Snakes: The Choice(On Hold)

By X_Keirnan_X

13.8K 372 45

A rumor appeared, saying that Voldemort or he-who-must-not-be-named was back. Y/n is no longer a little girl... More

A New You
Not a Chapter!


706 19 1
By X_Keirnan_X

*GORE* Please skip if you feel uncomfortable with it.


Soft yet smooth scales were rubbing against you as you woke up.

Hades hissed as he nuzzled his nose against you.

*'m Hungry.*

"Alright, give me a few," you said as you got up from your bed and went to their food bowls to feed them.

Still feeling the effects of waking up, you rubbed your eyes slightly and begun your day by going to take a warm bath.

As you got your clothes ready and went downstairs to take a bath, you noticed it was awfully quiet than usual.

"Petunia?!" You called out hearing nothing but silence.

You headed downstairs to check if Petunia or vernon were there, but they were gone.

''s Sunday, where could they have gone?'

You then made your way back upstairs to take a bath before they got home.

~Bubble bath with a ducky/2 hours passed ~

Thoughts of Ava came to mind as you calmed yourself in the bath.

To hear her screaming in agony....

*Misstress...* Nova hissed outside the bathroom door.

"Just.....i'll be out in a few minutes!" You yelled out so Nova could hear you.

After you got out and changed, you decided to trim your ends a bit.

As you opened the bathroom door, Nova slithered downstairs, and you followed after you put your clothes into the dirty basket in your room.

"Nova.....Come......let's take a walk." You said quietly

*Misstress.....what about Hades?* Nova asked softly

"He'll be okay, I made sure to overfill his bowl so he won't be hungry when we get back."

"Come, let us go now, nova." You said as you opened the door and left the house.


As you and Nova walked, you came across a store with  jewelry.

'Hmm.....seems interesting'

You entered the store to see different colors of rings,necklaces, and bracelets for men and women.

Looking around for a bit, you found nothing that caught your eye until you found a ring that you passed by a lot of times.

One not even you saw before, only when you looked really hard to find something catching.

A ring that blended into the casing it was in.

"How much is this ring?" You asked the shop owner who was an elderly woman, as she came to you and spoke.

"I didn't know we had that kind of ring.....I've never seen it before. And there's no price tag next to it. Why don't you keep it a gift from me, yes?" She said kindly as her hand touched your arm.

"Thank you, Ms......?"

"River.... but please just call me Ella. "

"Well... thank you for the gift, Ms.ella," you said as you looked at her hand.

'Gross.......get your filthy hand off my arm, you disgusting old hag.'

As the old lady went back to her desk, you left the store and rubbed the part where she touched.

"Come Nova, we have a.....guest to meet." You said as you walked towards the park where the children played.

~4 hours later~

You observed the children playing and waited for Ava to come.

As soon as you were about to get up, you heard a soft-spoken voice.

"Is that your pet snake?"

Looking to where the voice was heard, you saw ava staring at Nova on the grass as she slept peacefully.

"Yes....her name is Nova, would you like to pet her?" You asked smiling softly at ava and gestured for her to come sit down beside you.

"Nova....up now, let ava pet you fir a bit please." you said in a whisper as Nova lifted her head and slithered towards you and ava.

"Does she bite?" Ava asked, concerned

"No....not unless u tell her too, but don't worry, she won't bite you."  'Yet'

Ava got on the grass and started to pet Nova. She smiled as her hand rubbed against Nova's scaly skin, feeling a bit slimy

"My name is ava River. I remember you when I was younger... Didn't you have two snakes?" Ava asked as she looked up at you.

"Yes, I still do....but the other one is at home sleeping."

"Ava, where are your parents? Can I meet them?"

You asked as ava got up excitedly and grabbed your hand, and began walking with you as Nova followed.

"Yes! I live far away, but I take the bus to get to the park. Come, let's go!"

~1 hour later~ (7:59pm)

As both of you and Nova reached her house, ava suggested you stay for dinner.

"Do you want to stay over for dinner? Mother makes yummy food! I promise!" Ava said as she looked at you with big eyes.

"Ava, I must get going. It's getting late out." You said as the sky had turned dark a hour ago.

"Pleassseee!!" Ava said as she pulled your hand.

"How about this,we go on walk together, and then we eat mommy's food,okay?"

You asked, looking into Ava's eye, and smiled lightly.

"Okay....come. I know a path we can walk."

Ava said as she once again pulled your hand.

"Coming, I'm coming. There's no need to pull me."

Ava and you walked down a path with lights and reached a spot where it broke off into two paths.

"Let's go this way,"

You suggested to the left side, which appeared to be a bit darker than the other one.

"I'm not allowed to go down that one." Daddy says it leads back to the city."

Ava said as she tried pulling you to the path that led back to her house.

"Ava, let's go the other way....we can find a present for your mother!" You said happily, and ava smiled and followed both you and Nova.

~30 minutes later~

As all three of you walked for some time, you knew the way back to the city, thanks to exploring the last two weeks.

Ava suddenly spoke

"I'm scared....can we go back now?" 

"Silencio," you whispered softly

"Ava.....can you help me with something?" You asked as you looked at her.

"Yes.....but can we go back afterward?" Ava said, scared.

"Yes, we can go back afterward....I just need a small bit of your blood....just a drop."

As soon as you finished speaking, Nova snapped her jaws on ava, paralyzing ava from the waist down.

Ava screamed as Nova bit her, terrified at what happened as she fell to the ground.

A terrified little girl all alone in the woods.

Then you went towards ava and pulled out a small yet sharp knife you carried with you and begun slicing Ava's skin on her arm.

As blood spilled from Ava's arm, she screamed from the pain you were causing.

As you finished cutting the skin her her arm, you dug your fingernails underneath it and ripped her skin as she continued screaming and crying.

Nova held her upper body down as you then began cutting her shirt off from her.

"PLEASSSEEE!!!!.....STOPPP!!!.....IT HURTSS!!!!......MOMMM!!!!" Ava continued screaming as you began cutting into her stomach.

More blood spilled, as you touched her sensitive skin and tasted the metallic blood. Yet it didn't taste metallic at all.

But rather sickly sweet.....the soft liquidity fluid that seemed to make you want more of it.

A sensation you craved as you began cutting into Ava's stomach as she did nothing but scream and beg for you to stop.

The Ecstasy you felt when you ripped her organs out of her stomach and lick her screaming slowly went down, you made sure she stayed alive for a bit more.

"Renervate," you said as ava began screaming again.

After drinking enough blood from ava, you started cutting her arm as she kept screaming.

Finally, you finished cutting, and you ripped the piece you cut off. As a snapping was heard, half of her arm came off.

As her arm came off, you did the exact same thing to the other before you bitten into her neck and ripped her throat clean out.

Only thoughts of feasting and pleasure filled your mind.

As you were done feasting on ava, you were shocked at her choking, so you ended her quickly.

"A pretty sight indeed," you smiled as you cut her legs off before you spoke again.

"Avada kedavra," you spoke as you pulled out your wand from your back pocket.

As soon as she laid life less her a tiny blue light emitted from a small soul.


Instantly, Nova began eating the remaining parts of ava.

As she finished eating ava, you spoke again, feeling no remorse for what you just did to a child.

"Nova.....This isn't an order but a question....would you like to be my Horcrux?" You asked softly as you bent down and petted her.

"Misstress....can I be your second Horcrux?" Nova hissed as you nodded your head.

As the soul transferred to the ring, you got from the old hag from the store.

'....Nova ate Ava as did to clean up this place...No traces...' You thought to yourself and did a clean-up spell that would get rid of the blood and any traces of what happened.

"Tergeo"  " Evanesco" you spoke softly and headed back to the city with Nova following but not before taking a bath in the lake near a small house far away from Ava's house.

You gained a horcrux and lost a small bit of white in your eye as it turned a tiny bit blue, and your skin turned a small shade lighter.

'The death of a child......what a pleasure to have...'

"Pleasure meeting you, ava,"  you whispered to no one as you finished bathing and made sure no traces were left in the lake.

As you headed home with Nova, you quietly had another bath after you entered the house and got rid of your clothes.

'Now......Time to apply for school......I wonder what this year will bring.'

You thought as you layed down after you were done your bath and locked the window, and closed the curtains.

"Goodnight, my beautiful children," you whispered before falling asleep and enjoying Nova and Hades warmth they brought to your skin.

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