๐Ž๐ง ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‘๐ฎ๐ง

Autorstwa Snapplefactsduh

17.2K 618 351

๐šด๐ž๐ฐ ๐•๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ข๐›๐ง ๐›๐Ÿ ๐šธ๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ. ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซยท๐ฆ๐›๐ข๐ฅ /หˆ๐ญษ™๐ซหŒ๐ฆ๐›๐ข๐ฅ/ ๐ง๐›๐ฎ๐ง ๐š ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐›๐Ÿ ๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ... Wiฤ™cej



406 27 20
Autorstwa Snapplefactsduh

Is it a crime?
Is it a crime
That I still want you?
And I want you to want me too

Sade's voice purred from the speakers. The soft melody filling the air intertwined with the dim lighting and the distant sound of her breathing.

The tantalizing scent of food permeated the air, teasing Kaseci's senses and causing her stomach to growl in anticipation.

Suppressing her hunger, she allowed her eyes to explore the diner absorbing every detail of her surroundings.

The dim lighting in the diner cast a warm glow on the worn-out booths. Almost giving the area a nostalgic charm.

The walls were adorned with vintage photographs and faded posters, telling stories from different eras.

Kaseci's attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a sizzling grill coming from the open kitchen.

The chef, a black tall man with a black apron on skillfully flipped burgers. His movements were precise as if he had been doing this for years.

As her eyes continued to scan the diner, she noticed the digital clock next to the worn-out menu displaying 2:00 am.

Kaseci's gaze shifted to the window, where her car remained untouched in the empty parking lot.

Choosing a seat at the back, Kaseci positioned herself to have a clear view of everything happening around her. She refused to get caught lacking.

The cold vinyl of the seat sent a shiver up her spine as she leaned back. She welcomed the sensation enjoying the calmness of the night.

Her senses were on high alert as her left hand was shoved into the pocket of her gray sweatpants. Her fingertips traced the cold metal that was off safety ready to shoot.

Kaseci could feel someone's eyes on her, a set of intense eyes that seemed to burn into her soul. Slowly shifting her gaze she met the girl's stare across the booth.

Kaseci allowed her eyes to explore the girl's face, taking in each delicate feature with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Her black baby hairs were perfectly laid, framing her forehead and accentuating her beautiful golden brown skin.

Her freshly waxed eyebrows added to her flawless appearance. Kaseci couldn't help but admire the girl's long, curled eyelashes that drew attention to her captivating eyes.

Her skin looked so smooth, as if she had just finished a professional makeup session on a runway radiating a natural glow.

Her perfectly placed button nose completed her stunning features giving her an air of elegance.

Lost in her observations. Kaseci instinctively tucked her lip into her mouth as her attention shifted to the girl's fully shaped lips, which were perfectly glossed.

The sight stirred a feeling within her, a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Grabbing her smoothie, Kaseci refused to break eye contact. A small smirk began to form on her face as she noticed the light pink blush that started to appear on the girl's cheek.

It was a subtle yet undeniable sign that her presence had an effect.

"You just gon stare at me the whole time Ma? " Kaseci questioned playfully, twirling the straw in her mouth.

Seji's attention quickly shifted from Kaseci's face to her own hands. Her fingers trembled as she twiddled them nervously.

Kaseci was captivated by the sight, she couldn't help but wonder how Seji's fingers would feel if they touched her.

As the silence stretched between them, kaseci slowly reached out her hand.

Keeping her eyes locked on Seji's fingers, she wrapped her hand around the untouched cold pineapple lemonade.

Gently pushing it towards Seji, Kaseci offered her to take the drink silently urging her to take it.

Instead of meeting Kaseci's eyes, Seji's fingers hesitantly grasped the glass. Her fingers brushing against Kaseci.

The brief contact sent a jolt of electricity through Kaseci's veins. Making her heart skip a beat for a minute.

Seji's fingers curled around the drink, her knuckles turning white as she avoided direct eye contact.

Kaseci couldn't help but suppress a laugh. She found Seji's shyness endearing.

Breaking the silence, seji mustered the courage to speak.

" Why did you ask me to come with you? " Seji's voice was barely above a whisper, filled with a hint of confusion still avoiding Kaseci's gaze.

"Look at me when you speak, Seji," Kaseci said calmly, her tone firm but gentle.

As Seji's eyes finally met Kaseci's, a silent tirade of emotion lingered in the air.

The unspoken words hung heavy.

" But to answer ya question, ion know anyone else I would've let them kill themselves but sum told me to take you with me so I did. " Kaseci responded shrugging off the question nonchalantly.

Seji sipped her lemonade, her eyes locked into Kaseci as if she was overanalyzing each word.

" You don't know me tho," Seji said her eyebrow furrowing in confusion.

Kaseci cocked her head to the side, a sly smile playing on her lips. She leaned back in her seat her legs slightly open.

" So what that mean Ma " Kaseci responded, her tone low and challenging. There was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes.

" From what I've heard about you, you don't just help random people you don't know " Seji shot back her expression remaining puzzled.

Kaseci turned a deaf ear to Seji's comment. Her senses heightened as she heard the door swing open.

Her instinct screamed something wasn't right as her gaze fixated on the two men who just entered the diner.

One of the men's gaze met hers, she couldn't help but feel an unsettling chill run down her spine as she noticed the sly smirk that played on his lips.

Turning his head, he tapped his friend's shoulder, drawing his attention towards Kaseci.

A wave of tension washed over her as she caught sight of the Oakhill 4L tattoo boldly etched into the side of his face.

"Duck " Kaseci's urgent warning pierced the air.

Without hesitation, her hands swiftly retrieved the cool metal.

Gripping it tightly, she unleashed two shots targeting the man with the tattoo. The hot bullets found their mark, hitting him directly in the head.

The screams behind the grill faded into the background as Kaseci rose, preparing for another shot.

The sound of the gunshots echoed through the diner, momentarily freezing everyone in their tracks.

A hot bullet whizzed past her face, causing her body to heat up in anger.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she swiftly aimed and fired again. Each bullet found its mark as she walked closer to the man.

" 7th street Forever nigga " Kaseci gritted, her voice cutting through the heavy air.

Raising her arm. Kaseci moved her body towards the cameras shooting each one out with precision.

The sound of shattering glass echoed through the room, causing the workers to duck and hide at the back.

" Delete the camera footage from today, if I come back later and the shit ain't deleted ima kill everyone in this bitch " Kaseci said, her voice filled with an undertone of menace.

Her words hung in the air, accompanied by the sight of her gun pointed directly at the frightened workers.

The glare in their eyes let her know they understood she meant business.

Making her way back to the table.
Her gaze fell upon Seji who laid there motionless, her fear was evident as tears continued to fall onto her skin.

Without hesitation, Kaseci reached out, grabbing Seji's hand helping her to her feet.

Together they swiftly exited the diner, not uttering a single word.

The chill of the night air bit at Kaseci's skin making her wish she wore a heavier sweater.

Unlocking the car doors, She ushered Seji into the passenger seat gently.

Walking over to the driver's side, Kaseci scanned the surroundings. She wanted to make sure no one else was coming.

Seeing the coast was clear, she quickly hopped in. The engine roared as she pulled off wildly.

Her grip on the wheel tightened as her other hand fidgeted between the seats trying to find her flip phone.

"Yo, 67th Street" Kaseci barked into the phone before abruptly ending the call.

Kaseci's grip on the steering wheel tightened as she glared at the dark road ahead.

The soft sobs from Seji blended in with the hum of the engine. Kaseci had a strong urge to take her gun and ram it into Seji's head but she decided against it.

She knew that Seji wasn't cut out for this kind of life.

Unlike the other bitches who found excitement in shit like this, Seji was different. She could see the genuine fear in Seji's rigid posture.

Deciding to keep her thoughts to herself for now, Kaseci focused on driving towards a location she had in mind.

She couldn't go back home right now, the situation was too hot. She knew niggas were looking for her especially since she just put two niggas down.

Having Seji with her made her movements more complicated. She couldn't afford for Seji to get any more involved in this shit than she already was.

Kaseci made the decision to drive an hour away to a hidden sanctuary that nobody knew about not even Creed.

Glancing at her rearview mirror, relief flowed through her body as she saw no signs of anyone following her.

She silently thanked her intuition for choosing a car that niggas didn't know was hers.

As Seji's cries gradually subsided, Kaseci realized that she had cried herself to sleep.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed that they were almost at her destination.

The engine's rumble faded to a soft hum as Kaseci finally stopped the car. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the events of earlier consumed her mind.

Kaseci's hand remained on the gun, tightly gripping it. Her breaths were shallow and quick as her eyes surveyed the surroundings.

Satisfied that everything was calm, she cautiously opened the car door. Her senses were on high alert.

Making her way to the opposite side of the car. Kaseci opened the door gently lifting Seji being careful not to wake her. She didn't have time to deal with questions or opinions right now.

The weight of Seji's limp body in her arms made Kaseci's heart race, she didn't understand why she was feeling that way.

With cautious steps, Kaseci entered the small tucked-away house the floorboards creaking beneath her feet.

Finding a bedroom, Kaseci laid her down on the bed. She refrained from removing her clothes or touching her too much. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

The air in the room was still, the only sound that could be heard was the faint ticking of a clock. Kaseci gave one last glance at Seji that lingered before slipping out of the room.

Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

101K 2.8K 42
My best friend or my old sneak link? School or money? Peace or revenge? Love or Hate?
541K 19K 35
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