Frank...My name is Frank

By Adgenis21

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Frank a former human who after acquiring an alien gauntlet becomes a power house as he was forced to fight of... More

Chapter 1: WTF
Chapter 2: introductions/ First Strike Part 1
Chapter 3: Introductions/ First Strike part 2
Chapter 3: A hero's tragic Story
Chapter 4: Staying in the castle and meeting Eris?!!!
Chapter 5: New Day and Power Demonstration
Chapter 7: The Reveal
Chapter 8: Rumble at Canterlot
Chapter 10: A spar with...NIGHTMARE MOON?!!!!!

Chapter 6: The Talk....

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By Adgenis21

Chapter 6: The Talk....

Frank Pov

I thought that I would never be surprised after all the crap I went through back on earth, unfortunately it seems fate wants to prove me wrong once again at this very moment as I sit before two incredibly attractive alicorn sisters wait god damn it brain stop it...

As I sat, there in silence after saying *Oh Fuck* and was facing down as many thoughts came rushing into my head. Things like wait that is a thing like this here. Will I be hunted down by every single mare because of this including the princesses who offered me a home here? Does that one of them may try to rape me and I will be forced to fight back?

"Frank are you alright?" asked Celestia as I was broken out of my thoughts as I raised my head and noticed the worried faces of the royal sisters. I shook my head and tried to calm myself though I would be lying if I said that this was not going to be an odd discussion.

"I apologize for the comment your majesties. Your question caught me off guard though may I ask why you're asking me this?" I said as this causes the two to blush while Eris giggles at this.

"Well.... during certain seasons, the mares undergo something called heat season. It is a time when the mares begin to become fertile and start seeking out a stallion to mate." Said Celestia as I had a neutral expression on my face.

"Okay, but why are you telling me this?" I asked though deep down I knew the answer as Luna decided to answer this part.

"Very soon the mares will be undergoing heat season including me and my sister." She said though her voice went low when she mentioned herself and her sister. It was then that Eris proceeded to wrap herself around my body like a snake.

"You will soon be having mares coming after you in the hopes of having a strong stud like yourself to impregnate them and with that tool hanging between your legs, I can tell the mares will be incredibly happy in the end." She said as my face went red from her words as she was surrounded by a golden aura made by an angry looking Celestia who stood up on her hooves and proceeded to pull Eris off of me before to tossing her to the wall hard leaving an indent as slides to the floor with spirals in her eyes as stars spun around her head.

"Enough Eris the last thing we want if for our new friend to get the wrong idea from us." Said an angry Celestia who proceeds to bow her head to me. "I am sorry for that Frank though what she said is true though.... I MEAN ABOUT MARES WANTING TO BE IMPREGNATED!" She said immediately as I nodded and began to rub the back of my head sheepishly.

"Please understand that a mares heat is something they cannot control. It is a burning sensation that can cause a mare to go mad with lust and will cause them to seek out any stallion to calm it down. And due to the population having more mares than stallions some stallions are forced into pleasing multiple mares at once causing them to go into hiding or leave town once it starts. And for alicorns the effects are stronger and more painful as well." Said Luna as this was starting to make me nervous since I did not have to deal with this sort of thing back home.

Most guys would have been envious of me if they were in my situation, but I am not like most guys as I raised better thanks to my parents. It was then that I looked back to them noticing the worried looks on their faces as I sighed at this.

"I see. It is something that the females of you race naturally go through during the seasons and I can't faulter you or your ponies for undergoing something that they cannot control. And I am grateful for the both of you and Eris for letting me know about this sooner rather than at the last minute because I honestly would not know what to do in a situation like that." I said with a shrug to which the royals sighed in relief from my answer before smiling at me.

"Thank you for understanding Frank." Said Celestia who smiled brightly at me.

"Indeed, we were afraid that you would get the wrong idea of us once you learned about what our ponies and us included will be going through very soon. Thank you for understanding." Said Luna who smiled sweetly at me.

I do not know why but for some reason seeing these two smiles at me caused me to feel strange as I felt my checks go warm as I looked away.

"It's no problem your majesties. So, what do you suppose I do when heat season arrives?" I questioned but just before the princesses could say anything Eris then appears beside me.

"Well one idea would be to help the royals with their heat." She said as Celestia and Luna gave a death glare towards Eris who had her hands up. "Oh, come on with a tool that big you can't just make a pass on that." She commented as the sisters frowned at her response as I raised an eyebrow at her comment.

"Eris neither me nor my sister would ever suggest that. Even if he helps us with our heat the last thing, we want is to force our new friend into mating." Said Luna as Celestia nodded her head.

"Even though his tool is impressive." Whispered Celestia but thanks to my enhanced hearing I was able to hear it as I tried to keep a neutral look on my face.

"Then what do you suggest that he do?" Asked Eris who had her arms crossed as Celestia looks toward me with a sad look.

"I believe it would be best for him hide somewhere outside of canterlot and Ponyvile until heat season ends. Though it does sadden me to ask you leave but knowing how relentless the mares will get during heat season it seems to be the only option." She said as Luna nods at her sister as she also has a sad expression.

"I agree with my sister though there is also the issue of masking your power so that neither I nor my sister are able to track you when our heat begins." Luna mentions as she brings up a good point since it was because my power that I Celestia had found me near the old castle in the woods.

I then raised my hand as a thought came into my mind as I closed my eyes and started to focus within myself as I could feel the energy within me start to dim down as I lowered my hand and opened my eyes as I noticed the three looking at me.

"The hell are you doing?" Asked Eris as smiled at them.

"I just found a way to mask my energy if you don't believe me try and sense it." I said as both Celestia and Luna lit up their horns only for them to gasp as they look towards me.

"Frank how is this possible I can't sense anything coming emanating from you?" Celestia said as I smiled at her reaction.

"I simply lowered the energy from within myself. I remembered something like this from a story I read where the hero can mask his power by dimming his energy from within though this also means that I cannot use my abilities like my dragon's breath, cry-o beam, sun cannon, and Lunar Spear require to me to raise up my energy." I said though I honestly must thank Dragon Ball Z for the idea as the sisters were impressed at this.

"You certainly are full of surprises Mr. McCloud makes me wonder what else you are capable of." Said Luna to which is simply shrug my shoulders.

"Well, he did fend off against a manticore and even out roared it causing the beast to run away with its tail between it legs. I didn't think you had the lung capacity to let out a roar like that for it sounded like something out of giant beast." Said Celestia as I chuckled at her comment since the roar was something based of a giant monster.

"That is because it was another one of my abilities called Beast Roar and like you said before allows me to let out a loud roar. It is something that I use to show dominance toward any living creature making them submit to me or runaway in fear though depending on what type of creature it is measures how loud the roar is. Though if you're wondering why I didn't show this ability during the demonstration is because I didn't want to give anyone the idea that I am someone to be feared plus I doubt you wanted to see your guards lock up and hit the ground from my roar." I said as though I could tell the sisters did not like the fact that I kept something like that from them though they were able to see my reasoning.

"You do make a valid point I just wished I was there when it happened." Said Luna to which Celestia then shook her head at her sister.

"Believe me Luna when I say that his roar is immensely powerful that I nearly went deaf when it happened. Thank the sun I was able to cover my ears before that could happen." Said Celestia as I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Yeah, sorry about that the damn manticore got me by surprise and manage to annoy me enough to where I used it. And now that I think about it the forest did get strangely quiet after I roared at the manticore." I said wondering if my roar did more than just scare off the manticore however it was then that I was reminded of something as he looked toward Celestia.

"Speaking of which I do wish to know why you kissed me when we first meet. When you arrived and I came out of hiding you were all wide-eyed and immediately kissed me in the lips and when I pushed you away you started panting heavily and had hearts in your eyes before pouncing towards me. I asked as Celestia's face went wide-eyed as her face went completely red as her sister looked at her disapprovingly while Eris was laughing hysterically.

"Celestia you naughty mare. You meet just met the guy and immediately you try to lock lips with him oh think of the scandal." Said Eris in a mocking tone as Celestia eeps at this and covers her face with her wings.

"To answer your question Mr. McCloud, we believe it has something to do with the power you possess. As for why she kissed you and tried to pounce at you well that we cannot explain." Said Luna as I was shocked to hear that as Celestia showed her face as a tinged of red remained as she looked towards though I could tell she felt ashamed for her actions as she looked down.

"I am sorry for acting that way I honestly don't know why I was acting that way and I know that it was wrong of me for throwing myself at you like that. I just-...." she began to stutter her words as a small tear began to form under her eye as she started to sniffle. I do not know why but seeing her like this was just upsetting to see as I got up from my chair and as I moved towards her and without thinking proceeded to wrap my arms around her in a hug to her surprise and the shock of the others in the room. Her head pressed against my chest as I held on to her tightly not too much that it would hurt her.

"Frank what are you-..." I shushed her as I started to pet her had as it had the added effect of calm as she let out a hum of delight as she started to calm down and proceeded to wrap her arms around me.

"When ever my mother or sister would be upset, I would usually hug them to make whatever was effecting them fade away. So, I figured the same would apply for you I also want you to know that I have already forgiven you for what had happened and as I told your sister I won't hold it against you." I said as he heard her hum in happiness as she started to rub her face onto my chest.

"Feel better?" I asked to which she hums in acknowledgement as I smiled at this.

"You are so warm." She commented as I smiled at this. "Yeah, I know I get that a lot." I said it was then that I heard Luna cough as I realized who was still in the room as them tap Celestia on the side as she looks at me as I motion her to the others in the room as we both separated from each other as Luna sighed at us why Eris just snickered at our antics it was then that Celestia coughs lightly to get out attention.


"Going back to the topic about heat season now that you are able to mask your power so that neither one of us can track you done there is still the matter of where you will be residing once heat season begins." She says as I nodded at her.

"We believe it be best to let you decide where you will be hiding once heat season arrives and once you found some place to hide be sure no pony finds out. As we said the mares are relentless so be sure you keep the location of where you will be hiding a secret especially from me and my sister." Said Luna as I nodded at her though wonder about Eris who was smirking at me for some reason.

"What about Eris?" I asked to which she floated to my right side.

"Oh, don't worry cutie, my race doesn't undergo heat season. Though I wouldn't mind giving you a ride stud." She said as I my face slightly turned red as she smiles at my reaction before moving away from me.

"Well now that that is settled, I believe that concludes our private discussion." Said Celestia it was then that I noticed the clock and went wide-eyed.

"Oh, that's right I was supposed to meet Needle Work at this time. He wanted to have me fitted for a coat that he wanted me to wear for the when I was revealed to the public." I said as I made my way towards the door.

"Wait!" said Celestia just before I was about to open the door as I look towards her.

"Before you leave remember that heat season while happen in about 4 weeks from now so be prepared until then. Also starting tomorrow is when you will be presented to our subjects early in the morning." She said to which I smiled and gave her thumbs before dashing out the room as I made my way toward the royal seamstress.

3rd Pov

We see the two princesses and chaos goddess still in the room as they look back at the whole ordeal. The sisters who at first were worried about the discussion of heat season toward their new friend as they feared that he was get the wrong idea about them. They were soon relieved when their new friend was able to understand their predicament and thanked them for letting him know beforehand. Yet Celestia started to feel something as she placed her hand over her heart as she remembered the feeling of being held in the humans arms the warmth, she felt from being held in such a strong embrace as a small smile formed on her face.

"You like him, don't you?" said Eris as Celestia was broken out of her thoughts as she turned to see Eris grinning at her.

"W-What are you talking about" Said Celestia as her face went red as Eris laughed at her expression.

"Oh, by all that is chaos you are. Then again it shouldn't be any surprise since he is powerful." Said Eris as Celestia shook her head.

"No, I am not." She denied as Eris looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Then why are you blushing sunbutt?" Eris mocked as this managed to anger the solar princess as she proceeded to have the chaos goddess in a head lock as she struggled to break. While this was happening, Luna sat quietly on the bed as she tried to comprehend what she was feeling right now after seeing the human and her sister in hug and how she for some reason was wishing that it were her that he was hugging.

"Why am I feeling this way? I only know him for a short time and yet I feel strange whenever I am around him. Could this be what I think it is? Could he be what me and my sister be looking for some time now?" she mentally said to herself as Luna placed her hand over her heart as the feeling continued grow within her.


Meanwhile we find Frank in Needle Works workshop as he was being fitted for a trench coat as a he sneezes from out of nowhere as it startles Needles who stepped back from him as a small flame escapes his mouth as Frank smiles sheepishly at him.

"Sorry about that Needles I didn't know where that came from." He said as Needles simply rolled his eyes at him and continues to measure him.

"It's no problem just be careful I don't want you starting a fire in here." he said to which Frank nods at as needles finishes and proceeds to write it down in a notebook with his magic. As Frank steps off the stand and notices Needle levitating the fabric on to a table as he begins to cut them with a pair of scissors.

"You remember what to add on the side of the upper arms and on the back of the trench coat right?" Asked Frank as Needle Works nodded and presented the design of what will be stitched in the back of the coat.

"Yes, monsieur and I must say I really love the idea of having the marks of the sun and moon on the arms of coat. Though have to ask why wanted this design stitched onto the back?" asked the seamstress as Frank lifts up the design of what will be on the back of the coat which happens to be the sun and moon cutie mark in the form of a yin and yang symbol.

"Because I wish to wear something that represents the unity between the sun and moon plus as well as show how grateful I am for both princesses for giving me a place here in Equestria. I do hope they like it though." He said as he smiles at the thought as Needle Works chuckles at this.

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