3 KingDoms Shenanigans. PILOT...

By Honest_Healer

345 40 678

*.✧ "When you turn into the age 20, our generation staff will be passed on to you, dearie. Mom and Dad soon w... More

PART 1 : Smiling Faces.
PART : 2 History lesson
PART 3 : Stalking Eyes.
Part 5: Take a look at me!
Part 6: Where have YOU been?
Part 7: Lovely Chat And a New Friend
PART 8 : A bumpy ride, flashbacks n' more!
PART 9: A long talk
Don't worry I'm not dead yet! :(
PART : 10 | Danger Alert.| Epilogue

PART 4 : The Dealer

47 3 105
By Honest_Healer

Jake Daniels - God

[ I I ]

Scene 1 : The Ballroom.

All eyes were on the furious looking princess who huffed in and out deep breaths, her purple eyes glowing dangerously at the unknown person, her hands pressed together, teeth visible as she made herself to look more imitating. The taller man just stood there, lips together into a tight smile as he gawked at the furious ball of grey hair silently. For a minute the silence stretched on until he grinned back at them, looking all cheery and innocent.

"Why wouldn't I be here, darling?"

Shaera stared at him for a moment, then blinked for a few times as she seemed to be
processing the words which the chipper man said. He ignored the confused looking princess and turned to face Marie with the grin still present on his face, while Marie stood there looking nervous and confused at the same time.

"Oh - look at you, dearie! You, certainly need a mentor to handle that silly little staff of yours!" He pointed his index finger at her as he rounded the uncomfortable looking princess with that same, unnerving grin on his face which stretch right across his face, looking amused and excited as he tapped her head with a smug looking smile after a few seconds.
"My dear, do not be uncomfortable! For I am here to assist you!"

"Okay. Shut up, and tell us, how in the fruit cakes do you know that?!" Shaera quickly pushed the man away from her friend, looking pissed off as she shoot the questions at him. He backward a little, a tight smile on his lips as Shaera growled at him, pushing Marie behind her protectively while Marie seemed to be lost in another world, looking blank and confused. The man only tighten his smile which did not quiver at the slightest and glared back at her with his unseen eyes, not imitated by Shaera. They had a staring competition for a moment until Shaera sneered at him, her patience already on a thin line.

"I asked you a question before Mr. And you did not give me a proper answer for that too. So please, answer the questions."

The man chuckled dryly at her question, seemingly entertained as he lifted his hands above his head and waved around dramatically, making weird signs in the air with his fingers. He instantly cheered up like he wasn't having a death glare competition just a few seconds ago as his cheery voice rang across the ballroom.
"My my, dearie! It's seems as if you're feed up! Do not be, for I'm not here to cause any mayhem. Instead, I'm here to help her highness here!"

"Cool." August commented from across the ballroom casually as he helped himself to another blueberry, munching on it as if the end of the world was nearby. He leaned against the piano, staring at the three with a smug look on his face.

The Man ignored August comment and instead, he started circling the ballroom, his feet barely making any sound as he walked with long strides gracefully,like he was made to do so. He gave them his all knowing grin as he lifted his hands above his head, pointing at every single place of the ballroom his eyes could possibly land on. "Well, to answer you're question, Princess Shaera, it's quite easy. I. Know. Everything!"

"Yeah, alright. That's sounds messed up and creepy but - uh okay, I'll just slide with it." August shrugged at the man with a silly looking smile on his face as if he wasn't bothered by anything and everything which was happening at the moment.

"..That..dosent sound good at all." Marie commented with a nervous look on her face as he eyes followed the man with the blue, baggy cloak who seemed to move swiftly without making any sound. He stopped walking and snapped his face to face them, the same grin on his face and a snap! sound ejaculated from him as his neck twisted to meet her stare. She quickly pressed her pink lips together, eyes wide as she stared at his face which was turned 180° to face her face in an inhuman angle,the man boring holes into her with his unseen eyes, simply not fazed at all by his horrible position his neck was currently in.

His body quickly jolted as it joined back together with his face as it spun around to untangle itself from the neck, his smile turning into a tight, cheeky lip smile as he strode forward while beaming, still not realizing Marie's expression as he quickly pulled her into a tight long hug with one arm dapped around her shoulder, which took her quite off guard.

"Ahh- how do I explain this to you, your highness?" The man leaned down with his hands behind his back, his face stopping mere inches away from her as he gave her a goofy grin, obviously knowing the answer to his question. He beamed as he stood straight again, pointing an index finger upward as if he finally remembered something after thinking for 10 minutes straight. "Ahh, to answer you're question which you're about to ask again as well, dear Shaera, I know everything and everyone! I just can't help it. My knowledge for this world and knowledge about others is simply always known to me! Do not ask why dearie, it's really complicated, trust me - oh trust me!"

Shaera mouth hung open, the words escaping her mouth like air as it died on her throat. Eyes wide with confusion and surprise, she stood there, gawking at the unknown man with an extremely concerning amount of surprise ,anger and concern about her and her friends safety so as for the kingdom. The man cracked his neck to face her, the same unnerving grin on his face as he rocked on his heels patiently, as if he's waiting for Shaera to return back to reality and receive the screams and threats from the grey headed princess.

August finally spoke out from the corner of the ballroom, sitting down on the white polished marble tiles while eating - again, blueberries which seemed to refill every once and a time. "Again, cool and concerning - but whatever." He made some funny signs with his fingers as he raised his hands infront of him with a playful smirk on his face. Marie turned to look at August then the unknown person, but before she could say anything, Shaera finally snapped back into the reality she was living and scream her throat out at the man.

"WHAT KIND OF MAGIC ARE YOU USING, YOU CREEPY LOOKING OLD MAN IN THE BASEMENT?! ARE YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME AND MAKE ME MAD?! IF YOU ARE, YOU ARE DOING A HELL GOOD OF A JOB!" Screeching with furry, she stomped her way to the man who was obviously more taller and imitating than her, seething with an unsettling amount of rage. She pointed her index finger at him as she made her way to him, about to bark another question until she was pulled back by Marie who seemed terrified and troubled by her friends raging and juggling emotions. The man looked like he blinked owlishly and innocently for a moment, then he started laughing like a madman dramatically while his hands were placed ontop of his chest, backing away from the two princesses smoothly.

"Oh- oh dear! My dear, that , was one of the most funniest, confusing and concerning nickname you ever just gave me! What was it again - Ah yes! If - ofcrouse- my memory serves me right then, you called me-..." The voice cracked as his whole body stopped jolting from the little giggles he was making out, and he froze there, still as a statue for some seconds. The defeaning silence was hollow and hurt the 3 friends, who gazed at the man with slight confusion. August was getting ready to shoot another sassy like comment until the man suddenly jolted wildly, the static returning back as he continued talking like he haven't just lagged in real life for 10 seconds."-The Creepy Old Man in The Basement! Why, in my whole sad and jolly looking life have I have never heard such kind of nickname being given to me! Why, this is absolutely thrilling to me! "

The man was obviously not lying when he said that because after rambling on for a few more minutes he began ranting about how much the nickname can be used to creep the hell outta other humans and their kids, so as putting and torturing them with weird and unsettling thoughts. This continue on a while until Shaera decided to butt in, having enough with the man's childlike behavior and weird creepy thoughts.

"It's not.." Shaera manged to grumbled out, embarrassed by the most cheap insulting nickname she just had created a few minutes ago now being blown up by one looking insane guy. She huffed she crossed her arms, glaring at the man. Marie quickly spoke out her question before her friend could say anything. "Uhm..okay, so you say that you can help me..but my mentor isn't here..and you're here..uhm..are you here to help me use the staff?"

"Yes yes! Ofcrouse dearie!" He cheered as he turned his back to face them and lifted up his hand dramatically, summoning what looks like an old, bandaid looking staff out of thin air . He gripped it tightly once it landed on his hand, a cheery looking smile on his face as he lifted up the staff with both of his hands above his head dramatically, declaring. "I can help you with that, dear Marie!"

"And how are we, supposed to trust you- again?" Shaera popped her head as she leaned forward to look at the man while having a brow raised, obviously not trusting the man in the slightest. The mans childlike smile slowly face away as it turned into a more, wicked like grin as he clutched the staff with his four fingers on his left hand, the little finger not being there as if it was been chopped off by something. He spoke out in an excited tone, but the grin did not fall. "Don't you worry about that, my dear, for I posses the proper conclusion for that!" Then he proceeded to twirl around dramatically and pop right beside Marie who was gawking at everything from afar, startling her. He placed his hand behind her back and his left on still wielding the staff as he spoke," As for you, dear, I can also gain your trust as well by bargaining something with you!"

Marie pressed her lips together as she lifted her head to face the man, confused and curious. What could he possibly want? Not only could they not trust him, but he was going to 'offer' her something so that he can earn their trust. Does that make any sense? Maybe. Does she believe in whatever he's going to ask might gain her trust? Maybe. She dosent know. So far he hasn't hurt or done anything, he was childish from here to there and kinda unnerving to be with, but whatever he was going to offer does sounds... interesting. Maybe she should listen to what he has to say? Marie nodded slowly,her eyes not leaving the unseen eyes of the man, feeling him gazing into her blue crystal eyes as if he's trying to read her mind and thoughts. The man seemed to lit up when she gave him a nod, a signal that she was interested.

"Alright! So, this is what I have in mind-"

"Can you first tell us who in the rotten meat are you? Or can you atleast take off that hood of yours?"

The mans lips was shut tight in a smile when he was interrupted by a bored looking August who came and stood beside Marie while munching on his blueberries, his eyes not leaving the both as he raised an eyebrow at them. "And yeah, I said that."

"I know." The man chuckled as an reply, seemingly amused and not irritated by the mere presence of the annoying white hair boy and instead he used his right hand which was on the back of Marie's back to lift up his hood, revealing his face.

His skin was a pale peach like colour, eyelids the colour of charcoal grey and his eyes were yellow with static,the static looking like black rectangle squares just floating and disappearing into random places in his eyes. His eyes had no pupils, which was kinda creepy since you can't know where he's actually looking at. His hair was a bright ginger orange which was cut down to shape like a little girls hairstyle and he had two tiny purple horns sticking out from his head. He has a little yellow lightbulb which is attached to the back of his head which buzzes after his emotions and whenever he speaks. He also has a scar which runs from his upper right side of his forehead, goes down to the left eye and down to his cheek and traveling down to his neck. The scar seems to continue going down but it was covered up by a collar of a suit he was wearing inside of the cloak. He had a yellow monocle on the right side on his cheek. His teeth's were sharp but kept clean, actually, almost to clean and white. His teeth never opened as he spoke, instead it stood close shut, his teeth litting up a brighter white as his voice came through of his teeth like a robot.

Marie gawked as she took in all of this description of said person in her head. Looks like his appearance has a mere story just for it. Everything about his face, his looks wasn't what she was expecting too see behind the hood. But the one thing which crept her out was that he barely blinks, he only blink atleast two times in a minute. How does she knows that? Well, both of them have been staring at each other for more than a minute. Why, it wouldn't take a genius to catch on that this-...man doesn't really blinks at all.

Which is creepy.

Marie shock back to reality when the mans grin widen as his eyed her with half lidded eyes, amused by her reaction. Marie was quick to say anything before he thinks anything of her offending his looks or anything which she did not want to risk. The young Queen quickly cleared her throat and asked the man,"U-uhm.. so uh, you..will not hurt any of us..right?" The man chuckled as he made his staff to disappear into thin air, his left arm placed behind of Marie again as he began speaking,"No-no-no! Ofcrouse not dearie! I would never hurt anyone, so as your friends. Im always a man of/by my words!"

"But uh..how can we trust you?" Marie asked, confused as she looked up at the taller man.She was kind, yes, yet she was not naive. She knew that she shouldn't trust anyone easily and she listens to her parents advise all the time because according to her father, advise is a rare gem to find or to get from others. Its considered the most valuable to everyone. Hence, she was always cautious with anyone she dosent know by heart even if they seemed nice or fun to hang around with. The mans grin never wavered as he continued, like he knew she would ask that all along,"Well my dear, I have the perfect plan for that! Lets make a deal, I will not hurt anyone here, so as your friends and loved ones and Ill be youre mentor for the time being!"

"But...why?" Marie couldn't resist asking as she raised a brow at the taller man, who only replied back with the same happy giddly smile like grin he wore on his face.
"Why?.. Because, I'm bored!" And he threw his both hands above his head to prove his point. August only stayed silent as he continue munching on his blueberries, staring at the both as they talked along. He wasn't exactly expecting the man to look...sort of like that. But eh, whatever, he looks good thought. Shaera popped her head from behind the towering man, grumbling under her breath while leaning to see the three infront of her. "Ofcrouse you're bored..you're old after all.."

The man couldn't help but suddenly started chocking on his throat and sniggered at her insult, which brought Shaera to blush from the anger she was holding in. She was about to say something until Marie butted in,"Uh-uhm! Wait..what, a deal?"

He blinked owlishly once and turned to face her, the all knowing grin appearing again on his face as he nodded his head vigorously, clearly excited as his eyes lit up like a child. "Yes indeedy! A deal, and a fair one, I must add! All you need to do is shake my hand and you'll sign the deal with me! Easy as it's said." He finished as he gave her a closed lip grin, his half lidded eyes boring holes into her skull as the static continue roaming inside of his hallow looking eyes. Marie smiled nervously, clearing not knowing to do as she shifted awkwardly on her place. He wasn't uncomfortable like before, but the stare was getting under her skin. It gave her goosebumps.

Shaera noticed her nervous sate and immediately got between the both, glaring at the man silently as she took ahold of Marie's hands and guided her away from the man, her eyes not leaving him. "We need to discuss, hocus - pocus. Stay right there." She gave him another nickname as she pointed at him with her long index finger, her brows raised showing that she wasn't goofing around with the man. The man only tighten his smile, but his eyes which bore no pupil's stared back silently. He nodded and grin at them. "Why then, I'll give you both some time!"

And just like that, he was gone into thin air with a purple puff of smoke from where he perviously was standing.

Shaera dragged Marie to one of the corner of the ballroom and started hissing to her in a low tone once they were there, getting straight to the point.
"Okay Marie. First, we can't trust him. I know who he is and I do not want you to get tangled up with him. He's a no good person, just for you to know. He's not to be trusted. I know he said that he'll not hurt anyone of us but can we still trust him? I don't think so."

"Second. Did you felt it? Something's off about him. He may look all happy and dapper so as a hocus - pocus guy who can make anything and everything to happen but do we want the risk? I mean, cmon, he hasn't even utter out his name!"

"Uhm..I know..Shaera." Marie started as she hissed back at her with a low tone too, her blue crystal eyes staring gently into Shaera's purple like diamond eyes. "But..think about it. He knows everything about everyone and everything, that makes real sense how did he came in here in the first place. Plus, since he knows the layout of our castle and our weaknesses, we can't risk it. For all we know, he could be someone sent by someone who hates our kingdom. They might want to destroy us. We can't risk it. I can't risk it. If I fail this, then how will I be the future Queen for my people? Plus, he seems powerful, and if he wanted to mess with us in the first place then he would had pulled the lever on us. The deal does sounds all to good but he did promised us that he wouldn't hurt us."

Shaera was quiet as she processed the words as she let Marie's hands go, mumbling something.

"Yeah, the princess- Or the Queen- has a point." August was suddenly right infront of them which made both of the girls to jump, Shaera slapping August away while constantly screeching at him in irritation and shock."OH GOSH OH GOSH - DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO SHOW YOURE FACE HERE YOU WHITE BALL OF HAIR?!"

"Wow, sheesh sorry bae." August shrugged in a fake hurt voice, cracking his neck to face her with a bored look on his face, yet again. "And ya know I'm saying the truth babe. We can't just kick em out. And yeah, he hasn't said his name yet. So what? We know how he looks like, that's enough for us to blackmail his butt. We can demand for his name when he gets here again. For the meantime, we can call him ' creepy man ' . Isn't that not hard at all?" Then he wiggled his eyebrows as if doing so will make them understand more. Shaera opened her mouth to start spewing out some unfriendly jumble of sentences until Marie cut her off.
"Uhm..yeah.. August is right Shaera! After all, he did promise us the deal will contain him not hurting any one of us.."

Shaera frowned and thought for a moment, her purple crystal eyes clouded with judgement and suspicion. There was a defeaning amount of silence for a minute until Shaera sigh loudly, her shoulders dropping down limp as her eyes rolled up in defeat.


Marie grinned nervously but gave her friend a quick hug, then quickly parted away and walked back to the place where the man and her was perviously standing. She cleared her throat as she held her staff closer to her chest and called out.
"Hey uh-...it's me, Marie. I uh, I have already decided!"

In an instant, the man was back as he appeared from a thick purple smoke which appeared out of thin air, Him still wearing that grin on his face as his yellow eyes bore holes into Marie's skull, silently asking her to continue. Marie cleared her throat, then began talking, trying to sound confident with herself as he held onto the staff closely to her chest, feeling the aura it gave radiate a sense of calmness to her, easing her nerves slightly. "So uh..we talked and thought about the deal you offered.."

The mans eyes lit up, his grin widening ever so slightly as he gazed down at the nervous looking girl below him, eyes half lidded as he stared at her.
"..Yes dearie?"

"..We.. accept your deal."

"Then why won't we shake our hands together my dear?" He beamed as he pushed his hand forward to her, startling her at his outward excitement. She lifted her arm to grab his hand and shake his hands to sign the deal, until when her hands landed contact with his hands, before anyone could react, Shaera was suddenly beside Marie and she placed her hand together with the both and shock their hands together violently, officially signing the deal with the three of them. The man and Marie gawked at her in shock, him blinking owlishly and Marie's jaw agape as they stared at her. Shaera huffed as she dusted her hands on her dress and looked up at both of them, placing her hand on her hip and looked at them with a blank stare.

"If you thought that you were going to sign the deal alone then you were wrong Marie. I wouldn't dare leave you sign a deal with a basement guy alone and possibly get yourself into trouble. If I'm in there then hocus - pocus guy here will have someone to fear and worry about doing anything to you. I still don't trust him after all." Then she proceeded to give the unknown man a hard stare, making her point obvious. The man only gave a tight grin at her, a dramatic scared look on his face as he backed away.

"I'll take note of that!"

"Cool dude. Cuz you should." August appeared behind of them as he stood with one hand on his hip, a smug look on his face. "Also, we can't just keep calling ya nicknames like hocus- pocus guy and the basement guy. Ya should really tell us you're name, ya know?"

The man straighted his position and gave them a big, goofy grin as he beamed excitedly. "Oh yes yes! Why, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself.-" He then snapped his fingers, the cloak on him immediately vanishing into thin air as it evaporated into purple smoke. Now it was clear that he was wearing a purple suit under the cloak, a dark blue navy tie tightly tied on its white looking collar and grey like jeans which were all neat and tidy. He was wearing a neatly polished black pair of shoes as it glisten in the light of the ballroom. He beamed a goofy, excited grin at them with closed eyes as Shaera's face changed into a sneer at the sight of the man who was standing right infront of them.

"Well, I go by alot of names! You can just call me Chris, while my business name will remain the same as always!"

August lifted an eyebrow, curiosity glinting in his eyes as he stared at the man who called himself Chris. His lips tugged into a smirk as he plopped another blueberry down into his throat. "And what's you're business name, bud?"

Chris snapped his neck to face August, his goofy grin slowly shaping its way to make it seemed unnerving as it stretched out even more across his face, looking tad bit sadistic. Excitement shone in his yellow static like eyes as his lightbulb behind his head buzzed loudly, but not to loud to make everyone permanently deaf. He beamed at them as he spoke out in an innocent, cheery like voice, a name which Shaera hoped not to hear from the man who claims himself as Chris.

"Business names is The Dealer, blueberry boy! A pleasure to meet all of you."

And he gave them a dramatic low bow, Shaera chocking on her saliva as her face paled even more when she heard his business name, August raising his eyebrows in confusion and surprise while Marie stood staring at the man with a blank face as if she cant process said sentence Chris just said.

[ I I ]

Hello my cherries!
Woah..this chapter took longer than I expected since the next chapter which I'll publish in a short while will contain the full looks of Chris our bud behind the cloak! :D

Also, oh, this chapter contains over 4749 words. Kinda lesser than the last chapter but- atleast I went above 4k! :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter my dear cherries!

Also, please do give me you're theories, reactions and please do comment! It's not really a bother. I like seeing you guys reacting to it even if it seems random and weird. But not to me! All, every single comments of yours makes me smile!

Although I must say, I might not reply to your comments or react to it. I apologies. I swear, I really do love your comments and your reactions, but sadly, I can't always reply to you since I'm frequently busy in my real life right now.

But! I'll try my best to like your comment, or atleast, comment back a simple but hilarious reply for you!

If you really do enjoy this book so far and you want this to be a real season like book, please do tell me. I might make a season one for the next book for the continuation of this Pilot book!

Again, thank you so much for staying with me so far in this journey. If you haven't check out my SAMS reversed au book, please do! If..your interested in SAMS and you like them! :D

Please also do support my three friends with their books who are my best friends in the whole world!




Again thank you my dear cherries. Check the next page to see how does our dear friend Chris looks like and this chapter in action, so as his BIO! :)


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