Reset [L x Reader] • Death No...

By adventuretimefanitc

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One moment he was looking at the screen before him reading 'all data deletion'. The next? He was standing in... More

Beginning notes
Chapter 1 | copy, paste
Chapter 2 | solution
Chapter 3 | re-route
Chapter 5 | brain melting
Chapter 6 | tense
Chapter 7 | the idea
Chapter 8 | deja vu
Chapter 9 | lifeless
Chapter 10 | company
Chapter 11 | covering up
Chapter 12 | center of the universe
Chapter 13 | narration
Chapter 14 | busted
Chapter 15 | mess
Chapter 16 | mirror image
Chapter 17 | helping hand
Chapter 18 | the past
Chapter 19 | overthinking
Chapter 20 | desolate

Chapter 4 | grand plan

399 31 18
By adventuretimefanitc

With the second Kira prevented, now L needed to get his hands on Light's death note, all without revealing he had a cosmic entity on his side. You had a few ideas how this could work, but you'd need L's expertise to polish up the final plan.

"End goal, you need that death note. I did some digging, he got it while in school. Literally at school, so just rewinding you to that exact moment to pick up the book yourself is a no go. A 25 year old man in a high-school who isn't a staff member would raise a lot of eyebrows" you began.

"I press the charges, not catch them thank you very much" L replied.

"Plus, if you pick up the note before he does that would make YOU the owner and the shinigami along with all the bad ju-ju the book carried would be attached to you. Not good. But, getting the book off him later in the case may be possible"

L didn't feel like being the owner of a death note, even if he wouldn't use it to kill, having a shinigami follow him wouldn't be fun for him. That, and it was a risk to his life. He JUST managed to dodge death, he wasn't taking another life risking move again. Since Ryuk had told Light that he would be the one to kill him when the jig was up, the same thing would probably happen to L. Not good.

"In order to secure conviction I need the weapon, proof the weapon works, proof it was in Light's possession. So security footage, fingerprints, handwriting- anything that solidly connects Light to Kira. Ideally I'd have a confession too, but knowing him that'll never happen" L explained.

"Hm... I think finding a legitimate excuse to get a search warrant that leads to finding the death note is the best option for making it as believable as possible. So you'd need some kind of evidence to suggest Light is hiding something other than just... those fucking porn mags he has"

L cringed at the reminder, that was an awkward night watching the cameras with Lights own father. L still got second hand embarrassment thinking about the way Light flipped though them like it was an IKEA catalog. Man was gay as hell if he wasn't getting off to bikini models on sight as a hormone filled teenage boy. That whole night felt icky, but L needed evidence he was a killer so he had to just suck it up and sit through it.

"Don't remind me..." L muttered.

You pulled up a search bar in on your laptop, typing <Light Yagami> and hitting enter. The screen on the wall cut to Light and what he was currently doing right now, which was sitting at his desk in front of a physics text book clearly studying for those exams. You could see Ryuk bored out of his mind hanging around the room, but L couldn't.

"Any ideas? Anything sketchy looking in there?" You asked.

L scanned the room, all he could see were textbooks and the laundry basket. It was now L noticed just now bland and empty Lights room was. No posters, photos or art. No decor, or trinkets. Just textbooks, a few basic video games and his school stuff. Did this man have no interests or hobbies? Not even a childhood sentimental toy or his favourite show on DVD could be seen. He was so... boring.

"It's like an IKEA showroom... so empty and boring..." L sighed.

"Your room is a bit empty too" you replied.

"At least I have some personality"

L's personal room back at wammys may be a little empty, but it had signs of life. Some childhood drawings still on the walls, a star patterned weighted blanket on the bed, some tech he'd taken apart and put back together but better on the desk. He actually had some kind of personality outside of being a detective. His love for sweet things, his hobby of dissecting technology, a favourite show and singer. He liked art, music and such. Even amusement parks amused him, as long as he had some headphones to block out the loud crowds. L may be monotonous, but he was a person.

An autistic person. Still a person.

"Hmm... maybe you could use your wish to fix this?" You muttered, pondering on a solution.

"Wait- wish?" L replied.

"Fuck did I not mention that? Everyone who makes it into this room gets one wish. Although you need to be careful how you word it, otherwise it could create a whole new universe where that wish is true. If you want to stay in YOUR universe, just alter it, then you need to be specific about your wording"

That gave L a lot to think about. If he could have one thing in the whole universe, what would it be? He'd never thought about it. He could wish to erase all his trauma, but that would just place him in another universe where his birth parents weren't abusive shitheads to abandoned him, leaving Watari, his successors and the Kira case stranded. He could wish for Kira to never exist, but that wouldn't stop Light from being a serial killer, it'd just stop him from using the name Kira. He could wish for death notes to not exist, but that would just place him in another universe where shinigami have a different weapon.

Wishing was tricky, something you had to think about.

"I think I'll save that wish..." he said.

"Yeah probably a good idea to think about it" you replied.

Think about it he would, he had a whole heap to think about now.

"Hmm... hang on I have an idea. I need to get something brb" you spoke up.

Getting up off the floor where you sat, you turned to your right, and L just watched you with a confused look. Where the hell could you go? This was only one room with no entrances or exists. It was when you quite literally stepped INTO the wall, he jumped up in astonishment. He really shouldn't be surprised, you were a cosmic entity that pulled him out of his universe after all. But all this was new to him.

Instead of disappearing through the wall like one would expect, you morphed into a shadow like being, with the vague shape of a person. Blue in colour and covered in stars like a chunk of the night sky.

"Holy-" L muttered.

He walked up to the wall, watching you move around seemingly inside it.

"Damnit where the hell did I put it?" You muttered.

Out of curiosity, L reached out and touched the wall where your form was. Causing your empty eyes to look down at him.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"You can feel that?" He asked.

"Yeah man, I'm just on the 2D plane right now"

L was a man of great knowledge, and he loved learning things. But this? His brain was frying trying to wrap his head around it.

"This is the closest to my truest form you'll get to see dude. Your little human eyes can't comprehend my true form on the 3D plane, that's why you see me as a human like being. The room alters your perception of me so your brain doesn't melt" you explained.

L watched the form of your arm stretch around the whole room, stopping at his feet to point at him.

"On this plane I can be as big or small as I want, long or short as I want, take any shape I want. This is just my default" you added.

"And you're sure you're not a god?" L asked.

"Nope. Just a guardian, my boss? He's a god. And he's a jerk. Don't tell him I said that-"

This mysterious boss again..? L wasn't sure he wanted to know. But there was part of him that was curious.

"Gimme a sec I gotta look in the other room..." you sighed.

Before his eyes, your form faded out of existence. Off to some other room on another dimension L couldn't see. He stood there for a moment, computing what he just saw. The past couple of days had been absolutely brain melting for him, his entire worldview was changed in mere seconds. And it just help changing as the hours went by. First he almost dies, then he's taken into a place between time and space by a cosmic entity and told he needs to stop his own death. Oh, and there's also multiverse. He's sent back in time and stops the second Kira from happening, is pulled BACK to the room between time and space to plan how to catch Light. And now he's just seen a 3D being walk into a wall and then 2D.

Man... he needed a fucking nap.

Shortly after disappearing, you faded back into existence and from out of the 2D plane you tossed something into the 3D one.

"Take that" you said.

Picking it up, L found it was a remote.

"If you ever need to escape to here, press the red button. If you fuck something up and come close to death again, you can dodge it by coming here and we'll start again" you explained.

"I feel like this is against some kind of cosmic law..." L replied.

"Well... technically not. I'm simply fixing a broken timeline, that's part of my job. Am I bending the rules a little by giving a human access to my space? Yeah... but it's for a good reason" you replied.

Well... what else could L do about it? He wanted to live and catch Kira after all. Having an easy out in case he dies again so he can start the case over was definitely one way to do it.

"What do the other buttons do?" He asked.

"Don't press them. They'll change your form, you might end up a girl... or a cat or something. Unless you WANT to be a girl, then you could just wish for it and I can give you some E shots" you replied.

"I think I'm good there... as dumb as I find gender anyway, I don't feel like messing with my current body. Noted, I won't press anything else"

"Yeah those buttons are there in case someone pops out the womb missing a soul or they're in the wrong form for that universe or something cosmic like that. Changing their form will usually fix it"

You'd given L a lot to think about, a whole heap to think about. The case, the way the universe works, what exactly alternate universe girl him was doing right now... it was melting his mind. He needed a nap, or a coma.

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