The Armored Butterfly

By Sainthoodsaint14

649 16 19

After fighting All-mind. Raven's AC unit gets sucked into the coral convergence, however instead of landing o... More



163 6 4
By Sainthoodsaint14

The coral convergence.

In all honestly, it was the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen. Coral as far as the eye could see gathering at a singular point. it was amazing.

The cost to getting here was well worth it in my opinion. wished 'cinder' Carla survived though. that women was something fierce. chatty too. but at the end of the day you can't have everything.

Shit, All-mind almost made sure of that. never again will i fight an ibis-series with two c-weapons, Never again! Only reason why All-mind didn't wipe the floor with us is cause she choose that dumbass Iguazu for her pilot. dude had everything in the bag but fumbled it all just cause he wanted to kill raven.

Of course, my pilot beat the fools ass seven day to Sunday... again, so there's no surprise there.

but anyway, here we are. All-mind's defeated, Iguazu is dead, The coral is alive and safe, and Rubicon isn't a barren wasteland. Raven was extracted from me a few moments ago and placed in side Ayre's AC. although those two won't admit it, they are definitely a couple. but i didn't mind. i loved them like family and was glad they finally had some alone time.

Of course since i had no one piloting me so i couldn't really move. but i didn't mind. i had a nice view over looking Rubicon and it kept me content. though i won't deny, although yes I'm sentient, for some reason i can't interact with anybody and that had me a little bummed out. i can only sit back and witness whats happening through my optics as my pilot absolutely kicks ass.

But hey, what can you do. i didn't let it really bug me cause at the end of the day... im a god damn hero of Rubicon. Bots like me don't whine about what we can't do, we power through and do what we CAN do.

Heh... i sound like NightFall.

???: *sigh*ima miss that old bird

and there i stood, just thinkin about what was next for me. thinkin what the next adventure was gonna be like. who knows maybe i-


Ow? ...did ...did a fuckin pipe hit me in the head?


OW! now my leg?! what the hell is happening?!


"HOLY SHIT!" i just got slammed into by a giant slab from what looks like the Xylum. fuck im being pulled into the convergence.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck, OH SHIT!" i was being dragged full force into the convergence and i couldn't stop. i just dangled into the coral, unable to move a limb. until i was directly flying into the core of it all.


and then i saw black.

*This is an intermission by a Chibi Minerva chilling a the beach drinking a tequilla*

----Main System: Activating STANDARD mode----

???: Ugh

i woke up to my noggin hurting a fuck ton. i did NOT expect a coral explosion of that size to hurt more than i originally predicted.

???: Jesus fuckin Christ, anybody got a number on what bus hit me?

siting up i started rubbing my helm to try and alleviate the pain. this shit was pounding in my head like a human migraine. i slowly opened my optics... and was greeted to a sight that had me a bit put off. i was in a scrap yard... a very BIG scrap yard. looking around i could see scrap, snow, and other stuff for miles, and for some weird reason, i felt as if i shouldn't be here.

i had this weird gut feeling that i was in some sort of sacred area, like a mass grave for fallen heroes or something like that. it fuckin unnerved me for sure.

so i pushed my hand to get up and finally noticed. whipping my head to my hand, i could see my arm move... move like i wanted it to.

???: w-wh-what? what i-is this?

Pulling my hands to my face i flexed my fingers. feeling my joints move as i closed my hand, then the feeling of my wrist twisting as i looked at the back of my hand. i could feel the cold wind hitting against my metal frame, the wet and muddy soil underneath my legs and feet. it was... amazing. it was so different too the muted and dull feeling i had before.

It was... EXCITING! i put my hands to the floor and pushed myself up. standing at my supposed full high, which was weirdly higher than before. around 293, ft tall to be exact, which is weird cause i originally was around 34 ft tall. so this added extra height was really confusing.

Shit everything about me was bigger, after a quick diagnostic check i could confirm that i was a giant ass robot. every part was oversized to the max, hell even the dual Zimmerman's on my back where bigger (not that I'm complaining).

???: this is... oddly exciting yet extremely terrifying. why the fuck am i so big?

i just couldn't wrap my head around why i was so big? could the coral convergence be a possibility? unlikely. don't get me wrong, coral is some funky stuff, but i doubt it has the power to overhaul an AC to whatever the fuck i am. maybe a quick diagnostic would help?

???: ...The fuck is a 'Mark 6'? ...and the hell is a 'Jeager'?

Yea, no. The more I read into the diagnostic to figure out what was up The more i only ended confused. Apparently i had blades in my arms that could deploy that emit an intense electrical field. said field reached from electrical to coral which is odd cause i don't use coral weapons for a very specific reason.

The Zimmerman's were also overhauled to the max, being reinforced and having the ammunition changed to something called K.D.R.'s or Kaiju desolation rounds. Again not a fuckin clue what was going on or why my ammo was changed to kill fictional creatures from that one country on earth. But i guess more research is needed... hooray.

Actually... why am i so fuckin stupid. i could just connect to the satellites and BAM! instant knowledge. who would thought that just connecting to wifi worked so easily.

...Don't ask me how i know that cause i don't know either and i can't tell if that honestly awesome that i don't have to sit down and study or insanely terrifying that some possible foreign entity is shoving ideas into my head without my consent. 

Moving on from that horrible revelation, i was greeted to humanity's worst creation.

The World Wide Web

anyways, searching for relevant data, timetable for the past 100 or so years, what the fuck is a 'Jeager', something called 'The breach', a Military branch called the 'Pan Pacific defense corps', yadda yadda yadda, and done. my only response to what I've seen is.

???: what da fuck? 

Apparently, and this is me giving out simplified version of what i've gathered, i've been sent to another world back in time to the 21st century where giant blue monsters known as 'Kaiju' are invading out of rift deep beneath the pacific and have been terrorizing most of humanity. as a sign to get their shit together, all the countries united to create giant machines called 'Jeagers' to whoop kaiju ass. they were on a wining streak a couple years back until the kaiju behaviors changed and they stared using different tactics like ambushing or playing dead.

now as of current, their are only three Jeagers left in commission and the P.P.D.C is being shut down in favor of a wall program thats supposedly being built in order to 'keep the kaiju out'.

What kind of fucked up world am i in?

???: Okay? so... i'm apparently a Jeager. *Looking at the gathered info and self-diagnostic* Huh, im a very RARE and overpowered Jeager. what astounding 'luck' i've been given.

and i I say that sarcastically cause:

A.) I'm just an AC thats just been Jeager'fied and so i move faster and hit harder than any other machine on the planet. with weapons that put any to shame.

and finally:

B.) I shouldn't exist. like literally. there are no records of a Mark 6 ever being built. the most advanced Jeager they have currently is a Mark 5 called Striker Eureka that was recently commissioned not that long ago.

so the fact is that if I'm ever found out, im either gonna be used to fight these Kaiju freaks or be ripped apart for R&D (Research and development). i wouldn't mind fighting again, to be honest it gives me a purpose and makes me feel alive.

But that was before i gained full control of my body. Now? i just wanna explore and see what i could do with my new body.

???: Hmmm, i should probably figure out where i am. pretty sure im not somewhere local cause of all this scrap.

A quick search should probably do it. a quick search of big ass icy scrap yard and... and... and... oh... oh... oh shit... fuck. No wonder i had that gut wrenching feeling, i ended up in one of the most saddest and most gut wrenching reminders of humanity closing extinction.

I was in...

Oblivion Bay

*The is an intermission by a chibi Minerva standing on a hill watching the rising horizon*

A good 2 months had passed since then. of finding out that sad ass revelation and honestly i was depressed. and i had two reasons why.

A.) cause i had no other choice but to hide in Oblivion bay unless i wanted to be found out. was this selfish and disrespectful. yes, did i hate it? most definitely. but i wasn't gonna allow humanity to use me to fight there battles. yea sure i was an AC and thats what i was built for before. but now I'm fully sentient and i have complete control over my motor functions.

the thought of being forcefully piloted and having all motor function robbed from me literally scared me. Being a Slave that was constantly deployed into battle without a care from my health and safety was something i didn't want to experience.

B.) i felt like i was wasting away in this graveyard. being here felt like i was always disrespecting the dead who fought hard to protect the innocent. everywhere i looked were Mangled and dismantled Jeager corpses everywhere. and it unnerved me to hell and back cause sometimes the wind would pick up and flow through there bodies, creating unnatural sounds that made the deceased heroes sound like they were in constant agony.

and i felt like a piece of shit. cause here i was. the pinnacle of otherworldly tech. and yet i'm too afraid to leave cause i don't want to lose my freedom.

It fuckin sucked.

???: *sigh* who would've thought, the great Minerva Reginlaze 'Hero of Rubicon' is an actually pussy. God i wish i could go ba-.






...Shit, humans are probably near by. but why are they this far out? i was in the deepest parts of the Oblivion bay, where nobody really ever came out too. mostly out of superstitious fear of the dead soul haunting those who trespass.

Honestly kinda inclined to believe that one, but getting back on topic! this was weird. like i said earlier, these were the deepest parts of the bay. where the older jeagers who had fallen in combat were laid to rest. so their really shouldn't any reason why they should be out here this deep.

Minerva: Hhhmmmm

Normally i would've stealthy hid myself until they left, but this had me a bit intrigued. something or someone had their interest enough that they would could out to the deepest parts of the bay and i wanted to find out what. so with careful precision i snuck'd over to see what was up.

hiding behind a distant mound of scrap, i peered over and watched. in the distance were a company human in construction clothing and equipment moving piles of stuff out of the way. from saws and welders to mobile cranes and dump trucks. whatever was happening, i could tell it was for something big. Now... i just need to wait and see what.

12 hours later

Perks of being a machine? you don't really get tired. i had sat in the same position for a good 12 hours and i wasn't feeling any fatigue or anything of the sort. sure i still had to power down here and their to recharge but that was rare to be honest.

but getting back to what i was currently watching, they had finished clearing out all the junk and were cleaning up there equipment. the amount of space they had cleared up in a short amount of time was actually incredible.

Minerva: Who would thought. Human really do work quick if they put their minds to it.

looking over the location, the cleaned up area was very large. large enough for me to walk around by looks of it. but now comes the real question. what is thi-


Helicopter? 8 no 16 copters? why so many? 

Peaking out a bit more i looked around and saw a bunch of silhouettes in the distance that i couldn't make out, really needed to clean out my lenses. shifting around to make sure i was properly hidden i waited till they got closer. and when they did is when i finally understood why they cleared an open space in the bay.

Held by four strong ass wires and sixteen helicopters was a navy blue Jeager with red and white stripes and three back fins that had seen better days. it was Missing its left arm, it had a puncture wound around the left area if its chest, and it had a nasty gouge in the right side of its head. i visibly cringed at what i saw cause it looked as if had been through a possibly refit but look like whoever started gave up. plates on its legs were missing and the right arm look charred.

Minerva: Jeez Louise, what the fuck happened to you.

Kaiju attack obviously, but... i'd never seen one so fresh and gnarly looking before. Shit, if i didn't feel self conscious of where i was then i definitely did now.

looking around, i saw what looked like a foreman preparing for the 'package'. taping into the radio frequency i listened in hoping to figure what was going on.

Foreman: -ther Mark 3 huh? who would thought. honestly thought Emerald Frenzy was the last Mark 3 sent to us.

Worker: Nah, they had this one in storage in case they wanted to refit her for battle. but because of the cut in funding the P.P.D.C had to let some assets go. Her included.

Foreman: Shit really? must really be the end of the world if those ass lickers are getting rid of our only defense. *sighs* anyways what her story anyways? never seen this Mark 3 before.

Worker 2: you shit'n me? you've never heard about gispy danger and what happened with the becket brothers?

Gispy Danger huh? so 'Its' a 'She'. who would've thunk it.

Foreman: Nah been outta the loop for awhile. but assuming by your tone its something i should know about?

Worker: Hell yeah, they went out on a mission to intercept a kaiju and save a boat of people. theres no footage but the boater said that Gipsy was whooping ass one sec the next... the kaiju was tearing her up.

...Fuck. sound like one of those stories that i've read, the ones with the kaijus using tactics.

Foreman: Whoa, but hold on. how do you go from whooping ass to getting torn up the next. it sounds like they had it in the bag?

Worker 2: they did Holmes, they did. apparently they shot the pendejo twice and it went down, only for the demonio to just get back up and surprise them. poor fuckers weren't ready and lost an arm for it, que dios bendiga sus almas.

Damn thats brutal. i look to the jeager that they were lowing to the ground with a twinge of sadness 

Foreman: hold on, you saying the Kaiju played Possum?

Worker: yup, that was the first ever recorded event of a kaiju using a tactic. and the beckets paid the price finding that out. you see the gouge on the right side of the head.

the foreman nods

Worker: thats where the kaiju ripped out the eldest Becket and tossed him to his death. his brother had to solo pilot the jeager against the kaji and beat it by overloading the jeagers plasma canon.

Foreman: fuckin'a. and what did both Beckets die?

Worker 2: Nah Holmes, the youngest is still alive. he solo'd all the way back to Alaska's shore where he crashed with his Jeager. he's known as the second person ever recorded to solo pilot a jeager for so long.

Dropping out of the conversation, i thought to myself. this was really fuckin depressing. to hear that and to see the physical evidence of what was really showed how fucked everything was.

Damnit all to hell, why couldn't i have been sent to a world with magic or some shit. *sigh* damnit, as much as i don't want to do this, i probably am. im going to see if i can scrounge anything from that jeager. hopefully battle logs that were left over or remnant tech that was used for drifting.

Yea sure, i could probably find the specs online or illegally. But at the same time i think its better to get a hands on experience and see how the tech works.

For now though... i just gotta wait for these people to leave.


Hey! if you want more stories, hit me up on patreon. any money you send helps me alot!

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