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By salvatorelovely

4.2K 234 104

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979 52 63
By salvatorelovely

| pilot |

OCTOBER 7th, 1989


A very excited voice calls out from across Nell Potters flower shop. A young girl looks over at the sound and smiles brightly.

"Nana! Come here."

A little girl, around the age of 3 years old, came running up to her sister, who was sitting down on a chair, in her princess costume.

"Look! Nell has the cool flower." The young girl giggled, holding up a lotus flower, trying to show her older sister. She plopped down in the seat next to Lana and began picking at the flower, in her own world.

Martha Kent smiled at the interaction and walked over to Lucy and Lana, "Those are beautiful dresses, girls. Are you princesses?"

"We're fairy princesses." Lana said.

Jonathan Kent smiled looking down at his wife speaking with the children, "Hey, where are their parents?" he asks Nell.

"Oh, at the homecoming game with everyone else," she chuckles, "I'm being the good aunt."

"Do you wanna make a wish?" Lucy asked, smiling wide at Martha. "I would love to make a wish."

Lana and Lucy both lift up their wands and place it on Martha Kent's forehead "Okay. Abracadabra."


Nell asks as she stares at the smoke in the sky, she tightens her hold on Lana in her arms and Lucy's hand.

"Hi, Lana. Hi, Lucy." A familiar motherly voice yelled out which made Lucy turn to her mother across the street. "Mommy! Daddy!"

Lucy lets go of her aunt's hand to run to her parents, "Lucy, wait-" Nell's call got cut off when a meteorite came down, hitting Lewis and Laura Lang. Lucy falls back from the impact, hitting her head causing her vision to go black.

"Lucy!" Nell immediately runs to her, picks her up and shields both the sisters into a corner.




A very frustrated 15-year-old Lucy Lang muttered out to herself as she was trying to do something about her frizzy hair.

It was her first day of freshman year and to say she was excited, would be a total lie. She's never really liked school, not because she wasn't good at the work, quite the opposite. She just thought it was so unnecessary and boring to be sitting in a classroom all day doing nothing but listening to teacher talk. She only liked seeing her friends and working at the torch.

She lets go of her hair and bangs her head on her nightstand, letting out a groan of frustration.

A knock and a sound of her door opening caused her to pick her head up and rest her chin on her nightstand. She looks through her mirror to see it was her sister, Lana Lang, coming into her room with an amused expression.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just getting about ready to chop all of my hair off until I am Lex Luthor." Lucy sarcastically replies.

Lana rolls her eyes at her insensitivity with Lex Luthors hair. "What were you trying to do with it?"

"Something, anything." Lucy goes back to trying to pick it up. Lana walks closer until she is behind her sister and grabbing at her hands.

"Here, I got it. I'll just put them into braids." Lucy puts her hands down and waits for Lana to be done with putting her into braids.

"So you excited for school? To see Chris?" Lana asks, smiling suggestively. Lucy rolls her eyes back at her sister, "No and I guess."

Lana furrows her eyebrows in confusion. She thought everything was going good with her little sister and her boyfriend.

"You guess? I thought you liked him." Lana finishes Lucy's final braid. "I do." she nods, bringing out tiny pieces of hair to frame her face. "It's just complicated. We're too alike."

Lucy grabs her necklace from her jewelry box and quickly puts it on, "Anyways," she deliberately changes the subject, "I think I hear Whitney's loud truck. C'mon."

Lana rolls her eyes at her sister and eyes her suspiciously until a loud honk made her walk out of the room and into hers to grab her stuff.

Lucy grabs her bag from her bed and quickly walks downstairs, meeting Chris and Whitney in the truck with Lana soon coming down.



Is what Lucy and Chris were doing. Out in the open in front of everyone. It wasn't a small one either, it was in fact a heavy make-out session.


The sound of Lucy's phone going off brings her back to reality. She pulls away as Chris reluctantly lets go of her.

Everyone is staring, maybe wrap up the smooching.
- Lana

Lucy rolls her eyes and turns around to see her sister giving her a pointed look. Lucy turns back around to her boyfriend and gives him one last kiss.

"I gotta get to class, okay." She tells him, grabbing her bag. Chris smiles at her and nods "Okay. I'll see you at practice, though right?"

Lucy pauses in her movements and bites her lip in thinking. Honestly, she did not want to sit there for an hour watching him practice playing football and then also watching Lana cheer her ass off. So she made up an excuse.

"I uh can't. I have to help Nell at the shop." Seeing the disappointment on Chris's face made Lucy rephrase her words, "But I can stop by for the beginning. And then I have to go."

Chris considers her words for a moment and nods. "Yeah, yeah I can work with that."

Lucy makes a face at his wording but then kisses him goodbye anyways. She walks towards the school and out of the corner of her eye she spots a boy lying on the ground with his books all around him. A jock with blonde hair stood above him with a dark-haired girl and kissed her. The boy sits behind the rails with his books in his hand, leaning over.

Lucy walks closer, trying to get a better read of the situation, and recognizes the couple as her sister, Lana, and Whitney. When the couple started walking away, the jock picks up one book.

"You forgot one, Clark." He said and tossed it to the boy. The boy tries to catch it but ends up on the ground with his books scattered around him again. Lucy let out a laugh as she reaches the boy and recognizes him as Clark Kent, her neighbor, or as she likes to call him, farm boy.

"Ouch," she winces, standing above him as she sat in the ground, "Whitney-1. Farm boy-0." she comments, holding up her hands as demonstration.

Clark looks up and whatever longing, for a certain someone, he was feeling was gone, it is now replaced with annoyance. It seemed as though every time he was around the younger Lang sister he felt a different way. Clark called it annoyance more than anything. He makes a face at her comment and starts picking up his books.

Lucy felt sorry for him and reluctantly bends down, helping him pick up his books as well.

"Can't believe you're making me do this. I'm wearing a dress." she mutters.

Clark makes another face at her, "Excuse me. I never asked."

Lucy barely glanced at him as she continued to grab the books and stack them, "Well I couldn't stand here and let you pick up books yourself. I wouldn't have looked like the good samaritan I am and you would've just looked plain pathetic. No offense, farm boy."

Lucy stands up, smooths out her dress and shakes off the imaginary dirt on her as she hands Clark his books back. She finally looks up to see Clark's face, his offended face.

"I am taking offense to that, Lulu." Clark replies back with his own nickname, which he knew she hated. Lucy glared at him and went to reply back but the bell rings, signaling the beginning of classes.

She shoved the books, that he never grabbed from her hand, into his chest and walks past him. "I hate you."

"Hate you more." Clark pauses before calling out again.

"See you in algebra?"




A curse left Lucy Langs lips as she rummaged through her bag for her car keys. It was after school and Lucy was getting ready to leave after just coming back from the football field. She stayed for a couple minutes for Chris and then said goodbye after she made up the fact her Aunt Nell called and asked for her at the shop.

"Where the hell are they?" She continued to dig until she halted her movements and sighed in frustration.

"What is wrong with me? I didn't even drive today so of course I wouldn't have my keys." Lucy began to walk away from the school, actually stomp away from being annoyed, "How could I just casually forget that I didn't drive to school today? Wait, how am I supposed to go home? Ugh! Jesus Christ."

"Do you make it a habit of talk to yourself, Lulu? Or are you just crazy?" A voice following behind her made her stop her steps and slowly turned to see none other than, Clark Kent.

"Mind your business, Clark. I obviously wasn't talking to you." She rolls her eyes at his nosiness. He puts his hands up in defense and started walking away, ahead of her.

They kept walking at a distance, with him in front of her and her behind. Lucy observed him quietly, his comfortable clothes, his backpack, the way he walked. But mostly his face, although she couldn't see much from her angle, whenever she got a good one, she could see he was deep in thought. She figured it had something to do with her sister and Whitney. And due to her curiosity she ran up until she was right next to him.

"Hey, Kent! Wait up." Clark paused so she could catch up to him but furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you want?" he asks as he continues to walk with her. Their arms occasionally touching.

Lucy shrugs innocently, "Nothing. Just wanted to see what was wrong with you."

Clark sighs heavily, "Nothings wrong with me. I'm fine."

"Yes, you are." Lucy mutters, 'quietly', biting her lip as she stared at Clark's figure, thinking he couldn't hear her. But he indeed did, and turned quickly towards her to see that she was staring straight at his butt. He widens his eyes in embarrassment and turns around so he was walking backwards to cover up.

"Seriously? For once I think maybe you're a real human being who cares to ask what's wrong but instead you do this?"

Lucy just giggles right in his face as they end up at a bridge and stand there. "I'm kidding, mostly." Clark stares at her with a neutral face as she continues to giggle.

"It's a compliment, Kent. Something I know you've never gotten from a pretty girl." As he opens his mouth to defend himself she cuts him off, "Anyways, is your sour mood about a certain someone? With a bully for a boyfriend?"

"This isn't about Lana." Clark says leaning against the bridge, looking out in the water.

"Ah-Ha!" She points to him, "I knew it. I knew you were in love with my sister."

Clark went to try and cover up what he said but sighed and knew that he couldn't argue with Lucy as it's something he's done so many times before. She had a tendency to always be right so it gave her a big ego when it came to things like arguing whether she was right or not.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah you idiot. And nauseating."

As two kids kept on with their conversation about Clark having feelings for Lucy's sister, they didn't notice the big truck behind them nor the object that fell and was lying in the road.

Lucy paused her giggling as she got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Clark immediately noticing her silence, stares at her for a couple seconds, watching the dread on her face, quietly become a smile. Lucy seemed to shake off her feeling and put on her fake smile and stare back a Clark, who was already staring at her with a certain look on his face.

"What?" She asks with the same uncertain smile on her face. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say something, Lucy could heard tires screeching in the distance. She turns her head to see a blue car heading straight for her. It seemed as if in that moment, time stopped, and Lucy could not move. Her instincts weren't kicking in and instead her limbs froze. The car kept getting closer, and as she stood there in fear, she wondered if this was it. Is this how? Of all things-this is how she's going to die. By a car crashing into her, just because she stopped to talk to Clark Kent.

She's always had a feeling Clark Kent would be the death of her.

Before she could blink an eye, she was pushed out of the way. Hitting the ground hard, Lucy let out a groan as she heard a loud crash into the water. She slowly lifts her head to see destruction all around her. The railing she once stood on was now a gaping hole where the car fell into the river. Further down the road is a metal coil with tire marks leading to where she was standing only moments before. From her angle on the ground, Lucy could not see Clark anywhere.

She calls out his name and quickly gets to her feet. She goes to the railing to see Clark helping a bald man to shore. A man she recognizes as, Lex Luthor. Lucy stared in shock for a couple seconds until she blinks and pulls out her phone to call for help.

She puts her phone to her ear. "911, what's your emergency." A dispatcher spoke on the line. "There was an accident," Lucy said while trying to calm her breathing. "Okay miss, can you tell me what happened?"

Lucy looks around the bridge and explains what happened. When she finishes, the dispatcher responds, "Ma'am stay where you are. There is an ambulance on its way." Lucy nods, even though the dispatcher couldn't see her, and lets out a sigh of relief, putting the phone in her back pocket as she runs down to the side of the bridge and carefully climbs down to get to Clark. When she reaches the bottom of the bank, she sees Clark giving CPR to the man.

"Come on, don't die on me." She heard Clark say as she walked to get closer. The man coughs up water and turns to his side. Lucy let out a sigh of relief, even though she wasn't a big fan of him, it didn't mean she wouldn't have been glad he died.

The man opens his mouth and says, "I could have sworn I hit you."

Breathing heavily and hesitating for a moment, Clark replies, "If you did..., I'd be... dead." Clark turns his head around and looks at the wreckage from the bridge's railing. Getting up, Clark looks around, as if trying to find someone. When he spots Lucy a few feet away, he sighs in relief. Clark rushes to her and grips her arms lightly, his eyes checking her over.

Lucy's eyes switch to his as she watched the worry swarm through his eyes, "I'm fine, Clark. Are you?"

He only nods in response and pulls her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and putting his chin on her head, Lucy reluctantly putting her arms around him. They stay like that for a while, seemingly taking comfort in each other. Although their feelings about each other were undecided, they both knew they could be there for each other like this.

Lucy grips his wet shirt in her hand and breaths heavily, extremely glad that he is okay, which is an emotion she was surprised at. She always thought she wouldn't be affected if something happened to Clark Kent. It was a while that they just stood like that until they heard the sounds of an ambulance. They pull away while the EMTs come down to check on them. The EMTs gives Clark a red blanket to keep warm and tells them to sit down. Clark and Lucy sit close together as he wraps her up in the red blanket along with him, it seems as though they find each other's hand and unconsciously hold each other's pinkies.

They pull away when suddenly a man runs down to the shore, yelling, "Clark!" He rushes to Clark and holds his face, checking him for injuries. "Son, you alright?" He says while looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He responds while nodding his head.

Then a woman comes running down, in worry, towards Lucy. "Lucy!"

"Nell!" Nell runs up to her niece and engulfs her in a big hug, "Oh, sweetie are you okay?" Lucy doesn't answer, just nods in conformation.

Johnathan Kent yells to a State Trooper, interrupting Lucy's moment with her aunt, "Who's the maniac driving that car?"

"That would be me." Everyone turns to look at the voice behind them. "Lex Luthor." He reaches his hand out to Clark's father, but he looks him up and down and ignores it. Instead, he pulls off his coat and gives it to Clark.

"I'm Jonathan Kent." He puts the coat on Clark's back. "This is my son." He says in an agitated and strident voice. "Thanks for saving my life," Lex says to Clark.

"I'm sure you would have done the same thing." Clark modestly answers and his father get up to walk past Lex.

"You have quite an extraordinary boy there, Mr. Kent. If Is there any way I can repay you?" Mr. Kent gets close to Lex. It looks like he wants to say something else.

When Mr. Kent looks at Lex, he says, "Drive slower." Then they walk off. Lex turns to Lucy and her Aunt. They don't say a word and just walk away, hoping to go home after the day they've had.



Lucy snapped her head up towards her window after hearing the loud noise. She was in the middle of doing her homework, waiting for Lana to come back, when she heard a loud thud.

"What the..." she trailed off. Another loud bang caused her to jump up and back away from the window. The curtains covered it so she wasn't able to see who it was, all she could hear was the sound of the window opening. She yelped and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes moved to her jewelry box that was on her dresser, right next to the window.

As a leg went inside and the head came in, she continued to stare at the jewelry box until it flew across and hit the person, directly in the head. Lucy stared in shock at what she just did and quickly grabs the bat that was under her bed and walks over.

"Ow!" He landed on the ground with a groan. But the voice sounded familiar and as Lucy walked closer she could finally see who it was.

"I came to see if you were alright but clearly you're fine." Chris says while clutching his head, Lucy rolls her eyes and puts the bat down.

She helps Chris up and sets him on her bed. She didn't expect him to come crawling in at 8 o'clock at night. It was the last thing she wanted since she was planning of seeing Clark. She just stares at him with a pointed look, "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about what happened, wanted to see if you were okay." Chris responds.

"I'm fine." Lucy kept it short, "I mean I didn't get hit."

Chris furrowed his eyebrows, "But you almost did."

"But. I. Didn't." She firmly said, "Okay? Now I have a lot of homework to do already and Nell will be home soon so you should go."

Chris hangs his mouth open, getting ready to say something but she opens her bedroom door as a sign she's kicking him out. He sighs and reluctantly gets up off the bed but pauses at her doorway so he's standing in front of her, "Hey, what were you doing with Kent, anyways? I thought you hated that guy."

That was when Lucy realized, he didn't come to see if she was okay. He came to ask why she was with Clark in the first place instead of with Nell's.

She scoffs right in his face, "Seriously? He literally saved my life and you're jealous? You didn't actually come to see if I was okay, you came to see if you could squeeze a lie out of me."

Chris scoffed at the accusation and went to argue but the sound of footsteps walking up the stairs made him look.

"I think you should go, Chris." Lana stood there with her arms crossed with a firm look on her face.

Chris looked between the two sisters, sighed and walked away, slamming the door on his way out. Lana rushes to Lucy as she walks back into her room to grab her jacket.

"Are you okay? What was that?" The big sister of the two asked.

The younger one sighed in exhaustion and nods, "Yeah, it was nothing. Just some stupid fight. Like always." She mutters out the last part, knowing Lana wouldn't hear her.

"Luce, where are you going?" Lana asks as Lucy walked past her and started walking down the stairs.

"Out. Tell Nell I'm going to Chloe's."



It seemed to be the only thing that relaxed Lucy Lang. The Kents were kind enough to let her into their barn, or their son's barn whenever she was in obvious distress and their son wasn't there, which wasn't often. She tried not to show it.

So there she was, in Clark Kent's barn staring at the stars with a glint in her eyes. She grabs onto her necklace and hold it for a couple seconds. She then unlocks the locket to see the picture of her biological mother and her as a baby. Her adoptive parents gave the locket to her when she was around 3. It contained a picture of her biological mother and her as a baby with no pictures on the other side. So when her parents died she put a picture of them on the slot that was empty.

Sometimes she thought about throwing away the picture of her biological mother but then throws out that thought. She didn't know why but she had a feeling deep down that her biological was forced to give her up, not by choice but by force. But that feeling seems to get pushed down over all the other abandonment feelings.

"What are you doing in here?"

A voice behind her made her close her locket and immediately turn.

"Clark. Hey, I wanted to talk to you. Or thank you." Clark walks closer until he was on the other side of the telescope, on the other side of her. He waits for her to say thank you as she looks away from him and goes back to looking at the stars.

It's quiet for a couple of moments when Lucy sneaks a glance at Clark to see him staring at her with an expected look.

"What? Why are you staring at me?"

"You said you came here to thank me."

"And I did. Or are you going deaf? Those tractors the only thing you can hear now?" Lucy shrugs.

Clark rolls his eyes at her expected answer. Usually he would turn into a nervous rambler when talking to a beautiful girl, but with Lucy it was different. She brought out a hostile attitude out of him, he didn't know why. In any usual case it was him being the nice guy who lives on a farm, but ever since they were kids they were like that with each other. Enemies but not enemies, rivals but not friends.

It seems only then that Lucy notices the way his telescope was angled, not towards the stars—towards her own house.

She hangs her mouth open and laughs, Clark looks at her as if she's going crazy. "Clark Kent."

"Are you spying on Lana or have you decided your crush on her is boring and I'm more exciting." She asks with a teasing grin on her face.

Clark whips his head around with a bewildered expression on his face. He then looks at the telescope and back to her and fumbles to say something. "Don't worry about it, Clark. It'll be our little secret." Lucy put a finger to her lips and acts like it is sealed and throws away the key. She leans down to see what his eyeline was when looking into the telescope, it was her porch that sat Lana and her boyfriend Whitney.

When Lucy leans away from the telescope, she sees Clark looking anywhere but at her. "Stalker." she playfully narrows her eyes at him.

The farm boy rolls his eyes once again and looks out into the sky, "So...how long?" Lucy asks.

"I've been in love with Lana Lang since I first saw her." Clark looks at Lucy, and she just gives him a small smile. "I know she's with Whitney, but maybe I'll get my shot one day." Lucy slowly nods her head, thinking it would be nice. To have that type of love with someone, she knew she didn't feel it for Chris right now. But who knows, maybe she will or maybe she'll meet another person one day that she'll feel that type of love for. She was just scared of the possibility because it felt like everyone she knew left her except her sister and aunt.

"Eh, maybe one day Clark, but lesson number one for dating—don't date." Lucy gives him a bitter smile while looking outside the window. When she turns her head back to him, she sees Clark staring at her. "What?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong with you and Chris?" He asks sincerely. Lucy, for some reason, hated his niceness and sincerity. She liked it better when he was annoyed. Lucy sucked in a breath and looked away from him, "Nothing, we're fine. We are like Fred and Daphne."

Sensing it's a topic she doesn't want to talk about, Clark asks, "Daphne, huh? I assume you mean Shaggy and Scooby."

Lucy makes an offended face at his joke and argues. She went on a rant that includes a few insults of him but Clark just stares at him with a small smile on his face.

They stayed there for a while, looking at the stars and listening to the wind. Her occasionally saying something and him just listening.



Chloe Sullivan spoke as Lucy, Pete and Clark all stood around the table staring at a yearbook picture of Jeremy Creek.

"This is a picture of him 12 years ago. This is one I took four hours ago."

Lucy hangs her mouth open in shock at the fact that the yearbook picture and the photograph looked the exact same.

"That's impossible. He's be like 26 today. must be a kid who looks like him." Clark tries to find reasoning.

"My money was on the evil-twin theory," Lucy nods her head at Pete's theory, "believable."

"Till we checked this missing persons." Pete finishes his sentence. "Jeremy disappeared from the state infirmary a few days ago where he'd been in a coma for 12 years. They say he suffered from massive electrolyte imbalance."

"That's why he hasn't aged a day." Lucy announces in realization. "So you're telling me he just woke up." Clark asks, not believing his friend.

"Well, no, there was a huge electrical storm and the hospital's generators went down and when it came back on, Jeremy was gone." Chloe explains.

"The electricity must have charged him up like a Duracell." Pete shrugs.

"And now he's back in Smallville, putting former jocks into comas." Clark states.

"But, why?" Lucy asks in confusion.

"Because 12 years ago today, they chose Jeremy Creek as the scarecrow." Pete tells her making the girl become even more confused.

"The hell is the scarecrow?" She asks out loud. "It's where every year before the big homecoming game, the football players select a freshman to take off to the Reilly Field, strip them down to their boxers and then paint an "S" on their chest. Then string em' up like a scarecrow." Chloe briefly explains.

Lucy scoffs at the news, "That's terrible. And sounds like years of therapy waiting to happen."

Chloe smiles at her answer and points to her, "Hey, that's what I said." Lucy smiles back and fist bumps her.

"'Comatose boy found in field 20 yard from meteor strike.'" Clark suddenly reads off an old newspaper. Lucy leans over and looks over his shoulder to read.

Chloe stands up as she begins talking, "The exposure to the blast must have done something to his body."

"No, this can't be right." Clark says, shaking his head.

Pete sighs, "I think you ought to show them." He tells Chloe.

Clark and Lucy both look at each other with furrowed eyebrows. "Show us what?" they say in unison.



Is the only thing taped onto the wall, magazine cutouts, news articles. But the one that stands out the most to Lucy as she walked closer, was the picture of a passed out 3-year-old Lucy and 4-year-old Lana crying after just watching their parents die.

"It started out as a scrapbook and just kind of mutated." Chloe says. "What is it?" Clark asks.

"It's a strange, bizarre, and unexplained event that's happened in Smallville since the meteor shower," Chloe said with her arms and back toward the board. "That's when it all began. When the town went schizo," Lucy continues to look around the board, taking in all the different articles. "So, what do you think?"

"It's...actually kinda impressive." Lucy unexpectedly says. Chloe smiles at her, "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean there's probably some people out there who think that they're freaks and maybe this could help them think that they're not. This could give them hope." Lucy says with a deeper meaning.

"Huh. That was actually pretty deep as if you know how they're feeling." Lucy gulps and replies, "Yeah, well, if I were them I'd feel like a hopeless freak."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Clark  suddenly asks as he walks towards the board. Lucy turns to him to see the look on his face, it felt like a deeper feeling to him as well, like Clark was taking what Chloe is did to heart.

Chloe's smile disappears at his question, "Do you tell me everything that happens in your life? We all keep secrets, Clark." Chloe responds in a defensive tone. Clark just stares at the wall, lost in thought as Lucy stares back at the photo of her and her sister in sorrow.

Clark took a glance at his 'rival' to see the photo she was staring at and finally realized to himself that he was the reason the meteor shower happened, "It's all my fault."

Suddenly Clark rushes out of the room. Chloe and Pete stand there looking at each other, in confusion. Lucy suddenly got a feeling wash over her and rushed out after him.

She follows Clark through the hall, diving through everyone as the school day has ended. She pushes through her last sea of people as she makes it to the doors. When she gets outside, she sees Clark walking down the stairs.

"Clark!" He stops as she makes her way down the stairs toward him. "Jesus christ, how long are your legs."

"Lucy, just leave me alone." He said in a dejected voice. Lucy holds his wrist in her hand and pulls him around to face her. "Wait," For some reason, the look on his face made her concerned. She didn't understand why he was taking what Chloe said to heart. It was just a wall; it wasn't like he caused it.

"Kent, I don't know what is going through your mind, or what is wrong with you, but you can't keep it inside you forever." Lucy crosses her arms. Clark said nothing as he looked away from her, lost in his own thoughts. The girl thought about it for a moment and eventually put a hand on his arm, pulling his whole body towards her until his eyes looked into her own.

"Clark–and I can't believe me of all people are saying this—but you can talk to me. We can't change what happened to the people everyone lost that day of the meteor shower, not matter how much we want to, and we can't change the outcome. However, we can decide what we are going to do now, at this moment."

Clark takes in her words and nods. Then in the next moment, Clark pulls her towards his chest, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a hug. Lucy stood there for a second, in shock before awkwardly patting him on the back. She wasn't much of a big hugger, the only reason she let him hug her the first time was because they both almost died. As they stood like that for just a couple more seconds Lucy couldn't have sworn she heard Clark let out a small 'I'm sorry'. Before she could ask him she spots Nell's car in the parking lot and Clark pulls away.

"Are you sure you're okay, Clark?" Lucy asks sincerely. The boy nodded his head and gave her a weak smile. Lucy pats his chest and walks away from him.

She gets into Nell's car and drives off as Nell immediately dishes her about Clark.

She tuned out her aunts voice as she thought about the feeling she got after Clark left the room and right before Lex's car hit them, it was like dread, she couldn't explain it.

It wasn't the first time she got it, usually it meant something bad was going to happen, but she didn't know why she got it now. After talking to Clark just now he seemed fine, so she couldn't imagine what bad could happen.



A hand on top of Clark's shoulder spins him around, "You're this year's scarecrow."

"Don't mess with me right now." Clark roughly pushes Chris's hand off of him. Chris has just watched him and his girlfriend hug which only angered him more.

Whitney joins in and pushes him, "Come on, bring it on!"

As Clark goes to punch him, he pulls at his shirt to reveal Lana's meteor necklace. He feels weak and lets him go, Chris roughly pushes Clark to the ground as he's weak and asks, "What's going on with you and Lucy?"

Clark furrows his eyebrows at his unexpected question. "And you and Lana?" Whitney asks.

"Nothing." Clark let out.

"Huh?" Whitney pushes him down again. Clark makes a face of pain and stares at the necklace Whitney's wearing.

"You like her necklace? Huh?" He rips it off of him and goes to put it on Clark, "Good, 'cause this is as close as you're ever gonna get to her." Whitney finishes putting the necklace around Clark's neck and with Chris's help throws Clark in the bed of the truck.



It was what Lucy was currently doing as she laid in her bed, thinking about the stuff that had happened the past two days.

She almost got hit with a car, by Lex Luthor of all people.

Clark Kent saved her.

She actually offered to be someone for Clark to talk to.

Chloe's wall with Lucy's picture on it.

Jeremy Creek.

Her and Chris's arguments.

She moved her jewelry box without touching it.

She moved her jewelry box without touching it.

It actually wasn't the first time it has happened to her. The first time was 4 years after her parents died, it was her 7th birthday, she missed her parents like crazy and started to wonder about her biological mom.

It was then when she was crying to her self while visiting her parent's grave, she felt a feeling wash over her and all of the flowers in the vases by the other graves fell over and shattered.

She didn't think but of it but a freak accident.

The second time was when she and Chole got into a bad argument over something stupid and in that moment she had the same feeling wash over her and the things around them in the torch flew across the room. That was when Lucy started to worry but considered it a freak accident once again.

And then when she thought someone was breaking in. She hit Chris with her jewelry box, with her mind.

"One's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern." She muttered quietly to herself. It seemed to only happen when she's angry, sad, or scared.

She sighed once again in frustration at her revelation. How was she going to deal with this?



Lucy was just at her home as Lana got ready for the homecoming dance. She didn't feel like going, mostly because her and Chris were fighting. So as she sat in the comfort of her home alone, contemplating, she figured she would go for a walk to the person who was still on her mind.

If she were being honest, she would admit the fact that she liked Clark. Or well...she liked annoying him. Although she knew Clark was a good person and she would imagine, a good friend, there was just something about bickering with him that she liked.

When she got to Clark's barn, she noticed the lights were on this time. Slowly walking up the stairs, she sees Clark at the window with the telescope.

"Also not a fan of dances I see." Lucy states as she walks closer to Clark. He whips his head around so fast, almost giving Lucy whiplash, and looks surprised to see her.

"Lucy, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be at the dance." He walks closer to her, so they meet in the middle. The girl gives him a shrug when he is right in front of her.

"Eh, not a big fan of them. And Chris was being an idiot." She said with a bitter smile. Clark looks down at his feet while running his fingers through his hair.

Lucy stares at him for a couple seconds until she walks past him and looks out the window to see Lana walking towards her front door. The cars beep as they drive off, and she goes inside. Clark is over her shoulder, looking with longing eyes and lets out a sigh.

Lucy glances back at him, "You know this crush on my sister is getting real pathetic. She has a boyfriend and she's older."

Clark looks at the girl, who seems to be right in front of his face all of a sudden, with a deadpanned expression. "Wow, thanks. That gives me real confidence."

Lucy grins in his face, "Good." They stare at each other until Lucy moves her eyes towards the radio Clark has. She moves towards it and puts a hand on it to turns the volume up. Clark looks at her with a confused look on his face.

"Wanna dance, farm boy?"

Clark starts to shake his head as Lucy reaches out to pull his hand with a grin on her face. She puts his hand on her waist and holds the other with her own hand. She puts her other hand on his shoulder.

Lucy and Clark stay there looking into each other's eyes, swaying back and forth. It was like the atmosphere around them changed. Lucy always thought of Clark as the boy next door, Chloe's and Pete's other friend, the guy she liked annoying, farm boy.

Clark always thought of Lucy as the girl next door, Lana's sister, the girl who brought out the 'mean side' of him, Lulu.
Never as anything else, but staring into each other's eyes as they were doing now, it seems they both saw a completely different side of each other.

Lucy felt as if her view on Clark was changing, and she didn't like that, so after another couple of seconds–she pulled away.

"I probably should go," she says in a whisper.

"Yeah, probably." He replies watching her with furrowed eyebrows.

Lucy spins her ring on her finger as she turns around and goes to walk down the stairs, not looking back.

She thinks about the past few days with Clark and felt as if things changed between in only that short amount of time. She just wasn't completely sure whether she wanted that change.

- salvatorelovely

— AHH! guys, i actually finished the first chapter of something. i hope you liked it and Lucy so far i can't wait to write the next one.

anyways, don't forget to vote and don't be a silent reader please!!! i love hearing what you guys are thinking while reading this so just please comment whatever.

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