Male reader one shots

By Shiningblade24

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This is a male reader various one shot book I'm sure a lot of people know how this work so yeah We do not ow... More

Request page
Saki Yoshida x Yandere Male reader
Esdeath x Male reader
She Hulk x Toji Male reader
Cheater Akeno x shota male reader
Asuka Kazama x male reader
Request Page 2
Male Nanami Reader x Midnight
Mina x Shanks reader
Brother reader X Daki and Gyutaro
Camie X Madara reader
Father Reader X Maki and Mai
Cheater Wife X Male reader
Cassandra Cain X Male reader

Nobara X byakuya reader

351 7 3
By Shiningblade24

Request by: Tagmad10

Character: Nobara Kugisaki

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

3rd POV

Currently Gojo was walking with his two first year students which was Yuji and Megumi and with them was, one of Gojo's second year students which was Yn Ln.
Yn was a student who Megumi greatly respected because of how he is and because of his over all power compared to the other students of Gojo.

Yn was a special Grade just like his other classmate Yuta and just like his Sensei.
The reason Yn was a special grade was because of his abilities that come from being a part of the Ln Clan, it also didn't help that Yn learned some of the most hardest cursed techniques in the jujutsu world in the matter of just a month, he also managed to make and master his Domain expansion in his two months of training to achieve it.

So Obviously Yn had some what of a reputation around the Jujutsu world.

The Quad soon came to a complete stop and then waited for a while, until Gojo grew impatient and decided to leave them to go get some snacks, leaving Yuji to question Megumi.

Yuji: So, what do you think are new partner will be like ?

Megumi: As long as she's not annoying like you, then everything will be fine

Yuji: Hey, I'm not annoying !

Megumi: Yeah you are

Yuji: Well, can you at least tell me about him ?

Yuji was now pointing in the direction of where Yn was sitting, Megumi just looked at Yn and then turned his attention back to Yuji.

Megumi: He's a second year and he's a special grade, and if I was you I would try and stay on his good side

Yuji: How come, is he really that strong ?

Megumi: Yeah he is

Yuji: Okay, then I'll take your word for it, but how come he hasn't said anything yet ?

Megumi: He prefers to stay to himself, but that doesn't mean he's a terrible person he just prefers to be alone

Yuji: Okay then I'll let him start up a conversation with me

Megumi: I guess that's probably for the best

Yuji: So can you tell me about his Cursed technique ?

Megumi: Just shut up


What the duo didn't know, was that Yn was able to hear everything they were saying and to be honest he actually did like how Yuji was, sure he didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed but he still seemed like a genuine good guy so he knew he would get along with him.

Before long the group of Boys saw their Sensei walking towards them with a small bag in his hand and he was also accompanied by a female who looked to be around his other students age, so Yn figured that this must be the new student that will be attending Jujutsu tech, but he had to say that she looked beautiful.

Gojo: Guys I would like you to meet your new classmate, Nobara Kugisaki !

Nobara took one look at both Yuji and Megumi and to be honest she wasn't really impressed by their appearance she in fact thought this whole thing would be lame. Her eyes soon landed on Yn and she immediately blushed cause he was quite the handsome guy.

Gojo: Now please introduce yourselves

Yuji: Hey I'm Yuji Itadori

Megumi: Megumi Fushiguro

Yn: Yn Ln, Nice to meet you

Nobara:....Hmmm, this is it ?

Yuji: Um

Nobara soon sighed and then just decided to accept that this will be her new life for the time being.

After their introduction Gojo told everyone that they will be going somewhere nice which Nobara and Yuji were excited about, only for them to be standing in front of an abandoned building which caused both of them to look at Gojo in disbelief, Gojo quickly gave them the run down on what they are supposed to do and told Nobara and Yuji to go inside and exorcise the curse that's inside.

Yuji and Nobara quickly went inside, Leaving Yn, Gojo and Megumi alone.

Gojo: So what do you guys think ?

Yn: Regarding Yuji and Nobara ?

Gojo: Yeah

Megumi: They are annoying but I can't deny that they both have potential, especially Yuji and it doesn't help that he's the vessel for Sukuna

Gojo: And what about You Yn ?

Yn: Yuji seems like a child but I can tell he cares a lot about the people around him, as for Nobara, it's hard to tell but she seems like she has a lot going on in her head, maybe some unresolved problems but I'm sure when push comes to shove she'll be ready

Gojo: Hmm, it seems like you have a high expectation for the two of them but I can see why, man this might be the best year yet

A few minutes passed by and the duo still haven't come out of the building yet.

Yn soon sighed and then started to walk into the building.

Gojo: Getting impatient now Yn ?

Yn: Maybe, but I'll see what's going on

Yn entered the building and walked around until he sensed the curse, so he walked to its direction only for him to See Nobara and the curse which seems to be holding a kid hostage.

Yn was able to tell that Nobara was having a hard time deciding what to do so Yn decided to just give her a break for now. Yn stood next to Nobara which did surprise her.

Nobara: What are you doing here ?

Yn: You and Yuji were taking too long so I decided to get this over with

Nobara: Well we can't really do that since it has a kid

Yn: I'll deal with this

Before Nobara could argue with the tall male, Yn soon reached his hand out and formed cursed energy into it, the next thing she seen was a small pink petal form on his hand, The petal made its way to the curse.

Nobara was wondering what this small petal can do but before she could even talk, the curse swatted the petal away which really didn't sit right with Nobara.

Nobara: Really, that's it ?!

Yn: Just watch

Nobara soon looked back at the curse only to see the petal instantly go through the head of the curse which caused it to let go of the kid and scream in pain, Nobara quickly drew a nail from here bag and then launched it at the curse and the end result was its Death.

Nobara quickly looked back at Yn in curiosity.

Nobara: What was that ?

Yn: My curse technique, I could form my cursed energy Into a small petal and even control it and make it do what ever I please and if I add a little more power then it becomes as sharp as a sword

Nobara: Wow that's actually amazing

Before they could continue talking, they soon saw a hand go through the wall and it seems like it was Yuji.

Yuji: Oh hey guys, it seems like you already dealt with the curse

Nobara: What the hell ?!

Time Skip

After the whole Yuji punching through a wall incident, the trio regrouped with Gojo and Megumi and from there Gojo actually decided to treat all of them to a meal which Nobara and Yuji were the most happy about it, while Yn and Megumi were just neutral about it.

The group of people soon went back to the school, from there they all went their separate ways. Yn was currently laying down on his bed just listening to gentle music, until he heard a knock on his door.

Yn soon got up and made his way to his door and then opened it to see Nobara on the other side and it seems like she was in some sort of Pajamas but Yn wasn't going to judge her about it after all it's only sleepwear.

Yn: Yes Nobara, what do you need ?

Nobara: I was hoping to ask if you could help me unpack everything, cause I didn't realize how much stuff I had brought with me

Yn contemplated it for a second before he decided to just go and help her, after all he didn't have anything better to do.

Yn: Sure, I'll help you

Nobara: Thank you, come on

Nobara Took Yn to her room which Yn actually noticed that she has a slightly bigger room than him bu he wasn't going to complain about it since he really didn't care, after all it wasn't like he had a lot of stuff to begin with.

As Yn was helping Nobara unpack her things, they would ask each other some questions ranging from simple ones such as hobbies to some personal ones like Family and reasons for wanting to even be involved in the jujutsu world.

Yn just gave her simple and quick answers, after all he didn't mind answering its not like much would change if he decided not too, cause he was sure one way or another she would find out eventually, so why try and hide it ?

After some time had passed the two found each other just sitting down and talking about anything and everything, to the point that they were talking the night away, Yn soon realized the time and then excused himself and decided to leave her room but before he was able to leave, Nobara spoke up.

Nobara: Hey, are you busy tomorrow by chance

Yn looked at her in confusion but decided to just answer her truthfully.

Yn: No I'm not busy, why do you ask ?

Nobara: Well, I was wondering if you wanted to possibly do something tomorrow ?

Yn was kinda surprised with the sudden question but decided to accept and see where this goes.

Yn: Sure, sounds like fun

Nobara: Great !

Nobara soon got up from her bed and then started to push Yn out of her room.

Nobara: Okay so I need my beauty sleep and I'm sure you do too, so Good night and see you in the morning

But before Yn was fully out of her room, Nobara leaned up on her toes and then kissed Yn's cheek before closing the door.

Yn just stood there in shock and then reached his hand up to Touch his cheek, a small smile made its way to his face as he started to head to his room, until he ran into his Sensei Gojo who noticed his small smile.

Gojo: Quite the lady's man you've become

Yn: What are you on about now Gojo ?

Gojo: Oh don't act like you could hide it, after all I did see you go to Nobara's room

Yn found himself to be a little flustered with the fact that his goofball of a Sensei saw him go into her room.

Yn: it's wasn't anything like that Gojo

Gojo: Hey, I wasn't saying it was, so maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter

Yn soon got annoyed with the fact that he kinda got called out by his Sensei but he actually wasn't wrong about what he said, which did make Yn question if his mind was thinking negatively for no reason.

Yn: Whatever, Have a good night Gojo

Yn started to walk away from Gojo and then started to go to the path that lead to his room but before he did Gojo spoke up.

Gojo: Do you remember what I told Yuta ?

Yn stopped walking and then turned his attention back to his Sensei.

Yn: What do you mean ?

Gojo: Do you remember what I told Yuta, about his whole situation with Rika ?

Yn: Yeah I remember but which part are you referring to ?

Gojo: When I told Yuta that "Love is the most twisted curse of all"

Yn: Yeah, so what does this have to do with me

Gojo: You know the line of work we live in, so you should also be prepared for the hardships that come along with it

Even though Yn himself was a genius, he knew very well that he didn't have to be the smartest person in the world to understand what his Sensei was trying to tell him.

Yn: I understand what you are saying Gojo, but believe me when I say that I'm ready for whatever comes along with it

Gojo: Okay, I'll take your word for it, well Good night Yn

And just like that, Both Yn and Gojo went their separate ways, Yn soon entered his room and then laid down on his bed, thinking about what Gojo told him. After some time of thinking he decided to just get some rest.

The next Day

Yn and Nobara were currently walking around a shopping district that wasn't too far from the school, so far they went to a few shops...mainly Nobara since she got herself a few outfits that really caught her eyes while Yn mainly just got simple things like a couple of books or some seeds that he was planning to plant when he got back to the school.

Yn also insisted that he would pay for their things considering that he actually had some money from doing his missions, Nobara insisted that she can at least pay for herself but Yn just shot her down every time saying that it wasn't a big deal to him, so after some back and forth she finally agreed.

Currently Yn was carrying two small bags, one was his while the other was Nobara's, the girl soon made her way into another store while also dragging Yn along with her.
Nobara went to a changing room with some outfits and then came out in each one wanting Yn's opinion of each one, and so far he's only liked about three outfits out of the seven she brought with her.

After some time the duo soon made their way out of the store and into a food court, from there they looked around for something to eat until their eyes landed upon a small restaurant, they decided to check it out and see what did it have, and to their surprise the menu actually had a lot of options to dine on.

Nobara decided to just get some sweets while Yn decided to just get some sushi rolls to go.
The duo made their way out of the restaurant and decided to check around a little more before they go back to the school.

As they were checking around they soon came to a stop and then sat down and started to eat, but their peace was soon interrupted when a guy started to hit on Nobara, She was trying her best to give him signs that she's not interested but he simply wasn't getting them, so Yn decided to step in.

Yn: Can you not take a hint ?

The guy soon faced towards Yn and just glared at him.

Guy: How about you mind your own business

Yn: Well, she's my friend so she is my business, and it seems like you are making her uncomfortable, so how about you just leave ?

The guy soon started to get furious with how Yn was talking to him, The guy walk up to Yn and was about to punch Yn, but that didn't work out for him since Yn caught his punch and then brought the guy's arm behind his back and started to apply pressure to it, which meant that Yn was planning to brake his arm.

The guy started to whimper in pain, until Nobara got up and placed her hand on top of Yn's shoulder, Yn looked back at Nobara and saw her serious face.

Nobara: Yn, just let him go

Yn: Why, he didn't get the hint and even tried to punch me

Nobara: I know, but to be honest this guy isn't worth the time and effort and there is a good chance we can get in trouble if anyone finds out we attacked a civilian

Yn saw her reasoning even if he didn't like it, she was right this would only cause a problem for them in the long run, Yn soon sighed and then let go of the guy's arm and then pushed him forward which caused him to fall to the floor, the guy turned his attention to Yn and saw his glare.

Yn: Leave

The guy got up and started to run away as fast as he could, Yn turned to Nobara and bowed slightly.

Yn: Sorry about that Nobara, I don't know what came over me there

Nobara just placed her finger under Yn's chin and then lifted his face slightly and looked into his stunning Ec Eyes.

Nobara: It's fine, I understand why you did it just try to not let people like him get under your skin, they really aren't worth it

Yn: Yeah your right

Yn just gave her a smile which caused the girl to blush, never the less Nobara smiled back at him.

Nobara: Come on, let's finish are food and then go back to the school

Yn: Sounds Good

Time Skip

3rd POV

Yn and Nobara were now in Jujutsu tech walking through the hallways with their bags in their hands, they soon came to their first stop which was Nobara's room.
Nobara turned to Yn and stared at him with a small smile.

Nobara: Thank you for spending time with me today Yn

Yn: Your welcome Nobara, overall I enjoyed my time

Nobara: Well....maybe we could do this know another time

Yn was kinda shocked with her request but decided to stop beating around the bush.

Yn: You mean like a date ?

Nobara's face turned into a bright red because of her blush, but none the less she answered.

Nobara: Sure, just the two of us..I would like it's a date

Yn: Sounds good....but first, close your eyes

Nobara was kinda confused about why he would want her to close her eyes but none the less she closed her eyes, after a second she felt lips capture her own, she opened her eyes to see Yn kissing her, Nobara quickly melted into the kiss and instantly started to kiss back.

After a couple of seconds they pulled a part and then just stared into each other's eyes while pressing their foreheads together, Nobara gave one last quick kiss and then went into her room. Yn just smiled and then walked back to his room. Yn soon made his way back into his bed and then started to think about the events of today, He smiled to himself and then started to get some sleep.

Time Skip

Shibuya Incident

3rd POV

Yuji was currently running after the disgusting curse known as Mahito after the fact that he killed Nanami in front of him.
They kept running until Mahito saw Nobara and instantly started running towards her, Yuji kept calling out to her and telling her to move but it seems like it was too late.

Mahito was about to place his hand on Nobara's face, at this point everything went slow in Nobara's mind.

Nobara: 'I guess this is where I die...and me and Yn only started dating too...I hope he can move on from me'

But before Mahito could place his hand on her face, a pink petal went across his face and the next thing he knew, his arm was sliced off and he was punched away from Nobara.

Yuji and Nobara turned their attention towards the person who just appeared and saw Yn.

Yn was just glaring at Mahito, He soon turned his attention to his classmates and his glare went away.

Yn: Yuji, You and Nobara start to help the other and get the civilians to safety, from there start to look around and locate Gojo

Yuji: Okay but what about you ?

Yn: I'm going to kill this curse quickly and then start to regroup with the others

Yuji: Okay, stay safe, come on Nobara

Nobara: Okay, Be careful Yn

Nobara gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and then ran off trying her best to catch up with Yuji, Mahito slowly got up and then Glared at the sorcerer in front of him.

Mahito: Oh I know you, Geri told me a lot about you

Yn: Let's get this over with

Mahito: Aww, what's wrong, don't you want to have fun with me ?

Yn: No, just the sight of you makes me want to sew my eyes shut

Mahito became enraged by Yn's comment, So he quickly rushed towards him ready to strike him, but what he didn't noticed was Yn doing a hand sign and then saying.

Yn: Domain expansion- Blissful Sakura

Mahito was soon captured into Yn's Domain Expansion, Mahito soon looked around and found himself in the middle of a Sakura tree forest, but before he could do anything else he felt something cut his arm.

He looked at his arm to see that the pink petal was stabbed into his arm, he quickly removed it and then looked around until he saw Yn in a new outfit.

Mahito: What is this ?

Yn: My domain Expansion

Mahito: So, just a simple pink forest

Yn: No there's more to it than that

Mahito soon saw a bunch of pink petals invade him in a giant gust of wind but to make matters worse, the petals were cutting his skin like a hot knife through butter.

Yn: my domain expansion is amazing, I can control all the petals in this domain, and if you get cut by the petal then you start to lose a percentage of your cursed energy to the point where you are empty but my favorite thing about this is.....

Mahito soon realized that each one of the petals turned into a pink glowing sword.

Yn: I can also change the shape of the petal to be that of a sword, have you ever wonder what's it like being in a blender...well your about to find out

Mahito screamed in absolute agony and pain as the swords were cutting through his body like it was nothing, Yn saw the blood drip out of the gust of wind until he heard Mahito's screaming die down.

Yn deactivated his Domain and saw a puddle of blood on the floor and knew it was Mahito.

Yn: That's for Nanami

Yn soon ran off, trying his best to regroup with his friends and girlfriend, hopefully they are alright.


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