✧ Unexpected turns ✧

By annnndddyy

329 37 140

Eve wants to have a relaxing night at the bar. But tonight, fate has other plans for her. Luther just moved. ... More

Chapter One : Eve
Chapter two : Luther
Chapter three : Eve
Chapter four : Luther
Chapter five : Eve
Chapter seven : Eve
Chapter eight : Luther
Chapter nine : Eve
Chapter ten : Luther & Eve
Chapter eleven : Eve
Chapter twelve : Luther
Chapter thirteen : Eve
Chapter fourteen : Luther
Chapter fifteen : Eve

Chapter six : Luther

21 2 13
By annnndddyy

"You said you cared about me!You said- you said you liked me.."

He shook him.

"You're a client, Luther! Get that through your head."

And let him go.

"But I thought"
He sniffed, trying to calm his crying.
"I thought-"

"I don't care what you thought! We had something, Luther, and you ruined it."
"We're over."

"No, no I can fix this, please Dave."

He begged uselessly.

"Don't show your face here again. Just- just get out of my life."

He said, and Luther watched him leave, unable to do anything about it.

It was too much, he couldn't breathe, he was stuck in this room with all these memories flowding his brain.

"Luther, Luther calm down it's okay." her voice began to free him from worries.

"Take a deep breath for me, come on." He did, and it felt easier to do so with her guidance.

Her eyes were filled with only worry. How wasn't she mad at him?

"Would you like to answer my question now?" She asked once he'd calmed down.

"Yes, I guess I might as well do." it was ironic really.

"Uh" he wiped his tears. "My last therapist, I- I kind of liked him, romantically that is, ever since I was fifteen."

"It was childish, stupid, I knew that, I did." "But when I turned eighteen he started to give off these signs.."

She listened carefully "What signs?"

"That he might like me back" it'd given him so much hope back then.

"So, did you confess? Is that how you stopped seeing him?" That might have been best, but it wasn't what happened.

"No, um, after one or two years he... confirmed those signs." "And we started doing things."
He felt his cheeks heat up.

"You'll have to elaborate that"
Was she really going to make him say it?

"We kissed, made out, stuff like that" he whispered the making out part.

"You're telling me you turned therapy sessions into make out sessions?" This was so fucking embarrassing for him.

"Yeah, exactly." It'd been a dream come true.

He remembered it like it was yesterday.

Dave pinned him to the couch, which was strange because he'd only seen therapists having couches in movies.

"You look so fucking hot today."

He'd worn some kind of crop top to their appointment that day and Dave seemed to really like it.

He squeezed his waist a lot.

But Luther didn't care, this was his dream, and you know damn well he was going to appreciate the attention.

After a while he figured out Dave was rough like that, there weren't any soft touches or pecks with him, ever.

"Sometimes we did less, sometimes more. It doesn't matter."

He was just getting to what really mattered.
"I had told some friends about this little crush of mine"

He didn't want to remember any of it, but he had to continue.

"And some months ago I told them how this crush wasn't a crush anymore." "And.."

He didn't want to say it. He didn't want to talk about them right now. So he stopped talking completely.

She didn't let it slide.

When would he get over this?

"And they told my dad." he felt empty, he felt exactly like how he had that day.

They we're kissing, really kissing.

And his one hand was lying on Luther's neck, the other cupped his face harshly.

Like any other day, he wasn't gentle, it just wasn't who Dave was.

There was the sound of a phone buzzing, they ignored it. Or maybe Dave just didn't hear it.

It stopped but they continued.

Then the sound started again. Dave paused, it was his phone.

He patted his cheek lightly.

"I gotta get this, wait for me yeah?"
He'd waited years for him, one phonecall was nothing.

Until one phonecall was everything.

Dave went to another room and when he came back..

"Get out."

"Wha- Why? Who was on the phone?"

"Your father, Luther, it was your father."

"Oh, well what did he say?"

"No, what did you say? What the fuck did you tell him?"

"I- nothing, I don't know what you're talking about. What did he say?"

"He knows! Luther, about us! He knows about us."

"What? How?"

"You tell me Luther. How could your father possibly know about this? Come on now don't play dumb."

"Dave I swear I didn't tell him anything."

"Right.. Well I don't care, alright? Do you know I could lose my job over this, over your bullshit?"

"I'm sorry but you have to believe me, I really-"

"I don't ever want to see you again Luther. Now get out before I make you."

His hair was tangled and his clothes half off, he looked like a mess. But he got out carelessly.

That day, Luther's dream didn't come true, it turned into a nightmare.

"I had an appointment, and he got a call from my dad. Kicked me out immediately after."
It had been hell.

"Did you go home, after? How did you find out your friends were behind it?"
Why did she even ask? Why did she care?

"Exactly that, I went home, found them sitting there all innocently with my dad. Like nothing had happened." "And then I said some things... that I should've said."

"How could you do this to me!"

He yelled and cried at the three of them.
Emma, James and his dad.

"It's not their fault Luther please sit down and let's talk"
That was his father, always the 'reasonable' one, the peacemaker, always finding a solution for things.

"I don't want to fucking sit down!" "Now I knew you were a bitch from the start Emma I shouldn't have told you."
She was kind of a bitch.

"Don't talk like that to your friends-"
His dad tried

"But you too James? I thought I could trust you!"
He really did trust him, but not anymore.

"This was for your own good Luther."
James answer him.

"Therapy. That was for my own good. It was helping me!"

"Nothing that man did ever helped you Luther, you didn't eat, you didn't sleep, you were miserable! This just topped it off."
Emma stepped in too.

"That 'man' was the one good thing I had Emma! The one thing that made me happy. And you had to take it away from me!'


"I hate you!" he pointed at her.

"And you" then at James.

"And YOU." and finally at his dad.

"You're all dead to me."

He turned to leave, and his father followed him.

"Where are you going now?"
He asked, Luther almost didn't answer him.

"To find Dave."
He slammed the door behind him.

And, well, you already know the rest.

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