A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


757 32 21
By Just_Another_IDK

In which breeds revenge


Tubbo, resigned to the situation, handed the disc over to Dream. Technoblade, concerned, addressed Tommy, "To– Tommy-" Dream secured the disc in his ender chest, and Technoblade continued, "Tommy, are you– are you sure about that decision, Tommy?"

Technoblade warned, "The– The difficulty just went way up, Tommy, I'm just sayin'."

Tommy, grappling with his actions, questioned himself, "What am I–"

Tubbo, uncertain, expressed, "I- I don't-"

Tommy, whispering to himself, "What am I doing...?"

Technoblade sought clarification, "Tommy...?"

Dream, amused, stated, "Okay?"

Technoblade pressed, "Tommy? Tommy, what are you doin'?"

Dream, expressing gratitude, said to Tubbo, "Thank you, Tubbo. I really... appreciate it."

Tommy, feeling regret, looked at Technoblade and confessed, "Techno, I– I'm so– I'm so- I'm... This isn't me, this isn't- I mean, I look around, and I'm- I'm not the person I wanna be...?"

Technoblade, trying to understand, questioned, "Tommy. What are you sayin'?"

Tommy, addressing Technoblade directly, sighed, "No, I mean, I'm– I- I'm so sorry."

Technoblade, trying to offer an escape plan, urged Tommy, "Tommy, we can get outta here, we can pearl out. I'd cover your escape, Tommy...?"

Tommy, however, stared at Technoblade, a heaviness in his expression.

Technoblade continued to persuade, "We can still get outta here, Tommy, we can regroup! We can plan for another day, Tommy–"

Tommy, lost in his internal struggle, interrupted, "Techno. Techno, if this is what I've become, then I don't wanna be me anymore, man. I... I'm, I'm–"

Technoblade, alarmed, sought clarification, "Tommy, what are you sayin'...?"

Tommy, bearing the weight of his decisions, admitted, "I'm... sorry." He then moved closer to Tubbo.

Technoblade, unable to comprehend, pressed, "What do you mean, Tommy...?"

Tommy, looking at Tubbo, made a decisive declaration, "I'm with Tubbo." He stood beside Tubbo, leaving Technoblade in disbelief.

Reacting to the turn of events, Technoblade exclaimed, "I'm not, Te– well, what am I doing?! What am I- We–"

Technoblade, realizing the gravity of the situation, concluded, "You're betrayin' me and (y/n) is what you're doin' Tommy!"

Tommy, grappling with the weight of his decisions, exclaimed, "Technoblade! If the discs are s– I– I'm worse than everyone I've hated!"

Technoblade, pointing out the contradiction, retorted, "You've just told him to give the disc to Dream!"

Tommy, in a moment of self-realization, confessed, "I'm worse than everyone I've hated! I'm worse than everyone I didn't wanna be!" He turned to face Dream, a mix of regret and frustration evident in his expression. "You know the– you know– You know–"

Technoblade, cautioning Tommy, urged, "Tommy, think hard- Think hard about this before you make this decision, Tommy, 'cause you can't undo this. You can't undo this decision, Tommy."

Tommy, burdened by his choices, sighed, "Technoblade, I know what I've done, and I hate me for it."

Technoblade stared at Tommy, a complex mixture of disappointment and understanding in his eyes.

Expressing his disapproval, Technoblade announced, "Wowww... Well, 1v30 it is, who wants to go up first? Let's go-"

Interrupting, Dream addressed Tubbo, "No no no no listen."

Tubbo, puzzled, responded, "Yeah?"

Dream, despite obtaining the disc, delivered a scathing critique, "Thank you for giving me the disc. I just wanted to say that you're an idiot."

Tubbo, taken aback, questioned, "What...?"

Dream continued his tirade, "You are an absolute idiot! And you have no power, and you are the worst President that has ever been President of L– because you're no president at all!"

Dream, addressing Tubbo with a sigh, declared, "Listen, Tubbo, you, like– *sigh* I mean- You- L'Manberg is weaker than it's ever been. And it's because of you! You have– you have destroyed everything, you have ruined your friendships, you have ruined L'Manberg's allies, you have– you have just– you are a horrible President, Tubbo."

Tubbo, acknowledging the criticism, admitted, "Yeah, you're right."

Technoblade chimed in with a taunting remark, "Yeahhhh! You suck, Tubbo."

Dream, turning to Technoblade, inquired, "Techno."

Technoblade, intrigued, responded, "Yeah?"

Dream, revealing his plan, asked, "You got any withers?"

Tommy, alarmed, questioned, "Wh- wh-"

Technoblade, amused, remarked, "Oh, I'm likin' where this is goin', Dream."

Tubbo, desperately, pleaded, "No. No, no, no, no, no."

Tommy, anticipating trouble, urged, "Stop. Stop now."

Ranboo, realizing the gravity of the situation, interjected, "You can't-"

Technoblade, catching on to Dream's idea, asked, "Are you sayin' what I think you're sayin, Dream."

Dream, confirming Technoblade's suspicion, stated, "Oh, I'm saying what you think I'm saying."

Tommy, preparing for a fight, instructed Tubbo, "Armor up, Tubbo."

Technoblade, addressing Dream, teased, "Callin' in that favor, Dream? To destroy L'Manberg?"

Dream, dismissing the notion, responded, "No, no, I'm not calling in my fa– you would destroy L'Manberg no matter- are you kidding me?! No, you would destroy it anyway, I'm not calling in my favor."

Technoblade, enjoying the banter, remarked, "You know me so well, Dream, you know me so well. I've got a few withers, Dream. We could work something out.  If we can get outta here alive."

Tommy, staring at Technoblade with frustration, declared, "No. No, no, no. You know what, Technoblade?– you're not gonna side with Dream to take down L'Manberg, are you? What the– what the fuck, just sayin' that out loud is like–"

Technoblade, remaining composed, responded, "I– I– I have been so transparent about how I'm going to destroy the government–"

Tommy, cutting him off, exclaimed, "Why? No, you know what? No. Go away."

Technoblade, defending his stance, stated, "I have explained my reasons, I've been like 'I'm destroying it because of A, B, C, they executed me, they betrayed me, you betrayed me– you know what, Tommy? You've made a decision today that can't be undone. And you know what? I respect you, Tommy, you know what? You're free to make your own choices, wrong as they are. That's what anarchy is about. It's about freedom. To do what you want. But all I have to say, Tommy, is that I hope you don't come to regret it."

Quackity, fueled by rage, charged at Technoblade, but before he could land a blow, (Y/n)'s bowstring snapped, the arrow slicing through the air. It found its mark, striking Quackity in the shoulder just as he lunged at Technoblade. Quackity stumbled, his momentum disrupted, and (Y/n) swiftly fired two more arrows, taking down Fundy and leaving him sprawled on the ground.

Tommy, wide-eyed, met (Y/n)'s cold gaze as she turned her aim towards Tubbo.

Desperation in his voice, Tommy pleaded, "No, (Y/n), don't! Please, don't shoot! Tubbo's..." but she ignored him and her arrow met Tubbo's shoulder

Tommy, realizing the severity of the situation, pleaded desperately, "No, (Y/n), please! We can figure this out!"

But (Y/n)'s expression remained cold and resolute. She turned her attention to Tommy, her aim unwavering. Tommy's eyes widened in realization as he begged one last time, "Don't do this, (Y/n), please!"

The arrow left (Y/n)'s bow, finding its mark with eerie precision. Tommy crumpled to the ground, the pain evident on his face. (Y/n) lowered her bow, leaving a stunned silence in the wake of her actions.

Technoblade seized the opportunity, making a hasty retreat, leaving behind a shattered alliance and a trio torn apart by the choices they had made.


(Y/n) stood by the portal, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she awaited Technoblade's arrival.

In the distance, Technoblade emerged, his crimson cloak billowing in the wind. His expression was stoic, but there was a weariness in his eyes, a heaviness that came from a lifetime of battles and betrayals.

As Technoblade approached, (Y/n) stepped forward, her eyes softening with a mixture of understanding and empathy. Without a word, she pulled him into a tight embrace, knowing that actions often spoke louder than words. Technoblade, initially surprised by the gesture, hesitated before reciprocating, allowing himself a moment of vulnerability in the dangerous place

For a while, they stood there in silence. The weight of the recent events hung in the air, and (Y/n) could sense Technoblade's inner turmoil. She knew him well enough to recognize the struggle he faced, caught between his ideals and the harsh reality of betrayal.

Finally breaking the silence, (Y/n) spoke softly, "Techno, I know this isn't easy for you. Betrayals are a bitter pill to swallow. But we'll get through this, together."

Technoblade's gaze met hers, and there was a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. "I appreciate that," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken burdens. "It's just hard when you believe in something, and it crumbles before your eyes."

(Y/n) nodded in understanding. "We'll find a way forward. We always do." She released him from the embrace, maintaining a supportive hand on his shoulder. "What's our next move?"

Technoblade, though still grappling with the recent events, offered a small, appreciative smile. "We rebuild. But this time, we do it on our terms."

The journey through the nether was silent until they got back to their own portal, far away from their enemies in L'Manburg.

As they emerged from the portal, the dim glow of the Nether receded, leaving (Y/n) and Technoblade standing in the fading twilight The air was heavy with unspoken vows and the echoes of shattered allegiances.

Technoblade, his usually stern expression softened by a mix of weariness and vulnerability, turned to (Y/n). "Promise me," he said, his voice firm yet tinged with an underlying plea. "Promise me you won't betray me or leave. We've seen enough betrayals today."

(Y/n), meeting his gaze, understood the weight of his request. In the aftermath of L'Manburg's fall, trust became a scarce commodity. Without hesitation, she placed a hand on his cheek, her touch offering reassurance. "Techno, I promise. I'll never betray you, and I won't leave your side. We face the world together."

Technoblade nodded, finding solace in her words. There, in the fading light, (Y/n) leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips. It wasn't just a kiss; it was a sealing of their shared commitment, a silent vow forged in the crucible of their experiences.

The kiss lingered, a connection that transcended the chaos around them. As they parted, (Y/n) held his gaze, her eyes reflecting sincerity and determination. "We're a team," she affirmed, her voice carrying a quiet strength. "No betrayals, no more losses. Just us against whatever the world throws our way."

Technoblade, the weight of his burdens momentarily lifted, managed a rare, grateful smile. Together, hand in hand, they faced the uncertain path ahead, bound not only by the promise made but by the shared understanding that their strength lay in unity.

Technoblade held her hand as they walked back to their house, "(Y/n)," he began, a certain vulnerability underlying his words, "if you asked me to, I'd burn down the world for you. Every last bit of it."

The weight of those words hung in the air, and (Y/n) could sense the depth of his commitment. In the midst of destruction and uncertainty, Technoblade's declaration was a testament to the intensity of his feelings and the lengths he was willing to go to protect what they had.

She looked into his eyes, a mixture of gratitude and understanding in her gaze. "Techno," she replied, her voice soft but filled with a profound connection, "I don't need the world burned down. I just need you."

Technoblade gazed into (Y/n)'s eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation or concern. His words were measured, a careful warning woven with genuine concern. "Are you sure you're okay with what's going to happen tomorrow?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.

(Y/n) met his gaze unwaveringly. "I've faced worse," she replied, a hint of a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "I'm not one to shy away from chaos, especially when it means standing by your side."

Technoblade nodded, appreciating her resilience. "There will be withers," he warned. "It's going to get messy. You can stay home if you want. I don't want you in harm's way."

Her fingers traced a reassuring pattern on his armor. "I didn't sign up for an easy life, Techno. I signed up for an adventurous one, with you."

A moment of silence lingered between them, the weight of unspoken understanding threading through the air.

Technoblade couldn't resist the temptation to tease (Y/n) as he gently pinched her cheeks. A playful grin crossed his face as he remarked, "Look at you, all ready to face chaos and still managing to be absolutely adorable. How do you do it?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "You're not supposed to find chaos cute, you know."

Technoblade chuckled, the sound low and warm. "Well, I find you cute, chaos and all. It's your superpower, apparently."

She swatted his hand away with a playful glare. "Flattery won't get you out of trouble if things go south tomorrow, you know."

"Oh, I'm counting on more than just flattery," he replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "But let's focus on surviving the chaos first, and then we can argue about who's cuter."

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