Dark Twists

By Vinnianca

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I still didn't understand what he said,I couldn't think of anything i had done to hurt him. Maybe I was reall... More

Chapter 1 - How it began
Chapter 2 - Pink lady
Chapter 3- Truth or lie
Chapter 4 - Angry mom
Chapter 5- Sweetheart
Chapter 6 - Getting close
Chapter 7- Fatherly love
Chapter 8- He's a changed man
Chapter 9 - Surprise visit
Chapter 10- Uncovered
Chapter 11- His plan
Chapter 12 - Temptation
Chapter 13 - Sweet temptation
Chapter 14 - Evil stepmother
Chapter 15 - The pain
Chapter 16 - Hide the burn.
Chapter 17- Hatred
Chapter 18 - Too wild
Chapter 19 - Second thoughts
Chapter 20- War at home I
Chapter 21- War at home II
Chapter 22- War at home III
Chapter 23 - Meet the blondie
Chapter 24 - Hallway romance
Chapter 25- It can't be
Chapter 26- New resolve
Chapter 27 - Blackmail
Chapter 28 - To love your enemy
Chapter 29 - Mission accomplished
Chapter 30 - Taking Levi home
Chapter 31 - The strange kid
Chapter 32- The Female Gender
Chapter 33- Pokerface
Chapter 34 - Betrayed
Chapter 35 - Interesting game
Chapter 36- The Hook up
Chapter 37- Hard choice
Chapter 38 - Her confession
Chapter 39 - Secrets left unknown
Chapter 40 - Dug up the Gold digger
Chapter 41 - The peering eyes
Chapter 42 - Sweet bitter truth
Chapter 43- Bloody present
Chapter 44 -The revelation
Chapter 45 - A glimmer of hope
Chapter 46 - At the penthouse
Chapter 47 - Nightmare
Chapter 49- Perfect
Epilogue - Teen romance

Chapter 48 - Always yours

125 5 1
By Vinnianca

Two weeks later


                    I watched as Pamela was brought to me in chains. She was chained from her hands to her legs which indicated that she was a chronic murderer.

    She had been sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour,While her minions were sentenced to life imprisonment as well.

What could I say , her new status befitted her .

       Cisco had been against my coming here . He said she already got what she deserved so there was no need for me to see her . I knew he did not want us to fight like we did when they were getting divorced  . We didn't actually fight,I beat her up because she refused to sign the papers.

It was so not like me to beat someone up,it was against my principals . I didn't even know I had the guts to beat a fellow woman up .Cisco on the other hand did nothing to stop me mostly because he would receive all the blows instead of her and he didn't want to.

     I wanted to give her a piece of my mind and assure her that I would make her suffer in jail. And so he had no choice but to come with me .

  At first ,she didn't want to see me but she was powerless against me so she was forced out . She looked haggard and thinner than before.

     No wonder it was called hard labour!. There were various bruises on her face and hands.

  The police had reported that she had been harming herself purposely and was behaving strange. Even other prisoners thought she was acting strange,too strange that they thought she was insane.
   They said that she would be taken to the asylum if it were proven that she had indeed gone insane.

   And I had to see her before she was transferred.

From the looks of it ,she was indeed going insane . The chains were there to prove it .

  Her hair looked like what hadn't been washed in ages and her face had dirt all over it .

She smiled weekly as she sat opposite us. " Oh...my ex came to visit me ,how lovely".

I almost throw up,it was obvious that she was referring to Cisco . He shifted uncomfortable in his chair.

"Did you know that he had cheated even before we got married?". She asked smiling. Her smile was so fake that it made me want to puke.

"Shut up!" Cisco spoke rather calmly.

I knew she was doing this to annoy me and was looking for a way to make Cisco and I fight but I wouldn't let her .

She laughed . Even her laugh could burst someone's eardrum. " Ohh....you don't want your wife to find out about your affair?."

I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed my hands on the table to shut her up. " I did not come here for you to reminisce about your wasted life with my husband".

She just kept smiling as if what I said didn't affect her. "We slept together so many times before and after our marriage . Even after the marriage we still had sex and on your matrimonial bed."

I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I slapped her hard across the face . She couldn't do anything because her hands were chained.

Instead she just laughed like a maniac . "Just you wait , he'll dump you! . " She screamed. Her eyes were red and blazing . She was breathing heavily like she had run a thousand meters. The chains were the only thing holding her back or she would have pounced on me .

She had really gone nuts .

"We'll see about that , I'll make you pay for everything you did . " I spat on her face, I actually did.

She scoffed ." Then the least I could do for you is expose the rest of his secret ".

"Stop blabbing rubbish !"  Cisco retorted . He was visibly angry now. "Whatever you thought we had is already over . Get that into your head ".

She was quiet for a while and all of a sudden ,she stared laughing hysterically again. "So you don't want her to know , huh?"

I rolled my eyes,this was another attempt to piss me off .

" You're not going to tell her how you slept with her PA?..umm,what was her name again?" She did as if she was trying to recall. " Oh yes, Rachel !"

The room fell silent. I did not look at Cisco ,maybe because I did not want to read his expression. He should be denying it or shouting at her instead the only thing I heard was a sigh coming from him.

" Sally ,if you're done ,can we leave . Because its obvious that pamela here has completely lost her mind ". He said pinching the space between his brows.

I walked up to her and grabbed her chin ." I hope you'll enjoy spending the rest of your miserable life in this shit hole". I literally spat on her face .

    She shamelessly licked it.

Gross!! She licked and swallowed the saliva . She had really gone mad because no sane human would do that.

    We left the building in silence and got into our car in silence. I was expecting him to at least explain that thing about Rachel although I didn't believe Pamela but I still wanted to here it from him  .

   He remained silent and started the engine. The car roared to life and just as I thought he was about to drive off,he turned off the ignition.

  I have him a questioning gaze .

He stared at me for a while ,the expression in his face unreadable.

He sighed and looked away . " Nothing happened between me and Rachel ". He said out of the blue.

   I silently sighed in relief. Off course I knew nothing happened,he only bribed her . That was all so I did not understand why I was feeling this way.

He continued." I only gave her cash,that's all. Nothing more, nothing less".

I nodded my head still avoiding his eyes. The atmosphere was tensed and awkward.

"Look at me " he said . I stubbornly refused to obey.

He gently held my cheeks and made me face him eye to eye." I swear on my parents grave that I did not cheat ".

I gave him a half smile. " Yeah ,but you did with Pamela". I did not know why I said that. I just couldn't control that jealousy and rage inside me . Pamela had said they had slept together even before their marriage which only meant that he hadn't been faithful from the start.

"I....I....that was ..."  I removed his hand from my face and grabbed my hand bag.

Off course he wouldn't have a come back.

"You know what ?, maybe I should call an Uber . I'll meet you at home ". And then i got out of the car .

   I didn't know what was wrong with me . It wasn't like i wasn't aware that he cheated. It had been months since he married Pamela, almost a year even. I thought that I had gotten over it ,even after he apologized. I had forgiven him ,I told myself that i would let go and start over .

     But since my dad died ,I had felt nothing but emptiness, pain and rage . I started having thoughts of just taking my childern and leaving him .

    I knew that I was still grieving and maybe that was why I was feeling this way . But after hearing those things from Pamela ,it opened up a fresh wound in my chest .

    I told myself not to let her get to me ,this was what she wanted but I just couldn't.

It hurt ,it hurt a lot .

Other women would have divorced him no matter the situation but why can't I just be like them and not think twice about divorcing him .

Was I too stupid and blinded my love ?

   I tried fighting back the tears as I heard him call my name and run after me . I increased my pace ,I just wanted to go somewhere quite.

He grabbed my hand just as I was about to disappear into a bend. " Sally please".

I stopped amd took a deep breath. " What did you see in her in the first place ? Why did you have to use another woman to get to me ?.Did I not matter to you at all !" I yelled . It was a good thing that the streets were empty . Winter was approaching,so everywhere was a bit cold .

"I'm sorry ...I told you I regret every single action I took . I'm really sorry ... please ".

He grabbed my hand but I yanked it off. I knew deep down that I was just overreacting. I was just looking for an opportunity to lash out all the pain and anger I felt after dad died . But then I didn't want him to know that I was still hurting . There was nothing worse than watching your father fight for his life and end up dying right in front of your eyes and you couldn't do anything.
       And worse the person who murdered your father was your husband's ex wife.

"We've been in love since high school and college, did that not mean anything to you? !!" I yelled in his face . " Why did you have to leave me ? I could have helped you if you had just told me what was going on ". My face was already soaking with tears ,my makeup was ruined by now .

He didn't say anything and this was what I hated about him . He never speaks up .
    I scoffed ,wiped the tears off my face and turned to leave . I didn't care where I was going ,just anywhere far from him.
    I had walked only  a few Feet expecting him to hold me back or something instead he let me walk away . I laughed silently in sorrow and continued walking till I felt someone hug me from behind .

I could smell his colonge and hated the way it soothed my nerves ." Please ..... don't go " .He whispered into my ears .

   I felt something wet touch my neck and realized that it might be tears but not mine . "I'm sorry ....I made the worst mistake ever by not being strong enough to fight for us ". His voice sounded strained.

I turned around and what I saw made my heart ache .

He was crying . Tears wear flowing from his eyelids like rain drops and he did not even bother cleaning them.

He grabbed my hands and went on his knees. I was shocked beyond measure,I never imagined him doing that.

      I immediately looked around  hoping that no one was walking by.
  I sighed in relief when I saw only a couple walking a dog on the other side of the road.

"Please ,forgive me . Give me another chance to make things right . I love you Sally ,I love you so much  ". More tears flowed and they fell on my hands which he held tightly .

   I was stupid and indecisive. I was the one who told him few weeks back that I had forgiven him and had let go but here I was doing the complete opposite.

I could not even open my mouth to speak . I wasn't that heartless to still throw a tantrum when he was on his knees begging .

"He really loves you dear " I heard someone say . I turned to the direction of the voice to see the old couple right beside us . I thought they were at the other side of the road?. How the hell did they get here?

The old man spoke . " For a man to be on his knees and in tears begging then it means that his feelings are truly sincere . "

I turned to look at cisco and heard him whisper a plea.

His wife nodded in agreement. " Forgive him and go home , stop creating a scene here . People will start gathering and then you both will end up on social media". She said rather rudely . Now the ball was in my court.

I sniffed , wiped my tears and then helped Cisco up. " Fine , I'm willing to let go . I will for real this time . " I sighed managing a chuckle.

He got up and whispered a thank you . His face was red from embarrassment.

" Is that it ?" The old lady said . I gave her a questioning gaze . Was she expecting something else?

Cisco and I exchanged looks still trying to figure out what she meant .

She shoved me . " Come on !! Where's the smoochy smoochy ?" She winked at me .

My cheeks burned red in embarrassment.

"Yes ,come on. That's the final touch ". The man said . Even their dog started barking obviously to voice it's opinion.

I had never seen Cisco this shy before. His face was so red from embarrassment.  He moved closer and spread his hands out for a hug.

   I didn't hesitate and took it . And so we hug to make it the final touch. I smile finally danced on my lips and I felt a little more at ease . I knew it won't be easy but I was willing to take each step at least for my family.

"No..no .no....that's not enough. More smoochy!!" The old lady cheered.

"Please tell them to go away ". Cisco whispered into my ears .

I chuckled and hugged him tighter.

It felt nice . Just a while ago I was grumbling in anger but now I was more relaxed and glad.

"Stop being a wuss and kiss her ". The old lady hit Cisco with her purse while her husband just laughed.

I chuckled too and waited for Cisco to take action,my heart beating so fast in my ears.

   He snaked his hands around my waist and we locked lips . I had expected a peck or something brief because we were in public but no , it was the complete opposite.

   I could here the old lady cheering and clapping saying we looked so sweet .

   He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. " I know no amount of apology would be enough but I want to make things right . I'm sorry and I love you so much".  He kissed him again and I responded with much energy.

After bearing apart,I used my fingers to clean the tears on his cheeks . It was really touching,I didn't think that I had ever seen Cisco cry before .

   "Awwwnn....seee wasn't that easy ". The old lady said smiling at us . I liked the woman ,she had brought a smile on my face .

Her husband patted Cisco's shoulder." Listen to her son . The woman is always right . We'll get going now ".

We bid them goodbye and returned to where our car was parked hand in hand .

  I started feeling embarrassed about how I had acted . Thankfully Cisco understood and that made me feel better.

        I was more than convinced that even if my dad was gone ,I still had him. He would be there whenever I needed him .

   He started driving and I couldn't be more happier,we were going home .

Our home .


  Dear lords and ladies

First thank you for being patient and for all the support. We are in the finale and I hope y'all loved it .
    My deepest apologies for the late update. Please share,vote and Comment. It goes a long way for me .

Love y'all ❤️

~Vinnianca .

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