Grid Kids

391 8 1

HONEY BADGER🦡 added Nico Hulkenberg to the chat

HONEY BADGER🦡 changed Nico Hulkenberg to Hulk

HONEY BADGER🦡 added Liam Lawson to the chat

Arthur Leclerc changed Liam Lawson to Kiwi🥝

HONEY BADGER🦡 changed Arthur Leclerc to Mini Leclerc

Mini Leclerc: HEY 😡

Lion🦁: who are grid kids?

Albono: what are grid kids?

HONEY BADGER🦡: i'm adding Nicholas back so that he can collect his grid kids

Shirtless baby: Nicky has grid kids?

Albono: again WHAT ARE GRID KIDS?

Shirtless baby: I don't know

HONEY BADGER🦡 added Nicholas Latifi to the chat

Nicholas: what, again?

HONEY BADGER🦡 changed Nicholas Latifi to Nicky

Nicky: you all are psychopaths


Nando: us parents have secretly "adopted" you

Esteban: who are the parents?

Tripod: I KNOW 

Esteban: spill

Nando: NO Pierre let them guess

Tripod: okay 

Lando is okay: Seb is definitely a parent

Grid Mum: no i'm not

Tripod: DON'T LIE 

Grid Mum: okay okay okay fine

Stupid: I got this, first off most parents will be above 30

Lion🦁: BUT that does not mean they HAVE to be above 30

Stupid: secondly it would have to be people in a couple 

Lion🦁: unless one parent is single

Stupid: so that means, Seb and Kimi, Nico R and Lewis, Nando and Mark, Daniel and Tonio

Lion🦁: so if your in a relationship and above 30, raise your hand





Stupid: and there you have it our parents

Lion🦁: to make it more clear, Kevin and Hulk, Checo and Valterri

Golden Retriever: ohhhhh so thats what that noise was

Grid Mum: 🤨

Grid Mum: 🤭

Grid Mum: 😡

K-Mag: oops

Sir Lewis: wow, well done Charles I would have never thought you could think like that

Stupid: I don't think anymore

Britney: someone please check up on him

Shirtless baby: your his dad you should

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