The Land Set Aflame

By keltonwelch

657 178 43

In the Kallawlands, everything burns. Prairies, homes, hearts - the wildfires will take it all. Some fires ar... More

Chapter 1: The Rogue Elemental
Chapter 2: The Lambent Lights
Chapter 3: The Nymph's Daughter
Chapter 4: The Heroes of Kernohest
Chapter 5: The Dancing Flame
Chapter 6: The Half-Spirit
Chapter 7: The Heart's Ember
Chapter 8: The Sleep Spell
Chapter 9: The Blacksmith's Furnace
Chapter 10: The Little Fireball
Chapter 11: The Mud Fight
Chapter 12: The Fairy's Hair
Chapter 13: The Muddy Escapade
Chapter 14: The Master
Chapter 15: The Loss
Chapter 16: The Ritual
Chapter 17: The Tallas Hills
Chapter 18: The Beasts
Chapter 19: The Healer's Touch
Chapter 20: The Nymph's Curse
Chapter 21: The Shadowflame
Chapter 22: The Messenger
Chapter 23: The Umber Well
Chapter 24: The Wizard's Tower
Chapter 25: The Wizard's Door
Chapter 26: The Wooden Ring
Chapter 27: The Talisman
Chapter 28: The Nymph's Kiss
Chapter 29: The Kallaw
Chapter 30: The Shadow Gate
Chapter 31: The Shadow Dryad
Chapter 32: The Tainted Forest
Chapter 33: The Master's Call
Chapter 34: The Swords of Oak and Shadow
Chapter 35: The Elemental Heart
Chapter 36: The Dance of Darkness
Chapter 37: The Obsidian Shard
Chapter 38: The Gust of Wind
Part 39: The Cursed Wound
Chapter 40: The Twilly's Count
Chapter 41: The Second Kiss
Chapter 42: The Mixed Blood
Chapter 43: The Dark Kallaw
Chapter 44: The Message
Chapter 45: The Bedroom
Chapter 46: The Nymph Queen
Chapter 47: The Magical Bow
Chapter 48: The Fireproof Pillow
Chapter 49: The Heart of Aevenwy
Chapter 50: The Protector
Chapter 51: The Single Strand
Chapter 52: The Fickle Heart
Chapter 53: The Whiteflame
Chapter 54: The Crossing
Chapter 55: The Crossing (Again)
Chapter 56: The Swallowing Vines
Chapter 57: The Three Arrows
Chapter 59: The Path
Chapter 60: The Wailing Spirit
Chapter 61: The Touch of Flames
Chapter 62: The Childhood Friends
Chapter 63: The Dark Pain
Chapter 64: The Heart's Burden
Chapter 65: The Sisterly Bond
Chapter 66: The Confusion
Chapter 67: The Whisper Blossoms
Chapter 68: The Talons
Chapter 69: The Rubble
Chapter 70: The Notebook
Chapter 71: The Flower Bed
Chapter 72: The Land Aflame
Chapter 73: The Gray
Chapter 74: The Heart Aflame
Chapter 75: The Homecoming
Chapter 76: The Firefight
Chapter 77: The Prejudice
Chapter 78: The Fireplace
Chapter 79: The Mended Flesh
Chapter 80: The Confidence
Chapter 81: The Chains
Chapter 82: The Strategy
Chapter 83: The Approach
Chapter 84: The Deal
Chapter 85: The Goodbye Kiss
Chapter 86: The Whispers
Chapter 87: The Bonds
Chapter 88: The Master of All Flames

Chapter 58: The Dryad's Magic

7 2 1
By keltonwelch

Callyndia took several steps towards Myndrith as the dryad extracted herself from the tree trunk and perched daintily on a sturdy branch, still several paces above Callyndia's head.

There was a haughty smirk on Myndrith's face as her eyes rotated back to look at Callyndia.

Blue eyes. Like a shadowfolk.

"I knew you could make men fall in love with you," Myndrith said, as her eyes rolled around to look suggestively at Svenden, "And even other fairies." She looked over at the crossing, where that mass of shadowy vines had just retreated from sight. "But I didn't know you could make a plant fall in love with you too."

Callyndia ignored her suggestive comment. "Myndrith, why are you doing this?" she asked.

Myndrith looked down at her with narrowed eyes. There was something very unsettling about the dryad in this state, and not just her wooden flesh and the charred, serrated ends of her hair and claws. Maybe it was the dismissively sinister look in her eyes — and their unnatural color — or maybe it was the tone in her voice. Something just seemed... off.

"Doing what, dear?" Myndrith asked.

Callyndia gestured to the woods. "All of this!" she said, "The shadow creatures... and the spirits are all afraid and restless, hiding in their trees. What have you done to the forest, Myndrith?"

Myndrith made a show of looking around her with disinterest. "I suppose they are feeling a little insecure," she said with a dismissive shrug, "They feel like they don't quite belong here anymore. But then, why shouldn't they? Perhaps they'll understand how I've felt all these years."

Callyndia narrowed her eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?" she asked, "We always welcomed you, Myndrith!"

Myndrith looked at her directly then, a knowing smile on her face. "You're a smart girl," she said, "I'm sure you can figure it out." She stood up and turned her back towards Callyndia. "When you do, come find me again."

"Wait, don't go!" Callyndia said.

"Don't worry," Myndrith said, "You're heading in the right direction, now that I've set you on the right path. I'm sure you'll find me, eventually. If you really want to."

She walked along the branch towards the tree trunk, and merged back into it.

"Myndrith, wait!" Callyndia said, "I—" She sighed in disappointment as Myndrith vanished, and turned back to look at Svenden. He was standing back a few paces, an adorable look of dumb confusion on his face. She smiled lightly at that.

But his face hardened a little, and Callyndia realized that she couldn't get back that little moment they'd almost had a few minutes ago, before Myndrith interrupted.

"I... I didn't make that plant fall in love with me, Sven," she said stupidly, "Er, Svenden. She was... Myndrith always had a bit of a sharp wit, and she tended to take jabs at the rest of the nymphs. It was all in good fun." Her heart thumped at her once, and she looked down in shame. "Mostly."

Svenden's expression was of pure skepticism. Callyndia couldn't blame him for that.

"She was always so different from the other nymphs," she said softly, still looking down in shame, "Different interests, different, um... She was so lonely most of the time. I always tried to be kind to her, so she could feel like she belonged. I guess I failed at that."

Svenden looked at her for a moment with an impassive expression on his face. Callyndia could feel his emotions roiling about beneath the surface, and she could feel him working to keep them bottled up. Eventually, he shoved them back so far that she could no longer feel them at all.

"I guess we're going this way?" he asked, pointing in roughly the same direction they had been traveling. He started walking without waiting for a response.

"Uh, Mr. Moon," Leofric called after him, "Aren't you nervous about simply following Myndrith's directions? I mean, obviously... well, perhaps she's attempting to lure us into a trap?"

Svenden looked at him for a moment before shrugging. "What else can we do?" he asked, "We already know where we have to go, so what choice do we have?"

"What about the fires?" Kithana asked.

Svenden turned to look up at the plumes of smoke that were rising over the trees in the distance. "I don't know," he admitted, "I'd rather be walking in the other direction right now, but it doesn't seem like we have much choice."

"Well, we should talk about it," Leofric said, "And we can plan our own route through the forest."

"Did you hear what she said?" Svenden asked.

Leofric frowned. "That we're heading in the right direction?" he asked, "But, I really think her definition of 'right direction' is probably different from ours. I'd just as soon choose our own path to get there."

"She said she put us on the right path," Svenden said, "When I say I don't think we have a choice, I mean it quite literally. It's more fairy magic! I don't think it's going to matter where we go: I think, from this point on, we're going to end up walking the path she wants us to walk, regardless of what we try to do. So, sure: if we see something weird, let's try to take the long way around it, but I bet you almost anything we won't recognize the hazards — like we didn't recognize the crossing — and we're going to end up walking where she wants us to walk anyway." He looked at Callyndia. "Unless you can counteract her fairy magic with more fairy magic?"

He was more intelligent than he gave himself credit for. More intelligent than Callyndia gave him credit for too.

Callyndia pursed her lips. "I think you're right," she said softly, "And I think she's shown that her magic has far surpassed mine now, so I doubt I can do anything about it. But, I don't think it's fairy magic anymore: it's shadow magic."

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