Only Time Will Tell, A SONIC...

By DarkShadowGames451

61 1 0

AU! During the war against the coalition between Naugus the Dark and Dr. J. Ivo Robotnik, Princess Sally Acor... More

Only Time Will Tell

61 1 0
By DarkShadowGames451

One-shot takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 of Sonic RESURGENCE. For more context, check out the story on my account!

Paring: Light Sonally

Characters: Oliver "Sonic the Hedgehog" Cobalt, Princess Sarah "Sally" Acorn

Setting: Knothole Sanctuary

Plot: Sally decides to have Sonic take them to what used to be Knothole Village, allowing her to share a piece of her old world with the adventurer.

Outside the Walls of New Mobotropolis, Great Forest,

A blue streak sped by, rushing away from the walls of an eco friendly but advanced city within the lush green bushes and tall and healthy trees of the Great Forest.

The source of the phenomenon was a famous high speed adventurer in the form of a sixteen-year-old male anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with emerald green eyes, white gloves, a necklace with a small golden Warp Ring dangling on it with white socks and red flat top Power Sneakers with a white stripe and golden buckles on them.

This was Sonic the Hedgehog, and he was the Fastest Thing Alive.

Interestingly enough, he was accompanied by a new companion which he was carrying in his arms. She was a female chipmunk with short lucious auburn hair that went up to her bottom neck, brown and tan fur, sapphire colored eyes, and thin eyebrows and lines that matched her hair color. She wore a black tanktop and shorts while wearing a blue vest, boots, and bracelets that all went together nicely on the seventeen-year-old.

This was Sally Acorn, Princess of the Acornia Kingdom and field leader of the Knothole Freedom Fighters.

The young adult (Sally) was currently adjusting herself to the immense speed which her newset Freedom Fighter member was traveling. Right now, it took all of her might not to let out a high pitch scream, as she was practically a speeding bullet. No, scratch that, she was being carried by the speeding bullet on a joyride.

Well, what he thought was a joyride. To her, no rollercoaster or other fast pace amusement park ride could compare to the insanity that was her old amnesiac childhood friend's speed. All she could do was keep her arms wrapped around the Quickster's neck and and hold on for dear life.

A way for her to distract herself from the hectic movement was that her ears picked up on Sonic's heartbeat. And while erratic it was, the chipmunk managed to catch the rhythm of his heart thumping. For a brief moment, there were tinges of blushing on her cheeks as she mentally found herself captivated by her being so close to the boy she had been keep track of for a few years. The prideful militant field leader wouldn't admit it right now, she enjoyed being around her friend. More so than the others aside from NICOLE.

"Hey, Red! You okay there?" Sonic asked, screaming while running through the Great Forest.

"Damn it, Oliver! You just got out of the hospital! Didn't Dr. Quack and Sir Charles both tell you to take it easy!?" Sally chastised, fighting the urge to use one of her hands to bonk the hedgehog with it..

Sonic chuckled at the chipmunk and said, "Whatcha mean!? This is just joggin' to me!"

"W-What!?" Sally squeaked, shocked at the information.. "How fast can you possibly go!?"

"...I'm pretty fast, but I never got a chance to go all out!" Sonic smirked with confidence. "But who knows, we might get to find out soon! And I sure can't wait to see!"

'What kind of person is this guy!?' Sally questioned to herself before Sonic spoke to her aloud.

"Hey, hey!" Sonic called out. "I've been followin' the path like ya said! Tell me when to make that turn you were talkin' about!"

Sally nodded and after ten seconds, Sally shouted, "TURN RIGHT!"

Sonic then drifted with his legs to the right and ran for five more seconds until Sally saw that they were approaching a familiar tree and shouted, "STOP HERE!"

The blue Mobian slid into a stop, creating a small draft while green leaves that floated around both Sonic and Sally. The princess caught her breath, silently thanking her patron deity that the run was over...for now.

'...I'm not sure if I can ever get used to that.' The princess mentally sighed.

"...Um, you can let go now, Red." Sonic said, clearing his throat as awkwardly pointed out the fact while standing completely stiff.

Sally blinked, then realized that she was making her friend uncomfortable by clinging on to Sonic longer than needed.

The auburn haired girl let go and sheepishly apologized, saying, "S-Sorry! I didn't to-"

Sonic simply waved her off with a smirk and pretended nothing happened, saying, "Don't worry about it."

"I know you like running and all but I have to ask, why didn't you use one of the Gems of Miracles to teleport us here."

"Well, where's the fun in that?" Sonic mishceviously answered, now coining his new catchphrase.

Sally rolled her eyes at the excuse and whispered, "You haven't changed a bit."

The blue hedgehog walked around and noticed an old abandoned building which seemed to have had moss grown around the area. He then noticed an older version of the Knothole Freedom Fighters' insignia on a top of a small flag pole. This caused Sonic to recognize the place.

"...Say, ain't this the place ya'll fought Eggman at before I came in?" Sonic questioned, crossing his arms.

Sally slowly approached the building and nodded, confirming, "Yes. This was our first base of operations. Where it all started. It sure brings back memories."

"Huh. Ya don't say," Sonic said before turning to the chipmunk and asked, "Now, where was that secret spot you were goin' on about?."

"Patience, Sonic." Sally lightly teased, raising her right index finger as she walked past him with a knowing smile. "Just follow my lead."

'Where is she goin' with this?' Sonic inquired, not far behind the royal.

"Observe," Sally confidently advised before coming up to special oak tree and pulled on a specific dangingly vine and gently gave it a pull.

From there, the front of the tree trunk had revealed itself to be sliding wooden door, showing what looked like an oak slide.

"What the-?" Sonic muttered. "A secret path? But to where?"

"That's a good question!" Sally said, jokingly mocking a thoughtful gesture while tapping her left pointer finger on to her cheek. "While I can spoil the surprise with a verbal answer..."

Sally stook one step into the wooden slide then turned her head sideways and gave her old friend a coy smirk, saying, "I think I'll do you one better and show you instead. ...Last one down's a rotten egg!"

And with that, Sally jumped and slid down the wooden slide, leaving Sonic in the dust. The blue hedgehog stood in shock for half a second before immediately responding by curling into a ball and jumping into the slide himself. The ride was brief yet zany. Sonic was sent downward, bouncing up and down, then spiraled clockwise before moving up and landing into a haystack.

Before he knew it, Sonic was met with a breathtaking sight.

As it turned out, deep within the Great Forest was a small well kept village that was built into harmony with nature in harmony with nature. It was seemingly situated in a valley, roughly near by the Lake of Rings and seemed to have its own Chao Garden. At the heart of the abandoned village was thatched-roofed huts. Sonic assumed that either the Freedom Fighters or the survivors of Naugus' coup had took refuge in the small homes. Adjacent to the homes was a group of small logs gathered in a bonfire circle used for gatherings of sorts. The abandoned settlement also had several observation posts in nearby trees, and possesses as well an underground shelter hidden under the trunk of a felled tree. Near the buildings were a watermill that acted as a means for power to run the settlement and the running water the went along the area happened to be the supply itself.

"Woah," Sonic whispered. "What is this place?"

"A sanctuary," Sally answered, prompting the hedgehog to find her sitting on a nearby tree stump. "Knothole Sanctuary, to be exact."

"This is Knothole?" Sonic asked looking around the area once more and whistled in astonishment. "Heh! Wow, I didn't expect somethin' like this to be underneath the forest."

'This definitely gives Angel Island and Green Hill a run for for their money!' Sonic mentally compared. 'Talk about a view!'

"Yes," Sally said while placing her hands behind her as she reminisced. "Before I ridded my nation of Naugus' control and banished him, the survivors that evaded capture and crystalization have fled here. After the first resistant group fell, what would become the Knothole Freedom Fighters spent their formative years here. We've learned almost everything we knew in this settlement...and we made a lot memories here, too."

"How come nobody's livin' here?" Sonic inquired, titling his head toward the chipmunk. "As awesome as it looks, it feels like I'm in a ghost town."

"In the past, Knothole Sactuary was always used as a nature retreat of sorts and safe haven in case of a national crisis. But since the coup took place, the surviving elders weren't sure if the remnants of the kingdom would live long enough, let alone bring the kingdom back to its former glory. So, they originally opted to start anew here, creating the village. However, when the deaths of our predecessors occured, it invogored the younger generation's resolve to take our home back.' Sally thought aloud, looking at the sky. "And when we eventually did, and after we brought my father back from the Void of Silence, we've spent some time recovering lost property in anticipation for a new captial to be built since Naugus terraformed Old Mobotropolis with his magic. Before New Mobotropolis was constructed, my father and Parliament decided that Knothole residents will be moved to New Mobotropolis and while the Knothole Village was to be left behind and left as the sanctuary and safe haven it was."

Sonic looked down, slightly empathizing with the girl's melancholy over having to leave a place that meant the world to her.

"That's a bummer..." Sonic expressed. "It sure beats the treehouse that I sleep in. If I managed to stay with you guys and went through everything you did, I'd throw a fit!"

Sally held a giggle in with a hand over her mouth, imagining a younger Sonic holding a protest against her father.

"I'd buy that," Sally mused before backflipping from the stump and landing perfectly.

Sonic clapped, then gave Sally a thumb's up, saying, "Not bad, Red. that's a perfect ten!"

"Thanks, but I still won. So, you're the rotten egg," Sally playfully sassed, placing her hands on her hips.

"No way! I wasn't prepared for the slide!" Sonic shot back in faux anger, but Sally countered back.

"Always be prepared," Sally quoted, holding her right index finger. "My old mentor taught me the value those words. And I live by them. Or at least, I'm trying to."

"...Your mentor?" Sonic queried.

Sally smiled sadly, placing her hands on her vest as she explained, "Julayla, Rosie's cousin. And a remarkable teacher."

"Huh, I didn't know she has a cousin." Sonic thought out loud.

"She was someone very important to me growing up. She taught me everything I know, helped me grow in ways I couldn't describe to you. This vest was her's one time. Now, its the only thing I have left of her."

Sonic's eyes widened understanding what she was telling him both through body language and her words. The thought of Sally's mentor passing away reminded him of Harvey Who (Old Man Owl) and his wife's passing shortly after coming home from the Space Colony ARK. It devastated the blue hedgehog and his little fox brother.

Pushing down his guilt, Sonic approached Sally and suggested, "How about a stroll down memory lane? You must have had a lot of good times here, am I right? Plus I got the perfect tour guide."

Sally's ears perfect up as she gazed into the positive Mobian's emerald green eyes for a brief moment. Upon comprehending her childhood friend's words, nodded in agreement.

"I'd love to show you around, there's so much for you to see!"

Sonic grinned, then suddenly picked up Sally once more like they were newlyweds, causing her to yelp again.

"S-Sonic, put me down this instant! We're not running around here of all places!" Sally commanded, trying her best not to panic while continuing to resist the urge to whack Sonic.

Sonic just winked at Sally and told her, "Relax, Red. Even I know when to dial it back once and a while,"

Sally just kept a skeptical expression before assuming the worst of her mischievous friend, given Sonic's track record for acting nonchalantly during his engagement of regular recklessness.

Much to Sally's surprise, when Sonic began running, Sonic had reduced his speed significantly. And while he was still quick on his feet, the running felt like actually jogging. She could perceive locations as they past them by much easier than early. Hell, the chipmunk felt relaxed.

Sonic had taken Sally from location to location. And each time they gone to one, Sally would give him a short history about each place and provide fun facts or small stories regarding her time in the location beit amusing or serious.

What Sally found particularly intriguing with Sonic was that he always asked questions after her small lectures. One would think that a person like him would find information gathering to be boring. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth with Sonic the Hedgehog. He stood there and took and internalized all of the information Sally had verbally gave to him with interest. It made her feel...validated that most her earlier days as a bookworm had meaning outside of holding content.

For Sonic, he just enjoyed listening to the princess' stories. In some way, he felt like he was there with the Knothole Freedom Fighters despite never making it to Knotehole Village. Truth be told, a part of him found guilt in not being around during the village's hardships. But he was on the other side of the planet and lost his memories of Mobotropolis. He had a completely different life. To hear that people who lived here had been fighting for their lives for over a decade without his knowledge pained him greatly. He could easily see Tails, Amy, Cream, and his other friends in the places of the Original Four (plus NICOLE), fighting the good fight. He couldn't comprehend them dying, though. No, the Blue Blur doesn't want to even think about the possibility.

That was why he joined in their fight. To stop the Ixis Warlock, defeat Eggman like he and his friends had always done and save the world. It wasn't anything new to him. Just another adventure with some new twists.

All that this little journey to the secret sanctuary did was strengthened Sonic's evergrowing respect for the leader of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and increased his curiosity in the princess.

Carrying Sally again, Sonic jogged around and made a turn to what seemed to be the abandoned Chao Garden. And while it was empty, the beautiful and serene appearance of the small pond next to a tree filled with white and blue flowers was still captivating sight for Sally.

Sonic stopped nearby the pond and put Sally down, allowing her to bask in the sight with nostalgia and happiness. At the same time, she never imagined that that more of the trees would grow so quickly over time.

"Look at this! They all grew so fast! I've never seen so may flowers before!" Sally exclaimed, outstretching her arms in the air as many white and blue flower petals danced in the gentle breeze.

Sally turned to Sonic and asked, "You traveled around the world. Do you always get to sights like this?"

Sonic nodded, turning and answered, "Yeah!"

Sally noticed that he didn't elaborate further on the matter while his back was turned and had his arms crossed, but smiled at his compliance to answer anyway.

But then a sudden thought appeared in the princess' head as she asked, "Sonic, when the war is over and everything is handled, will you leave the kingdom?"

The blue hedgehog turned around and looked at Sally with a straight face and gave her an honest nod.

Sally flashed a bittersweet smile, saying, "I suppose it makes sense, you could never really sit in one place. At times, I envy your freedom. To be anywhere in the whole wide world without a care. But you know, this isn't half bad either. I treat this place as my little home away from home whenever I feel...well, cooped up in the palace. It makes me feel less like a princess and more like a girl."

'She's quite the opposite compared to when I first met Blaze. Not that Red isn't dutiful. At least she didn't try and fight me...Or set me on fire for that matter.' Sonic commented in his thoughts.

"Bein' a princess doesn't look easy," Sonic noted.

"Nevertheless, I love my country," Sally reinforced gently as she walked back and both, causing the wind to gently sway her auburn locks. "Everybody in the castle, the children, and all of the citizens...My father, and my late mother..."

Sally's hands where tightly clenched, causing Sonic to mentally note the sensitive tone she took when mentioning her mother.

'...The Queen?' Sonic mentally noticed. 'I never heard Sally talking about her before.'

Turning back to Sonic, Sally's gentle but determined expression formed as she concluded, "...That is why I protect this country! My life, this war has allowed me to understand what that truly means."

The daughter of King Max approached Sonic and asked, "Sonic, even if you run off to another adventure, could you remember Acornia and this place?"

Sonic held out his right hand and clenched it to his chest, saying, "I will,"

The grin on the hedgehog's grin took her back to the last time she had seen her long lost childhood friend alive. The night of the coup. She could remember Sir Charles taking the boy away from Rosie and the rest of the group to lead off one of Naugus' Phantoms away from the rest of the children and from Knothole. She could remember herself calling out to Oliver, and him calling out to her. Her fear of losing her last close person came to light when Sir Charles entered the prototype Warp Ring portal, only to realize that Oliver was nowhere insight.

Seeing his four-year-old self in his sixteen-year-old self had caused Sally to turn away from him and hold back her tears, biting her lip.

Sonic had his right hand outstretched with the intention to comfort her, but he stopped midway.

"...S-Sorry, I am fine. I j-just..." Sally whispered before facing the hedgehog again bringing Sonic into a sudden hug, catching him off guard.

Sonic could sense that while she was a strong and levelheaded person, she was still a damaged girl who carried he whole nation on her shoulders. Even someone like her needed to be comforted, supported.

He decided to relax his body from physical contact and pat the girl's back saying, "Never give up, Sally,"

She broke away from the hug as Sonic gave her a reassuring smile before nodding.

Sally smiled back, holding his shoulders with a light blush on her muzzle. Sonic noticed how appealing the chipmunk's appearance was, prompting Sonic's heartbeat to skyrocket with a tinge of red forming on his cheeks. This sets off his nervous reaction by forming a toothy grin.

Seeing that he was tensing up, Sally let Sonic go and awkwardly said, "W-We should get back to the city. We wouldn't want Daddy to send anybody out to get us."

"Y-Yeah," Sonic nodded dumbly as he began to follow Sally to a nearby an exit. "...Um, hey, Red?"

"Yes, Blue?" Sally answered, inwardly happy that Sonic was comfortable enough to allow the princess to call him her own little pet name for the adventurer.

"...Do ya think I can come here, too?" Sonic asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know, when I need to get away from everythin' once and a while? I swear I won't mess with stuff or break anythin'!"

Sally tapped the bottom of her chin in thought, then decided, "...Okay, but on two conditions."

"Okay, shoot," said Sonic.

"One, it is important that the location of Knothole is kept very secret. It is sacred to the kingdom and the House of Acorn." Sally said in a serious tone, which Sonic agreed in a similar manner

"Alright, my lips are sealed. What's the second term?" Sonic inquired.

"You'll have to accompany me when you want to go to Knothole." Sally said with a small smile.

Sonic stared at her for a few seconds, then uttered, "...That's it?"

"Yup!" Sally inquired. "Its technically not allowed for anybody to be here, but being the princess has its perks. And we wouldn't want you getting in trouble now, do we?"

"No, ma'am! All joking aside, tell me, why do you really want to come along?" Sonic asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, can you blame me? I haven't seen my friend in over ten years. I like to think of it as catching up on lost times." Sally said with a happy expression.

'That, I can't stand being away from you.' The smitten princess thought to herself.

"Nah, I get it," Sonic said, placing his hands to the back of his head. "Besides, I was supposed to be here with you guys; Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor, and the rest. So, I can manage hangin' out with you."

Sonic, after walking ahead of Sally, then turned on his heel and struck his classic pose with one leg bent in front of the other, placing one hand on his hip while wagging the other hand's pointer finger, saying, "But ya'll best to keep up the pace! 'Cause I'm gonna be one step ahead!"

Sally giggled at Sonic's cheekiness and said, "Well, don't get too much further ahead,"

Sonic stood up straight and asked, "Huh? How come?"

"Because I want to be by your side." Sally said after walking up to him. "That is, if you let me."

Sonic didn't exactly understand the connotations of what she was implying per se, but he understood that Sally wanted to be involved more in his life given their shared history. Still, the personal nature of these words caused Sonic to blush.

'...Chaos, what is this girl doin' to me!?' Sonic screamed in his mind, feeling his heartbeat racing. 'Not even Breezie made me feel like this!'

Regardless, Sonic turned away out of embarrassment, then scratched the back of his head but answered Sally, saying, "...I-I guess I can slow down for ya."

Sally grin widened and mentally cheered for her boldness and the progress she was making in their overall relationship, though she knew that neither of them were quite ready to date...

'...Yet.' Sally thought to herself, aiming for a chance with the adventurer before her. '...Not yet.'

Soon enough, Sally led Sonic into one of the secret wooden elevators that could allow them to exist the sanctuary.

"Say, Red, do you still have a funny story to tell?" Sonic questioned as the pair waited for the elevator to descend.

Sally thought about for a moment just as the elevator came down before them.

Snapping her right pointer and middle figure, Sally said, "I got it! Did you know that when we were younger, Antoine had a thing for me?"

Sonic blinked three times before saying, "...Your kiddin', right?"

"I'm kiddin' wrong," Sally retorted, placing her hands on her hips while she shuddered in disgust at the old days. "This was during the old days, before Bunnie was amputated and turned into a cyborg."

"Ah, man. I've got to here about this. How bad was he?" Sonic asked with amusement.

"He had the persistence of Amy with the attitude of a silver spoon fed nobleman," Sally described, rolling her eyes as she entered the elavator. "Antoine is like a brother to me, so I could never like him in that way, no different with you and Amy. I swear, if it wasn't for General Armand making him come out of his stuck up behavior, I would have done something about it myself."

Sonic hissed in empathy, saying, "Yikes! It seemed like you got it worse than me. Amy comes off way too strong at times. And her kissin' on my...Ugh!"

"Oh yeah, well you want to hear Antoine's overly sappy and corny pick up lines?" Sally asked while pressing the closing button.

Sonic already started chuckling, saying, "Oh, I've got to hear this!"

With that, the elevator closed and the two Freedom Fighters ascended back to the Great Forest, enjoying each other's company all the way back to New Mobotropolis.

The End

Author's Note: Hey, guys! Its DSG451!

As you can see, I am trying some new things. And more new things are about to come! While we wait for the story to continue, I'm thinking of dropping smaller side stories of things that happened off page and that occurred either in certain chapters or in between certain chapters.

This one shot, in particular, takes elements from Epsiode Sonic of SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006), and the Sonic the Hedgehog comics published by Archie. Specifically, Issues #187 and #222 of the Archie Comics.

I've decided to do this one to show a bit more of RESURGENCE Sonic and RESURGENCE Sally's relationship with each other. Remember guys, this takes place between the original Knothole Freedom Fighters, Sonic, and Tails all went to South Island. So, there isn't much drama here. But rather, this is light shipping fluff that gives more context to Sonic and Sally's feelings for one another.

If you like this little story and would like to see more of this, I will be happy to do more shorter stories that can be self contained and a part of the greater RESURGENCE story.

Have a blessed day and stay safe!


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