Lost and Alone

De emptychairdoasolo123

1.4K 59 6

(oc x oc) What if the war against the sky people happened 5 years after Jake arrived on Pandora. What if when... Mais

The Twins
5 Years
The Lie
Torn Apart
Toruk Macto
Are We Ready?
Happy again
Family of 7
1 Year
Hot Sister


31 2 0
De emptychairdoasolo123

"She looks just like a dream. The prettiest girl I've ever seen."


Tey'neir had been sitting with his mother helping her sort through different medicines. He might not be training to take on the same position as his mother, but him being her son definitely meant she would drill some knowledge into his head.

The day was soothing and quiet. His siblings were all out helping the Sully children and hopefully not causing any trouble.

"Your head is in the sky again. What are you thinking?"

Ronal and Tey'neir had always had a very close bond. Of course the young warrior had a close bond with his father as well, but he always found more comfort in his mother. And Ronal was always able to let her softer side out easier around her eldest.

"I'm just thinking about the young Sully's and how to proceed with their learning."

"Sully's plural? Or just the mighty Ney'lana?"

Tey'neir whipped his head up so fast he thought he got whip lash.

It was no secret that he had taken a liking to the fiery strong girl. Even though he wished it could have been a secret. He had asked the Sully kids questions about her in almost every conversation. They had gotten suspicious about it but they loved talking about their elder sister so they did it any way.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about mother."

Before Ronal could get a word out a horn could be heard all over the tribe. They shared a brief look before Tey'neir stood and helped his pregnant mother up from the ground.


Ney'lana had flown for a few days without stop. She knew she had to inform her mother and father about the situations in the forest. And she missed her mother and siblings more than anything. The family have never been apart for so long. The 4 children had a hard time sleeping without their sister's calm voice and embrace lulling them to sleep. And Neytiri missed her daughter's presence around. Just the feeling of having her daughter in the same room as her always made a smile shift onto her face.

Ney'lana landed onto the sand like she did with her family not too long ago. She climbed off of Amire, patting his neck and whispering assuring words to him as he started to get antsy as the people of Awa'atulu made their way to them.


Ney'lana turned just in time to catch Tuk as she threw herself into the air and into her sister's arms. Ney'lana let out a goddess like giggle as she spun her youngest sister around, the sound seemed to stop all of the Navi around them, smiling and cooing at the giggles.

Ney'lana felt another pair of arms rap around her and looked down to see Kiri. Kiri had missed her sister dearly. She was the only person, besides spider, that made her feel less like an outsider.

Ney'lana put Tuk down and rapped her arms around Kiri, rubbing the back of her head with her hand. She looked up when she heard more yelling, only to see Neteyam and Loak running full speed towards them with the chiefs children close behind. She let go of Kiri, pulling her behind her so she wouldn't get smushed by the two boys, and held her arms out. Neteyam pushed Loak away a few steps before they reached her so he could hug her first, only to hear Loak cuss at him and yell complaints. The two boys were truly their sister's boys.

" Lana we have missed you! Are you alright? We seen the fight in the forest not to long ago."

Neteyam moved back a bit and checked his sister over, his eyes stopping on the cloth covering her leg.

"Yes I'm alright, my bullet wound from that one night opened on the fly here, that is all. Why don't you join me when I inform mama and father about the situations in the forest?"

Ney'lana knew her brother would want to hear about it. She watched as he shook his head up and down frantically. Then being shoved to the side by Loak. He wrapped his arms around her lean waist and squeezed lifted her into the air.


"You were gone for sooooo long! I wasn't going to survive without you sister!"

Ney'lana giggled again at the boys words. When he finally set her back down she peeked behind him, looking at the kids who she knew where Tonowari's children. She kissed Loaks head and walked over, putting her hand to her head and bringing it back down. It took a second for the three to get out of their shock until they finally did the sign of respect back. They were utterly frozen when she moved her attention onto them, her eyes were like a trance that you never wanted to swim out of.

"Holy Eywa you're hot."

Rotox elbowed Aonung in his stomach at his words. They both still couldn't take their eyes of of her. Tsireya moved to introduce themselves, never looking away from the beauty. Loak had told her a lot about Ney'lana. She found her admiring her and looking up to her before even getting to meet her herself.

Tonowari and Ronal made their way over to the group, glancing over to the large Ikran that watched his rider very carefully. Ney'lana moved her hand to her forehead once again to the leaders, receiving the same sign back.

"Ma Lana!"

Ney'lana shot her head over to the familiar shout, seeing her dearest mother and father run over to her. She could have sworn she seen a large smile form on Jake's face. Neytiri crashed her eldest daughter into a hug praising her for her being so strong and asking if she was alright,much like Neteyam had done. And also like Neteyam, she raked her eyes over her body looking for any wounds that may have found their way onto her pride and joy's body.

Jake finally made his way to the duo, throwing his arms around Ney'lana and hugging her tight. Ney'lana froze not expecting the affection, especially in public, but she moved her arms around his waist and hugged him back just as tight. She may never experience this bliss again.

"You're never leaving our sight again little one."

Ney'lana had the biggest smile on her face at his words. Eveyone around them could see how different she seemed from when they first arrived. Instead of intimidating everyone, she was whisking them off their feet with her sweet giggles and voice. Quite literally too as one of Aonungs friends had fallen to the ground when he heard her speak.

" Welcome to Awa'atulu. My eldest son, Tey'neir will be teaching you the way of the reef. Tomorrow we will feast in honor of your arrival."

Tonowari patted his son's shoulder as he moved up beside him. Tey'neir couldn't form any words as he stared at the warrior. Ronal could see the hearts in his eyes as he could only nod at the girl.

"For now you may catch up and settle down with your family. Tey'neir will help you with your stuff."

Tonowari thought it was funny to see his son stutter around the girl. He recognized this look as it was the same look he had when he first seen Ronal. He loved her from the first time he seen her.

Tey'neir quickly snapped out of his trance and followed Ney'lana to her Ikran. He was scared to admit the creature was very threatening. Amire could tell, just like everyone else, that the future chief took a big liking to his rider. He didn't like it.

" He won't bite. Unless I say so at least."

Ney'lana tried to ease the boys nerves of walking closer to the beast. She understood it, he was bigger and scarier than all of the other Ikran she has seen.

" So, Ney'lana, I have heard a great deal of things about you."

" All good I hope."

" Oh yes, most of them praises from your family. They seem to really care for you."

Ney'lana only hummed as she handed him a stack of her stuff from the side of Amire.

" As do I."

She looked up at him when she answered him back. She took in his features when she walked away. He was tall, like really tall. Practically as tall as Tonowari. She was a good 8'3 and Tey'neir was as tall as 9'5. She always liked a good hight different though.

The walk to where the Sullys were staying was silent. Tey'neir didn't know what to talk about, he had only just met her and wanted to save everything for their training that would start tomorrow.

Once they arrived Tuk showed them where Ney'lana would put her stuff. They had set up her own sleeping corner when they had arrived, knowing that she would want that spot. She showed him where to put the stuff and the rest of her family quickly came in, hoping to spend time with the girl.

"Ugh, we can start out lessons tomorrow, after breakfast. Meet me by the beach."

He quickly walked out, feeling the burning stare of the men in her family. He knew he would have a hard time getting to know her, but he always loved a good challenge. He knew for a fact she would be worth it anyway.


Ney'lana had told her parents, and Neteyam about the betrayal of a certain Navi back in the forest. They discussed and ate dinner, Loak and Tuk bickering with each other when one would steal Ney'lana's attention away from them.

Neytiri sat and watched her daughter as she laughed at her two youngest siblings. She seemed to have moved the wrong way and let out a low hiss, her hand moving to the fabric around her leg.

"What is wrong ma Lana?"

"Don't worry mother, my wound has just been bothering me a bit since the fly, I'm alright."

She was actually ready to cut the whole leg off if it didn't stop burning soon. Neytiri could tell how much it bothered her, so she sent her to Ronal to get it treated.

When she appeared in the opening of the chiefs home, all three children paused and stared. Tey'neir's ears shot up and his thicker tail started to wag. Aonung looked as the moons light reflected off of her back. She looked like Eywa herself. Tsireya smiled brightly at the sight of her, quickly letting her in and getting her mother when Ney'lana told her what she was here for.

Ronal came around and ushered the girl onto the ground. She set up ointments and cloths around them so she could work on her leg. Ronal herself even found herself in awe of the girl sat in-front of her. She ushered her children out for privacy.

"You, child, seem to carry an ethical aura around you. I felt your presence before my daughter came and informed me of you being here."

Ney'lana thought the women would have been salty to her, especially after the whole ordeal of when they first met.

"So I've been told. I have always had a very close connection with the great mother. She is with me at all times. It seems to grow stronger as the cycles go by."

Ronal hummed and worked on her leg, pulling out the bullet.

"You are only of 19 cycles. So young. Yet as soon as I seen you I could see the damage you carry not only on your body, but in your mind. I admit I was skeptical when you and your family showed. This wound and odd weapon in you only proves my point."

Ronal glared at the bullet. She didn't even know the girl but she felt pity for her. She was so young. And she has more trauma than Ronal herself has. She didn't like seeing a child the same age as her own, who so happens to have a fascination with her, be caused so much pain. It was heart breaking.

" The sky people have brought me pain. On my body and mind. I just make sure to return it."

This made Ronal smirk and she cleaned the blood off her leg.

"Trust me, I didn't want to come here. No offense. I just had my plans already mapped out. I was supposed to mate with a close friend of mine and become both Tsahik and Olo'eykte for my people. But I would pass those roles down to Neteyam and Kiri. Neteyam always wanted to come to my Olo'eykete training, I knew how much we wanted it to be him. And Kiri would have made a great Tsahik. I would have travelled Pandora fighting sky people. I had talked to my parents about it. It's not that I didn't want to lead my people, I was just caught up in returning the favor to the sky people. I would have loved taking care of my people."

Ney'lana was glad she could talk about it with someone who wasn't apart of her family. But someone who had no idea who she really was. It was reliving.

They sat in a comfortable silence after that. Ronal giving her ointment and asked if she would like for Tey'neir to walk her home. She liked the thought of the pair together. But Ney'lana politely declined.

When she got home her siblings were all waiting in her corner, ready for bed. She giggled and laid down, them all laying on top of her. Soon drifting off to sleep.


Ney'lana woke up in the forest. It was oddly quiet. The air was smoky and the smell of fire burned her nose. She launched up from the ground. She could recognize this setting from anywhere. It had always haunted her. In her dreams and out. She realized she was shorter than she normally was. She felt her knife and her hands and the cuts in her face.

"Hiya blue."

Ney'lana felt the knife tighten in her hand. That voice was the devil himself. The man she blamed everything on, rightfully so.

She turned around to see Quaritch standing tall behind her in his old human form. He seemed like he was towering over her, even though she was practically his hight when he was  human. She didn't speak only stared. Her eyes stayed wide as she fiddled with the knife in her hands.

"Why so scared huh? I'm not gonna hurt ya. You're just gonna have to come with me."

He made a move towards her, trying to grab her, only for Ney'lana to send the knife spiraling into his chest. But she didn't hear him after that. She focused her eyes into him. She thought he what fallen into him knees, but she quickly realized instead of Quaritch with her knife in his chest. It was Sey'lana.

"No! Sey!"

Ney'lana ran over to her sister, Sey'lana falling into her arms. She gasped and gripped Ney'lana's arms tight.

"You killed me sissy. You - you killed me then, and you killed me now. It's all your fault. I would still be alive if you would have been faster. If you stayed with me."

Ney'lana was shocked out of her mind. She hadn't had thoughts like this in years. She always blamed herself. But her mother would always make sure to chase those thoughts out of her mind.

"No no no no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Please. I didn't want this to happen stay with me Sey please stay with me."

Ney'lana wept as she held her sister. She tried blinking to get the tears out of her eyes, but when she opened them she was meant with Tsu'tey's head in her lap instead of her sisters upper body.

"Uncle T?"

"Y-you disappoint me Ney'lana."

He had blood pouring from his mouth as his grip on her tightened, it would most likely leave bruises on her if this wasn't a dream.

"Im sorry! I'm sorry! I'll fix it I promise, please!"

The body in her arms flickered from Tsu'tey to Sey'lana. Ney'lana couldn't help but place the body on the ground and crawl away. Soon coming to a stop and pulling her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth while their words played in her head.

She heard foot steps to her left and turned her head. Jake stood there standing straight with a pitiful look in his eyes. He dropped down to her and grabbed her. But Ney'lana couldn't move. He started shaking her and screaming.

"Lana! Lana wake up! LANA!"

Ney'lana woke with a gasp, shooting up from the ground and her hands clawing at her freshly done braids. Her father stood there looking at her, running his hand down her back.

"Are, are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes just a, just a nightmare. I'm gonna go on a walk, get some fresh air."

Before Jake could say anything she was walking out the pod. She grabbed her bow and some arrows and stalked towards the small forest at the side of the island. It was very early morning. The sun was just barely peeking out behind the horizon and the early fishermen and women were only now just waking up. She made her way into the forest with no clue on where she was going. She trusted her mind to remember the way back.

She walked for a few minutes taking in her surroundings. It seemed more like a tropical forest with lots of fruits only found my the ocean. Running water could be heard everywhere, and the trees weren't nearly as tall as the ones back home. She soon came into a clearing. It was beautiful. A waterfall running down into a fairly small pool of water. She had seen greater water falls, but this one was cool too she guessed. She bent down to the water, putting her hand in and splashing water on her face. She stopped when she heard footsteps and a twig snap.

She sniffed the air, trying to figure out if it was a predator or something else that she would be worried about. She could smell the salty ocean and tropical fruits. But it smelt different from when she arrived in the forest. It belonged to a Navi.

She grabbed her bow and ran into the trees.

Tey'neir stepped out from behind a tree where he was trying to silently watch her. He had came to this secret spot for as long as he could remember. It was a comfort to him. He couldn't get his mind off of a certain Navi girl all night and decided to come here to get his mind off of her, but to his surprise the girl that plagued his thoughts beat him to it.

He looked around for her, finding no sign of her. He sighed when he realized she left. He walked over to the water, putting his feet in. He looked around, seeing a small patch of magenta flowers beside him. He moved to pluck one from the ground, but a green and magenta tipped arrow flew in-front of his hand before he could reach one.


He retracted his arm and fell backwards. He looked behind him and seen Ney'lana drop from the trees. His mouth fell open, he had no clue she was still there.

"You skawng! Those are poisonous."

He looked between the flowers and Ney'lana frantically. He would have never guessed they could kill him, they where so beautiful,

"B-but they're pretty!"

"Yeah pretty but dangerous."

Ney'lana stalked over to him and pulled her arrow out from the ground annoyed.

Reminds me of someone.

Tey'neir couldn't help but think of her when the words left her mouth. The magenta flowers were almost the same color as her eyes. They were almost as deadly as her.

Tey'neir shot his head up when he realized she was walking away. He quickly got up and chased after her, reaching her just before she could disappear into the trees.

"Hey, hey wait!"

He reached his hand out and gripped her shoulder. Ney'lana's body seemed to have a mind of its own as her arm swung out behind her and hit him square in the face with her bow.

"Holy Eywa! Ow! That hurt!"

Tey'neir fell to the ground hard, his hand shot up to his nose. It was already bleeding, but it didn't seem to be broken. But he had no doubt if she wanted to break it she would have.

"You're like a baby. You walk into a place without even knowing its dangers. It's stupid!"

Tey'neir couldn't help but smile a bit at the girl. She had a temper. He would have to figure out how to get around that.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry.  Well hey, if I'm a baby, why don't you teach me huh?"


"Babies need to be taught right? And well I'm going to be teaching you so how about I teach you the way of water, my ways, and you teach me yours."

Smooth T, smooth.

"Are you calling me a baby?!"

Tey'neir widened his eyes. He didn't mean to come across like that. He meant nothing of the sort."

"No, no!  Your not a baby I'm the baby. I'm just saying you teach me your ways I teach you mine."

"You want to learn the ways of the forest Navi? Why? It would be of no use to you."

"Okay, yeah you're right. How bout, you teach me the way of you instead. The way of Ney'lana."

Tey'neir sure had a way with words.

"Why would I do that. We just met."

She was going to be harder to convince than he thought.

"You fascinate me Ney'lana. I want to learn about you."

Ney'lana took a while before she agreed.

"Fine. But I have a set of rules."

"Alright! Lay em on me, I'm ready for anything."

Ney'lana quickly dropped to the ground and swept his feet out from under him.

"Rule number 5. Always be prepared fish boy."

Ney'lana then walked away, not even sparing him another glance.

Tey'neir just smiled at her retreating figure. If he had to be a baby to get closer to her, then so be it. He knew it would be worth it in the end.


Guys I finally updated!!!!

Ik it took a long time. BUT school is almost over so I'll have a lot more time to write!

Also I think I'm bipolar.

Anyway please lmk if you see mistakes and if there is something that doesn't make sense. See you later luv bugs❤️

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