Deep inside recaps

By rahfr3aky

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In this mini-chapters of Deep Inside you get to experience the world and relationship of Chris and Amanda... More

NIGHTCAP 2- Secret Pleasure
NIGHTCAP 3- Sex Me Good
NightCap 4- Angst
Night Cap 5: Double Pleasure


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By rahfr3aky


Nearly three weeks had gone by since I relayed to Chris that I was willing to give it a try.

Three weeks of fantasizing; fingering myself into explosive orgasms with thoughts of another woman doing to me, what naturally, was a man's job.

I was every bit of nervous. Anxiety could not describe the jittery' sensations I was experiencing. I tried going through the motions in my mind as to how the event would possibly' turn out, but it just did not go smooth sailing in my imagination.

We were at the Musso and Frank Grill—a local bar/restaurant located on Hollywood Boulevard in California. Sitting at a table close enough to the entrance, Chris and I were able to view everyone corning and going. Per rules we had established, I was to choose whom we would select as the "lucky" partner. I had yet to see anyone of interest.

Though the evening was still young. I was about ready to call it quits and retire. But then, she caught my eye. Maybe it was the aqua color of her dress that radiated with demanding attention—or maybe, the way she waltzed her way into the joint as if she owned the damn city-

that made me look up in time io make eye contact.

She squinted her eyes into sexy slits and held my gaze for a few seconds too long. From where I was seated, I could make-out the slap of her perfect sculpted lips that were touched to match her long and silky dress. Her skin color was that of honey-gold, like she ascended from an exotic island of some sort. The long, thick lashes on her eyes flickered captivatingly. A small mole on her right cheekbone accentuated mass sex appeal. It's as though she was sketched, drawn, and painted into this fine masterpiece of art.

The final straw that convinced me she was the one was when she did that womanly thing with her head, then tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. She did it with so much allure that it made my braless nipples hard and everything below the waist-level clench.

With my eyes glued to her long, auburn-hair that flowed as gracefully as did her long dress when she whisked off towards the bar, I whispered to Chris, "Her right there."

Chris was in the middle of taking a sip from his wine glass, and when his eyes landed on her, he choked on his drink, erupting into a coughing fit.

"God!" he breathed out, then smiled. "She's...beautiful."

Instantly, I felt a tinge of jealousy creeping along, but quickly my insecurities aside.

We sat there for a moment just watching her every move. She kept looking at her watch and at the front entrance every so often; apparently waiting on a date. Occasionally, she glanced my way, but didn't hold eye-contact for as long as she had when she'd first arrived.

"Well...should I approach her?" Chris finally asked.

I looked over at him with slanted eyes. My stern stare made him throw his hands up in surrender.

"You're show," he said, then allowed me to return to considering the best possible approach.

As a waiter strolled by, I got his attention and ordered her a shot-vodka on the rocks. Her drink didn't take long to be delivered. I watched as the waiter spoke to her then pointed in my direction.

She smiled, held her glass to the hair, and mouthed, "Thank you!"

I returned the expression of gratitude, and then left the ball in her court. Either she would come over and make a formal introduction, or stay with that fairly shaped butt stuck to that stool waiting on Mr. No-Show to continue standing her up.

It did not take her long to decide. Although I acted like I was not looking her way. I could

see the bright color of her dress from my peripheral, moving through the throngs of people towards our table.

Only when she was fairly close did I look up.

My heart skipped a beat.

She was so drop-dead gorgeous!

Standing close enough to invade my personal space, she said, "Just wanted to thank you guys for the drink. By the way. my name is..."


"It's a pleasure, my dear," she replied. "This is my fiancé, Chris. And I'm Amanda." She

held out her hand to me, and when our fingers connected, something sparked inside of me; the same as when we had made eye-contact when I'd first walked-in.

I pulled my hand back quickly. Amanda didn't seem to notice my nervous reflexes, and if she did, it was brushed off with a dazzling smile.

Amanda pulled out the chair next to her. "We wouldn't mind your company if you feel up to it," she offered.

I looked at my watch for the umpteenth time and knew that he had stood me up once again. I was so sick and tired of his games. So, hurt and wounded by his uncaring and neglectful ways.

The hell with him! I mentally cursed Darren.

Needing to unwind by flushing the toxins that was Darren from my system. I settled into the seat next to Amanda. The evening moved along fairly well—idle chit-chat. flirty comments, appetizers. Foreign dishes, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

When I suggested that we order dessert before ending the night. Amanda said....


"Me and Chris were actually have Jar for dessert!"


Oh!' I gasped, somewhat taken aback by her straight forwardness, but also, so intoxicated by her heated words that my skin flushed a scarlet pink.


Now, we're in a suite at Hotel Indigo. The room is exceptionally big. with an extravagant-view of the bay-area. The thick, crème-colored shall-to-wall carpeting feels like sheep fur beneath my feet. The black-sheer curtains are cut and designed with fashionable grace. The powdered-blue walls are like brazen backdrops against the lit structure. Both women are waked and blindfolded; Amanda lies on the bed, spread eagle. Stefani sits on the loveseat with all of her glory exposed as well.

I'm standing at the foot of the bed, staring down at Amanda. Her mocha-colored skin glistens from the oil I've applied to her body. Her lips are brushed a flaming red the same as are her fingernails and toenails. Below, at the center of her being, she's completely shaved. Vaginal lips paned like a river leading to an open sea Contours of those lips so fat and plump and juicy- looking

I trail a finger from one foot up her calve knee, thigh, hip, stomach, breast...then back down in reverse.

She moans. Oooooh..."


He whispers, "Baby, I'm going to eat your sweet pussy while Stefani listens. Then, I'm going to eat her while you listen to me suck her pussy. Is that okay?"

It is!

The gruffness of his voice makes my hormones rage fire in all sorts of directions. My body is beyond blazing. The center of me budding in anticipation for his slapping tongue. I feel his hands on my thighs pulling me to the edge of the bed.


Listening to the sucking sounds of his mouth, with the blindfold bound tightly over my eye, I can only envision how Chris is eating Amanda. The visions that strike me are erotically imperial. Her moans are exotic and courses over my body like an Indian summer wind. Makes me touch myself in their moment of lust. Makes me squeeze and tug and pat my womanly flesh. Makes me moan and purr and...come!


Amanda comes in a howling praise to my magical tongue. Comes as I dip and twirl my tongue into the opening of her heat. Secretions so sweet and bitter against my taste buds that I'm wanton for more. I search deeper with my tongue as my nose presses against her tiny bundle of nerves. She humps herself onto my mouth, gasping, trembling, then coming again. Twitching and breathing heavily, she turns over onto her side, curling into a fetal position—an indication that she's done for now.


First, he touches me. The feel of his hands an inebriated singe to my skin. His fingers touch me lightly at the inner thighs, causing goosebumps to form on my body. His mouth crashes into mine in a careful kiss. The smell of his breath commingled with the sharp scent of Amanda, makes me wrap my arms around his neck like he's a replacement for Darren. My pierced nipples nib against his chest, sending shivers tumbling over my breasts. He cups my ass and scoots me to the edge of the settee. Leans me backward until I'm lying on my back with my butt and thighs hanging off the loveseat; thighs spread wide apart for him to feast. His mouth travels to my chest, licking around my erect nipples, flicking the metal piercing will the tip of his tongue, bringing forth incoherent murmurs and squeals bursting from my throat.

Strumming my middle with his fingers, he feels how wet I am; how much soaking-of-a- damage I'm doing to his fingers. He curses my extreme wetness, and—maybe he's forgotten that he's supposed to warm me up with the foreplay of his tongue plunges into me. I don't complain nor make demands, as he fits me just right, slashing my walls with an abbreviated tempo. Feels like he's a least eight-inches of man stretching –what is supposed to belong to Darren­–a bit wider, a bit deeper with each stroke.

In the background, I hear the moans and encouraging words of Amanda, goading him to fuck me senseless. His thrusts are so powerful that the blindfold shifts a fragment of an inch.

Now, I have somewhat of a realistic vision of him.

And her.

She's on the bed. Thighs spread wide apart. Wet glistening fingers circling roughly around her clit.

The mouth of her sex leak's shiny fluids down her swollen lips. She throws her head backas does Chris, both of them growling like wounded beasts. Her pleasure makes me follow suit. I arched my mouth open into a big O, coming onto Chris' condom-covered phallus. Images of Amanda ricocheting before me, making me come even harder.

But still, him alone is not enough. Truth be told, she was the only reason I come here with them in the first place. She was the reason why I was able to come all over him I had anticipated that there would be more action starring her.

And that's why...


I remain wanton...

stay tuned.... the next chapter is next week. muah

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