Hidden Princess

By CallMeKorie

115K 5.1K 118

A girl locked away for several years, finally coming out of the darkness and realizing what she will soon be... More

First Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author's Note
"The Lock-Up"

Chapter Twenty-Five

1.8K 99 2
By CallMeKorie

I woke up the next morning to my face being peppered in kisses. I opened my eyes to see Jackson and Oliver leaning over me smiling sweetly. "Good morning my handsome men."

"Good morning, Beautiful." They really need to stop talking at the same time.

"Yeah, you guys need to quit doing that." I looked to the doorway to see Augustus.

"You read my mind Twin."

"Like always." We both laughed while Jackson and Oliver shared a look of confusion.

"To put it in a simple way, don't question it. I did until Adeline was locked in the basement. But the best part was that we could always make fun of them." Aiden stepped into the room and playfully shoved Augustus.

"I didn't like being teased." Augustus and I spoke together.

"Do you two share a brain again?" Louise stepped in the room, instantly going to Aiden's side and grabbing his arm.

"I guess they do." Aiden laughed then kissed Lou's cheek. "How are you, angel?"

"I'm good, and I can feel that you are too." They then kissed.

Then it hit me. "Oh my god, you two mated. Like, fully."

Their cheeks went bright red and Lou glared at me.

"What am I hearing of fully mating?" My dad's voice filled the room as he, too, walked in.

"Nothing Dad. One half of the brain is saying her thoughts aloud again." I glared at Aiden as everyone broke out laughing. Well except Augustus, he glared at Aiden too.

"Don't lie to me." My dad sounded serious then a smile lit up on his face. "I can't stay serious. But, and I hate to be so rude about this, but did you two fully mate?"

Aiden blushed again and looked down, "yes Father, we did."

Our dad perked up and looked around the room, his eyes landing on Augustus. "You have not found your mate yet."

He didn't phrase it has a question but Augustus nodded his head. "I haven't. But I keep feeling something odd. Its a sensational feeling but I don't ever get the chance to look around. Like last night at the pack gathering. I began to feel it but then I saw Adeline falling and I had to save her because her mates had the kids. When I came back down the stairs, no one was down there so I didn't mention it." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the ground.

My voice went stern and I straightened my back. "Call another pack meeting."

"Why?" Everyone basically said it together.

"We're going to find Augustus' mate." I managed to get out of bed by myself and I walked to my closet. I grabbed a purple, velvet, floor-length dress. I desided no accessories and to just leave my hair straight. I didn't even pick out shoes, just went barefoot.

I stepped out of my walk-in closet and looked around. Everyone was still in my room. "Well, what are you waiting for? Someone call the meeting." My voice sounded like an alpha giving orders.

"Y-yes ma'am." I can't believe it, I just made my dad stutter. He left the room as everyone's eyes followed him. Once he was fully out the door, their gazes turned back to me. They all seemed shocked.

"W-well, little sis, you're growing up..." He just sort of trailed off after that.

"Yeah, whatever. All of you, go get ready." When they just stood their staring, I added a very stern "now," that set them off. Everyone left, including my mates with the pups.

I went to my bed and sat down. Not a moment later I heard foot steps entering my room.

"You know, you don't scare me like you do everyone else. I practically think what you think and we both know that you're not ready to fully be the alpha."

I turned and looked at my twin. He looked a bit tired, but I probably have no room to talk.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He came over and sat next to me.

"You know that I'll help you, with anything."

"I know that." I leaned on his side and set my head on his shoulder. "Its just really hard."

"I understand." The room went quiet until a few moment later when he spoke up. "I've been thinking about something."

"Oh really, what about?" I sat up and looked fully at him.

"Well you know how Mom had twins, then you did?"

I nodded.

"I started to wonder if Mom-"

He was interrupted when a loud banging came from the front door. I jumped up and ran down stairs right to the door. The others gathered right behind me.

I slowly opened the door to see a man about my father's age. He has brown hair that went down to his shoulders and bright blue eyes. He looked strangely familiar.

I decided my alpha voice may be intimidating so I used my regular voice instead. "Hi, can we help you?"

He looked down at me, a grim look on his face. "Is Anastasia here?" Shock spread threw my little crowd as my mother's name was spoken.

"A-Anastasia, s-she's my mother." I couldn't hold back all my emotions so I let a single tear slip from my eye.

The man looked at me with confusion. "May I see her?"

"You could see her grave, not her." My voice suddenly went strong but the man quivered when I spoke those so gle words.

Tears began to stream down his face and he dropped to his knees. He shoved his face in his hands and yelled.

I went onto my knees in front of him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Who are you?"

He looked up into my eyes and I saw a blue flame in his. The same blue flame the rest of my family has.

Then, suddenly, I knew what Augustus had been thinking about.

I cupped the man's face. "Spirit, come to me. Make my uncle stronger so that he doesn't have to change right now." Spirit left me and went to my uncle. When I saw that he was better, I let Spirit go.

"How did you know?"

"The flame in your eyes, its the same as the rest of our family."

He then looked around. His eyes landed back on me in the end. "My name is Enzo."

"Mom never spoke about you."

"She wouldn't of. I'm like the black sheep of the family. I left home at sixteen because your grandmother thought that I was going crazy. I knew something was wrong with Anita from the beginning. No one believed me." He looked down at his knees.

"I, no, we believe you. I know that she's messed up. Hell, she possessed my warrior, made him kill my mother." He then looked at me.

"She basically killed my sister?"

"Yes." It was my turn to look down.

He stood up and so I looked at him. He held his hand out and I took it.

"We're calling a pack meeting. There we will announce your arrival and find Augustus's mate. You can also meet your neice and nephew, Annalise and Lucifer. They're very abnormal but still cute." I turned back to my family and gave an order in my alpha voice. "Get everything ready and make sure everyone, and I mean everyone, from our pack is there."

I started up the stairs when I heard Enzo speak to my father. My ears are a bit better than usual wolves so I heard them even though everyone else was making a heck of a lot of noise.

"I haven't seen you in a while but I thought you were alpha."

"I was but I knew she would fill the shoes, hell, over-fill them."

"She's does seem pretty good. Plus, she's young and just like her mother."

I inwardly smiled at myself and was just getting ready to quit listening when I heard the one thing I didn't want to hear.

"You know that Anita will find out about the meeting tonight. She'll probably come and try to do something horrible. And she won't give up until she's, 1. deaf or 2. gets what she wants. But we have a big problem, she somehow has powers. I don't know how or why but sue has them. And their going to be a pain to get rid of."

I am so, so, soooo sorry for such a long time without updating. I've been going threw some things and them went on a giant vacation. But I made this chapter super, extra longer than my usual ones.

The photo is her dress.

I'm going to go know, and maybe start the next chapter, bye.

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