π—™π—”π—¨π—Ÿπ—§π—¦ | anakin skywalk...

By jouskawriting

26.2K 969 261

Akya Sagral is no Jedi. Not yet. And in her situation, you'd think she may never get there. Yet, the midic... More

✰ 1. akya
✰ 2. anakin
✰ 3. see me. feel me. know me.
✰ 4. everyone makes mistakes
✰ 5. jedi don't have nightmares
✰ 6. things no one can fix
✰ 7. risks taken
✰ 8: your pain is my pain
✰ 9: anything that you ask
✰ 10: what i do when i'm missing you
✰ 11: trials and tribulations
✰ 12: the new padawan learner
✰ 13: ready, steady...
✰ 14: the reality of war
✰ 15: false surrender
✰ 17: bringing balance back
✰ 18: the sparring room
✰ 19: the midst of battle
✰ 20: the night watch
✰ 21: where is she?
✰ 22: blast!
✰ 23: a different point of view
✰ 24: what we say when it's over
✰ 25: master and padawan
✰ 26: what fear leads to
✰ 27: akya and ahsoka
✰ 28: larson and serafina
✰ 29: how can a moment last forever?
✰ 30: trust me, i know.
✰ 31: the nabooian market
✰ 32: the things we deserve
✰ 33: do you?
✰ 34: seriously, skywalker?
✰ 35: sister
✰ 36: anakin's plans
✰ 37: we won't let you down
✰ 38: chatter and clatter
✰ 39: the jedi they were waiting for
✰ 40: his master commands it
✰ 41: are you alright?
✰ 42: destruction
✰ 43: the jedi who felt too much
✰ 44: do something about it
✰ 45: former padawan
✰ 46: endings, beginnings
✰ 47: fulcrum
✰ 48: right and wrong
✰ 49: where the fun begins
✰ 50: anakin, don't do that.
✰ 51: nosedive

✰ 16: back in your arms

546 15 5
By jouskawriting

Obi-Wan and Akya ventured to Tatooine to find a rather frustrated Jabba, who said they had one rotation to bring back his son, or Count Dooku and his droid army would.  They then went to meet Anakin on Teth, where a full blown battle had broken out between the droids and the clones— Dooku had been behind it all, and he had taken Jabba's son into custody.  On Teth, Obi-Wan had a run-in with the infamous Asajj Ventress, an apprentice of Dooku's— and Akya had missed all the action, because she was out on the battlefield helping Captain Rex and the rest of the 501st.  Luckily, Anakin and Ahsoka had escaped to Tatooine with the Huttlet, where they apparently had a run-in with Dooku, trying to stop them from returning the child to its father.  Obi-Wan and Akya weren't able to send any reinforcements to them in time, but they'd had faith that Anakin and his Padawan would succeed— and that they did.  The Huttlet was returned safely to Jabba, and a treaty was put together that allowed the Republic use of Hutt Space and cargo routes, which gave them a large advantage over the Separatists.  Obi-Wan, Akya, and the clones arrived just in time to take Anakin and Ahsoka back to Coruscant on the cruiser, which was in orbit up above.

All parties finally boarded the Jedi cruiser, and it began its course to Coruscant.  No one needed medical attention after that long, almost endless day, but they did need rest— something Akya did intend to get— after talking to Anakin.  They hadn't said a word to each other since Christophsis— and to think that was just yesterday.  It truly had been a drawl of a day.

Akya knocked thrice on the door to his temporary quarters and he opened, and a confused face turned into a smile. "Akya," he said. "You're not tired?" he added. "I mean, I know you missed the big fight with Ventress, but I'm sure you did something, Padawan."

Akya rolled her eyes with a smile. "Someone got cocky."

Anakin laughed. "Come in," he said, stepping aside, then closing the door behind her once she was inside. Finally, in the privacy of the room, they could display their true feelings. Anakin walked back toward her and put his hands around her waist. She put her hands on his cheeks, and the both of them smiled into a long-awaited kiss. In a couple seconds, they broke apart, both grinning more than before.

"You changed your hair," said Akya softly, brushing her fingers through it. His hair had grown quite a bit since the last time she'd seen him, and the length rested just under his ears.

"You changed yours," he said. She'd never kept her hair in a ponytail like she did today, trying to keep it aside so that it didn't get in the way of her fighting, and reveal her Padawan status by showing her braid. Anakin's eyes went from the bangs that fell at the sides of her face down to the small braid that rested on her shoulder. "Do you still have my..."

Akya rolled up her sleeve to reveal the bracelet she had woven with the braid she had given him and the other strings. He chuckled a little, taking her wrist into his hands and examining it.

"It's perfect, Akya." He let go of her wrist and she put it back down. "What about your necklace?"

Akya chuckled, then pulled the small sun pendant out from under her robes. He glanced at it, then back at the Padawan. "I love that you believe in those things."

"They're good luck," she shrugged.

"That's something I like about you. You've always got hope."

Akya sighed and smiled. "I've missed you, Anakin."

"I know," he said, nodding. "I could feel it." Akya smiled. She put her arms around him and buried her head in his chest—he had taken off his chest armor, and was now only wearing his robes, so there was nothing between them. She could hear the slow beating of his heart as he rubbed her back.

"I'm proud of you," she said to him. "For taking on Ahsoka. For a little while, I wasn't sure if you would go through with it."

"She's a good kid," said Anakin.

"And you're a great teacher." Anakin scoffed at that. "It's true!" she said, looking up at him from the hug, but still keeping her hands around him. "You are."

"I'm proud of you, too," he said, smiling. He brushed his fingers through her ponytail. "You worked really hard for this."

"Only because of you," she said. "You helped me feel the Force."

"I think you would have gotten there eventually," he joked.

Akya smiled at him again. In the absence of conversation, their faces were drawn to each other's again, and this time, the kiss lasted for longer, their lips caught in a trap they couldn't escape— and quite frankly, didn't want to. Anakin's hands made their way down Akya's back and to her waist as hers ran races through his curly hair. She had missed this so dearly.

"There was not a day that went by that I didn't think of you," said Anakin quietly. He kissed her again.

"I never want to be away from you again," she whispered. "Never."

"Never," Anakin agreed.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

Akya did eventually get to rest, though it was on Anakin's cot while he went to go see what Obi-Wan wanted, as a clone officer had knocked at the door asking for him. She dreamed of him again, like she had nearly every night at the Temple, dreams of dancing through stars and planets she'd never been to before, and traveling around the galaxy with him as her guide. When she woke up, she wished it were real so badly— she wished they didn't have to fight this war, that they could just be together until the end of time. But reality was more saddening than that, and so, there was always work to be done, some battle to be fought. Once rested, she walked down to one of the cafeterias on the cruiser. Out the window, stars and other bodies passed them so quickly they turned into blue lines— they were traveling in hyperspace, still on the way to Coruscant.

Akya grabbed an energy bar and made her way toward Ahsoka, who was eating the same thing, sitting alone at a table near the window. They had met briefly, but never truly got to talking.

"Can I sit here?" she asked the young Togruta.

"Of course," said Ahsoka. Akya pulled out the chair next to her and sat down.

"How are you liking your new Master?" began Ahsoka, making conversation.

"Obi-Wan is a good teacher," said Akya. "He's got a lot of experience. You know, he was Anakin's Master before he was mine."

"I know," nodded Ahsoka. "It's funny, though— the two of them seem to be very different."

"They are," smiled Akya. "How is Anakin?"

"He's a little bossy," she shrugged, taking another bite of her energy bar. "But he's a good Master."

"Cocky, right?"

"Sometimes," Ahsoka laughed. "When did you two meet?"

"It feels like ages ago, now," said Akya. "Before the war. We met in the Temple. I was still an Initiate."

"What did cause you to be an Initiate for so long, anyway?"


"No offense," said Ahsoka quickly, hoping what she'd said hadn't hurt her new friend.

"No, none taken," said Akya. "I was taken into the order a bit late," she explained.  "I couldn't use the Force, but they'd taken my midichlorian count, which was well within Jedi range. So I trained at the Temple, and I was a very hard working student... but I couldn't use the Force. I couldn't feel it, couldn't transmit it... nothing. For ten years, I'd never felt a thing."

"So then what happened?" said Ahsoka, intrigued. "How did you become attuned to the Force?"

"I..." She'd never told anyone the truth before. Perhaps Ahsoka was where she could start. "Anakin and I met at the Temple and he realized I was still an Initiate, so he wanted to help. I had little hope... but the lesson he taught me that night worked. He's the one who taught me how to feel the Force surrounding me. He's the one who started it all."


"Really.  But no one knows this, Ahsoka. Not even Obi-Wan.  You can't tell."

"I won't," she said, shaking her head.  "But why does no one know?"

Akya shrugged. "We kept it quiet just because we were up past curfew most nights.  I suppose we just never told anyone after that."  Akya then realized that the real reason Anakin had wanted it kept a secret all those years ago was perhaps that he was developing a crush on her— quite frankly, Akya had thought he was very pretty, but hadn't developed feelings for him at that point in time. Oh, if only she'd known how her future would go.



so excited for this chapter.  I hope you guys loved it!! finally my guys r back.  also the next bunch of chapters is all original stories so yay! bare with me when i try to write battles.  they're coming.

don't forget to vote!


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