The Villains Supremacy

By FlowerBlossom1616

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WWE Women's Revolution happened in mid-2013. Stephanie McMahon dumped Divas Title in trash can while surround... More

Prologue(Surrounded By The Wolves)
1. Friendship Break Hurts
Preview: Blast From The Past
2. Seth-Becky First Meeting
Preview: Lunatic Fringe's Revenge On Diva Slayer
3. Heel RollYnch vs Heel Dean
Preview: Plotting The Downfall Of Miss Goody Two Shoes
4. Seth And Charlotte Rescue Becky From Ambrose Asylum
Preview: Becky And Charlotte Turn Enemies
Preview: Shield's Dilemma To Make Becky Lose The Match
6. Authority's Plotting Against Becky Lynch
Preview: Becky As Charlotte's Slave
7. A Heartbreaking Betrayal
8. Surrounded By Wolves
9. Charlotte's Slave Becky Doll
10. Becky's Helplessness Continues
11. Charlotte Supports Becky
Preview: Becky As Mermaid
Preview: Becky Saving Dean From AJ Lee's Kiss

5. Besties Turn Enemies

39 0 0
By FlowerBlossom1616

The following night, Brie was put into a handicap match by Nikki against Summer Rae and Cameron with Brie managing to defeat them after some efforts which did not pleased Nikki and Steph. Becky did not shown any concern as she was still very much not in Divas' support over Superstars'. To teach a lesson to Becky for not agreeing to participate in handicap match, she thought of a more dangerous match for Brie next week.

Next week on Raw, Steph called Becky in Authority office where only both were there.

"I want you to join other women in Brie's handicap match tonight," said Steph.

"And I still don't agree," said Becky.

Steph was frustrated.

"Just because I refused to participate in Nikki and then Brie's handicap matches you accused me to be a Diva Sympathizer. What about you giving Diva Nikki the favour to torture Brie?" asked Becky.

"Good question, Sweetie," replied Steph, "Look, I have no fondness for Nikki like I have for you, Charlotte and other Women Superstars. I only using Nikki to separate the sisters," replied Steph.

"Nice," praised Becky genuinely.

Steph noticed that she still has old Becky inside her.

"Okay then Brie's opponents for tonight are Eva Marie and Rosa Mendes," said Steph.

"Cool," said Becky unaffected.

"But there is a catch. Sasha and Alexa are joining them making it 4-on-1 handicap match for Brie. And there is one more catch that Brie will have her one hand tied," smiled Steph.

"Stephanie, this is too much. 2-on-1 was enough," said Becky shocked.

"If you agreed to participate then it would be only you, Eva and Rosa with Brie using both her hands," said Steph, "But since you refused I had to look for other options."

"So you are doing this to get back at me. I will only go and help her," said Becky.

She was about to leave the office but Charlotte and Seth entered and came before her.

"I knew you would take such a step so I was prepared," smiled Steph and (to Charlotte-Seth)I have to do some work. Till I return, make sure your dear friend don't leave the office."

Becky is shocked while the trio smirked. Steph then leaves the room. Brie's match was about to start which she was watching sitting on the couch with Charlotte and Seth . After Brie's entry, Nikki was introducing her 4 opponents who made their entry. Nikki was near the ramp watching over the ring. Becky got up to leave the office to help Brie but she was immediately pulled down by Charlotte.

"I won't let you spoil such a nice match," said Charlotte.

"So Stephanie appointed you both as my guards?" asked Becky sarcastically.

"Yes," replied Seth smiling, "And this may happen every week."

"I am not going to put up with this," said Becky.

"You have to, Honey," said Seth.

Becky saw the referee tying Brie's one hand and quickly stood up and started leaving. Charlotte and Seth immediately came in front of her.

"Where do you think you going?" asked Seth.

"Go and sit there quietly," said Charlotte.

"You both can't stop me now," saying this she pushed Charlotte on the couch.

Seth was about to grab her but she pushed him on the floor and blurted out something in low voice.

"Seth, you should guard your title more than me because tonight something may happen in your and Roman's tag team title defence against Rhodes brothers. A high and mighty force whom you all wronged from long and got rid of recently has his eyes on his tormentors. This is a warning from one Champion to another Champion," said Becky and ran out of the office as fast as she could.

He could see her eyes softening with concern while blurting out on danger on his title which was the same concern he would see for him during the times they were friends.

"We need to go after her and bring her back here before she reaches the ring," said Charlotte as she stood up.

"She said something regarding my title," said Seth.

"She is right now on rebels' side but may be a part of old Becky is still in her that's why she told you about this," said Charlotte.

Becky rushes to the ring where she first knocks down Nikki who was still standing near the ramp. She then rushed to the ring where Sasha was beating up Nikki badly. Becky knocks out Eva and Alicia easily and then kicks Sasha after entering the ring making the march end in no contest. She unties Brie's hand. Brie then handles Eva and Rosa while Becky goes to fight Alexa and Sasha. Nikki who recovered from Becky's attack sometime back joined Sasha and Alexa. Becky fought the 3 for some time but soon the number game worked against her with the 3 women especially Sasha and Alexa beating Becky. Brie who was fighting Eva and Rosa was unaware if Becky's situation. Becky tried to fight back but Sasha hit Becky in her face with her own Raw title belt knocking her down. Alexa was about to hit Becky who was still knocked out on the floor with the chair but Charlotte and Seth who reached the ring pulled her out of the way. Becky who was still recovering from title belt hit was relieved to be saved from Alexa's chair attack but on seeing her saviors she was shocked. Both gave her a disapproving look.

Charlotte took a mic and said coolly, "Ladies, you all were hitting on a wrong target. Your target should not be Becky but the one (looking at Brie who was still fighting with Eva and Rosa outside the ring)who was planned before my bestie ruined the plan."

Becky and Brie were shocked while Charlotte, Sasha, Alexa, Nikki, Eva, Rosa and even Seth smiled.

Nikki, Sasha, Alexa exited the ring and charging towards Brie when Charlotte handed Alexa the same chair she was about to use on Becky gesturing her with a smirk to use on Brie instead. Becky who was standing near Seth walked took a few steps to go and help Brie but she felt her hand grabbed by Seth who turned her around to face him.

"You are not helping her again, Honey," said Seth smirking which annoyed her.

The crowd who were booing Charlotte and Seth along with other heel women had some of them shouting 'RollYnch RollYnch' remembering their time as best friends and mix-gender partners in NXT and even on main roster for some time. Becky was embarrassed with this chant while Seth and even Charlotte smiled. She was about to go to help Brie but Seth quickly grabbed her one arm and Charlotte her another arm. They made her see the 5 heel women beating down Brie brutally while holding her in place to stop her from running to help Brie again. Becky could not get out of their hold as she had less strength was already beaten down by 3 women and with Charlotte and Seth especially Seth holding her after this there was no way she could free herself.

"You spoiled the match but we won't let you spoil the show now," said Charlotte still holding mic, "You think you can run from me and Seth and help Brie?"

She then laughs evilly as she drops the mic. They see Alexa now hitting Brie multiple times with chair with Charlotte, other heel women and Seth smiling while Becky looking helpless.

"Charlotte, this is wrong," said Becky trying to get out of their hold.

"From when you started talking about right and wrong, Becky?" asked Charlotte, "You are also very familiar with such shows. You even participated in doing this to more than half of men in NXT including Dean and Roman too. Now what happened to you? Just enjoy the show."

"I can't enjoy this level of brutality," replied Becky.

"You did earlier and you will do it again," said Seth.

"I won't," said Becky.

The 5 women left smirking after beating down Brie badly knocking her out completely.

"Show over, lets go back," said Charlotte coolly.

Both then dragged Becky in the Authority office by grabbing each of her arms.

"Leave me," shouted Becky, "Why you both have dragged me here like this?"

Now HHH-Steph, Dean, Roman and Randy were also in the room. Steph stepped forward.

"The more you run from Authority the more Authority will hunt you and we won't stop till we turn you into one of us. By now, you must have figured out what we could do to you," smiled Steph as she stroked her face with Becky still in Charlotte-Seth hold while Becky cringed at her touch.

"What next?" asked Becky, "You all will get me beaten too like you and Charlotte did to Brie?"

"If we wanted this then Charlotte and Seth would not have rescued you from Sasha, Alexa and Nikki's attack," replied Steph, "If they did not rescued you then you would be in medical room instead of Brie. Since you left side, you started losing your intelligence too."

She signalled Charlotte and Seth to leave her.

"Tonight what you did by interfering in Brie's match was unacceptable," said Seth, "Because of your impulsiveness and stupidity you could have got badly injured which eventually would have affected your title."

"Not me but what Stephanie did was unacceptable because of the kind of match she put Brie into," said Becky.

"That's none of your business. Stay out of these matches," said Seth.

"It's my business because Stephanie did it to get back at me for refusing to join other women in handicap match against Brie," said Becky.

"Look Becky, I just want you to stay out of danger," said Seth.

"But you just dragged me to this another danger here along with Charlotte," said Becky.

Seth got upset because of her unable to understand his concern which Charlotte saw so lost it.

"I don't understand what has gotten into you, Becky. Just Like Diva Slayer has turned into Diva Sympathesizer I won't be shocked if in the same way Irish Lass Kicker will turn into Irish Ass Shaker like Divas," taunted Charlotte.

"CHARLOTTE ENOUGH," Becky got enraged and slapped her hard across the face.

All were shocked. Charlotte was shocked and hurt but then looked at Becky with anger and slapped her back with equal force.

"I am fed up of your nonsense which I won't put it up with anymore, Becky," shouted Charlotte, "From a month, all you did was to put me down and insult me while showing yourself as righteous. You broke our friendship so easily. I tried many times to reconcile with you but you only drove me away every single time. From now, you are not my friend but an enemy."

"You became my enemy the day you joined Authority," said Becky pushing her on the floor.

Charlotte got up and pushed Becky making her land on the couch and cornered her.

"Don't even mess with me, Becky. You have seen my friendship till now but now you will see my enmity," said Charlotte hatefully staring into her eyes.

"I will also show you my hatred now instead of love which I have shown you till now," said Becky hatefully staring into her eyes and got up from the couch punching her hard.

Charlotte grabbed her hairs and dragged her across the floor before shoving her on the floor while saying, "From now, Terror Queen will unleash her on you too."

"As if Diva Slayer will let do all that," said Becky and stood up as they stared each other angrily.

Both got into a brawl fighting all over the Authority office hitting each other which was not like catfight brawl from Divas Era but actual brawl. Others got tensed seeing two women who were once sisters more than best friends fighting like this. Yes they did got into the ring against each other a few times but it was only as a wrestling which never affected their friendship.

"Boys, separate these both women," instructed HHH.

Seth-Dean grabbed Becky and pulled her back while Roman-Randy grabbed Charlotte and pulled her back. Both women tried to free themselves to charge at each other again but were held back firmly by the men holding them. HHH-Steph were too shocked to react.

"I never imagined I would see this day to see you both brawling like wild dogs. You both women will stay out of each other's way," warned Steph while both were still held by the men.

The same night, Roman-Seth had their title defense against Rhodes Brothers. As Becky blurted out indirectly warning, Big Show actually showed up to cause loss to Shield but they were prepared and handled him with the help of Dean who was at ringside and retained their title.(So Shield did not lose here as compared to the real event but are still Champions)

Becky who was watching the match backstage on a TV screen was shocked on realizing she blurted out indirectly about Big Show to Seth. She then wondered why she is happy at Shield winning if she is against them and Authority. She turned aside to see Seth beside her.

"Seth, you here. Now what you want? Did Stephanie sent you again to drag me to her office?" asked Becky irritated.

He simply smiled amusingly at her assumption and took her near a spot where cameras won't reach them.

"Thanks for your warning, Honey," replied Seth with a smile, "Had it not been your warning then we may have lost tonight. You still care for us somewhere."

"I am shocked at my blurting out," said Becky, "But what you said is just assumption."

"Time will tell that," said Seth and asked, "What did you know about Big Show?"

"I saw him around the venue while I was entering the venue for tonight's Raw," replied Becky, "So I simply assumed that he came for revenge and he may target your match too."

"And you did not think of informing this to us," said Seth.

"Why would I when I am against all of you?" asked Becky firmly.

"Still you did inform me about this, Honey," smiled Seth and left from there leaving her alone confused.

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