another wrong world (@ww) Sea...

By Taigai_Hardluck

37 2 0

Basic warnings: It will be rewritten a lot since its a big ass story and I'm alone so if you're further into... More

Episodes in order
Warnings and quick preface
(I GOT PICTURES!!!)Characters/also A List Of 'em
Chapter 1 Episode 1 : The found
Chapter 1 episode 2 : The refugees
Chapter 1 Episode 4 : The Sarsa's lands

Chapter 1 episode 3 : The new resident

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By Taigai_Hardluck

The next morning while the two children were still asleep, Akret and Mike went straight to the queen to report the matter, well- more like just Akret. She said "if it can't be helped then we won't force them". She did seem to notice that Akret is stressed out because of the child waiting at her house and she offered to find a suitable adopter. Yet to the queen's surprise, Akret declined even when the queen knew she didn't want to care for the child. Most importantly she was scared. Mike told her everything including Akret's fear of having a child of her own.

The queen knew asking won't do any good in this situation. She knew Akret will be a good caretaker as she's excellent at taking care of the princess or any other child. There was no reason to tear up old scars just to satisfy her curiosity. So she without much questions arranged the papers necessary for Akret to be Ray's lawful caretaker.

After leaving the palace Akret made a quick stop to inform the orphanage. But after that there was only one place to go. She knew the new resident at her estate is probably more scared of her than she's of him. But she couldn't help feeling like she's forced to go somewhere she hates. Even when she deeply loved her home. She bought it from an elderly man who wanted to spend his final days with his family. She earned that much money thanks to her achievements at war she was unwillingly involved in. And her salary as a royal guard will only raise once she becomes princess' official bodyguard so she had no need for money and was able to afford a good house.

She walked under the stonishing rose gate and the brick colored house with pale pillars and blue climbing flowers reminded her why she loves this place so much. She walked across her front yard made of small round stones most almost as small as sand. When she opened her front door a grand staircase with blue carped running up with them opened before her.

"Miss Cross! Welcome home." A servant with pure white hair tied in a bun quickly bowed to her with a nervous smile. "Thank you U. Say, nothing unusual happened while I was gone?" U shyly looked away rocking herself at the spot. "Oh ummm...there is a child....that..." Akret chuckled knowing very well her kind maid wouldn't just let the child outside. "It's alright U. I already know. The child's name is Ray and he's a demon right?" U nods confused on how does Akret know. "You see-" Akret starts explaining seeing U's confusion. "He's one of the kids I saved a while back. And yesterday I went to find him and his friends that ran away from the orphanage." Akret makes her way into the kitchen and U follows. She then proceeds to explain all that happened while making herself coffee.

"Oh my! But miss- you said you didn't-" "Yes I know. But- I can't just abandon him. And both of his friends entrusted me to take care of him so I cannot just- pass him off to someone else. I just have to believe I won't be that awful. It can't be helped." U looks at her with emphaty. "It'll be ok." U shifts into someone looking exactly like her, but is male and taller. Even with his advanced height Akret's still over a head taller than U. But even so U now being able to reach Akret, gives her reassuring head pats while she sips her coffee. Not shifting back U continues as both of them are used to it considering that U is obviously a shapeshifter. "How about this? I make you guys breakfast and you can talk over it?" "Well I'm hungry and I'm sure the kid's too so please do so and I'll go wake him up."

U nods preparing some dishes. Akret leaves the kitchen and climbs up the grand staircase. A big room opens before her and at the end of it there's a short hall with stairs in the middle that lead down and with a window above the stairs. In the hall are also two doors opposing eachother. She knocks on the left one. She hears as if the kid jumped out of bed in shock. "Ray? Are you awake kid?" She gently opens the door and finds Ray standing just next to the bed in the almost empty room staring at the floor in front of her with purple eyes. "O-oh! It's just you miss Cross...I didn't recognise your voice... I-I'm sorry." "What is the apology for?" She leans on the wall next to the door. He steps back so he's almost touching the bed with his legs. The silence is making Akret overthink. "I'm s-sorry that my friends dropped me off here I-. I will leave-" he speaks after the neverending yet quick in reality pause. "Huh? Oh no you're not going anywhere. I promised your friends I'd take care of you. And you don't have to be sorry. Just-" she stepped closer, but stopped because Ray was forcing himself agains the bed. Not even once since she was in the room did he return eye contact and he was caressing his arms that he crossed just now.

She sighed and got on her knee letting him have his space. "Look bud. I won't lie to you it is kinda weird- not bad. Just weird to know that a little one like you will now be living with me here." She pauses and sits down which makes Ray stop being so glued to the bed. He actually sat on the bed in response. "But hey. I'm scared too you know?" At that statement confusion runs through the demon's big purple eyes. "What? You scared? But you are a knight." Akret chuckled a little bit. "Everyone fears something. Even knights. The difference between a knight and a normal person is that knights don't let their fears overtake them. Because they are so brave they look like they don't fear anything." For the first time Ray returns his gaze.

"Ok where were we? Oh, right. The promise I made to your friends means you just happened to find yourself a home. And someone who will take care of you. I can be whatever you feel like I am to you. A teacher, a friend, a caretaker or...a parent. I won't be against anything ok? Just know that since this day. If you have a problem with anything. At all. You can come to me. If you need anything. Come to me. And if you don't need anything. You can still come to me without any reason. Does that sound ok?" "That sounds pretty." He says tearing up and hiding his face. She chuckles a little more. "I hope so little man. Well- there is breakfast waiting so why don't we go together and after that I'll take you shopping. This room needs some adjustments now that you're here." She gets up and offers a hand.

He stands up too not believing any of what is happening. A home. Home was the word Ray used to hear ever since he could remember. His friends used to describe it as a safe place where noone gets hurt and nice people that care for you live. A cozy place with nice food and clean water. And parents. The people that love you and will do anything to make you happy. And now he had both.

He ran to Akret and grabbed her offering hand.


Akret tried to spend as much time with Ray as she could. She knew once she heals it will be difficult to just take a break to spend time with him. Despite both she and Ray set their mind on not growing onto one another, that mission was very unsuccessful. Ray was too moved to listen to his friend's advice to not trust her so easily and for Akret it was mother since the first day. They managed to have a lot of fun even when Akret used this time to do some postponed chores around the house. But the time has come and she was fully healed. It took around one month. And I'd say Ray adapted rather easily to his new life already forming a bond of trust.

The queen informed her about the mission she said she'll be needed for soon. It was a big one out of the country so she'll be away for some time. Akret didn't know much, but it will be her first time actually guarding the princess alone so she'll have to already be promoted to her bodyguard. The whole royal family is going to the land of their past enemies. To the land she fought against in war. The Sarsa's land. The king there has died and the queen didn't share his ideas of aggression so she stopped the madness and now after settling things to harmony she offered a deal. But to that Akret still has one day before setting off. So she decided to show Ray her favourite place. They went a little bit to the forest until they came around a big cave. Ray was hesitant, but Akret reassured him that it's only a short tunnel. He reflexively grabbed her hand he learned isn't dangerous over the time he spend with her.

"Akret I can't see anything..." She looked at the child who was clinging to her out of fear of falling somewhere. "Really? I thought demons have better night vision. Doesn't matter come here-" she picked him up as he was startled by what is happening. "I d-didnt mean it like that you can let me down I'm gonna be ok. I'm surely heavy" He panicked. "Naaaah. You're a twelve-year-old bud. Even when you're a little higher than others doesn't mean you're heavy. Actually- you're too light considering your height. I'll be really glad if you gain a little weight because eating at your age is important since you are growing. You already look healthier than when we first met so I'm glad for that, but you're still just bones. Gonna get some meat in there so you can grow strong ay?" He nodded and Akret could literally see how he suddenly started to enjoy being carried. He surely never experienced that before. Ray got cheated out of his childhood. So Akret was going to give him the best teen years she can pull off.

They exited the tunnel and a pond opened before them. There was even white sand beach imitation, but it looked like this feature was an upgrade made from people rather than mother nature's perfectionism. There was already made campfire and seats made out of logs.

"Whoooah" "cool right?" She let him down. "Can it also be my favourite place?" Ray asked after feeling the sand. She chuckled. "Of course bud. Anything can be your favourite place. And you can also have more than one!" She wasn't in this place for a while. It...felt a bit off. "More than one..." Ray whispered in amazement staring at the clear water. "Akret? What is the white stuff we're walking on?" She stopped walking around thinking why it feels off. "It's called sand. It's normally more yellow, but there are some rarities like this white one."

After a bit more explaining and showing that the water isn't dangerous they just had fun. She taught him how to make sand sculptures and gave him a lesson on swimming. It wasn't a while before Akret heard a big crack underneath. Ray noticed too. He was walking opposite the lake and Akret wasn't too far away. After a bit of silence The ground opened underneath Ray. Akret instinctively jumped after him and catched him soon after.

She woke up some seconds after hitting the bottom, but it was still long enough to make Ray cry. "Hey- hey- I'm fine!" But as she quickly got up to comfort the child she felt a sharp pain on her back and fell right back down. She pulled her wings that she was lying on. "Ooow geez forgot I pulled those babies out. They're real lifesavers heh." Ray just hugged her on the ground still crying. She started comforting him while trying to sit without pulling onto her wings. "Heeey I'm fine bud. The sand stopped me from hitting anything so even my wings are ok see for yourself!" She stretched them wide open revealing pitch black with blue markings identical to the ones on her limbs. Ray stared at those massive feathered chunks of muscles and bones in awe and intimation. He didn't knew she had wings. "See? All good- now- ARE YOU HURT ANYWHERE?" She scanned him head to toe. "O-oh I'm fine Akret really! Your wings were like a blanket that wrapped around me I barely felt we stopped falling!" She let out a sigh of relief while hugging him again. "I'm glad. I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt on my watch bud."

There was a bit of silence as Ray just gratefully enjoyed the embrace. "Ok big man let's try to find a way out of here." She looked up to see a tiny long hole heading up. They can't get out that way. The cave was wide and dark. So dark Akret saw only few meters in even with her better night vision. They both got up and Ray held Akret's hand while she made fire with her free hand.

They discovered a massive cave that looked like a forgotten nature. There was a big tree in the middle and all sorts of glowing plants. Akret knew she's not here for the last time looking at amazed Ray. After they reviewed it enough they went on and shortly after they found an exit. They promised the cave will be their little secret.

Next day was the day of departure.

Everyone said their goodbyes and U told Akret at least seven times to be careful. Akret was taking Volan with her because they are going to a hot place close to desert. She always wanted to see the red sand of Sarsa's lands, but she didn't think she'd see it at this age. They passed the border before sunfall. The temperature difference was easily noticed. Tho Akret didn't complain. As her love for fire made her resistant to hot temperatures over the years, she liked it.

They were a big group. The royals each had a maid and bodyguards. Doc who was with Akret in special forces was also with them and then there was this really fancy clothed lady with a friend who got two maids and guards that weren't from the royal palace. Akret assumed she's from a noble family, but why is she here, she didn't know the answer to. 'Maybe an assistant? Seems most like it.'

They settled in a noble's house. It was prepared for them to spend the night in. Their cross faced host ordered his own maids to show everyone their rooms. However when it came to Akret she didn't move an inch. She knew causing an unnecessary drama won't help her first impression as princess' bodyguard, but she stood by her side. She's her bodyguard in a different country after all. She can't leave a fourteen year old royal's side.

King and Queen's bodyguards already left without asking them if they should stay. It was just Akret and the princess. Who seemed confused on the situation. "I'm sorry miss, but as my duty I cannot leave the princess alone. You must understand that I can't have my own room." Akret calmly said to the timid maid. "B-but her majesty's room has only one bed..." "no sofa? Or a matress? I'm a guard. I can sleep on the floor if I have to. Just please show us the room and I'll make it happen somehow." So they went to the room.

As Akret knew, there was a sofa just waiting for her to lie on.

"Now be so kind and show me where the other rooms of the king and queen and the guard's one are. Just a quick tour in general." The maid asked her why does she needs to know, but Akret just made her show her. Wendy also went along even after her protests. When they got back the sofa already had a sheet and a pillow.

Right after the maid got away Akret heard the lock. The princess didn't however and so she started asking about the matter. "Akret why did you do all that?" Akret in between their conversation got up and started looking around the room. "Because we are in a different land your majesty. On top of that we are in a land that used to be your parents enemy." "Akreeeeet please call me by name when we're alone I hate being called noble things all the time." Akret chuckled and continued. "Very well Wendy. I do not want to frighten you but the possibility of them plotting something is way too hight for me to not take precautions." She finally finished investigating the room and shows Wendy to be quiet. She then goes to the door without a sound and tries to open it after listening for movement outside the door. She stays still and Wendy runs out of patience. "W-what's wrong?" Akret goes back to the sofa and starts searching her bag. "As I thought, they locked us in here. But do not fret Wendy." She takes out a little bag and goes back to the door as Wendy watches her curious. "I'm not afraid. As long as I have you I know I'm going to be ok. This isn't the first time I trusted you that led me to success in whatever you did."

Akret plays with the lock while sitting on the floor. She's not as good, but it's not her first time picking up a lock. After opening the door and seeing no one's outside to know about it she closes it as if they didn't open them. "Why do you think they locked the door?" "There are a lot of possibilities. But while I'm going to expect the worst one, you will expect that they do it so we don't wonder around the house and thus hurt ourselves in the dark. If you'll want to go somewhere at night wake me up alright?" Akret turns off the light and goes to her sofa where she rummages through the bag again. "Alright. Good night Akret."

Behind the scene the noble and his servants were only amazed how dedicated Akret is. And how it goes against their plan. But nobody can resist sleeping after a long day right? They clearly didn't meet any of the best guards in the world yet. And didn't know Akret was one of them.

Just as someone got too close to Wendy a knife stabbed the wall just before the intruders face as they yelped with a jump backwards. And before Wendy could even wake up that someone together with another intruder were flying out the very window they came from. So the quiet was cut by two screams. And before Wendy could get two and two together she was being carried over the shoulder while Akret slipped through the corridors. "What's going on??" "As predicted we were attacked." They just got around corner when another three of those attackers spotted them and started running at them. Akret pretended to run back from where she came from but in reality she jumped on the wall just around the corner and all three ran under them. After the sight was clear she continued running.

They both got to the queen's and king's room but they were gone. "Well that's not good. But it's ok. They are still in the building unless there's an underground tunnel or something." Akret let Wendy down and shifted her bag a little. "Ok Wendy. We need to get you to safety first. Let's get out by the window and then I come back for your parents ok?" Wendy nodded getting to the window with Akret. Wendy climbed onto Akret's back where the bag functioned like a seat and belt. Then Akret jumped out spreading her dark wings. After successfully not hitting the ground Akret made a whistle like sound. After they were at a forest they landed and Volan came to them. "Where did he come from???" Wendy asked confused while getting down from Akret's back. "I called him when we set off. Now. I want you to stay on Volan until I get you off him myself or your parents come get you. There's a little to no possibility to this, but- If I don't come get you by sunset you order him to get you home alright? He knows the way. If someone starts approaching you ride away. When I'm done I'll call him to me." "Oh a-alright." Wendy looked sceptical, but trustful.

Akret knowing her first priority is safe, got off back to the building. She sneaked in while a lot of guards were running around. Yet again blending with the shadows she searched half the place, fought off some guards and got away, searched the other half of the place until she came across heavily guarded stairs heading down. She yet magically again snuck past them and got into the basement. It was dark and quiet. Too quiet. She jumped onto a hight pillar and hid there just before the lights got on. "HEEEEeeeey...Akret where did you go?"

It was the queen! Akret jumped off the pillar to find both the king and the queen and also the queen of this land. The local queen resembled a lioness. "Your majesties?" Akret was confused and judgementaly looked her home queen up. "I'm so sorry dear. This was all just a set up." The home queen chuckled softly. "Ah yes! It was my idea miss Cross- beg you forgive me for such curiosity, but I couldn't resist such an opportunity! I just always longed to see how much of a difference is between our kingdoms in the matter of guard training. And I was proven we have a lot yet to learn!" The feline queen spoke exited. "I must say what a performance! It is no wonder you have one of the best people at your side. And it is no wonder my deceased husband lost thanks to you miss Cross." Akret yet still stayed put. The feline queen walked closer to Akret scanning her all around. "Please do not say I angered you miss Cross? My intentions were only to test you all- especially you up." Akret didn't like her at all. Even when she sounded sincere. But a player's face should be returned until sure. "Ah no- no your majesty I'm simply a little surprised and grateful I didn't kill anyone. For the safety of your people never do that again." The queen snickered nervously intimidated by Akret's stare from above. She was so small compared to Akret. "Ah yes- they all said it wasn't their greatest experience however it was still entertaining watching you use all sorts of methods. I admire your creativity miss Cross, but why are we still discussing this in this cold cellar? Let's head up and get some beverages."

After Akret went to get Wendy inside they headed upstairs where they as well as the noble lady that came with them were seated. Akret was praised all night long on how amazing she is and how grateful the feline queen is for her defeating the late king. The noble lady seemed arrogant and jealous of the attention Akret was getting. Yet she still didn't even know the reason behind her being with them. "Oh my son will be thrilled to spar with you! -if you don't mind me borrowing miss Cross for a little bit that is. Scarlett?" Akret's queen nodded humbly taking pride in her guard's praise. "And I'd also love to see some display of your famous magic powers if it's not too much to ask for." For Akret she was way too friendly, way too enthusiastic. She felt a little crowded. "I'll do as you ask your majesty." Akret answered after a while.

The sun soon came and they went on the journey again. They arrived at the palace late at night so it took them two days in total to get to the palace.

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