Fire & Flood

Por Serena_Storm

727 97 66

"Fire & Flood" weaves together romance, magic, and the ultimate battle between love and darkness, inviting r... Más

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Prologue and Chapter 1

96 19 12
Por Serena_Storm


The shadows in the forest seemed to dance maliciously, intertwining with the gnarled branches overhead. As he ventured further, an unsettling silence enveloped him, broken only by the distant cries of unseen creatures. The twisted, skeletal trees whispered ominous secrets, as if the very essence of the woods harbored a malevolence that mirrored his own torment.

His footsteps echoed eerily through the desolate landscape, a rhythmic reminder of his solitary existence. The moon cast feeble rays through the dense canopy, creating an otherworldly glow that accentuated the haunting atmosphere. Each step brought him closer to the heart of his solitude, a place where the boundary between reality and his darkest fears blurred into a disconcerting haze.

The air itself seemed to carry a weight, laden with the heaviness of his haunted memories. Shadows clung to him like spectral companions, mirroring the darkness that festered within. A distant howl echoed through the trees, a mournful cry that resonated with the anguish he felt in his own soul. The forest, once a refuge, now echoed the desolation of his spirit, and he couldn't escape the feeling that the very roots of the ancient trees held the secrets to his tortured existence.

Chapter 1

She is dead, thought Emily stroking the soft white fur of her cat Misty. Blood coloured the animal from head to toe. It looked like a wild animal ripped into her. Emily hoped that Misty's death was quick. She felt tears stream down her face; she wiped them away with her hand that was now coated with Misty's blood. Her long auburn hair slid around her face like a curtain as the girl's slender body shuddered with emotion – grief and devastation.

So much blood... aside from Misty's fur, there was blood on the welcome rug by the front door. It oozed and pooled, Emily could smell its rusty tang all around her. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the sounds around her to stifle that panicky, creeping feeling that threatened to swallow her whole. Her surroundings were quiet – not a bird or animal could be heard in the woods. This was unusual for her home. Typically, she'd hear birds chirping and squirrel chittering, but today – nothing. As if the forest itself was grieving for Misty.

Carefully, she wrapped Misty in a towel and carried her behind the house. It was early mid-November morning, and the ground was frozen from the night's chill. She'd have to wait until later in the day to burry Misty in her favourite spot – next to the flower garden. Emily was devastated. Living on a farm at the edge of the forest had its difficulties. In her seventeen years, Emily was not a stranger to losing pets to wild animals, but Misty has been different. This cat never left the front porch and was smart enough to always come home before it became too dark. So, it was strange that she did not return the night before.

Emily left Misty wrapped in the towel on the back patio. She didn't know what to do. Sadness gripped her, but she didn't want to stay home alone. Her mom worked as a nurse and her dad was a mechanic. They were both already at work. She was on her way to school before she found Misty by the front door.

Part of her wanted to stay home, to be with Misty. However, she knew that staying home alone right now was not a good idea. As much as Emily disliked school and she knew that she needed the distraction to get her through today.


Just one more day, thought Emily forcing herself to focus on the road. Willobrook – her hometown nestled among the forested mountains – was dressed in full fall colours and vailed in fog as she drove her ancient green Subaru Forester to school. Just one more day and it's the weekend and I can sleep, she kept thinking. Emily found that lately she needed this self-pep talk every day before school. This was her final year of high school and she felt exhausted. She found school to be boring – the familiar faces, topics of conversation, relationship dramas seemed at once overwhelming and childish. Emily wanted more, much more than this sleepy little town was able to provide.

Emily had called Willowbrook her home since birth, and every street and winding path in the town had become intimately familiar. She knew exactly where she could go and what she must avoid – listening carefully to the hushed warnings of the adults regarding the woods. Something lurked there – a wild and unfamiliar presence. Theories of Sasquatch, aliens, blood drinkers and other nightmarish creatures circulated the town. Everyone seemed to have a story about the forest. Emily felt it in her bones too, that unsettling stillness, punctuated only by the haunting, deep green shadows that danced amidst the trees.

Willowbrook High was an older concrete building that stood near the edge of town. A large grass sports field belonging to the school was hugged by the entrance into the forest. There were strict rules prohibiting students to enter the woods. Yet, some of her classmates took bets on how many steps they could take before chickening out and running back towards safety.

It only took Emily a few minutes to get to school – the perks of living in a small town. Even though she parked, Emily stayed in the car. The thought of facing people right now seemed insurmountable as she kept thinking about Misty. The way her soft fur became matted under a thickening layer of blood; the way she smelled like death and rust. In her mind's eye, Emily could see Misty's tiny face – eyes closed and mouth slightly open – as if stuck in a perpetual scream.

Emily shook her head. The images made her feel physically sick. She got out of the car and welcomed the cold November air as it helped her to refocus.

"Emily!" She heard a familiar voice behind her. Her friend Lexie was walking towards her. Lexie was slender and shorter than Emily. When the girl got close enough, her piercing blue eyes looked at Emily with concern.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Emily and Lexie were friends since kindergarten. The two could practically read each other's minds, so it was no surprise that Lexie picked up on Emily's mood.

"Misty died," said Emily, her voice sounding horse and distant.

"Oh no! I am so sorry!" Said Lexie and threw her arms around Emily.

The warmth of Lexie's hug broke Emily. She started to sob. Lexie continued to hold her friend, letting go only when Emily pulled away.

"Maybe you should go home," said Lexie.

"That'll only make it worse," said Emily and started walking towards the school.


As Emily and her fellow high school seniors inched toward graduation, the restlessness in the air was palpable. Boredom had become the unofficial classmate, a sentiment they all shared with each other frequently. Today, however, seemed to drag on even more. Emily could not focus on any of her classes. Her mind was still reeling from this morning. However, this was still better than being at home alone with her thoughts.   

Emily rushed home after school. All she wanted was to go home and burry her cat before her parents got back. She didn't want them to see Misty like this. She didn't want her father to worry about another animal attack and the fact that Misty was placed perfectly at their doorstep. Emily mulled this last part over in her mind. As the initial shock wore off, she thought it was odd that the cat was not eaten – as it would have been if a predictor got her – but instead left out for her to find. A cold shiver ran down Emily's spine as she started her car and pulled out of the school's parking lot.


The girl was lost in her thoughts as she drove home down a familiar road. The road followed a carved path through the woods. Mammoth pine trees grew on either side shading the sky and leaving the road in a perpetual dusk. Even with her car windows closed, Emily could smell the rich mossy damp scent of the forest.

The road was empty, but Emily caught a glimmer of movement on the side of the road. Emily slowed down. It was not unusual to encounter a wild animal here. On her way to and from school, Emily has seen different birds, squirrels, raccoons, and even a fox. But as she contemplated what was rustling in the bushes, a large animal stalked from the trees and onto the middle of the road. The colossal form paused in front of Emily and was illuminated perfectly by Emily's car. The creature was a massive black wolf. Its eyes – a striking green – seemed to be looking directly at Emily.

Even from the safety of her car, she could hear the deep, ominous growl rumbling from the wolf's throat. The creature clamped its jaws around something small and orange, which appeared minuscule in comparison to the wolf's colossal size. The wolf maintained its menacing stance and continued to growl, while small droplets of blood dripped from its mouth as its grip tightened around the smaller animal.

The sight of blood and the small, wounded animal in the wolf's maw reminded Emily of Misty's death. Grief punctuated by anger washed over Emily. Is this the animal that got Misty? she thought. Emily slowly got out of her vehicle and took cautious steps towards the wolf. Her body shook with fear and exhilaration. She wasn't sure what she could do against this wolf, or if the animal in its mouth was even alive, but she felt compelled to help. The rawness of her morning experience has made her tuned into the small animal's suffering.

With Emily's slender figure now in alignment with the wolf's, she realized just how massive this creature was. It stood as tall as her, and she had a hunch that if it straightened out completely, it would tower even higher. As she got closer, she could see that the wolf held a small, orange tabby in its jaws. Emily's chest tightened. It was a cat, just like Misty. It was hurt – blood was now pulling on the road as the small drops continued to fall from the wounded animal. Emily balled up her fists in anger.

"Drop it!" Emily's voice quivered as she commanded the massive wolf. She felt her eyes burn as she stared directly into the wolf's gaze. It's green eyes unwavering to her challenge. Its muzzle wrinkled in response and a low growl emanated from deep within the animal. Emily felt its dominance. She suddenly knew what a pray felt in the presence of an apex predator. Yet, she stood her ground.

"Drop it!" She repeated more forcefully. The sound of her voice swallowed by the density of the pine forest around her. Emily straightened her back as tall as she could make it and took one confident step towards the wolf.

Something like a surprise danced in the wolf's eyes. Emily noted that there was an intelligence within this animal that was somehow different. It felt as if the wolf was consciously calculating its next steps rather than just acting on instinct. Emily took another confident step forward. The wolf growled and tightened its grip on the cat in its jaws. Drip, drip, drip – the cat's blood cascaded from the wolf's jaws in steady beat.

Emily spotted a sharp rock next to her foot and slowly bent down to pick it up. As if sensing her intention, the wolf let out a low growl and curled its lips to reveal a row of bloodied white teeth. In a split-second reaction, Emily hurled the rock at the beast, striking the animal between the eyes. The wolf snarled but in that second let go of the cat it was clutching in its jaw. The small animal fell to the ground. The wolf shook its massive head from side to side, gave Emily a sideways
glance and lopped into the forest.

Emily's knees buckled as she sank onto the ground. Adrenaline rushed through her body, and she felt herself shake uncontrollably. A few steps away from her, in a pool of its own blood, lay a small orange cat. Emily rushed towards it and without a second thought wrapped up the animal in her coat and put it into her car.

What now? She thought as she sped home.

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