Honkai: Star Rail: Vagabond

By The_Duck_Tuna_

73K 1.8K 830

"The image of a man who fought against death and won.." "He won't turn back again, it's a sacred death with n... More

Chaos Awakening
Path of Trailblazing
Bittersweet Reunion
Brave Steel
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Trails of Cold Steel
Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Unbinding Blade
Oath Under the Snow
Everwinter Night
The Eighth and Final Rule
Voice-Overs / Character's Breakdown
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The Blade Brought Us Together
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3.2K 110 23
By The_Duck_Tuna_


The Express runs aground in the outer space of a white planet. According to Himeko, the effects of the Stellaron are what's obstructing the Express's path forward.

If you wish to continue the journey, you must clear out the obstruction caused by the Stellaron.

An expedition team of three youngsters accompanied by an old wonderer has been put together and none of you can wait to set off on this trailblazing expedition...

After landing on the surface.

Dan Heng: Jarilo-VI, we're here.

March 7th: Brrr. It really is one big snowball.

Stelle: It really is one big snowball.

March 7th: Hey, get your own metaphor!

Stelle: It doesn't feel that cold.

Dan Heng: Well the Trailblaze Path grant us faint power. It allows us to better adapt to harsh environments.

March 7th: *sigh* Snow as far as the eye can see. Which direction should we take?

Dan Heng: Based on the coordinates, the target should be up ahead.

March 7th: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Stelle: Why didn't we land at the destination?

Dan Heng: ...Do you want to mention the time we smashed a hole through Taikiyan Stadium, or shall I?

March 7th: *sigh* Please stop bringing that up. Let's just say that landings and crowds don't mix.

Dan Heng: Unless you enjoy trailblazing through two weeks of community service.

March 7th: I said drop it!

Stelle: I didn't know we'd be hiking...

March 7th: Me neither, if only we had a snowmobile... Weanever get to bring anything cool from the Express.

Dan Heng: Do you remember what you did to our last snowmobile?

March 7th: ...Anyway, moving on.

Dan Heng: Remember, we should stay vigilant, We know very little about this world.

March 7th: Calm down. Between the three of us, nothing will stand in our way.

March 7th: I mean c'mon, Stelle, you've got a Stellaron in your body, I have my special Six-Phased Ice, and Dan Heng... Uhh, he's got that mysterious past thing going for him... And not to mention your old man's swordsmanship and outstanding combat prowess...

March 7th: So, if people start creating trouble for us, they're gonna regret it!

Stelle: Yeah, they're gonna regret it!

March 7th: ...So how long does "copycatitis" last?

You: In moments of crisis, panic does nothing. Harness it. Let it serve you. Let's just make sure that we're not the ones creating trouble...

March 7th: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, hehe...

March 7th: Let's go. Braving the unknown... that's the real spirit of trailblazing!

You: Let's keep moving, stay focused and stay close.

Youngsters: Yes, Sir/Sure Old man.

You have land on Jarilo-VI safely, but now find yourselves standing in frigid winds among barren snowfields stretching as far as the eye can see.

Feeling stuck, you recall Himeko's words: Successful trailblazers must learn to explore, understand, establish, and connect... Maybe this is what exploring looks like.

In any event, your options are now clear: Push through the snow or wait for the Stellaron to miraculously appear by itself.

Dan Heng: This place still hasn't been corroded, yet Fragmentum monsters have already made it here.

You: ...

Dan Heng: I fear the Stellaron may be exerting a significant influence on this world.

Stelle: ... (What a strange object... It seems really out of place in the Snow Plains. Maybe Mr. Yang will know what this is. Let's send a message to ask him.)

Unlock the Calyx message to Welt opens.

Stelle: What is this, Mr. Yang?

Welt: It is a Calyx, a strange entity born from the phenomenon of space distortion.

Welt: There are some reality data in the Calyxes that might come in handy, but please be careful when coming in contact with them. The existence of these Calyxes is still a mystery to us, and the danger within is incalculable. In your coming journey, you might come across other Calyxes like this, and the reality data stored in different Calyxes may vary, so look out for that.

Investigating the house nearby.

Dan Heng: These buildings have been buried in the snowfall.

March 7th: Huh!? So these are rooftops? How long would snow have to fall to get this thick?

Dan Heng: ...A long, long time.

You: Let's keep moving...

Then upon approaching snowdrift.

March 7th: *gasp* Did you see that? I think something's moving...

Dan Heng: Mm... It's just an ordinary snowdrift. Are you sure you're not seeing things?

March 7th: Of course not, my eyesight's perfect! Come on, let's take a closer look.

You: March! Wait--

March 7th ignore your warning and approached the snowdrift.

March 7th: ...Hey, get outta there or you'll shiver to death. Holding your breath won't help..

Dan Heng: I got this, March. If someone's got their head stuck in the sand, or the snow in this case...

Dan Heng: ...they just need a helping hand.

???: Yeowch!

Man Hiding in Snow: My fine fellow, was that really necessary? Is crawling around in the snow a crime these days? I mean, c'mon, surely it doesn't warrant a spearing?

You: ...

Man Hiding in Snow: ...But then again how can I blame you? I mean, I caught you off guard. It had to happen - you could even say I deserved it, huh? Besides, I've made a gallant group of new friends as a result, hehe...

Man Hiding in Snow: ...Is Captain Gepard around? H-He's an old buddy of mine...

March 7th: Who?

You: ... Friend huh? Somehow I doubt that, boy...

Man Hiding in Snow: Pleasure to meet you, the name's Sampo Koski.

Stelle I'm Stelle and the man behind us is my father.

Sampo: Excellent, I'll remember the name. I never thought I'd run into friends from the same line of work out here in this frozen wasteland. *sigh* Business is bad these days, but fear not, Sampo Koski isn't interested in hoarding. There's more than enough treasure to go around, so let's get rich together! Hahaha.

You: ...

Sampo: Say, why don't we join forces? I have reliable intel the main strength of the Silvermane Guards is being deployed to the front line. This is a golden opportunity...

Stelle: What business are you talking about? Silvermane Guards? The front line?

Sampo: ...Come now, friends. I can understand the mistrust. but there's no need for the charade.

You: I believe you mistaken us for someone else Mr. Koski....

Sampo: You...You really don't know? The Silvermane Guards are Belobog's soldiers, enforcers, and police. Let's just say they're not the most flexible of people... and they like paying visits to folks in our line of work.

Sampo: Seems like you guys really are new to the business. *sigh* To be young and naive again... How about this. As a senior in the field, which I'm sure you don't mind me saying, I'll give you some free guidance especially since we have an elder here...

You: 💢... 💢...

You had enough, then you grabbed Sampo's collar and pulled him closer near inches away from your face.

You: Enough, fooling around... You moronic blue twat... Just lead us to the city already..

Sampo: EEK! Y-Yes Sir!

Discovering a shivering man who buried himself in the snow drift.
If he wasn't looking to take a good nap in the blistering cold then this smiling man is probably trying to hide from something... something other than the few of you.

After knowing more about each of you, he offers to bring you to Belobog - the only human settlement on the surface of this planet.

You will most definitely find clues regarding the Stellaron there.

After walking for some time.

Sampo: ...Rule number seven: Never leave a footprint. I have my own special technique called "invisible snow-walking." Helps me throw off pursuers in no...time...

Dan Heng: ...Who are they?

Sampo: Uh, you remember the Silvermane Guards I mentioned? That's them...

You: ...

Sampo: Help me, old friends! I don't wanna be caught!

Soldier: It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!

Entering combat...

Sampo: It's now or never! Over to you, dear friends!

March 7th: Hey! Where do you think you're-

You: Enough! We'll deal with him later! Focused on the fight!

Upon defeating the Silvermane Guards.

Meanwhile you were being concerned by the remaining Silvermane Guards.

Gepard: I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance

You: You do not want this fight..

Soldier: Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!

Then hits you directly in the face, but doesn't faze.

You: Leave... us... alone.

You warned but the Silvermane Guard hits you again, punches you in the face several times. Until you intercept the last blow.

You: I warned you -

Then strikes back a powerful blow to the Silvermane Guard's face.

You: You would not listen.

You said with a cold and threatening tone, sending a massive chill through their spines as their legs began to shake in fear.

However Gepard... Despite feeling a bit dreadful but still trying to confront you bravely this amused you a little. Armed himself with a shield then dashes against you.

Swinging his shield wildly as you avoid his attack with ease before you grab Gepard's left wrist then hit him in the back of the head with a right roundhouse kick before swinging your leg the other direction with a heel hook to the jaw while letting go of his wrist so he fall to the ground.

Gepard: GAH!

Soldiers: Captain!

Gepard: I... can't...

You: Anyone else...?

You said with a cold tone, making the rest of them freeze in fear. As your hand is reaching for the sword that is strapped upon your back.

You: We're not from Belobog... Does our equipment bear any resemblance to yours?

Soldier: Silence! What kind of nonsense are you-

You had enough of the Silvermane Guard and grabs his throat lifting him up as your nearly choking the life out of him.

You: Go ahead keep blabbering like a dog... Because my patience is wearing thin.

Gepard: Let him go--

You: Put down your weapons now...

You ordered them as Gepard had no other choice but lay down their arms before throwing the man into the rest of his companions.

Gepard: As you were. We must not be tempted into careless judgment. Look at their relics. We've never excavated anything like them before, and I haven't seen anything similar in our museums.

March 7th: Exactly! A-And we even have photos!

You: Show them the photos, March.

Gepard: Photos?

March 7th: Ah! Old Man, you're a genius! Great idea!

March 7th: You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI...

March 7th shows Gepard a picture of the ice-covered planet...

Soldier: ...You mean to say that this... white ball... That's here? That's our home? How can that...

Gepard: ...

Soldier: But these people are-

Gepard: This decision is beyond us. If what they say is true, then only the supreme guardian may decide their fate.

Gepard: Our job is to present them before her. Nothing more. Outsiders, follow me. Belobog lies beyond this blizzard.

Gepard: Welcome to Belobog - the City of Preservation.

You: ....



The bad news is that your guide Sampo has abandoned you and left you to deal with Gepard Landau, the Silvermane Guard Captain, alone.

A short yet intense fight erupts for a moment

The good news, however, is that the imposing soldier is actually quite flexible.

Successfully persuade Gepard by making him believe that you are from a world beyond the sky. He promises to escort you to the Supreme Guardian at Belobog.

Everything looked perfect... There's no reason for doubt, all to do is follow the Silvermane Guards for now.

Upon entering the fort.

???: ...But that's a meaningless sacrifice, how can you-

Cocolia: Ahem... You may leave, Bronya. Visitors have arrived.

???: ... Yes, mother.

Gepard: Madam Guardian, I have brought the four outsiders to see you.

Cocolia: The messenger informed me. Well done, Gepard. You may leave.

Cocolia: Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze. Or perhaps I should say: from beyond the sky... no?

Then she turned her attention upon you... The one that remained silent the most and right now she's currently gazing upon directly you as she speak at you.

Cocolia: You seem like a calm and reasonable person.

You: ...

Cocolia: Are you... a calm and reasonable person?

To be Continued...

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