Reawakening of Wings: The Æth...

By DocOfCharts82

201 78 5

The sequel to Wings of Awakening. Set 5 years after the original, the world is changing with the invention of... More

Information and Cast
Act One: Scene One
Act One: Scene Two
Act One: Scene Three
Act One: Scene Four
Act One: Scene Five
Act One: Scene Six
Act Two: Scene One
Act Two: Scene Two
Act Two: Scene Four
Act Two: Scene Five
Act Two: Scene Six
Act Three: Scene One
Act Three: Scene Two:
Act Three: Scene Three:
Act Three: Scene Four:
Act Three: Scene Five:
(Epilogue) Act Three: Scene Six:

Act Two: Scene Three

5 4 0
By DocOfCharts82

(As the veil is lifted, an unsettling aura overtakes the stage, where soft light and mist - conjured with dry ice - create an eerie atmosphere. Sleek machines hum so softly as to be barely audible. There is an operating table adorned with polished implements, each more wicked and cruel-looking than the last. Tanks house grotesque fusions of flesh and machine, humanoid in shape, seemingly inactive, the whole room seems to cry into a bottomless subterranean, abyss, it laments about knowledge forbidden to mankind and the abhorrent tampering with of the natural order)

(Note: The machines, tanks, and the operating table are all on wheels for easy removal at end of the scene)
Lord Preen: (Unsettled) Where art we?

Earl Bigot (Grandly) Hail, my heir, thou art within the sanctum of enlightenment, where the horizons of wisdom are breached, and the cogs of destiny turn with resolute purpose

(The Adapetus Æther looks around visibly frightened. This does not go unnoticed)

Earl Bigot: Fear not, Adapetus. As a scholar of great knowledge, this chamber holds secrets of immense import for thee.

(Enter the Adapetus Biomechanical)

(The Adapetus Biomechanical gracefully enters the lab, clad in a pristine white lab coat. Silver goggles perch on her forehead)

Adapetus Biomechanical: (Calm, and a little Playful) Ah, greetings, esteemed guests, as you tread into the heart of creation. I am the Adapetus Biomechanical, and you have entered a realm of uncharted possibilities. Pray, what brings the illustrious Adapetus Æther, the noble Earl Bigot, and the future Earl of Narciss, Lord Preen, to my humble abode?

Adapetus Æther: Thou art the catalyst for the leaps and bounds in technological advancements Narciss has made?

Adapetus Biomech: Indeed, take grand Dreadnought, the ND Narcissus. In the crucible of my inventive prowess, I played a pivotal role in its design. The formidable enhanced ætheric engines, a harmonious collaboration with Luxequinox, and the ability to extract the very essence of the skies, a task masterfully executed by the Adapetus-to-be Apprentice Arcane. Its dominion over the skies propelled by the very elements harnessed from boundless heights. Armed with heavy Suspendium cannons, Suspendium lasers, and even a superweapon: The Ætheric Storm Generator, the brainchild of the finest minds in the realm. That behemoth is not only a marvel of engineering but a symbol of Narcissian ingenuity, capable of carrying four Wraiths and sixteen Strikers. This would be simply impossible without your discoveries, Adapetus.

(The Adapetus Æther pauses, deep in thought before stating his next

Adapetus Æther: Pray, shed some light on the capabilities of the Wraiths that accompany the Dreadnought, and what safeguards have been implemented to protect the ND Narcissus from potential threats. And might you reveal the extent of the Ætheric Storm Generator’s destructive potential and its tactical applications?

Adapetus Biomechanical: (Amused) Thou skillfuly crafts a torrent of queries , Adapetus, much like the Adapeti in training in Luxequinox The Narcissus is a fortress adorned with impenetrable armour, fortified further by a symphony of point defence turrets. As for the Ætheric Storm Generator, a masterstroke of Narcissian ingenuity. This celestial architect can conjure artificial ætheric storms, surpassing the wrath of nature itself. These tempests, fierce and unyielding, dismantle airships with ruthless precision, rendering landscapes desolate and lifeless. Fear not, for the ND Narcissus, in the wisdom of its designers, bears an intrinsic ætheric shield to withstand the cataclysmic echoes of its own superweapon As for the Wraiths, weaving through the vast expanse, embody both reconnaissance and the prowess of stealth. Armed with ætheric disruptors, they dance with the delicate art of disabling foes, rendering adversaries powerless in the face of impending doom. Aerial torpedoes, their deadly companions, unleash chaos upon the helpless airships, often targeting command vessels with ruthless precision.

Lord Preen: A splendid display of Narcissian ingenuity, I must say. But, my inquisitive mind is plagued by one pressing question: How many Egoni did this impressive spectacle cost? A mere hundred million, perhaps?

Adapetus : (Brightly) Beyond a mere hundred million Egoni, my lord! The Narcissus danced its way through the royal coffers, leaving the treasury a tad lighter. But fear not, for taxes, that ever-flowing fountain of generosity,  graciously footed the bill. Now, onto these tanks—within them, the harmonious convergence of flesh and machine, creatures forged in the crucible of ambition. Allow me to introduce you to the biomechanical wonders that await awakening.
(She walks over to the tanks, gazing at them fondly. Earl Bigot, Lord Preen, and the Adapetus Æther)

Adapetus Biomech: (Proudly) Within these tanks, reside the intricate results of our endeavors—volunteer criminals and unsuspecting peasants abducted from the humble region of Pheasantine Republic. A democracy less endowed than Narciss, where the deemed inferior find themselves elevated through our craft. Their bodies, a canvas for ætheric augmentation, house devices in their brains ensuring unwavering obedience to designated commanders, complemented by artificial organs and steampunk limbs touched by the essence of Æther. Their skin decayed and revealing the bones beneath, coated in an alloy of our design. Capable of both violence and cunning, these biomechanical wonders await their call to the stage of war.

Adapetus Æther: (Dubious) A fascinating display, yet I can’t help but ponder the ethical implications of such augmentation. How do you justify the manipulation of these souls?

Lord Preen (Sarcastically): Ah, the unsurprising tale of Narciss, abducting commoners from the humble Pheasantine Republic. A practice so expected, it’s practically a cultural exchange, wouldn’t you say?

Earl Bigot (Sneering): Indeed, Lord Preen, those commoners from the Pheasantine Republic are an inferior, savage, sub-human lot. It's only fitting that they serve a superior purpose here in Narciss.

(The Adapetus Æther's demeanour shifts to barely concealed rage, his hands curl into fists, he thinks better of it, though, and the hands uncurl)

Earl Bigot (With a sly grin): Ah, but this is not the place for extended discourse. Perhaps, later, in the grand meeting room of the High-Exarchs, we shall continue this fascinating discussion. And reveal the grand plan.

(The characters exit the scene, and the lights dim to nothing)

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