F1 group chat (continued)

By kiaraaaafraserrrr

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this is a continued story from my other account which i sadly do not have access to any more@kiaraaafraserrr More

Seb's Rules
Carlando Together
Twitch Quartet And Antonio Cooking
Valterri Memes
Never Have I Ever (F2)
Grid Kids
F1 and F2 +Pick Up Lines
Idiots + Incident Aftermath
Name Refresher!
Chap 14🦆

You Messed Up

569 12 5
By kiaraaaafraserrrr

11:20 PM the night of wedding

Random Bird POV:

Carlos was sat in the living room on the couch completely zoned out. Although it wasn't unusual that he did this, it was the thoughts that flooded his mind. Lando with Oscar, he was so sure they had something going on regardless of both of them being in relationships. Carlos took a sip of his drink, he wasn't sure what was in it but it was good.

"Carlos come look what Alex and Zhou are doing" Charles barged into the room laughing not being able to hold himself up. Obviously he had been drinking like everyone else.

"do you think Lando is cheating on me?" Carlos asked still blankly staring ahead at the wall infront of him.

"what?" Charles stopped laughing and stared at Carlos confusion filled his mind "Carlos what do you mean?"

"you know what I mean Charles, I mean have you seen those two together?" Carlos dragged his eyesight to Charles.

Charles saw the sad look on his friends face and made his way over to him. "Carlos are you sure they aren't just great friends like you and I?"Charles rested a hand on Carlos' shoulder and sat next to him.

"I don't know Charles maybe i'm needy but Lando never wants to be around me anymore and he just seems so sick of me" Carlos sighed. "I don't know Carlos anything could be wrong, but please don't worry about it that much" Charles tried to comfort Carlos with his words.

"now we can't have you sitting here by yourself, come with me" Charles said standing up and taking Carlos' free hand the other still holding the drink.

"Arthur come join us" Zhou shouted. "yeah the floor tastes super good" Alex also shouted to Arthur. Arthur wasted no time, he ran over the the two boys on the floor.

"no Arthur don't do that" Charles shouted letting go of Carlos and running off to save his brother from the two very high drivers.

Carlos didn't mind being by himself the others never realised he was in the same room or when he wasn't in the same room. Maybe that's why Lando didn't want him, because he forgot he was there, because maybe he wasn't loving Lando enough.

Carlos made his way into the kitchen, he had just finished his drink and was thirsty for more. As he walked through the door George ran into him looking stressed. "Carlos umm follow me you don't want to be in the kitchen" he said hesitating and looking around as though he was hiding from someone. "why not?" Carlos questioned folding his arms over his chest giving George a look.

George didn't say anything but he grabbed Carlos' wrist and pulled him away. Carlos pulled his arm back "George what the heck?" George stayed silent looking at the floor "i'm sorry but listen please" George pleaded. Carlos dipped his head in response letting George speak "for your sake don't go in there, please" Carlos nodded slowly giving George a confused look. 

"I can't say but just don't" George spoke with such worry that it worried Carlos "okay I understand, I won't go" Carlos said putting a reassuring hand on George arm. George nodded and walked off, leaving Carlos alone.

It's just one drink he will be in and out in seconds, whatever George is afraid of him seeing he will avoid it and be quick. 

Carlos looked around to see if George was near, he looked scared and he didn't want him around to see Carlos breaking the rule he told him not to do. Carlos kept looking around cautiously as he made his way back to the kitchen doorway, Carlos could hear two people talking but didn't recognise who voice was talking.

Carlos ignored the two people talking and didn't want to interrupt their conversation. 

Carlos quietly but quickly walked into the kitchen. The two people who were talking came into view. Carlos dropped his glass on the floor he felt shocked but confused, it suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe properly. The glass broke on the floor breaking the silence.

The two people who were meant to be talking turned around. "Carlos" Lando spoke. Before Carlos realised tears fell down his cheeks blurring his eyes. Carlos suddenly felt a wave of anger wash over him. Carlos swung his arm, his palm met with Lando's cheek. Lando gripped his cheek with his hands. "Carlos what the fuck?" Lando yelled.

Carlos didn't react his face was red, hands balled into fists. Carlos stared at the person who was just kissing Lando. "Carlos i'm sorry, please" he said. "What do you have that I don't?" Carlos said hurt filled his voice. "I was right" Carlos spoke again, shaking his head.

"Carlos please we can explain" Lando pleaded standing back up again. Carlos couldn't control himself, the anger he felt against Lando was something he had never felt before. Carlos was right about his suspicions and everyone treated him like he was crazy. 

Before Carlos knew what he was doing his fist collided with Lando's face. Lando stumbled back in shock "stop standing there get help" Lando said quickly before Carlos hit him again. The guy Lando was kissing was shocked he had never seen Carlos this mad before. Even though he heard Lando's words to get help he just couldn't move.

After Mick had gone to apologise to Seb about his swearing he decided to get a drink from the kitchen to relax himself. Not even a step into the kitchen and he saw Carlos punching Lando whilst Lando was trying to hold him off. 

Mick reacted quickly grabbing a plate off the counter and hitting Carlos over the head.

Carlos took a step back trying to recollect what was happening. his back touched the wall and he just dropped to the floor sliding down the wall, crying his eyes out mumbling the words 'sorry' over and over, knees pulled to his chest and his head down.

It took Mick a while to realise someone else was in the kitchen with them, Mick realised how much shock he was in, not moving a muscle. Mick took a step towards him laying a hand on his shoulder "Oscar what happened?" Mick tried asking but Oscar still didn't move.

Mick redirected his attention to Lando laying on the floor groaning in pain "Lando are you alright?" Mick asked sitting next to Lando. "Fuck" Lando groaned again, "come on sit up, I will grab you some ice" Mick said helping Lando stand up and walk him over to a chair. Mick quickly went to the freezer for an ice packet.

Lando looked up to realise Oscar still standing, it looked as though Oscar wasn't breathing and was just a statue "Oscar you okay?" Lando tries but no reply from Oscar.

Mick came back over to the chair fussing over Lando making sure he was okay. Lando said he was fine and wanted Mick to help Oscar who was still standing in the middle of the kitchen. Mick made sure Lando was all good before going over to Oscar.

Mick looked into his eyes trying to get a sense of life in Oscar but all he saw was a scared kid not able to move or do anything. "Oscar?" Mick tried but still no reply.

Mick decided it was useless to try and talk to him. Mick reached out and wrapped Oscar in a hug. Mick could hear the silent sobs from Oscar's mouth "It's okay I got you" Mick comforted squeezing Oscar harder "can you tell me what happened?" Mick tried.

"I'm sorry I didn't expect it to be like that, it wasn't supposed to be like that" Oscar said pulling away from the hug to look Mick in the eyes to justify himself. "okay, its okay just sit down over here" Mick guided him to the chair next to Lando.

When Oscar saw Lando he immediately hugged him "i'm sorry I really am" Oscar said into his shoulder "stop Oscar it's okay , we didn't have a choice" Lando said trying to comfort Oscar.

"Sorry but may I ask what you didn't have a choice about?" Mick asked cautiously. "Cheating on our boyfriends" Lando spoke up. "what?" Mick was confused, what do they mean? 

Carlos felt like he was going to be sick. The loud music playing n the house was definitely not helping, he made his way outside into the backyard and sat on the soft green grass Why did I do that? Carlos thought to himself. Carlos felt alone outside in the cold, he decided to call him mother maybe she could cheer him up.

The first time Carlos called there was no reply so he called again and finally she picked up.

-Carlos what do you want?

His mother sounded bitter with her words.

-Lando cheated on me.

He spoke quietly but loud enough for Reyes to hear.

-why are you calling me?

She spoke with the same bitterness from before.

-because your my mamá, your supposed to help me.

He said tears streaming down his face.

-Carlos stop being a baby, it's not my fault you can't get one person to love you.

-your so pathetic, how are you my son when you act like this?

She said spitting her words with anger.

-but mamá please.

Carlos pleaded crying louder.

-Carlos I don't want to hear it, goodbye and don't call until you start acting like a grown man.

She said hanging up the phone.

Carlos poured his heart out on the ground, he picked up the chair closest to him and threw it on the ground breaking the chair "FUCK" he screamed.

Someone must have heard because Carlos had only just realised Fernando opening the door and running over to him. "Carlos, ¿qué te pasa?" (Carlos, what is wrong?) Fernando asked with concern. "¿Por qué la gente no me ama?" (why don't people love me?) Carlos sobbed. 

"Don't say that, people do love you" Fernando said. "no, they don't" Carlos cried out "i'm so pathetic and weak" he dropped his head. "no your not Carlos, what about Lando? he loves you" Fernando tried. "he cheated on me, so obviously I did something wrong, I can't do anything right" Carlos sobbed. Fernando was shocked he could have sworn Lando loved Carlos deeply more than he had ever seen in his life "oh Carlos, come here" Fernando pulled him into a hug, Carlos crying his eyes out. Fernando felt rage for Lando, how dare he do that to Carlos.

"Carlos me and Mark will love you" Fernando said. Carlos kept crying he felt so defenceless.

"Who was it?" 

"Oscar" Carlos replied quietly. Thats when confusion hit him how could Oscar do that, he knew his 'son' and it certainly wasn't like him. "come on, let's get you to bed now" Fernando said. Carlos only nodded in response feeling tired and wanting sleep.

Fernando didn't speak a word of what happened to anyone neither did Mick. Lando had gone to sleep and so had Oscar. One thing that crossed both Fernando and Mick's mind was 'where was Logan?'.


Lando had woken up forgetting everything that happened and wondered why he was in his room instead of Carlos'. He got up and made his way down to his room knocking on the door. A tired Carlos opened the door. Suddenly the memory of what happened came back "Carlos i'm sorry let me explain what happened" Lando said

"NO, I'M NOT LETTING YOU IN GO AWAY" Carlos yelled feeling anger again and not wanting to hurt Lando. "I'm sorry Carlos" Lando said louder.

"No I don't want to see you" Carlos raised his voice again. Lando felt more angry now that Carlos was rejecting his sorry. "You don't even know what you did to Oscar, how scared you made his feel" Lando yelled again. "SHUT UP LANDO, YOU THE ONE THAT CHEATED ON ME WITH OSCAR YOU PUT HIM IN THAT POSITION" Carlos yelled. "AND YOUR THE ONE WHO CAN'T CONTROL THEMSELF" Lando yelled back.

"stop yelling we are trying to sleep" Mick had woken up from the yelling and decided to shut them up as many people were complaining. Carlos pulled Mick into the room Lando following behind slamming the door shut. "did you know?" Carlos asked Mick. "no I didn't" Mick replied.

"Carlos stop bringing people into this it's not fair" Lando yelled at him. "i'm not your the one messing up" Carlos yelled back. Mick couldn't stand the yelling it made him scared, he quickly messaged Kimi to get him.

Carlos and Lando kept yelling at each other when Kimi opened the door. "What?" Carlos asked "shut up your so loud" Kimi said walking into the room grabbing hold on Mick's hand to lead him out. "it's not my fault" Lando screeched. "I don't care who's fault it is, go back to your rooms" Kimi spoke coldly but getting his point across. 

Lando stormed out of the room and back to his own. Kimi had taken Mick back to his room and let Mick cuddle into him until he fell asleep, Kimi also eventually fell asleep.

The whole house was finally quiet, everyone back to sleep.


took a while to write lol i wrote most in class (oops)

i also almost cried in class whilst writing that phone call

GOOD JOB MAX AND CHARLES they did amazing, Oscar also did absolutely amazing same as Carlos. I WAS SO SOS SO SCARED WHEN LANDO GOT IN THE CRASH but overall it was an okay race

2211 w

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