Marvel Oneshots X Male reader

By IDK6123

174K 4.6K 951

Hopefully people requests something to me to write about, if not than you only have the request page I guess... More

Requests Open!
Tony setting Peter up with Y/N
Steve and Tony fighting for Y/N love
Steve and Tony fighting for Y/N love Part 2
Scott Lang introduces Cassie to his boyfriend
Pietro and Y/N are having a prank competition
Clint and Y/N adopting a child
Steve and Y/N dating in the 40s
Tony giving his son advice about his crush, Peter
Pietro getting comfort from another enhanced
Scott Lang getting visited while being in house arrest
Tony getting married with his fiance
Steve dealing with his cussing boyfriend
Y/N lifting Thor's hammer
Thor looking for his future spouse
Peter playing Pokemon Platinum with his boyfriend
Who's Y/N secret admire?
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 1
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 2
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 3
Who's dating Tony's son? Part 4
Who's dating Tony's son? Final part
Peter and his boyfriend playing Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver
Clint taking care for his sick crush
Scott Summers and his 'closely' best friend
Bobby getting a crush on Logan's son
Alex's and Scott's little brother dating Pietro
Y/N gets flirted by Gambit, who's on the enemies team
Wolverine meeting a dangerous mutant
Piotr is Y/N's new retainer
Piotr is Y/N's new retainer Part 2
Warren's new flying buddy
Kurt and his secret crush
Peter and his boyfriend body-swapping
Steve having a Rehabilitating session with a prisoner
Logan and Scott fighting over Y/N's love
Logan and Scott fighting over Y/N's love Part 2
Tony's new assistant
Tony's new assistant Part 2
Clint's rivalry with Thor's and Loki's brother
Steve playing Minecraft with his boyfriend
Thor getting drugged with a love potion
Johnny's crush with Reed's assistant
Deadpool flirting with Piotr's husband
Steve and Thor getting a crush on the transfer teammate
Clint getting a divorce Part 1
Clint getting a divorce Part 2
Clint getting a divorce Part 3
Clint getting a divorce Final part
Scott Summers' highschool crush
Peter Parker's bad-boy boyfriend
Steve and his boyfriend going camping!... With the rest of the team
The Most Toxic Avenger Meeting
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 1
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 2
Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Part 3
Scott Lang & his boyfriend getting stuck as tiny people
Spending Christmas with each Avenger
Spending Christmas with the X-Men and Fantastic Four
Having an crush on Scott Summers as a student
Bobby and his fight with his teammate Part 1
Bobby and his fight with his teammate Part 2
Bobby and his fight with his teammate Final Part
Bucky & His Husband helping their mutant son
The Time Steve Got High
Being Thor sponsor and coach
Peter dating the Maximoff's brother, who hates Tony Part 1
Peter dating the Maximoff's brother, who hates Tony Part 2
Working With The Winter Soldier As An Hydra Member
Working With The Winter Soldier As An Hydra Member Part 2
Tony Working Together With His New Lab-Assistant
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 1
Steve's affair with Tony's husband Part 2
Bucky and his husband adopting Pietro and Wanda

Peter's crush on the most populair guy, who has a crush on Spider-Man Final Part

712 32 5
By IDK6123

Two weeks later, and the relationship between Peter and Y/N has been going really steady. Though Y/N still don't know Spider-Man's true identity. Still, it's beyond good. Peter feels great now that he finally has the guy he has been dreaming for. Y/N, meanwhile, feels the same towards the superhero.

As for today, Spider-Man is ready for another date. With a bouquet in his hand, he swings towards Y/N's house. When he got to the roof, he notices the bouquet is somewhat destroyed, with about half being fine.

"Darn it." Peter mutters. Luckily, Y/N isn't here right now. With haste, he quickly tries to remove the flowers that completely are destroyed.

After around 5 seconds, Peter quickly locks his eyes to the entrance when he sees Y/N walking in. "Hey, Spidey."

"H-Hey." Peter quickly stops what he's doing to show off the flowers. "I got you something."

"Aw, what nice." Y/N accepts the flowers happily, though he does notices the damage, but won't comment on it. "Let me get these drop off by my home. Be back around 5 minutes."

It didn't take a long time for Spider-Man before Y/N got back on the roof. Now with his gift dropped off, Y/N is ready for his date.

"Shall we go?"


Three hours later, and a date late in the noon ends up at the end of the night. Both men enjoyed their date, even with the constrains of doing normal things on date. Y/N started to enjoy swinging with Spider-Man, as they get to the park, to a restaurant to order food, to get a view on the entire city. So, after one amazing date, they get back to Y/N's place.

"That was amazing. I'm glad I get to be with such an amazing guy." Y/N complements him without hesitation.

"Thanks." Peter is still in disbelief the way Y/N is throwing complements to him, one after another. "I'm always open to spend time, even though I have to do a lot of crime fighting."

"Good to know." Y/N walks over to the superhero and plants a kiss on his cheek, making the teen behind the mask blush really badly. "I would've kissed you without the mask."

Peter can't help but let out a nervous chuckle. Without thinking it, he grabs his mask and lift it up until his mouth is exposed. "W-what about now?"

Y/N smirks. He again gives a kiss to him, now on the lips. Peter can't help but kiss back, happily embracing the moment. The superhero even put his hand behind Y/N's neck to get a better grip. As the two continue making out, Y/N eventually pulls back a little.

"My parents are out of town. If you want, we can make out back at my place. ...And do much more."

The nerd can't help but freeze up a bit. Y/N wants to have sex with him? The guy that he had a crush on for so long. Even with this relationship just being two weeks. This is all going so fast. Y/N doesn't even know his true identity, and still wants to do something so sacred with him. In his mind, Peter thinks it would be better if things go slower for both of them sakes, on the other hand...

"Let's go."


On Y/N's bed, he and Peter are lying next to each other. Both underneath the sheets, naked and panting. The superhero still wears his mask. Thanks to this, Peter feels lucky Y/N can't see his stunned expression. It was his first time, and it was amazing. Yet on the other hand, he feels guilt. He keeps thinking what Ned said, about him taking advantage of Y/N. He wasn't lying.

"Holy shit... You did amazing." Y/N looks to his side with a wide smile. "You alright?"

"I-I'm good." Spider-Man gives a fake smile. He feels really awkward in the situation, and that's not counting hiding his identity. For whatever reason, he feels like Y/N is going to talk about them, about what their relationship is and other vulnerable topics. Peter quickly thinks of an excuse to get out of the situation, since he needs to think about what he has done. "I-I can sense something. There is a burglary. Uh... Over there."

Y/N is surprised when Spider-man quickly get out of the bed to grab his underwear and suit. "Huh? Wait, did I do something wrong?"

Spider-man turns his head back after he quickly put on his boxer. "N-No!" Peter quickly reassures. Still, Y/N looks doubtful, with an unsure face. "I really loved it. You did great. But- But there really is something out there." He points towards the window.

Y/N decides to trust him instead of doubting. "Alright. When do you think I will see you again?"

"I don't know." Spider-Man grabs his suit and begin putting it on. "I'm really busy, but I will try to be in contact." Now that he puts on his suit, he walks over to the window and makes it open. Before going, he looks back. "Until next time."

"You too. Kick some ass."

"Thanks." Peter feels sorry that he has to lie his way out of the situation, though he continues what he is doing and get out of the room.


Two days has passed, and Peter feels like he trapped himself into a corner. He doesn't know what to do. If he tells the truth to Y/N, it may jeopardize their relationship. If he continues to lie, it will only prolong the inevitable. All the while, he continues hanging out with Y/N as himself. It makes Peter sick, thinking the guy he hangs out with doesn't even know he slept with him.

Until he figures out what he's going to do, Peter tries to live his life as normal he can. As for today, he hangs out with his best friend again, Ned. Both of them are watching a tv show they've been meaning to watch. With May out of the apartment, they got the whole apartment for themselves.

"I'm going to refill the popcorn." Peter grabs the empty bowl between the two and stands up.

As Peter stands up, Ned spots something odd as Peter's shirt bends a bit. "Is that a bruise?"

Peter, who was walking to the exit of his bedroom, stops and turns around. "Eh?"

"Under your shirt. Was that a bruise?"

Curious as he is, Peter grabs his shirt with his free hand to look through his collar. Then he spots what Ned is talking about, yet he is wrong. This isn't a bruise, it's a hickey, left by Y/N. "Y-Yeah. Fought of some guy and he managed to hit me."

"Did you got hurt?"

"No, not much." Peter tries to reply as casual he can, only to crack his voice. Despite the fail, he tries to turn around and get out of the room.

"Peter." The teen stops and turns around to Ned, who notices something is wrong. "You alright? You sound nervous. Is this because of school?"

Peter initially doesn't reply, making Ned worried. He wonders if he should tell Ned what happened. He's desperate for advice, to have someone to tell him what the right choice is.

"Please don't hate me for this."

"What- what happened?" Ned looks even more concerned.

Peter put the bowl down and sits down next to Ned again. "I screwed up... I screwed up."

"What did you do?"

"I fucked Y/N..."

Ned eyes went wide. "What!?"

"I-I-I... He asked me out. A-And it all went well. And then he wanted to sleep with me a-and-"

Ned doesn't need to ask, but just to be sure, he wants to clarify something. "Please tell me he asked you, not Spider-man." Peter remains quiet, merely looking like he's about to cry. "Peter...!"

"B-But I wasn't the one who asked! He did! He asked me out! He was the one who kissed me! He was the one who wanted to have sex with me! He- He..." Peter blurts out all his justifications, though by looking at Ned's disappointed face, he knows he didn't manage to convince him, or himself.

"Peter, you did it with someone that didn't even knew it was you. Don't you realize who screwed up those sounds?"

Peter knows he's right. And yet, he can't help it. It feels like this was the only way to get to be with Y/N. "I... I..."

Ned let out a disappointed sigh and stands up. "I can't deal with this right now."

"Huh?" Peter's eyes follow Ned as he walks towards the exit. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. Peter, I don't know what happened to you, but this isn't like you. You took advantage of someone. You were supposed to be a hero, but you're not acting like it."

Feeling done, Ned opens the door and exit the room. "Wait!" But it's too late. Ned is gone. And now Peter feels even worse than he did before. He feels even more trapped then he did before.


Later that day, and May arrived back. The aunt puts her coat and bag down. She doesn't suspect anything wrong as she walks over to Peter's room to ask what he wants for dinner. She knocks on the door.

"Peter, what do you want for dinner?" There isn't a reply, yet she hears sobbing behind the door. "Peter? ...Can I come in?" There is a hum behind the door. She opens the door to see Peter sitting on the ground against his bed, his face wet thanks to his tears. May immediately walks towards her nephew and sits next to him. "What's wrong?"

"It's just a lot..."

"What is?"

"Everything." Peter mutters as he continues to sob.

May knows he needs to be clearer if she can help him. "What happened?"

"I... I screwed up. There is this guy... and I really like him, but he doesn't like me back."

May's heart breaks. "Peter." She put her arm around him.

"But he likes Spider-man. A-And then I saved him from an incident. And he asked me out. I said yes. A-And then after a while... we did it... and I never even told him about my identity."

May can't believe what she's hearing. Never did she thought Peter could do such a thing. Even though thinking it's clearly wrong, she doesn't lash out on him. Instead, she wants to guide him to the right path.

"You still didn't tell him?"

"No." Peter replies. He looks back at his aunt. "I-I'm scared... I just wanted to be with him."

"Peter." The boy looks back at his aunt. "You know this isn't a healthy relationship. The only way to be truly happy is to tell the truth. It may be too late, but it's better to tell him then never, or if he finds out on himself."

Peter knows she's right. He's too afraid to act before, but now, he needs to make things right.


Spider-man arrives back on the roof of Y/N's apartment. It takes a couple of seconds until the jock manage to arrive. With a happy smile, he doesn't suspect anything what Peter is about to say.

"Hey handsome." Y/N greets him. "What are the plans today?"

"Y/N, there is something I need to confess."

With a somber voice, Y/N knows this is bad news. "Is everything alright?"

Spider-man doesn't answer. "Can we go to your place? It's important."

Y/N gets the message. Luckily, his parents are still out of town. The two get to Y/N's apartment and sit at the living room. Once there, Spider-man takes a deep breath before telling the truth.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... I have been lying to you for so long."

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asks.

"About whom I really am..."

Y/N still doesn't get it and is quick to assure Spider-man everything is alright. "It's alright. I don't expect you to reveal your true identity. And if this is about what you look like, it's alright."

"It's not about that." Spider-man corrects him with a sad frown. "I... I know you... as the person who I really am."

Y/N looks shocked. "You do?"

Spider-man slowly nods. He grabs his mask and lift it up. As his face slowly gets revealed, Y/N is surprised by who it really is.

"Peter?" Peter meets Y/N eyes. He still looks shocked. "Y-You're Spider-man?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I had this crush on you, and since I'm just a loser, I thought I could never be with you. And then we meet at the store, and then the bridge. Then you asked me out and... and I couldn't believe what happened. I said yes without even thinking." Peter admits, feeling still ashamed for what he did. "I took advantage of you, knowing full well that you liked him." Y/N remains quiet, still looking stunned, making Peter feel even more scared what he's going to say. "Y/N, please say something."

"I... I..." Y/N doesn't know how to respond. "I don't know what to think. Can you... can you please give me some time for myself?"

Peter feels even more sorry for him. Y/N doesn't appear to be mad at him. He looks more betrayed more then anything. Thus, Peter stands up and walk to the exit. Before leaving, he put his mask up again. Once he opens the door and walk out of the apartment, he wonders what Y/N is thinking, and what will happen with them. On one hand, he doesn't expect much. If Y/N hates him for what he did, he's completely justified. And if he doesn't want to see him ever again, that's alright.


A week has passed. Peter rekindled his friendship with Ned after confessing what he did. Although his relationship with him is fixed, with Y/N isn't. The popular guy still hasn't contacted him. Peter wonders if he will ever get a proper respond. Whether if Y/N forgives him, hate him, wants to see him as a partner or friend, or anything else.

One day, Peter is minding his own business at his locker. While putting his books in the locker, he senses someone behind him. As he looks back, he sees Y/N, looking pale.

"Y/N...?" Peter is surprised by the sudden visit. He embraces himself for whatever Y/N is going to say.

"Can we talk?"

At least he doesn't sound angry, which makes Peter somewhat relieved. He locks his locker and follows Y/N to an empty classroom, which is in the chemistry room. Once inside, both teens sit on tables, in front of each other.

It takes a couple of seconds until Y/N speaks up. Peter can sense he's nervous. He wonders if he can tell the same about him.

"I'm not sure where to start..."

"You can say anything you want to me." Peter assures. "If you want to be mad, or sad, I understand."

Y/N sighs. It takes another few seconds until he speaks up again. "I feel conflicted. On one hand, I did feel you took advantaged of me. But... on the other hand, I felt like... uhm..." Peter wonders what he's going to say. "I really loved going on dates with you... or Spider-man, I guess. And my feelings towards him doesn't disappear. I... still like Spider-man, but I don't know what to think about you."

"I understand. So... what do you want to do? Are we still friends, or...?"

Y/N thinks about it. "I'm not sure. My feelings still remain, and I still want to be with Spider-man. I don't even hate you for what you did. I just feel... lied to. But... I dunno... can we just... start over again? Not as partners, but as friends."

"You want that?"

"Yeah. I view you differently. Not as the poor guy that got bullied by Flash. I don't view Spider-man as the perfect guy that has no flaws. I don't know what my opinion on you is. I feel like it would be best to get to know you again, and this time for real. That's when I want to decide whether or not I want to be friends... or something more."

Peter gives a sweet, small smile. He didn't expect this. He thought if anything he will never see him again. This is way better than he expected.

Y/N wonders what Peter is thinking by his thoughts. "Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, I'm fine with that."

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