House Sitter- Boyfriend femin...

By aishaa2204

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'Twenty one year old girl is watching a house for a month while the family is on vacation, giving her a chanc... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Feminised by Girlfriend
Chapter 3: Blake learns girlhood
Chapter 4: Blake meets Mrs. Mauro
Chapter 5: Where Blake meets David
Extra Chapter : Characters & Costumes
Chapter 6: Going for Lunch
Chapter 8: Watching "Action" Movie
Chapter 9: Shopping for Baby Gurl
Chapter 10: Little King (Princess) gets 'her' reward
Chapter 11: New Dresses and Heels
Chapter 12: Sneaking out
Chapter 13: Blake's punishment
Chapter 14: Liz remembers her friend's b'day
Chapter 15: Blake's getting periods
Chapter 16: A nice afternoon with 'Aunt' Mauro
Chapter 17: Blake and David: Date 2 ;)
Chapter 18: The fake Wedding 💍
Chapter 19: Liz makes it up to Blake
Chapter 20: Dreamin' Fantasies

Chapter 7: Asking to watch a Movie

3.3K 10 2
By aishaa2204

Getting to their destination Blake was the first to get out of the van, he shot out like a rocket. His mind wasn't liking the compliments or the small show of intimacy of holding hands with the high school boy. Turning around he stepped away from the vehicle and animatedly waved his girlfriend over. "Liz, come here."

Still only partially out of the van, Lizbeth looked over Heather Mauro. "Someone seems eager to tell me something."

Putting up a sun visor to help protect her car from the sun, Heather looked out her door window to her eldest child, a small smirk on her own face. "I wonder what it could be about," The pair shared a laugh both thinking about the same situation they had partially witnessed on the drive here.

Stepping over to her feminized boyfriend Lizbeth put one hand on her hip. It wasn't often she wore heels around Blake, or in general, but she also knew that was linked back to feeling less feminine when she towered over her boyfriend. At this moment between their natural height difference and her shoes she stood a good seven inches over the man and it didn't bother her in the slightest, in fact it made her feel more confident. "Sweetie, you need to call me Miss Liz, or Miss Lizbeth, remember?"

"I just had a kid practically confess his undying love for me, that doesn't matter right now. I'm freaking the fuck out!" Blake said through gritted teeth as he held up his arms to chest level, clenching and opening his hands rapidly, unable to grasp why she didn't see the problem.

"Blake, honey, it does matter, you have to show respect to adults and you are forgetting I was in the van with you. David does seem to like you, but just because a boy two years older than you said you are beautiful doesn't mean he is in love with you," she said, teasing him.

"Dammit Liz! Don't act like a bitch and just, just call an uber or something for me. Tell them I'm feeling sick."

Rocking her head back, Lizbeth bit the inside of her cheek. She had been just teasing him and he went and called her a bitch, when this entire thing was his fault. She didn't think this would be easy on Blake, even if she was really enjoying it, but none of this would have happened if he didn't just show up at the house she was watching, lying to his parents and spending all of his money. 'I should have never let him in and sent him packing then.' Lizbeth thought with a few shakes of her head, her chin only moving a fraction of an inch each way before she stepped closer, putting her hand on the smaller man's shoulder. "Blake, you do not use that language with me, ever."

Seeing the intensity in Liz's face, her light blue eyes practically drilling into him, Blake swallowed hard, knowing he had fucked up. He didn't even use curse words often, it wasn't something ever allowed in his household, but he was just so upset. He was going out in public wearing girl's clothes, he was wearing panties for god's sake and had a boy flirt with him. "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry you are not a... I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry. I just... I can't do this!"

"You bet you are sorry, now tell me. If I called you an uber where would you go? Back to the Mauro's place? Can't do that, maybe I can send you home in your cute little outfit?"

"I... I..." Blake stuttered, not really sure where he would go looking the way he did. "I didn't think of that."

"No, you didn't, just like you didn't think before you spoke when it seemed like a good idea to curse at me to get your way. So no, no uber will be called, instead we are going to go into the restaurant and you are going to act like a good girl, no more foul language. You are going to play your part so that you don't get found out, unless that is your goal?" she gave Blake another intense look till he shook his head. "Now I want to hear you tell me you will be a good girl or so help me, that reward I promised won't be there for you."

"I will be good."

"You will be a good what?" Lizbeth said, her hand still on her boyfriend's shoulder, taking some small amusement in the fact that she could feel the bra strap.

"I... I will be a good girl," he said feeling much smaller than he already had.

"Good, now you run along and hold hands with your new boyfriend," she said letting go of his shoulder and waving him over to the Mauro's who were waiting.

"Liz..." Blake said with a whine in his voice, before correcting himself when he saw her face get that hard expression on it. "Yes, Miss Liz."

The food at the restaurant was good, Blake had to admit. The company was something to be desired and he couldn't imagine just coming here for just a casual lunch, the prices on the menu were a bit out of his price range. Not crazy, but who would pay twenty five dollars for a burger? He had asked himself that when he looked at the menu, but looking at what David had on his plate made his mouth water. The teen had a thick bison burger with shrimp on top and some sort of melty cheese and it smelled what Blake thought heaven should smell like. Meanwhile he had what the menu called Boom Boom Shrimp salad. David had went on about how good the burger was that he was getting, how the shrimp had a boom boom sauce that was out of this world. It had sounded good and Blake was going to get the same, but Liz had apparently still be angry about him calling her a bitch.

"Sweetie, bison is a type of red meat," Lizbeth had said talking to Blake in a friendly but condescending tone. "She is on a diet, no carbs, no meat except fish. Both her parents and I have tried to tell her that she is young and can eat what she likes, but you know how teenagers can be," she had said, directing most of it to Heather who sat next to her.

Feeling the conceding tone didn't set Blake off or even leave him fuming, he had much more to worry about with how often he saw David's dark brown eyes on him. Each time he met the younger male's gaze he quickly looked away. Blake saw desire there, a look he got from Lizbeth but never so openly and it made him feel weird. So he took it in stride, following his fathers advise that when someone did or said something to bother him to consider how much it was really going to impact his day to put things in perspective. Eating a salad wasn't going to change anything, and if the sauce on the shrimp was as good as what David had said, then it wasn't going to be a big deal, he didn't need a burger. So in the end he responded with a smile on his face to play the role the girl he loved needed or at least wanted him to play and at the sametime let her know he wasn't going to fight her. "Yeah, maybe you are right Miss Liz, but the boom boom shrimp salad sounds yummy, is it okay if I get that for lunch?"

It was partway through the meal when David felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, pulling it out he read the text message from one of his friends and a frown formed on his face. "Yeah, that makes sense," he said to himself to try and lessen the sting.

"Everything okay honey?" heather asked, seeing her son's expression.

"Yeah, it isn't really any big deal. I just really wanted to see that new action movie that was based on one of those old video games. It looked like a lot of fun, no real plot and just like way over the top... you know like those old action movies like Rambo. My friends were just talking about how good it was and I thought I might have been able to watch it with them since I was home, but they didn't know I would be in town."

Not seeing a movie didn't seem like that big of a deal to Heather, it wasn't like it still wasn't showing and wouldn't be on some streaming service within the year. "To be fair, I didn't know we would be in town either," she then pointed her fork in her son's direction that still had a piece of her tuna poke on it to drive home the point that this was on him.

"Sorry you didn't get to go with your friend," Blake said wishing that option had been on the table so the eighteen year old boy would go, positive that with just Mrs. Mauro around things would be much more bearable. "I didn't get to see it either," he then waved his hand in his girlfriend's direction, almost calling her by just her first name again. "Miss Liz doesn't want to see it and I don't have any money till my parents give me my allowance," The fact that he had an allowance instead of being allowed to work always made Blake feel like a kid, but right now it at least sounded more appropriate than when he told people on his college campus he couldn't afford to go do something. Before he started his freshman year of college his father had told him if he kept his grades up they would let him get a part time job so he had extra cash, but he wasn't really doing that great far as grades went, so his allowance was all he had.

"Wait!?" David said excitedly. "You wanted to see Contra!?" Immediately he felt foolish for asking the question, it wasn't like girls couldn't like action movies, he just didn't think of them doing so.

"Yeah," Blake said with a shrug.

"I just didn't think of girls, I'm sorry," David sheepishly already mentally telling himself he was stupid for saying it and then doubly stupid for telling on himself.

With a nod of his head Blake looked over at his girlfriend, she certainly didn't like movies like this, but knew it wasn't all girls. His own mother who always looked much like a mature woman when she left the house in her skirt suits on her way to practice law loved a good action movie much more than his dad. He always said they were too violent and people shouldn't watch them as it desensitized people to violence. "Girls can like action movies, in fact my mom does and she always plays video games too. As well put together as his mother was when going out, she just as quickly would get into comfy clothes or even pajamas the second she could. He had more than a few happy memories of her coming home from work, changing and then picking up the second controller to play video games with him. She could be a stern woman, but he felt lucky to have a mom like her.

"That's great!" David exclaimed. "Would you like to see it with me?!" he asked hopefully. Part of his mind told him she liked him, they had kissed, sort of and they could have done more of it if his mom hadn't interrupted and then in the car she had held his hand and she said he was handsome... David's mind ramped on before it was grinded to a halt by his own insecurities. He often felt awkward in his own body and he was sure everyone could see it. He was the same height as his mom and while he knew he was still growing he couldn't imagine he had much more growth in him and no girl wanted a short man.

"Sure if you are paying," Just as the words left his mouth Blake realized what he had actually just agreed to. "But I don't know if I'm allowed," Blake turned his head to look at his girlfriend, trying to be as expressive as he could with his eyes so that she would help me out.

Lizbeth herself felt tongue tied, that same feeling as before, the one she refused to explore came alive again at the idea of her dressing wearing boyfriend not only being asked to go on a movie date with a boy, but said yes without any hesitation. So instead of her speaking up it was Heather, who could see the sixteen year old girl practically begging her babysitter with her eyes so that she could say yes. "I don't see a reason why not. David, why don't you find the next showing and we can drop the two of you off."

"Yeah?" the teen boy said to his mom before turning to his would-be date and taking her hand, giving her a big goofy smile. He was so happy."You are going to love it!" He said with all the confidence he could manage even though he hadn't actually seen the movie before.

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