Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The room was spinning in a swirl of purples and blues and greens. I wasn't sure where I was anymore. I didn't know if it was a dream or reality. But out of nowhere came a lightness. The colors turned to a sold, yellow-white color. Then she appeared, my beautiful goddess.

"Daughter, I have shown you a fragment of your future. I understand that you will have difficulty understanding what to do, but I will be here. Always."

"Goddess, I trust you. Completely. Please, tell me how to overcome the curse. Tell me how I can save everyone. Please, please, tell me how to help the others without causing them pain once again."

"Daughter, you know I can't give you all of the answers. But I will give you the best hints." Selene smiled and gave a childish giggle. "Now, to be serious." Her smile was swept off her face and a more serious look overtook her. "For the curse, you need to know that you can never truly destroy curses. Right now, you can delay it before it is time for it to spring into action."

"What if I out it into an animal. Like a turtle or rabbit. I know its cruel to them but if an animal is cursed and not me, Anita won't get my power, she won't get to rule the world."

My goddess paused and tilted her head in approval. "That is a splendid idea."

"Okay, then I could pass the curse onto a small, nonviolent animal. Birds are too wise. Rabbits are too jumpy. Maybe a rat. No, their too sneaky. Oh, how's about a worm. Their small and make no noise but they don't have eyes, nor ears."

"You can try a worm, but they are such small, weak creatures, it may not be able to handle it. If if can't, use a fish. They can't go to land so it would be perfect."

"Yes Goddess. This plan is brilliant. I will save my people and my family. Thank you so much. And thank you for all the gifts you have given me."

"Of course, you are my daughter. My most beloved daughter. I will help, as long as you ask."

Then everything went black for the last time.


I awoke in my own bed. I was the only one in the room.

I got up and didn't feel the slightest bit sick or dizzy, not even weak.

I went to my closet and picked out my favorite skinny jeans and red flannel with a sugar skull on the back. I also grabbed my black tank top to wear underneath my flannel.

After I was dressed, I grabbed a pair of socks and my low top converse. I then went to the restroom and fixed my very messy hair.

After I was finally finished, I left my room and went to the kitchen. No one was there either.

I grabbed something to eat and walked out the backdoor.

Right at the treeline, I saw peoples clothes. I automatically assumed that they went for a run, just to blow off steam.

I didn't feel like waiting for them to get back so I walked into the woods. As I passed the trees I could feel myself coming back together. Strengthening me and making me feel even better than I already was.

As I got deeper into the woods, I began to hear my pack. They were howling and crying out. In pain and in sorrow.

I began to run to them. They were my pack and I was going to help them. No matter what.

Just as they came into sight, I saw Oliver and Jackson in the front with two, tiny pups in front of them. They were there crying out with the rest of the pack.

I stepped forward, and with just my luck, stepped on a twig. It broke and the howling stopped. All the eyes turned to me.

I walked down the center as the others parted. When I got to my family, I dropped to my knees. The pups came up to me and licked each of my cheeks.

I looked over to Oliver and Jackson. Each came to me and licked me. I smiled and laughed.

I laughed because I knew how to save my family. I laughed because I had suddenly thought of a way to get rid of Anita. I laughed because my goddess had gifted me once again.

I stood and raised my palms to the sky. A glowing light appeared and a cast it over my pack.

I had been gifted with the power of spells. I now knew every spell and ritual that has ever existed or ever will.

I cast a peace spell over my pack and then I changed.

So, so sorry for not updating. I know, I suck.

Anyway, here you go.


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