didn't feel like that to me."

"O-oh." Is all Jaehyun can stammer out.

"I like you." Yuta says confidently. "I like you. And I intend on pursuing you."

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