another wrong world (@ww) Sea...

By Taigai_Hardluck

104 12 6

Basic warnings: It will be rewritten a lot since its a big ass story and I'm alone so if you're further into... More

Warnings and quick preface
(I GOT PICTURES!!!)Characters/also A List Of 'em
Chapter 1 Episode 1 : The found
Chapter 1 episode 2 : The refugees
Chapter 1 episode 3 : The new resident
Chapter 1 Episode 4 : The Sarsa's lands
Chapter 1 bonus 1 : special thanks

Episodes in order

6 1 0
By Taigai_Hardluck

This may seem like overdo, but believe me. If not you than I'LL NEED IT.

Page 1 - Episodes in order
Page 2 - Warnings and quick preface
Page 3 - Album

Chapter 1
Page 4 - Episode 1 : The found
Page 5 - Episode 2 : The refugees
Page 6 - Episode 3 : The new resident
Page 7 - Episode 4 : The Sarsa's lands prince
Page 8 - Chapter 1 Episode 5 : The failed assassinations - coming soon

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