I Don't Run An Orphanage!

By Moon_kookei998

822K 28.6K 37.3K

Izuku Midoriya, couldn't be a hero. But despite this, he soon finds he's a magnet for trouble, particularly t... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapte 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Fu notes
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
author note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Q and A part 1
Chapter 44: Q and A part 2
Chapter 45: Fuku steps out
Chapter 46:New Hobbies
Chapter 47: And then there were 10(x2)
Chapter 48: Shorts 11
Chapter 49: Shorts 12
Chapter 50: Fu's Notes 2
Chapter 51: Fall
Chapter 52: Panic
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 85

Chapter 83

1.7K 69 49
By Moon_kookei998

Nyat What You Think

Okay, time to address some complaints.

So some people have had issues with how this woman was able to rip through the security system, in comparison to how 1B did and had some concerns with how this security system might fare against the MLF.

Okay, so the thing about MHA power scaling, is that it is completely, and totally unbalanced, and hard to really quantify.

Unlike with something like RWBY, there can be absolutely massive differences in power, to the point where a single person can destroy an army of people. This is why the Grimm were being fodderized the last few chapters.

Because this woman is incredibly powerful and skilled. She's well above RWBY characters in terms of power, and as such, is above most of the Grimm as well.

For whatever reason, despite me not directly stating how powerful she is, people have said that she shouldn't be this powerful.

My question is why? It's not like this is too O.P. for MHA. Endeavor and Mirko would tear through this place just easily. And it's not like I contradicted any earlier statements on how powerful she is because...she's a new character, there are no earlier statements on how powerful she is. This is me showing you how powerful she is.

But since that didn't seem to be enough, let me tell you. She's about in the same realm of power and skill as Mirko. If the two were to fight, Mirko would still definitely win, but it would be a good fight.

Why is she this strong? Well, read and find out.

Also please remember, that this security system is A: Incomplete, and B: not meant to be invincible.

Oh one last thing, someone said the Feilong was too big for the woman to do things she did with its mask and head. The Feilong's head is only slightly larger than a person's body. Meaning it's exactly big enough for her to do that.

Anyway, let's get into the chapter.

As woman could see the house in the distance. And she was approaching quickly.

Seems like the test is almost over! The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

The fatigue was really starting to set in now, honestly, she hoped there weren't too many fights from this point on.


And then suddenly a Wyvern flew over her, before turning mid-air, and few yards in front of her.

"Ugh. I like a good fight and all but I'm really getting tired of this." The woman said as she got into a fighting pose.

She dashed under its head, and slashed at its throat, however, this did minimal damage, just creating some light scratch marks.

"Crap." The woman cursed, realizing this thing was gonna be tough.

The Wyvern raised its head, and the woman dashed back to avoid being crushed, as the draconic creature slammed its head down into the dirt.

The woman then jumped on top of the Wyvern and started slashing at the exposed parts of its back, however, this still didn't do all that much damage.

"Damn this thing is tough." The woman cursed before suddenly she felt the Wyvern start to rise.

The Wyvern flapped its wings and started rising off the ground, into the air.

As the Wyvern ascended and changed angels, its head pointing up towards the sky, the woman lost her footing and started to fall off the creature.

She tried to dig into it with her claws, but they couldn't dig in deep enough to keep her from falling.

However before she fell off the creature entirely, she managed to grab onto one of its back spikes and held onto it as the Wyvern flew through the air.

Okay, I can't hurt it, so how do I hurt this thing? The woman wondered, taking a second to think, before her eyes widened, as she came up with an idea. That might work! But I need to get to its head. I'll have to wait for it to dive down first. I just have to hang-

Suddenly, black liquid shot out of its back into the air, and took form as two Griffons, that dove at her with their claws extended outwards.

"Ugh!" The woman groaned as she got ready to fight them off.

The first Griffon had its claws batted away by the woman before she slit its throat, before repeating this process with the other Griffon.

After that, the Wyvern finally changed its position and started flying downwards, causing the woman to fall forwards, towards its head.

She let go of the back spike, letting herself fall forward.

Then when she got close enough, she grabbed the little curved piece of bone, that was at the edge of the Wyvern's snout, leaving her dangling in front of its huge maw.

"RAHHHHHHH!" The dragon roared, as it tried to snap forward and eat her, however, all this did was flail her about.

"You wanna taste of me big guy!" The woman shouted. "Well, Bon Appetit!"

She then swung her legs back, and then swung forward, and let go of the snout, flinging herself into the dragon's mouth.

The Wyvern closed its mouth, not wanting its prey to fall out, as it felt them go down its throat.

And for a second, the beast thought it'd won.

But then it felt the woman tearing apart its insides.

"RAHHHHHHHHH!" The beast stopped flapping, as it felt the horrible pain of its insides getting torn apart by sharp claws.


It fell to the ground, kicking up wind and dirt around it.

The beast trembled a bit, before going limp, dying, and fading away.

And as the Wyvern fully faded, the woman was left there, lying on her back, taking a bit of rest.

"Ughhhh." The woman groaned again. "I really, really hope that was the last obstacle."

A few moments later, the woman got back up and went back to running towards the house.


It took a few minutes, but she finally reached the front gates.

"Finally!" The woman said, as she crouched down, and got ready to leap over the gate.

When she heard something behind her.

She took a deep breath and turned around. "Alright. Come out and fight me!"

Then, two Hounds came out of the forest, one crawling out on all fours, and the other flying above her with a pair of wings.

"This thing again! And their's two! And it can fly!" The woman shouted out in shock. "Alright, doggies! I know your weakness now, so let's see how long you last!"

Then, the flying one let out a jet of flames from its mouth, which the woman jumped to the side to dodge.

Meanwhile, the other one rushed forward, lunging at her.

She was about to dodge to the right, however, she saw that the other Hound was waiting for her to dodge, so it could blast whichever direction she chose with fire.

So instead of dodging she would have to approach this situation head-on.

She stood up, and ran towards the Hound, before sliding under it, then she brought her feet up, and kicked it into the air, towards the other flying Hound.

The flying Hound caught its ally, before swinging it around and throwing it back at her.

The woman jumped up to her feet and lunged upwards at the Hound, thrusting her arm right through its neck before it could react and protect itself.

She swiped her arm through its flesh, beheading the monster.

Both she and the head fell to the ground, a few feet away from each other.

The woman turned and dashed towards the fallen head, however, the Hound that was still in the air, grew a bunch of arms from its sides and chest, and shot them down at both her in the head.

"Agh!" The woman cried as three of the arms hit her, and pinned her to the ground, while another arm picked up the severed Hound head, and brought it up towards itself.

The woman slashed at the arms holding her down, freeing herself.

Unfortunately for her, in that time, the other Hound had already grown back its body and dropped back down to the ground.

Then both Hounds grew armor on their necks. Meaning that same trick wasn't gonna work anymore.

Damn these things regenerate too quickly. If one of them can distract me long enough then it won't matter if I behead one of them. I either have to destroy their heads or behead them at the same time. The woman said before her ears detected something odds. What's that behind me?

The woman then jumped to the side, just in time, as a Grimm apple landed where she just stood, biting into the ground.

"Is that an evil apple!?" The woman said in disbelief, she looked behind her and saw that the tree behind the gate, swinging its branches upwards, tossing Grimm apples into the air, to land on the battlefield. "What the fuck?"

She didn't have much time to be confused about this, as the grounded Hound charged at her from her right, while the flying Hound dived at her from the left.

So she ran straight ahead, past both Grimm, and then backflipped to avoid another apple.

Both Grimm turned around to face her, but then the flying one got hit in the face with an apple, which knawed into its face, seemingly unable to determine friend from foe.

The flying Hound pulled the apple off its mask, however, there were some light scratch marks, which quickly healed.

Ok, its armor's not as tough as I thought it was. I can use that. The woman thought. And maybe I can use these apples too.

More apples rained down on them, and a few of them were heading downward near the woman.

She jumped up and kicked a few of the apples at the Hounds.

The one on the ground jumped to the left to avoid them, while the flying one breathed fire to incinerate them.

And while they were distracted doing that, the woman ran to the right of the flying one and lunged at it.

Seeing as its mouth was preoccupied shooting fire at the apples, the Hound had no choice but to grow two more arms out of its side, and launch them at the woman.

The woman smacked the first arm away but then grabbed the second one, flipping mid-air, and tugging the arm, using it to launch herself at the Hound even faster.

The woman landed on top of the flying Hound, wrapping her legs around its neck.

She raised up her arms, and then launched her left arm forward in a thrusting motion, striking the Hound's armored head, and creating a large crack in the armor.

Just as she was about to plunge her other arm forward and impale the thing's brain, however, the Hound had other ideas.

Arms grew out of the Hound's back, and grabbed the woman's arm, holding it back, before the other arms wrapped around her entire body, trapping her on top of the Hound, and holding her in place.

"Agh! Let go!" The woman struggled against the arms, trying to move her raised arm forward, but her fatigue was showing its ugly face, and it was really hard to must up the strength to free herself.

The Hound rotated its head around, pointing its maw at the woman, and opened up.

She saw the fire start forming in its mouth, and she knew if she didn't free herself now, then she'd be engulfed in flames.

Her fight or flight instincts kicked in, and she felt a rush of adrenaline, and with that she managed to free her raised arm, and thrust it into the Hound's flaming maw, impaling its brain, and burning her arm.

"Shit!" The woman hissed as she felt the flames engulf her arm. Fortunately, it didn't last very long, as with the Hound's death, the flames died down, and its wings stopped flapping, and it started falling to the ground.

However as its ally was falling down, the other Hound launched its own flamethrower attack at the woman, as soon as the other Hound died.

"AGHH!" The woman cried out in pain as the flames hit her already fire-damaged arm.

As soon as the dead and dissipating Hound hit the ground, the woman jumped off of it, escaping the flames, however, while she was distracted by that, an apple came flying down, and hit her shoulder, biting down into it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" The woman cried as the apple bit into her flesh. Before it could do too much more damage, she grabbed it, and crushed it, causing it to dissipate and vanish.

She flipped mid-air, and landed on her feet, before quickly dashing back into the forest, and hiding behind a tree.

The woman was breathing heavily, pain and exhaustion taking it's toll on her heavily.

She looked at her damaged arm and shoulder. The burns were bad, and wound from the apple was pretty deep and bleeding. She could still move the arm a bit, but for combat purposes, it was pretty useless.

Meaning she had to kill this remaining Hound, with three limbs left.

Alright. Think. How do I kill this thing? She thought. It has a brain. So it probably doesn't appreciate getting hit really hard in the head. So I guess I'll just do that.

She dashed out from behind the tree, and forward towards the Hound, at the fastest speed she could muster.

The Hound tried to shoot out fire at her, however, the woman got there too fast, and kicked its lower jaw up, forcing its mouth shut.

Then she swiped her claw down, leaving a gash in its head armor, and forcing its head down, where she then kicked it to the side, and then kicked it again, and then slashed at it again.

She continued to assault its head with attacks, disorienting it, leaving it little time to think.

It tried to lunge forward and attack her with its claw, but she jumped back, to dodge it, before jumping back towards it, and continuing her assault on its head.

The Hound tried jumping back to escape the assault and heal itself, however, the woman jumped forward with it and kept hitting its head, no matter how it tried to run away, the woman was too fast and kept hitting it.

Its armor was now thoroughly cracked, and she was doing damage faster than it could heal.

Considering its brain was being bashed against its skull, it was rather hard for the Hound to think. But it knew that it was going to die. This woman was too strong, and too fast, none of its attacks would land.

But at the very least, it could potentially bring her down with it.

The woman raised her arm back, ready to thrust it through the Hound's brain and kill it, but she hesitated when she saw light leaking from the cracks in the Hound's armor.

And then its whole body started to glow.

Then her instincts screamed at her "GET AWAY!"

She jumped back, and-


The Hound exploded, creating a massive blast that engulfed the woman, before sending her flying back, crashing through several trees, before landing a few dozen feet away.

"Ohhhhh." The woman groaned. She was in, so much pain right now, and it didn't help that it felt like the world was spinning.

She laid there for a couple minutes, letting herself recover from that last attack, before pulling herself up to her feet. "Agh!"

That explosion did a number on her, creating some more burns on her body, as well as a few other injuries, and she definitely had some broken and bruised bones in her legs, ribs, and arms.

"Alright. That had to be the last obstetrical." She said to herself as she walked towards the house again. "Except maybe that tree...I could probably kill that thing."

And so she kept walking, all the way back to the house, ignoring the overwhelming pain she was in.

She got back to the gates, only to find they had been blown apart by the explosion.

And standing there at the center of it all, was Sansan.

The woman's eyes widened. "Oh, I know you, your-ahh!"

Without much hesitation, Sansan launched forward, creating serval hands to try and grab her.

She jumped back, hissing as the pain from all her injuries made this rather difficult to do.

And landing was even worse, the pain that came when she hit the ground caused her to freeze for a second, and that second was enough for Sansan's hands to grab her.

She tried to struggle out of them, but at this point, most of her strength had been sapped.

Sansan's arms raised her up into the air, encasing her body in slime, further trapping her.

Once the woman was high enough in the air, she turned her upside down and then slammed her into the dirt.

And once the woman's head hit the ground, everything went dark.


"Ohhhhhhh." The woman groaned, as she regained consciousness, and slowly opened her eyes.

She was now in Izuku's office, laying on the floor, staring up at Izuku, who was behind his desk.

Her body was of course restrained heavily. First, her limbs were stuck together using Mineta's balls, then they stuck Mineta's balls to each one of her fingers, ensuring she couldn't use her claws, and then finally, she was wrapped in several layers of Sero's tape.

And Izuku was not alone in the room either, Kirishima and Ochaco were also present, standing alongside him.

Lastly, there were also two Beringels, holding her down to the ground.

"Oww." The woman groaned as she felt the pain of all her injuries coursing through her body.

"You woke up sooner than expected," Izuku said, he was wearing the hood of his robe, so she couldn't see his face, but recognized his voice.

"Your Caretaker!" The woman stated, looking excited.

"Um...yes?" Izuku was surprised that she'd refer to him by that title. Typically the only people who referred to him by that name were Kiba and her fans.

"Who sent you!" Ochaco asked angrily, getting straight to the point.

"Sent me?" The woman asked, looking confused.

"Don't play dumb," Ochaco told her aggressively, giving her an absolutely killer glare. ""Who's the person trying to kill Izuku?"

The woman once again just looked confused. "I don't know. If I did then I'd slash em with my claws! No one gets away with hurting Lady Kiba's Caretaker!"

Everyone stared at her in disbelief, and for a minute, there was silence.

"So...you didn't come here to kill me?" Izuku asked.

"What!? Why would I want to kill you!?" The woman asked, looking genuinely shocked.

"Wait if you didn't come here to kill Izuku, then why did you destroy all of the security Grimm!?" Ochaco shouted.

"Grimm! That's what they were called! Thank you that was bothering me so much!" The woman smiled before frowning as she took in the rest of what Ochaco said. "Wait...security?...Does that mean that wasn't a test?"

"A test?" Izuku asked, sounding just as confused as she was.

"Yeah, a test! To see if I was good enough for the security guard job." The woman explained.

Once again, there was a minute of silence, as everyone stared at her dumbfounded.

"So let get this straight," Izuku said. "You came here to ask for a job?"

"Uh-huh!" The woman nodded, only to stop when she realized that moving was a really bad idea. "Ow. My head."

"And you thought that I send the Grimm after you, as a test, to see if you were strong enough?" Izuku asked.

"Yup." The woman confirmed.

"Ok, how would I know to test you for that, if I didn't know who you were, and why you're here?" Izuku asked, poking a massive hole in her logic.

The woman's eyes widened, as she realized that her assumption, made no sense. "Oh, yeah that's um..."

"And you didn't think that if you barged in on his private property, not too long after an assassination attempt., with no introduction, and started beating up our security system, that we might think you were an intruder?" Ochaco asked.

"...Opps." The woman said.

Once again, there was silence, as the three didn't really know how to respond to such, stupidity.

"So...about the job?" The woman asked.

Izuku slammed his head down onto his desk.

That was enough of today. Izuku was too tired to deal with absurdity right now.


The next day was rather busy for Izuku, as he had to deal with the clean-up.

First, he had to calm down the kids assure them that there was in fact, not actually an assassin, just an idiot.

Second, he had to make plans for Yami to spend a day in the city so he could stalk up enough negativity to replenish all the Grimm that were destroyed.

Third, he had to get to work on constructing a fence around the forest, because apparently, signs weren't enough.

And lastly, was dealing with the woman in question.

Which lead to this moment, where Izuku was behind his desk, addressing 1A while his mother watched the children.

"Ok, so I looked up information about our intruder yesterday," Izuku told them. "Her name is Sori Jaga. And she belongs to the Nekonanako Foundation."

"The Nekonanako Foundaion!" Mineta gasped.

"I presume you know what that is Mineta?" Iida asked him.

"If Mineta knows what it is, then it's probably inappropriate," Jiro said.

"The Nekonanako Foundation is a Foundation dating back to the era when quirks first appeared," Mineta explained eagerly. "You see back when the first people with cat quirks came into existence, people realized how much money could be made in less than ethical ways. So they gathered pretty much everyone they could with a cat-related quirk and started selling, buying, and breeding cat girls for profit. This was illegal of course, and their practices were pretty much slavery combined with eugenics, so when heroes came around, they busted up these businesses pretty quickly. But when the cat people got free, they realized they too could make the same amount of money their captors did and made the Nekonanako Foundation, the worlds leading business in cat girl related, well anything! You want to rent a catgirl maid! Done! You want a catgirl to call you Oni-Chan! You go to them! You want to adopt a baby catgirl? You can get that too! Every cat girl is bred and trained to be the best in their field! And that typically means they're all either super cute or super hot!"

"So basically, they take people with cat quirks, pay them to have sex with each other, then either sell the baby to someone who ordered it, or train them from birth and essentially force them to be fetish fuel for money," Toru said, no one being able to see the disgust on her face.

"Well...I mean it's less hot when you say it like that." Mineta responded.

"Leave it to Mineta to know the history of a morally shady company that runs on cute girls," Sero said.

"Well, thank you for saving me the trouble of explaining it at least," Izuku told him. "Anyway, Sori is one of their new lines of combat catgirls, meant to be rented out as bodyguards, called...Comcat girls."

"That name is terrible," Shoji stated bluntly.

"Yeah, anyway, her quirk is called Ultimate Breed," Izuku explained. "Essentially, after a couple hundred years of breeding different cat girls together, she a perfect mix of every big cat you can think of, put together to create the ultimate feline predator, combined with human aspects to make her even more deadly. She's stronger, faster, and tougher than any other catgirl in existence. At least that's what the website said, and after seeing what she did to the Grimm, I'm inclined to agree. She even got a bodyguard license at an astonishingly young age."

A bodyguard's license was a lot like a hero's license, in that allowed the use of a quirk to combat criminals, but it was much more limiting. Someone with this license was only allowed to use their quirk in case their contractor is threatened, anything else is still illegal.

Getting one is an extremely difficult though, as the test was said to be hard, that with all the training you'd need to do to pass it, you might as well just become a pro hero. As such most people opted to just become pro heroes instead, as being a hero came with fewer limitations and more fame. As such people with bodyguard licenses were rare but very powerful.

"So why did she come here?" Todoroki asked.

"Well after the police took her away they got the full story," Izuku told them. "Apparently, she was a huge fan of Kiba, and after seeing the assassination attempt on me, and then realizing that I was hiring staff, decided to see if I would hire her to be part of security. It never occurred to her to just call me ahead of time, or use the front gate, and when the Grimm started attacking her, she thought we were testing her to see if she was skilled enough for the job."

"...So she's just an idiot then," Jiro said.

"Yeah, jeez, even I'm not that dumb," Kaminari commented.

"So what do we do now?" Momo asked. "Sue them?"

"Well, I have a meeting with a representative of their company, to discuss how we'll handle this going forward," Izuku said. "Which is why I called you here, I need you to make sure the kids stay away from the office and don't do anything...regrettable in retribution. The meeting is in an hour, so I would prefer if you did this now."

"Understood! The children will be under our watchful eyes!" Iida said. "Class 1A! Time to get to work!"

"Right!" They responded.


An hour later, the representative had arrived.

Izuku didn't know what to expect, but he did expect this.

The representative was around his age seemingly, and was of course a catgirl, with long pink curly hair, and pink ears and a tail, wearing a rather provocative red dress, that gave pretty much everyone a clear view of her...feminine assets. Assets that she had an abundance of, to say the least.

Alongside her were two much taller and older bodyguards, wearing the same outfit Sori was wearing implying it was some kind of uniform. One that showed off more skin than Izuku was comfortable with.

Although given that this was a company that sold based on cuteness and sex appeal, maybe this is exactly what he should have been expecting.

And to be fair, it was pretty effective as Izuku's face immediately went red, and he had to banish quite a few stray thoughts away.

"Hey there." She said in a voice that was obviously meant to be seductive. "I'm Utera Seku. And I'm the representative of the Nekonanko Foundation. A pleasure to make you acquaintance."

She gave him a wink, and slowly sauntered her way to the seat in front of his desk.

"H-Hello," Izuku said, taking a moment to compose himself. "I am Izuku Midoriya. Head of the Midoriya Foundation. It is nice to meet you as well. Now, I believe we should get down to business."

"Right. Business." She said, before putting on a fake sad expression, and holding her finger up to her lip. "We are so, so, sorry about what happened with Sori. She's always been the dullest knife in the drawer if you know what I mean. But she's so fast, and strong, it's hard for us to keep an eye on her. Still, we'd be willing to do anything to make it up to you."

Utera then leaned over his desk, getting way too close for Izuku's liking, and making his heartbeat way too fast. "Anything."

"I have no intention of suing you, please stop," Izuku told her firmly, trying his hardest to look solely at her face.

Utera gave him a surprised look, before leaning back. "I see."

It was then that her entire personality changed. The way she sat, moved, the look in her eye, the way she carried herself, everything became less seductive and more casual.

"So what is it that you want exactly?" Utera asked him, her voice far more serious. "I've heard you're a nice guy and all, but I doubt you'd let us go scot-free after something like this."

"What I want is simple. I would like to have Sori Jaga, under my employ."

Utera's eyes went wide. "E-Excuse me?"

"Look, I understand that this may come as a surprise, however, while her assault on my security was horribly stressful, it also proved two things. One, my security would be ill-equipped to take on extremely powerful villains. As while ultimately my security did greatly weaken her, I had to resort to sending out one of my own daughters to take her down. I don't think I need to tell you how much a failure I feel like as a father, having to do something like that, even if there was 0% chance she would lose, my children should not be fighting killers, at least not until they become pro heroes." Izuku explained. "And the second thing her assault proved to me, is that she is extremely powerful. More so than many pro heroes. As such, having her under my employ as head of security would make me feel a lot better about my kid's safety, as well my own."

"I see." Utera purred, and Izuku see the wheels turning in her head as she thought of how to get the best deal possible out of this.

Eventually, her expression settled into a sinister, Cheshire cat grin. "Well, I think we can come to an agreement where everyone wins. Normally we don't allow things like this. We only offer rentals for services, however, given this incident, we're more than willing to be flexible and offer up her contract. For a price."

"Considering the offense she committed and how badly it'd look if this went public, I hope this price isn't too high," Izuku told her in a warning tone.

"Well you have to understand, she is our most powerful fighter," Utera said. "And we spent years cultivating her skills, training her, feeding her the best foods and vitamins to make her the perfect warrior. So in selling her to you. We'd be losing years' worth of time and money. We can ultimately make another one, but still, you understand her value right?"

"Of course. And you understand your situation, right?" Izuku asked, his tone not wavering.

"Of course." She said without a hint of worry. "Now then, shall we negotiate the price?"


Well, I really fucked up didn't I. Sori thought as she laid in her hospital bed.

It was two days after her break-in, and she was really surprised she was not in prison. Because in retrospect, she'd done something really, really dumb. Breaking into private property, destruction of private property, and illegal use of quirk.

Seriously how was she not in jail?

"Oh, I don't even want to think of what boss is gonna do to me." Sori grimaced. "I'm gonna be eating cat food for months."

Then, suddenly, the door opened, and Izuku came in, holding a clipboard.

"Hello, Ms. Jaga." Izuku greeted her formily, pulling up a seat next to her bed.

"C-Caretaker!?" Sori's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh shit, uh, I am, so sorry about breaking onto your property and thrashing your security! Seriously my bad!"

Izuku sighed. "Well, thank you for the apology, and at the very least, you'll get the chance to make it up to us."

"Huh?" Sori gave him a confused look. "What does that mean?"

"It means, I purchased your contract from Nekonanko," Izuku said, showing her the clipboard with her new contract.

Her eyes somehow got even wider. "Wait really!?"

Izuku nodded. "While did nearly give me a heart attack, you also proved to be more effective than anything my security system has to offer. As such, I went out of my way to do this. It cost quite a bit, so please don't disappoint me."

"I can't believe it! I get work for Lady Kiba!" Sori grinned with stars in her eyes. "I won't disappoint you, sir! I'll start work right away!"

"You're in a hospital bed." Izuku pointed out.

"Oh right!" Sori realized, looking down at her bandaged up body.

Izuku sighed. "You can start once you recover from your injuries."

"Yes sir!" Sori responded, trying to salute him, only to realize that she still could not move.

"Please don't keep making this mistake," Izuku asked her.

"I can only promise to try," Sori responded.

Alright, so we got the first employee! Although we won't be seeing her until she recovers, after 1A leaves.

Now, I want to talk about the Hound for a minute and make things clear.

Firstly, the Hound is not, by any sense of the word. Alive.

Secondly, the Hound's ability to think is run by a human brain. Meaning it can be overwhelmed, and if you hit hard enough in the head, it impairs its ability to think, and can even give it brain damage.

This is why her tactic of, hit it really hard in the head, worked.

Anyway, you may also be thinking that her quirk wouldn't make her that strong or fast, but Big Cats are not something to be underestimated. Not to mention her powers come from a breed of big cat that does not actually exist, but is even stronger than the ones that do.

That's all for now.

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