Flesh and Fur

By littleOreoCat

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3 generations have passed since the start of the Human vs. anthro war. The final nail of conflict was Operati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Future updates and plans (Authors Notes and Plans)

Chapter 6

294 15 5
By littleOreoCat

(copied the wrong document, all or at least nearly all errors should be fixed)

Ruby: "Anubis," she says in a questioning tone.

Kat: "Death? Is that supposed to be ironic?" I ask with a confused face, though I am more curious than before.

Ruby: "It's a bit of irony, I'd say, as he is planning for execution when he is no longer useful, but he has shown enough skill to earn it; I mean, he did brutally kill his own kind." She says it in a cold way, bringing back memories of the bunker incident.

Kat: "You should just call him fucking insane at that point," I say, annoyed.

Ruby: "The Cadavers are insane, if that makes you happier, well, at least the ones that were captured." She says it almost jokingly but remains professional.

Kat: "Or they like to kill themselves." I remember the person Erick was with.

Ruby: "So yes, it does fit. Is there anything else I can help with, captain?" She changes the subject with a kind smile.

Kat: "Is the no-fur going to remain in his cell, or will he move into a barracks, as you've said?" I ask cautiously, but only to get cut off by her.

Ruby: "He will at some point be moved into a dorm, but not for sympathy reasons but for manipulation." She quickly says that she is not showing much emotion in her voice.

Kat: "Noted, that will be all then," I say with a nod.

Ruby: "Then you are dismissed, captain, and keep an eye on the human so he doesn't get mangled to death by someone on base," she says jokingly.

Kat: "Not like I'm going to stop them." I laugh to myself before giving her a salute and walking out of her office.


(Erick POV)

I tap my finger against my thigh, bored, waiting as my stomach growls, striking me with hunger pain and making me wince in pain.

??? "You hungry, pretty boy?" A voice from another holding cell shouts in a joking way.

I ignore the voice and close my eyes gently to begin to block out the noise of the other people, and I begin to tap my thigh again just to do something.

"Surely they will feed us soon." I think to myself as I include the others in holding cells in the mix, who are most likely just drunk soldiers.

A loud beep echos through the hallway, the sound of the metal security doors opening into the holding cells. I ignore it as I keep my eyes closed, but footsteps walk to my cell and stand there.

Alice: "Anubis" She calls out to get my attention.

Erick: "You must have me mistaken for another one of the wolves in here." I politely declined to not get my ass beat.

Alice: "That's your new code name, idiot" She huffs,

Alice: "I brought you food." She changes her tone to be more soft and kind.

I open my eyes and look up at her with a confused look as I see she is holding a metal tray. I stand up and get a better look, and it's just a rice MRE that has been placed on the plate.

Erick: "Oh, thank you then?" I am confused, but grateful.

??? "That's not fair! Why the hell does the stupid furless thing get food and not us?" A voice from the cell next to me shouts angeredly.

Alice: "Because your dumbass got drunk and you actually got to be let out." She says she is annoyed while then pushing the tray through a slot that I gently take.

I look closely at the tray and rice and kind of poke at them with the dull plastic fork she gave me.

Alice: "I didn't spit in your food; that would just be gross, but if you piss me off, I will," she says half jokingly.

Erick: "Not used to friendly captures, sorry," I say while lifting my balaclava just above my nose and beginning to eat the rice quickly.

There was an awkward silence after that as I quickly wolfed down the rice in just a few minutes as Alice watched me zone out.

Alice: "You were captured before," Alice says, breaking the awkward silence.

Erick: "When I was maybe 13? Or was I 12? I don't know, it's been a while; humans are quite cruel, I must say." I say it quickly and nonchalantly.

I hear her let out an audible gasp.

"Was it the fact I was so young or the fact it was humans?" I questioned myself.

Alice: "How old are you, may I ask?" She says it almost cautiously.

Erick: "I think I turned 18? Maybe, who knows, who cares, war is war," I say with a shrug.

Alice: "I heard some of my teammates mention you were a kid, and I didn't want to believe it, but... I guess it's the truth," she says quite coldly but not sympathetically.

Alice: "What human faction even captured you anyway?"" She asks.

I pause for a second, thinking about whether I should answer the question or not, not knowing what it will lead to.

Erick: "It was... I don't really know, but they were just worse than N.A.F. or the Apexion government as a whole," I lie, trying to hide the sadness in my voice as some memories flood back to me but quickly suppress them.

Alice lets out a small laugh.

Alice: "N.A.F. can be quite rough; I don't know about that." She says it proudly, with national pride.

Erick: "Meh, it doesn't matter, as I will never see the light of day again, right?" I say it in a guilt-tripping way, lowering my balaclava and facing them.

She only stares at me blankly, thinking about how to answer, and her eyes begin to zone out again as she begins to nod her head yes.

Alice: "No, no, you will not." She says it sympathetically now, which made the other person in the other holding cell growl in anger.

???" You know it's a crime to talk like that to that flesh ball, right? The voice says angeredly, which made Alice show her teeth to them.

Alice: "Says who? I may be the best in the fucking world, but I still am a living, feeling being." She says it coldly, now approaching their cell.

Alice: "If you can't see the fact that a human is living, breathing, and feeling just like us, if you can't understand that, then you are not fit for your job." She projects now as if this was built-up rage.

Erick: "Alice, its alright, drop it; they are just being a bitch." I say to cut it in as I slide the tray through the slot.

Alice lets out a loud huff before walking back to my cell.

Erick: "You didn't need to do that." I say, looking down at her.

Alice: "I know, but sometimes it sucks being a ranger." She says she is annoyed.

Erick: "Then tell Kat about it or Ruby."

Alice: "Kat understands; she understands my generation is fighting an unwanted war; hell, most of Apexion has been rioting over the war." She vents.

I tilt my head to the side and nod slightly.

Alice: "They want Vend and other countries; hell, they want the Newfoundland Islands to be its own country! The annexation of Aperture was such a hated discussion; it's just weird." She sighs to herself before looking down.

I look at her with a sad expression as I feel her pain. She reminds me of Chloe, who is only older and has gone through the same experience of war as I have.

Erick: "Do you even know who shot first? What even caused the war? Because I sure as shit don't," I say, agreeing with her as we go on about our rant.

??? "Yeah, it was you, dickheads!" The voice shouted, which made Alice growl.

Alice: "You know damn well we don't know... Maybe the first generation or the second generation knows, but we don't know!" Alice says to the voice to answer my question.

A loud beep echos through the hallway, which makes everyone freeze in place. The metal door opens as Kat walks through with a confused expression.

Kat: "Alice... you alright? You seem heated; did he cause you any trouble?" She asks while staring daggers at me.

Alice: "No, just talking with Anubis." She says it truthfully.

Kat: "You know you weren't supposed to." She says it almost disappointedly, almost as a parental figure.

Kat: "You wanna tell me?" She changes her tone now to be caring.

Alice: "Why do we fight? Why do we fight him?" She points her finger at me, which fills me with extreme guilt.

Erick: "I am not a good person, you know? I have killed Anthros and done it. I tried to say it but got cut off.

Alice: "So have I! We have all done terrible things to one another! But why can't we change?" She says, now hugging Kat, to which Kat returns but is still staring at me with daggers.

Kat: "Alice, go back to our dorm and just relax; I will take care of him for now." Kat says it in a comforting way after letting go of Alice.

I watch her press the scanner, and the metal door opens with the annoying beeping playing again, followed by its closing. I look back at Kat, who still has the same look.

Erick: "Just say it."

Kat: "What did you say to her that got her so emotional?" She asks, now dropping the look and showing more caution and curiosity for her friend.

Erick: "I told her I was grateful for actually having normal food and told her my age, guessing she isn't too brainwashed towards the Apexion War." I say some things smugly, but honestly.

Kat lets out a sigh before reaching into the cell, grabbing my plate carrier, and smashing me against the bars.

Kat: "I will fucking kill you if you are manipulating her, but I do thank you for being honest." She says it in an angry but polite voice.

Erick: "Kat, I don't like the fact that I am a Cadaver. Hell, I wish they had killed me instead," I whispered towards her, which made her face drop into confusion.

Kat: "What?" She whispers back.

Erick: "Nothing; just tell me why you are here." I am confused.

Kat: "Inform you," she says now with a normal tone, letting go of me.

Erick: "About?"

Kat: "You are now known as Anubis for... a better fit into the N.A.F." She says it with air quotes, which makes me think for a second.

"Security reasons and to hide myself from the other Cadavers, as if they would look for me, right?" I think to myself.

Erick: "Anything else?" I ask.

Kat: "You will have a mission soon with another bunker raid," she says almost coldly but warningly.

Erick: "Yay! More suicide missions!" I sarcastically shout excitedly, making Kat laugh.

Kat: "Yeah, it's a military bunker, so don't worry about it being human." She says she is regaining her seriousness.

Erick: "Why raid a military base?" I question.

Kat: "It's not ours, as it doesn't show up on our maps besides the info from scouts, so you're going to have fun with that." She says it with a weird smirk.

Erick: "When will I be leaving?" I reply with caution.

Kat:" Oh, right, you're leaving right now but can't view this base, so... Have a nice nap; you will need it." She says it with a cold seriousness.

Erick: "Oh, you motherfucker."

I let out a small yelp, feeling her paws grab my plate carrier again, and watched myself get slammed into the bars.


(Timeskip 12 hours later.)

Kat: "WAKE UP!" The wolf shouts, then feel a strong slap against my helmet.

I sit up quickly, opening my eyes panickly under the combats with heavy breathing, to see I am in the back of an armored Jeep with some of the Alpha Squad members and other Rangers I don't recognize.

I look out the window to see another armored vehicle and a forest stretching endlessly.

Alice: "Sleep well, Anubis?" She asks with a small laugh.

Erick: "It was dreamless, so it was alright," I say quietly as I stare out the window.

Kat: "I am going to go over the plan one more time, as this has turned out to be much more serious than we had thought!" She shouts as she makes a hologram appear on her tablet.

Kat: "This will be an all-out assault instead of the original plan, so we are going to rock the bunker with a tank shell, team one will go through the hole and secure the entrance, then go through the abandoned elevator shaft to the bottom floor to cut the power, team two will go through the ventilation system to secure any civilians, and team three will secure the area." She commands through the radio now, pointing things out on the holo-map.

I watch a few anthros jump out of the other vehicle and run off towards, I assume, the vents.

Kat: "And for you, Anubis, you are team one, meaning you are going deep into the facility with Alice and Luna by scaling through the abandoned elevator.

Erick: "I thought I was going alone." I sconfused.

Kat: "Plans change quickly, so quit the bitching and get your ass ready, solider." She commands me, to which I give her a nod and smile under my balaclava.

Ruby: *I will be speaking through your explosive collar to keep you informed* The static voice says.

Luna: "If that thing gets us killed, I am going to shove it up your ass." She says this while pointing at the collar, annoyed.

Erick: "Be happy you aren't wearing it," I joke.

Kat: "Shut it, both of you." She cuts us off.

???*We are in position*, a voice says through Kat's tac-pad.

I watched her press something on the tac pad, which made a small beep.

Kat: "Delta-07, you are clear to fire," Kat says into the tac-pad.

??? *Copy that, engaging target*

I watch out the front window as a tank fires a shell at the concrete to go around the thick steel door. After a few seconds, another shell is fired, and then another.

???*Hole has been made*

Kat: "Thank you, Delta-07; secure the area as we raid," Kat says while tapping her helmet. A door opens, and people begin to move out.

Erick: "Do I get a firearm or do I have to beat people to death?" I say unamused.

Kat: "Yeah, you do," Kat says quickly as she throws a scar-H at me and a few mags of 308.

I nod to her as I place the mags into some of my mag pouches and get out of the armored jeep, holding my gun up, drawn at the hole, and slowly beginning to approach the hole.

Kat: "Anubis take the front." She commands, to which I give a nod.

I walk ahead of the group, get behind cover, and take a small peek inside the hole to hear an emergency alarm going off and the sounds of people shouting.

I swing the hole slightly and spot a deer on the ground, screaming in pain. I quickly raised my gun and shot him in the head, which made the other person yelling stop in panic.

???: "NO....! That didn't just" It says to itself, defeatedly.

I quickly swing the corner fully and shoot the anthro twice in the head, a guard of some sort with the armor it is wearing.

Kat: "No prisoners, nice," Kat says behind me, which I ignore.

Ruby: *Everyone who is not on the civilian levels or emergency escape here is KOS; these aren't good people.* The collar rings out, which makes an annoying crackle that makes Luna's ears twitch.

Luna: "Fucking annoying." She says it under her breath and winces a bit from the static.

I continue to walk forward and spot two different elevators, one with an out-of-order sign and the other that seems functional.

Kat: "This is you three stop; I will stay up here to watch for reinforcements with team three," Kat says, walking away.

Alice: "How will we get this open?" She asks the obvious question.

I grab the closed doors of the elevator and begin to pull. A loud metal scraping sound echos through the shaft as I pull the doors fully open.

Alice: "Oh, oh, okay, strong man." She says surprised.

Luna: "Yeah, whatever, still just a furless beast, Luna says, annoyed.

I let the other two go first as they clipped on a zipline tool and slid down, followed by me. We descended for a good while, counting at least 43 floors until we hit the elevator. I landed on the roof of it and jumped down through the emergency hatch with my gun drawn, only to be greeted by another elevator door.

Alice: "You're up, big guy." She says it jokingly, to which I give her a nervous laugh.

Luna: "Maybe we should just make him wear one of those juggernaut suits; that would be funny." She joked, which made Alice glare at her.

I grab the doors and begin pulling them apart, though these were a lot stronger than the ones on the higher levels.

Alice: "You know damn well those suits don't work, and your bones just get crushed from the kinetic energy." She argues back, which I tune out.

I get the doors open by an inch and full force pull them apart, which lets out a very ugly metal screeching sound. Though the emergency alarms drown out, I look around the area to see we are in a long white concrete hallway with annoyingly bright white lights, multiple doors, and hallways.

??? "What the fuck was that?" Someone says this, which made me point my gun in their general direction.

Alice slowly pushes up, being the smaller one with the quieter gun. She turns the first corner and fires three shots from her M4A1.

Alice: "Targets down." She whispers.

I walk forward and slowly begin to clear every room, which varies from chemistry labs to rooms with surgical tools and tables to weird empty tubes with tubes and wires sticking out of them.

Erick: "This doesn't seem right." I say this cautiously as I open another door to a room, checking each corner to see a room filled with what seems to be scrap metal and screens.

Alice: "Agreed, we haven't seen anyone else either." She says she is watching our backs.

The emergency alarm suddenly stopped, and a loud beep blasted through the speakers in the room.

??? "We have a breach in the ventilation on floor 22-section-04 and floor 17-section-01; all units and guards, please move to defend this area and for the subjects to be terminated." The speaker says this is followed by another loud beep, with the emergency alarms continuing.

Luna: "Subjects?" She asks the question that was on our minds.

Alice: "It doesn't matter; our goal is to reach the generator and shut down the power." She commands and begins to walk off.

We walk in a triangle formation down the hallways, following the signs labeled on the wall, but Alice is looking down at her wrist pad.

Erick: "Does that thing have a map or something?" I asked curiously.

Alice: "Yep!" She says it weirdly and happily.

Erick: "Sure, we are confident that someone doesn't jump out and shoot you in the head while it's down," I comment worriedly.

Alice: "I got an Apexion special forces staff sergeant behind me, and like a 6'6 strong man behind me, if I get shot, they die too." She says this jokingly, ignoring her own concerns for life.

I roll my eyes at the comment and keep looking around, ready for anything, but am still greeted with the same eerie silence besides our boots on the concrete floor.

I take a glance at the wall and notice we are in a sector called "N-P-S" and silently hope this is the right area as Alice leads, watching her tac-pad that she had flipped under her wrist so she can point her gun forward.

Alice suddenly stops, followed by me and Luna. Alice holds up three fingers as her ears twitch as if she were hearing something. I nod my head, not knowing what's happening, but keep my guard as high as possible as I slow my walking, now nearly walking silently.

We hit the end of the maze of hallways and see the final turn to the right, which is where muffled voices can be heard. Alice uses the corner as a cover as we stand behind her.

A loud metal slam echos through the hallway, followed by an angry huff. I hand my gun to Luna, who gives me a confused face, and then step in front of Alice and wait for them as they begin walking towards us. I wait until their footsteps get very close, then reach out and grab them by their heads, hold them in a head lock, ready to snap their neck.

The shark begins to panic wildly as I shut its muzzle.

Erick: "You have 20 seconds to tell me who's in that room and if the power system is in there." I say it emotionlessly as I loosen my grip on her muzzle.

"I don't know." She panics and shouts, as her breathing is uneven and her eyes are going everywhere.

Erick: "I will suplex you into the ground if you don't tell me." I threaten her somewhat jokingly.

???:" Yes... Yes, the power system is there, and there is currently an engineer managing it.

Erick: "Thank you; was that so hard?" I say mockingly, which got an unassumed face out of Luna.

Luna: "No prisoners; remember, these are "bad people," Ruby said," Luna informs Alice, to which Alice gives a happy nod.

???: "WAIT NO!" The shark yells out in desperation.

I stand in the middle of the hallway and grab them by their waists, making them scream when I begin to lift them up, suplexing them head first into the concrete and killing them insistently with their heads denting from the force.

Luna: "I thought he was joking." Luna says she is shocked.

Alice: "Me next!" Alice says it with a small laugh while blushing. I shake my head, noticing that, and stand back up.

Erick: "You guys called me Anubis for a reason; that doesn't mean I am going to be gentle." I joke.

The door slowly opened, which made us get behind the wall, guns ready, as we heard a small, soft voice call out.

???:" Mommy?" The innocent voice called out.

I freeze hearing that, looking at Alice and seeing that she has the same expression as me with Luna looking at the dead shark.

Luna: "Well, we just killed a mother." She says it quietly.

Erick: "I did. It won't be the first or last time," I say, nodding my head.

???: "Come back, Mommy, I'm scared." The little voice echos through the hallway.

Alice: "Where is Jax when you need him?"

Erick: "He was good with kids?" I asked curiously.

Alice: "He always wanted to be a father; he was basically the person who would always deal with them. I think that's what Jack liked about him." She says this sadly, remembering the duo.

The pup quietly walked towards us; her footsteps were very quiet, but her crying was louder.

Ruby: *Children and any civilians weren't supposed to be on this level; bring it, team one; please save the child.* My explosive collar rang out statically.

Erick: "I'll deal with her." I admit my guilt.

Alice: "Wait, but your human..." She warns, but tries to make it sound nice.

Erick: "Oh well." I shrug my shoulders.

I turn the corner and see the small pup, a blue reef shark wearing an Apexion hoodie and some jeans, looking no older than 7.

Erick: "I am not going to hurt you; I am here to save you." I say comfortingly while reaching my hand out.

???: "Where... where is my mom?" The pup whines, scared.

Erick: "She is." I blanked, thinking of what to say.

Alice: "We do not know where she is." Alice pops out and says.

I look back and notice the body gone and Luna walking back to us, guessing she dragged the shark away from the sight of the kid.

Erick: "I'll watch her; go take care of the power system," I say while crouching down to the shark pup's height.

Erick: "What is your name?" I ask, watching Luna and Alice enter the power room.

Rox: "My name is Rox! Rox rose!" The child says it proudly, but still with the same sad face.

"Fuck the same name as Roxy... or whatever that shark name was in Kats Team," I think to myself, being careful not to confuse the two.

Rox: "What is your name, mister?" She asks curiously while looking up at me with a small, toothy smile.

Erick: "My name is... well, my friends call me Anubis," I say carefully as I don't know what to say.

Rox: "Humans have such silly names..." She says she is clearing the ice on that topic.

Erick: "What makes you say that?" I ask her in a fake, offended way to make the mood less miserable.

Rox: "They just don't fit you sometimes, you know? You're more of a... hmm, I don't really know." The pup questions herself.

I nod my head, stand back up, and keep my guard up high as I get a strange sinking feeling in my gut.

Rox: "Why do you wear that black thing?" She says it innocently.

Erick: "Mm... I am not really the prettiest thing in the world," I joke.

Rox: "You should take it off; it seems uncomfortable." She begins to rant, but I cut her off.

Erick: "I know it's rude to say, but please be quiet. I don't want my team dying on me," I say, keeping my cool.

The sharks face fall down sadly as she gives a small nod in understanding, taking a few steps back. After what felt like 10 minutes, the bright white lights in the hallway shut off, with the emergency red lights turning on and the annoying emergency alarm still on.

Luna: "Bunker is on emergency power, meaning anything not important is open; it should be almost everything but blast doors." She says she is walking out of the generator room.

Erick: "What now?" I am confused.

Alice: "Sweep through the labs, then leave through the vents with team two.".

Erick: "And the kid? "I can't have them walk through active combat." I said, pointing at the kid.

Luna: "Better than leaving them down here for the clean-up team." She says it seriously, which made me confused.

Alice: "She seems small enough to fit in a backpack." Alice points out, taking off her pack and opening it, throwing away medical supplies.

Erick: "You're a field medic?" I am dumbfounded.

Alice: "Yes! I am Kat's field medic, and yes, I know it looks stupid to throw this away, but it can clip onto my waist belt.

Rox: "Do I have to go in backpack?" The pup asks, scared.

Alice: "You will have your head sticking out; it's the easiest way to carry you without having your body exposed." She says it in an encouraging way.

Luna: "Besides her head..." Luna mumbles under her breath.

Rox: "Alright, I'll try it." The pup speaks cautiously.

Alice picks up the kid, gently places the kid in the bag, and zips it up. We underestimated her size as the shark's upper body sticks out a bit but is stable in the bag, and Alice's head is still a good cover for the kid.

Alice: "Comfortable?" She asks.

Rox: "Yeah..." She says it worriedly.

Luna: "Alright, let's move out to the stairs." She says she is taking the lead.

I walk behind Alice, so she isn't the first target if we get flanked. Slowly moving forward as Luna glances at the tac-pad every so often. A loud scream echos through the hallway, followed by multiple gunshots.

Rox: "Anubis, I'm scared." The pup calls out to me with teary eyes.

Erick: "What species can make that sound?" I ask the anthros, who shrug their shoulders with Alice's concerned face.

Alice: "You think it has something to do with the lab rooms and such?" She theorizes.

Luna: "If I have to fucking fight with some mutated mut, I am going to be pissed." Luna says she is annoyed, but in a joking way, surprisingly.

Alice: "Well, don't worry, Luna; I'll make sure to tell everyone how you went down as a hero." She jokes back, which confused me.

We continue to walk down the hallway and finally spot the stair system throughout the level. The emergency alarms stop abruptly, followed by the annoying static announcement sound.

??? "Project-01 has escaped its pod and has entered the N-P-S floor; if you are on that level, please take the proper precautions, and I am afraid our time has come to an end. God bless you all, Cadavers." The announcement ended with a gunshot and the closing static.

I freeze in my place, and as I start to feel lightheaded and confused at what he said, Alice turns around and gives me a puzzled look.

Alice: "Get moving, damn it; we will talk about it later." Alice shouts at me with some concern.

I blink a few times, continuing to walk with the two. Luna pushes the doors open, with Alice walking up to secure the area as I walk backwards to make sure no one is behind us. A loud robotic screech made Rox scream, terrified.

Rox: "No, not that thing." She said it in between sobs.

Alice: "What thing?" Alice asks with concern as I walk up the stairs next to her and hold the pup's hand for some form of comfort.

Rox: "Its... It's a monster! I-it... robot monster!" The child says it panically while letting out more tears.

I look at Alice, who has a concerned look, but Luna pushes past us, continuing up the stairs.

Luna: "Look, I'm not being rude, but I'm not here to play monsters with some kid." She huffs, annoyed.

Alice: "It's going to be alright, I promise." Alice says it in a comforting way, but Rox is still shaken up with silent tears.

Erick: "Nothing is going to hurt you; we are almost out." I say while giving her hand a tight squeeze, then letting go as I draw my gun up to watch behind us.

We slowly began to walk up the eerie, quiet stairs, hearing screams, bullets, and that electric screech echoing through different halls.

Alice: "The fuck is that thing..." Alice asks.

Luna: "All I know is I don't want to find it." She says she is going up the stairs faster.

We pass at least 10 levels before hearing a loud metal bang, followed by the sound of what seemed to be a door crashing into the wall above us.

Alice: "Rox, I need you to be strong... and stay really quiet and cover your ears." Alice says, with her gun pointed up to the next level.

Luna: "What the fuck is that?" She says clearly seeing first as she was half way up to the next level.

Metallic sounds and whimpers came from the creature, as if it were trying to call for help but seemed to be choking.

I push up a head of Alice and walk up with Luna, and I see it: a black-furred Anthro with a screen for a face. Though the side of it was cracked beyond recognition, it looks over to us and lets out a weak growl as it stands on all fours.

Luna: "That thing is fucking feral." She whispers to me cautiously.

Erick: "It thinks we're a threat," I whisper back.

Luna: "Well, if you want to show your friendliness, go give it a hug." She says some things jokingly.

I hand her my scar H, which makes her give me a confused but shocked look.

Luna: "I was joking, you idiot." She whispers and shouts.

Alice: "What is he doing?" Alice asks from below.

Luna: "Gonna hug the fucking thing." Luna replies.

I finish walking up the flight of stairs and stare at the black-furred robot, who stared at me scared, its screen face flashing a warning about severe damage. I got it down to its level, which made it push itself into the corner more.

Erick: "Can you understand me?" I say calm.

The creature looks at me for a few seconds but nods its head.

Erick: "Are you able to speak?" I ask.

The creature nods its head, but a warning flashes on its screen, saying its vocals are damaged.

I look back and watch Luna walk past, putting my scar-H against a wall, and then she starts going up the stairs, followed by Alice, who gave me a nod. Rox was past out in the backpack, probably from fear.

Erick: "Do you want to come with us?" I ask, as we need to get going before we might be left behind.

It shakes its head and points to me.

Erick: "What about me?"

The creature lets out a groan before standing up fully, followed by me. I towered over the creature, but it was still fairly tall, as it was just under my chin. It lets out a weird chirp sound, and one side of the screen has a surprised face with small pink lines.

The creature points to me and then hugs me tightly.

Erick: "You want me and not the other two?" I ask confused as hell.

The creature gives me a nod.

Erick: "Alright, be careful now." I'm confused, but just deal with it.

I look down at the creature and can clearly see that its dark black fur was covered in blood and other things that stained my clothes and plate carrier. I let out a sigh before picking up the create bridely style, which made it let out another chirp with the same deeper pink on its functional part of the screen.

Erick: "Alright, let's get moving now." I say, grabbing my scar-H from where Luna left it.

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