Snakes: The Choice(On Hold)

By X_Keirnan_X

13.8K 372 45

A rumor appeared, saying that Voldemort or he-who-must-not-be-named was back. Y/n is no longer a little girl... More

A New You
Not a Chapter!


544 14 0
By X_Keirnan_X

Feeling warmth around you, you found yourself wrapped up in your blankets as you woke up.

Finally able to unwrap yourself, you looked over outside to see it was now nighttime.

'Are we almost there?'

You thought as you got up and looked to the side to see Davian was reading a book before he set it down and spoke.

"Did you have a nice nap?"

"It was alright, where are we?" You asked as he smirked a bit before speaking.

"We should be there in 20 minutes."


Davian got up from his bed and went to the bathroom as you fixed your bed again before waiting for the train to reach the university.

Davian came out 5 minutes later and fixed his bed, and waited as well.

~15 minutes later~

Slowly, the train started to slow down as it entered a station where other people were walking, going their own ways.

"See you around y/n." Davian said before he left you alone in the room.

'I better get going'

Leaving the compartment, you came across the conductor from before the train ride.

"Ah....Ms.Potter, come, I'll help get your stuff. Afterwards, you have to find the person holding a blue flag. They'll take the first year students."

"Thank you,"

After the conductor helped you get your things ready to go, you quickly fed Nova and Hades as they were hissing at others before you arrived to calm them down.

"Are you doing alright?"

*Misstress.....we have missed you!* Hades hissed as he tapped his nose on your cheek.

"Shhhh....I've missed you both as eat up." You said as you gave them their food.

After Nova and Hades finished eating, you pushed your cart where all the first year carts were to be, so they could be transported to your rooms.

Looking to the left side, you heard a woman call out.


As you told Nova and Hades to be nice and left them with their food in the cart before going towards the woman.

As first years gathered, you caught the side of a man who looked to be in his twenty's or early thirties.

He wore a black dress coat, a black vest with a tie and a white under shirt, his pants and dress shoes were also black.

His eyes were light blue and his night-black hair.

Catching your attention as the group started moving, you left with them not bothering to look at the man again.

The tour of the university was very long, as the university was very, VERY big.

The tour came to a end an all first years were to report to the closest office to retrieve their dorm keys.

"Ms...?" the office woman asked as she stared at you.

"Potter....Y/n Potter," you said softly

Then the woman smiled and told you which tower to go to and what room you were in.

"Your dorm is in tower 4, and your room number is 439." She said kindly as you took your key and left before nodding.

After you were given it, you and everyone else were free to wonder and get used to the building.

Making your way to your dorm was very crowded as people rushed past you in a hurry while you just walked, not caring if they were late to something.

Reaching your assigned dorm, you used your key to enter and saw it was very....bare.

Yet the color of it was dark grey and white with some gold mixed in, giving it a little color.

'Not bad'

Looking to the left side was all your boxes, and the right side had the kitchen, passing the kitchen had the living room.

As for your bedroom, it was on the left side upstairs near the window. And the bathroom was downstairs below it.

Going over to your boxes, you left Nova and Hades out as they slithered away to explore the dorm.

'Now to unpack everything.....what fun'

~2 and a half hours later~

Finally finishing putting everything away, you fed Nova and Hades and grabbed your keys so you could wonder a bit.

As you grabbed your keys, which were in front of the hall mirror, you observed yourself again.

You were different, very different, than when you went to hogwarts.

You were....Beautiful....a woman every man wanted to feel, to touch, to devour, to have as their own.

A woman who seeked power...lust... and revenge against those who got in your way of conquering others.

To have them bend to your will or kill them if they won't.

'Deep breaths y/n! Deep breaths! Come on....we're only exploring for a bit.'

Taking a couple of breaths and thinking you were okay, you made your way to your door and left to explore the campus.

After getting outside, you walked a couple blocks and found many stands and food vendors.

Hearing your stomach growl, you went to a vendor and got some food to satisfy your hunger.

As you were eating, you heard them again.

*Find Her.....*

*Find the blooded heir.....*

*Kill Them....*

*Eat Them....*

*Devour Them....All!*

'Those whispers......those....are...from the dream I had....To Devour....Is to Pleasure your hunger. I got that part, but....Kill the heir? Me?'

You were lost in thought as you heard a voice talking with another voice that sounded so familiar.

"So....Now what?"

"Let's head somewhere more....private?"

Looking to wear the voices came from you saw nothing, until you remembered your ability to see,hear,smell, and taste.

Getting hungry some more, you begun eating the food you got before.

After finishing eating,you got up and walked away to explore some more.

As it was already dark out, you made your way back to your dorm,relying on your vision to see through the dark.

Coming to the opening of the tower, you sensed something, like you were being watched.

Stopping what you were doing, you sniffed the air and caught a scent that smelled sickly sweet like the girl you eat 2 years ago.

How you missed feasting on her, to hear her screaming in agony again.

Shaking your head to get rid of the thoughts the sniffed the air again but caught a scent that appeared to be closer to you, looking around you saw nothing while using the naked eye so you turned facing the door.

It was only when you focused your force of power within your left eye that you see it, a man who appeared to be watching you from under a cloak.

Being able to see someone without looking around came in handy when using your 'special' eye.

Getting bored of it, you opened the door and walked in and made your way to your room as other people were still wondering.

Entering your room, Nova and Hades slithered towards you.

*Misstress.....welcome back!* Nova hissed lightly.

*we have missed you, Misstress!*

Hades hissed and slithered on you as you bent down.

"I was being watched* you spoke as they both stopped and listened to you speak.

*shall we kill them?* Nova hissed angrily

"No.....if anyone comes into my room, I want you to paralyze them from the waist down, but don't make it permanent. Then I want Hades to wrap around them."

"No one should be entering here, and if they somehow speak Parseltongue, you are to disobey their orders,only follow mine. Do you both understand?"

You said, calming Nova down as she nudged her head on your cheek.

* Of course, killing.* Hades and Nova hissed at the same time.

Hades slithered off of you and went to his shared house with Nova following.

Walking to your room, you got out your books for school and began reading it until you went to sleep.

'Classes....I only have three classes....shouldn't be too bad.'

You thought as you watched stars shooting from the sky as you cast a sky spell to help you sleep.

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