Project Athena | Author Spotl...

By Project_Athena

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By Project_Athena

Step into a realm where the ethereal meets the modern, and the echoes of native folklore dance with the rhythms of contemporary storytelling. NattKuznetsov , the brilliant mind behind the spellbinding fantasy series Animas Noctis, invites you to immerse yourself behind the scenes of their captivating world.

What inspired you to become a writer? When did you first start writing?

One of my very first memories is of my mother reading to me. I always loved stories, the idea that you can dive into unknown worlds filled with everything you desire, and all that is just a page away! I'd say reading is what inspired me to write.

I think I started writing the moment I learned how to write, so around 6 or 7.

How do you balance your personal life and responsibilities with your writing? What strategies do you use to find time to write?

It can get overwhelming at times. There are lots of projects I am working on, and I feel like writing more than I am able to at times. Sometimes work, university and social life get in the way of it.

What I noticed works best for me is to write every day. I wake up around 5 am or so, sometimes at 4 am, depending on the day, and give myself morning time to write. I feel like my ideas flow best then. And even if the writing is not 100% at its peak, I try to always get at least 1500 words in each day. That way, I can always go back to something. You must have that very first rough draft in order to get to the second one, and ultimately to the final which you publish.

Can you discuss the role that feedback and reviews play in your writing process? How do you handle negative feedback or criticism?

Feedback is great! It offers extra perspective and lets you know things about your work that you might not see yourself. Beta readers are amazing, really! I'd say, one should be always open-minded to criticism. That's how we evolve our craft as writers! One thing I can say for sure is that a writer should be able to discern from where they take their criticism, and, of course, to know how to apply it without feeling as if it's a personal attack on their work.

What do you do when you encounter writer's block or feel stuck in your story? How do you get unstuck and keep writing?

I read, watch movies, listen to music, meet people, visit museums, etc.. For me, putting myself in the shoes of my characters works best. I force myself to write even if it's bad. You can edit, or add something to that. You can't edit a blank page, can you?

Can you tell us about a character from one of your stories that is particularly meaningful to you? What inspired this character, and how did you develop their personality and backstory?

I believe all the characters in my stories have a part of me in them. They all were born from a feeling or incidents I've lived. I'd say Luca Morello from "Imagine Him and Me" is quite meaningful. I wrote him at a time when I felt conflicted and was discovering myself as a person. His personality and backstory, while exaggerated and twisted in some ways, do reflect the way I was at the time I wrote him. I feel that he embodies a lot of that in his character. Whenever I go back to Luca I see a part of myself in him.

Can you tell us about a particularly challenging scene or chapter in one of your stories, and how you tackled it?

I think there are a few scenes in "Imagine Him and Me" that were rather challenging, particularly the ones that tackle the issue of domestic abuse. It's always hard writing those types of scenes, but I feel like they serve their purpose in the way the story is shaped and what message you want to send. I'd say, always think of what you want to deliver with a particular scene. Think "What is the purpose of this?", and your answer will help you tackle it properly.

Can you tell us about a writing project that you're currently working on? How did you come up with the idea, and what can readers expect from it?

At the moment I am focusing on a series called Animas Noctis, it's been in the works for about 3 years or so. Currently, I am publishing the first book of the 7 in the series, which you can find here on Wattpad under the title "Nympha Postmortem". The world is based on native folklore from my motherland with twists and turns of modernism. A sprinkle of fantasy creatures, an ounce of magic, a spoonful of mystery, a pinch of death, and a twist of romance.

What do you think are the benefits and challenges of writing on Wattpad? How has the platform influenced your writing and career?

You get to get a first-hand interaction with your readers, which can be quite intriguing! The way the platform is essentially made is quite interesting. I think it aids you in many ways, but also leaves room for some ill products. I'd say Wattpad provides opportunities for those who put in the work, but there are some genres that for sure don't do well on here.

In some ways it did, but I'd say outside of Wattpad I still have the same opportunities as before I joined. I only see it as a plus, for now.

What are your goals for your writing career, both in the short term and long term?

For the moment, finish the projects I am working on, and editing the finished ones for publication. And for the future? I want to build worlds that people are passionate about. Of course, being a bestselling writer is every author's dream too.

Can you share any writing tips or tricks that you've found particularly helpful in your own work? What advice would you give to other writers who are just starting out?

I'd say to write it down. Everything! Always bring a notebook around with you. WRITE IT DOWN! It all comes down to consistency. Ultimately, I'd say writing is a skill. Nobody is born a brilliant writer. The more you read, the more you write, the better you become! So, write daily. 

We are thrilled to present Natt as our featured author in this series! Take a moment to immerse yourself in the pages of her captivating stories and show your support.

If you aspire to be part of this series, keep refining your skills and share your work with us through our reading lists. We are committed to discovering and showcasing outstanding hidden talent, and we look forward to the opportunity to elevate your stories for our readers to enjoy.

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