The Timeless Connection

Por athenaknightly13

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Athena Dean, born in the year of 2008 to her parents Benjamin and Grace. They lived in a quiet cozy cottage o... Más

*Authors Note*
Chapter One: New Beginnings and Final Goodbyes
Chapter Two: The Magic Within
Chapter Three: Magic Unwritten
Chapter Four: Whispers in the Pages
Chapter Five: A Magical Celebration
Chapter Six: The Balance of Time
Chapter Seven: Between Eras
Chapter Eight: Revealing the Past
Chapter Nine: Whispers of Magic
Chapter Ten: A Glimpse of the Past
Chapter Eleven: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter Twelve: A Hogwarts Welcome
Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected Chaos in Hogsmeade
Chapter Fifteen: Confronting the Unknown
Chapter Sixteen: Journey to the Restricted Section
Chapter Seventeen: A Pact of Secrecy
Chapter Eighteen: Top of the Class
Chapter Nineteen: Comfort in Companionship

Chapter Fourteen: Secrets of the Castle

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Por athenaknightly13

Sebastian held the door open for me, and we began to stroll down the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade toward the welcoming facade of the Three Broomsticks. He expressed his hope that Sirona, the owner, wouldn't be too busy and would have a moment to meet me. The air was filled with the enticing aroma of butterbeer and the lively chatter of fellow witches and wizards enjoying their time in the quaint village.

As we meandered along, our eyes were drawn to a figure in the distance, a wizard who seemed to be behaving rather suspiciously. With a shared glance, we silently decided to veer off our path, lurking around the side of a building to get a closer look at the unfolding scene.

Peering from our concealed vantage point, we observed the mysterious wizard engaged in a clandestine meeting with a goblin. Their hushed conversation carried an air of secrecy, and it was evident that whatever business they were conducting was meant to remain hidden from prying eyes.

"You said you could get to the child when they came to Hogsmeade," the goblin stated, his voice a sharp, metallic clang in the crisp air. "That all you needed was a distraction. I gave you a distraction!" His annoyance and temper grew, echoing off the stone buildings that lined the narrow alley.

"I just watched a child take down your 'distraction'," The wizard responded with a dismissive tone. His voice, oily and smooth, seemed to slither through the tension-laden atmosphere. "Who is this child? What are you not telling me?"

"All you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child, then you have no value to me." As the goblin spoke, that's when I realized. That's the same goblin I saw before back in the vault at Gringott's. The goblin peeked around the wizard, his eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and suspicion as he caught a glimpse of Sebastian and me.

Our eyes met in a moment of mutual surprise.

"Let's go," I said urgently, pulling at Sebastian's sleeve. We hastily retreated down the shadowy path, running down the worn stone stairs and emerging just outside the Three Broomsticks. Our hurried paces gradually slowed as we distanced ourselves from the clandestine conversation.

"Did they see us?" Sebastian asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of concern and caution.

I shook my head reassuringly, "I don't think so."

"What was that goblin doing with Victor Rookwood?" Sebastian wondered, his brow furrowing in thought.

His words hit me with an even bigger realization. "Ranrok is... working with Rookwood?"

A similar look of revelation crossed Sebastian's face as he connected the dots. "The goblin from the Daily Prophet? I knew I'd seen him somewhere!"

Just then, Sebastian spotted that same wizard and another man standing next to him. Possibly Theophilus Harlow, the one Professor Weasley warned me about. They were scanning the street, their gaze sweeping up and down, and we knew they were searching for us.

Sebastian seized my hand, urgency in his eyes. "Quickly! Let's get inside the Three Broomsticks!"

He guided me along the path around the corner, and with a swift push, he swung open the large wooden doors. We burst into the warmth of the pub, the scent of butterbeer and murmurs of conversation enveloping us. Sebastian and I entered cautiously, trying to blend into the subdued atmosphere as we found a pair of bar stools and took our seats.

The atmosphere in the Three Broomsticks shifted as the bartender, a seasoned witch with a quick eye, noticed our arrival. Her attention shifted from the polished glasses to us. "Now, what can I- Oh. There's a face I haven't seen before."

I greeted her with a coy smile, "It's my first time here."

"Welcome!" She responded warmly, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Butterbeers on me."

With a flick of her wand, two mugs levitated and filled themselves from the barrel behind her.

"Heard about the troll attack. I shall be looking in on the other shopkeepers and residents shortly." She informed us, her authoritative tone cutting through the hum of the pub. The filled mugs floated over to us, and despite the ongoing conversation, I couldn't help but smile as I cradled the warm mug in my hands, the rich aroma enveloping my senses.

"Glad to see you two escaped injury," She continued, her eyes flickering between us.

"Thanks to this one!" Sebastian chimed in, raising his mug with a proud grin. "Single-handedly took down a troll."

A blush tinted my cheeks at his kind words, though I knew he played a crucial role in the troll encounter. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him.

"Is that right? Well done." Sirona acknowledged with a nod.

Taking a sip of my butterbeer, I said, "Thanks for this."

Sirona shared her thoughts on trolls in Hogsmeade, expressing that such occurrences were exceptionally odd. Just then, the doors burst open, drawing our attention. Rookwood and Harlow entered, and Sirona walked around the bar to intercept them. In response, Sebastian and I instinctively ducked our heads, hoping to evade notice.

While Sirona engaged in conversation with the unwelcome visitors, I nonchalantly sipped on my butterbeer. Sebastian, however, couldn't resist stealing glances at me, a subtle admiration in his eyes as they scanned me from head to toe, pausing at my lips. The foam from the butterbeer clung to my upper lip, prompting a blush. Nervously, I wiped it away with my sleeve, and Sebastian chuckled, his gaze filled with amusement, adding a new layer to my flustered state.

Amidst the ambient buzz of the Three Broomsticks, I caught fragments of the conversation between Sirona and Rookwood as they engaged in a tense standoff behind me.

"No need for such theatrics. I'm only here for this one, anyway," Rookwood declared, his accusatory finger pointing directly at me. I shifted on my stool, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve. In a show of solidarity, Sebastian rose beside me, taking his stance behind Sirona.

"My friend is enjoying a well-earned butterbeer," Sirona retorted firmly, her tone cutting through the tension.

"I only want a quick word," Rookwood insisted, attempting to push past Sirona's defiant form.

In an instant, my wand was drawn, mirrored by Sebastian and the countless others within the pub. Sirona once again positioned herself between Rookwood and us. "Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said, my friend is busy," she asserted, her words laced with sharp determination.

Rookwood surveyed the pub, taking note of the united front of patrons armed with wands, ready to defend against his intrusion. Yet, Sebastian stood out among them, exuding a protective aura.

"One would think you've all had enough bloodshed for one day!" Rookwood exclaimed, his voice echoing through the pub. He continued in a bitter, mocking tone, "Come, Theophilus, the Three Broomsticks isn't what it used to be. Let's take our Galleons elsewhere." With that, they turned and made their way toward the exit, leaving the Three Broomsticks. Rookwood sneered, "Can't drink butterbeer forever."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the pub as I holstered my wand. Sirona approached, cautioning me about the duo, emphasizing that they were more perilous than any troll I might encounter, and the need to keep a vigilant eye.

Behind me, Sebastian voiced his thoughts, concern evident in his tone. "Trolls, Ranrok, and Rookwood? What are you not telling me?"

"I promise to tell you everything," I replied, inching closer and lowering my voice to a whisper. "But it's perhaps best if I do that later."

"On that note, I think we should head back to the castle," Sebastian suggested, his protective instincts guiding our next move.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the winding path that led us back to the castle. Stars adorned the heavens, their twinkling brilliance a stark contrast to the unsettling events that had transpired in Hogsmeade. Sebastian walked alongside me, his presence a comforting shield against the shadows that seemed to linger.

The protective aura that surrounded him throughout the tumultuous day showed no signs of dissipating. It was as if the echoes of the troll's roars and the unsettling encounter with Rookwood lingered in the air, and Sebastian was determined to ensure our safe passage through the night.

As we approached the grand entrance of Hogwarts, the looming castle stood as a silent witness to the secrets and mysteries that unfolded within its ancient walls. The journey through the dimly lit corridors was filled with a quiet tension, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance to the Slytherin common room. The emerald-green door revealed the serpentine symbol that marked our house. The password granted us entry, and the common room welcomed us with its soft lighting and the murmur of hushed conversations.

Reluctantly, we parted ways, the unspoken understanding lingering between us. The events of the day had woven an unbreakable bond, a connection forged in the crucible of unexpected challenges. As Sebastian disappeared into the depths of the Slytherin common room, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a journey filled with secrets, magic, and the uncharted territories of friendship.

The night unfolded its star-strewn curtain, and I lay in bed, surrounded by the shadows of my thoughts. The events of my first day at Hogwarts had been nothing short of extraordinary. The echoes of dueling spells, the unexpected encounter with a troll, and the enigmatic connection between Rookwood, Ranrok, and the mysterious goblin still resonated in my mind. As I drifted into slumber, wrapped in the warmth of my blankets, a mix of nervousness and excitement danced within me.

When I awoke the next morning, sunlight filtered through the windows of the Slytherin dormitory, painting the room in soft hues. As I rubbed the remnants of sleep from my eyes, a small owl hooted outside my window, delivering a letter with the distinctive seal of Professor Fig. The parchment requested my presence in his office, adding an air of mystery to the new day.

Gathering myself and fixing my bun with quick, practiced motions, I left the common room behind. The hallways of Hogwarts were still and silent, the portraits on the walls seemingly asleep. I navigated the familiar path to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, where Professor Fig's office awaited.

Arriving at the entrance of the tower, I ascended the spiral staircase that led to the classroom. The wooden door to Professor Fig's office stood ajar, revealing a room filled with curious artifacts, magical oddities, and the warm glow of enchanted candles. The professor sat at his desk, surrounded by books and scrolls, his eyes lighting up as I entered.

"Professor, I'm relieved to see you," I greeted.

"And I, you," he responded. "Thank Merlin you're in one piece. I heard about the attack. Trolls – in Hogsmeade?"

"Sir, the trolls were wearing armor. It had that dark glow, like the dragon collar," I explained.

"Goblin silver. Ranrok used it to control the dragon. But how? And why send trolls to–"

I interjected, "They were there because of me. I overheard Ranrok talking with Victor Rookwood."

"Ranrok was in Hogsmeade?" the professor asked in disbelief. "With Rookwood?"

"The trolls were Ranrok's distraction so that Rookwood could get to me. And he would have had Sirona and the other patrons at the Three Broomsticks not intervened," I replied.

"This is grave news, indeed. If Ranrok's goblins and Dark Wizards are after you, they want what we found in that vault," Professor explained.

"Speaking of the vault, do you think Ranrok is working with any of the goblins at Gringotts?" I inquired.

"I do not. Gringott's goblins aren't typically the friendliest of beings, but they have a great deal of integrity," Professor clarified. "No, I daresay after what happened to that poor banker, the goblins at Gringotts are no followers of Ranrok."

I pondered for a moment. "They're after the locket. You said you found something in it."

"Yes, yes," Professor said. "I discovered an inscription. When I read it aloud, this map appeared. Clever enchantment." He looked down at his desk with the map laid across it. "It's a map of Hogwarts, but I do not know where it leads."

As I peered down at the map, I saw traces of magic hovering over the parchment. "It leads to the library. The Restricted Section, to be precise. And a bit beyond. I can see traces of magic there on the map."

"I suspected you would see something," Professor smiled knowingly.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I'm eager to discover what we may find there as well, but if our experience at Gringott's, let alone what happened to Miriam, taught me anything, the path we're on is terribly dangerous." Professor stated, "I'd like you to work with Professor Hecat a bit, before we continue."

"But sir, how dangerous could the library be? Perhaps we're only after a book." I responded.

"Perhaps we are, but we should be prepared for anything," he said. "Once you've honed your defensive magic, come and see me."

As Professor Fig and I wrapped up our conversation, I descended the grand staircase with a sense of purpose. The echoes of my footsteps reverberated through the stone walls, and my mind buzzed with anticipation. The castle, with its towering walls and hidden passages, seemed like a vast labyrinth holding secrets waiting to be unraveled.

As I reached the lower level, I sought out Professor Hecat's office. The door creaked open as I entered, and the air inside carried the comforting scent of old books and parchment. Professor Hecat looked up from her desk, her eyes keen and insightful.

"Ah, Athena," she greeted me with a nod. "I trust your meeting with Professor Fig went well."

"Yes, Professor," I replied, taking a seat in front of her desk.

She leaned forward, her expression serious yet encouraging. "Professor Fig mentioned that we need to ensure you're well-prepared for the challenges ahead. Defensive magic is crucial, especially given recent events."

I nodded in understanding, eager to strengthen my magical abilities.

"Before we delve into that, there's a unique opportunity for you," Professor Hecat continued. "I believe Crossed Wands might be an excellent fit for someone with your skills and interests."

My curiosity piqued. "Crossed Wands? Is that a club here at Hogwarts?"

Professor Hecat nodded. "Yes, it's a group of students passionate about honing their dueling skills and exploring the more advanced aspects of magic. Sebastian Sallow is among its members, and I believe he might have mentioned it to you."

A smile played on my lips as I recalled Sebastian's earlier suggestion. "He did. I'm intrigued and eager to join."

"Excellent," Professor Hecat said, her eyes glinting with approval. "Crossed Wands meets in the Clock Tower. Attend the next meeting, and you'll find valuable insights and training opportunities."

With a sense of excitement and determination, I left Professor Hecat's office, my thoughts filled with the prospect of Crossed Wands and the challenges that lay ahead in both the club and the mysteries of the Restricted Section.

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