Hotel Transylvania, Dracula x...

By Chuckygirl18

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Autumn is a humaniod fox, she and Johnny travel together but Autumn doesn't want any humans to know what she... More

Autumn's Bio
Meeting Dracula
Party Planners
A Performance
Boring to Fun
Getting to know each other
The Lady Lubov and the Legendary Princess of Peace
Mavis's Party and a Secret Revealed
Mavis's Broken Heart
The Monster Festival And a Confession
You're My Zing

Dracula Finally Learns The Meaning of Fun

635 14 1
By Chuckygirl18

Autumn was walking around the hotel, even though every monster was asleep Autmn species can stay up in the day and night as well, Autumn was walking down the hall until she came across the ballroom and sense no one was around and all of the monsters went to bed Autumn decided to do some singing, she wants to sing for Mavis's party so why not

Autumn started thinking of a good song that would suit Mavis's birthday until she started thinking about Dracula, sure he needs get to know Johnny and give him a chance but she started thinking about the nice things he's done for her and how nice he's being towards her

why am I feeling this way, i know Dracula needs to give Johnny a chance, but is it possible for that I'm falling in love with Dracula asked Autumn 

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say "Hello"
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while, oh, oh
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, oh-oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
Oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you

When Autumn was done singing she couldn't help but blush a little as she started to think about Dracula until the doors were slammed open, Autumn turned around and her blush was now really red as she saw Dracula standing in the doorway with just a towel on, Autumn quickly looked away

dude, have you been seriously walking around with just a towel on, be grateful that everybody is asleep said Autumn 

Dracula gasped as he used his powers to change back into his normal clothes but he was clearly not happy and Johnny walking in after him and he wasn't happy either 

oh boy said Autumn as she shook her head and Dracula walked up to Johnny

i can't believe you stuck around man, you don't get it, bad things are coming your way, i gotta get my thoughts together, ok, you see these tables asked Dracula as he gestured to a row of tables 

 you can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them party planner said Dracula as he hurried away from Johnny 

oh fantastic i'm trapped here, now i know how your daughter feels said Johnny as he walked towards the tables

Dracula was standing near another row of tables as he fixed some of his hair back into place Autumn walked over to him 

uh i'm guessing Johnny came back after you tried to get rid of him asked Autumn 

what does it look like, after i tried to get rid of him, he stuck around, i dont know what to do with him said Dracula

well, maybe take my advice and give him a chance said Autumn 

yeah that's not happening said Dracula 

we'll see, you might take my advice as soon as you may think said Autumn 

Dracula gave her a confused look, he was about to ask her what she meant until Johnny started to push the table making a scratching sound against the floor, Autumn cringed and Dracula was getting frustrated until he had enough and he walked over to Johnny

enough, enough, stop, go to a corner your in a time out said Dracula as he pointed at corner

time out, am i grown man said Johnny until Dracula used his powers to make Johnny sit in the corner with his thumb in his mouth 

Autumn laughed a little 

ok, table 57 please move to position 23 said Dracula as table 57 started to float in the air surprising Johnny and Autumn as the table floated over to position 23

that is cool said Johnny 

face the wall said Dracula as he used his powers to make Johnny face the wall again and he continued to sort the tables 

awesomeness said Johnny 

just let me do my work said Dracula as he continued to sort the tables and Johnny managed to get his thumb out of his mouth, he walked over to the tables and he got on one of them

36 up said Johnny as the table started to float in the air, as soon as Johnny's table was in the air Autumn was on a table and she was standing on it 

wow it's actually pretty cool up here said Autumn as she and Johnny were floating on the tables and having fun and Dracula noticed them  

31 to 19 and 20 to 18 said Dracula as two tables floated to the tables Johnny and Autumn were on and it knocked them down onto a couple of tables, Dracula cringed a bit after the table knocked down Autumn but he smirked and turned away 

Autumn shook her head and she looked at Johnny and with a smirk and they both got into position on their tables

24 up said Johnny as his table floated into the air

35 up said Autumn as her tabled floated into the air and both of their tables flew right past Dracula and he did a devil smile 

as Autumn and Johnny were flying ont their tables they looked on the ground but they didn't see Dracula any where

oh where'd you go grandpa asked Autumn as she was looking around

don't freak out foxy said Dracula was he was sitting upside down on a table in the air 

oh eat our dust gray fang said Johnny as he and Autumn's tables floated away at a fast speed 

56 and 43 to my side said Dracula as he and the other tables were chasing after Johnny and Autumn

Dracula was laughing 

prepare to cry Billy backpack and foxy said Dracula as he was getting closer to them as he stretched out his arms but Autumn ducked out of his reach and Johnny did a skateboard move on the wall and ceiling 

that's how we do it and fight baby said Johnny as he high fived Autumn and Dracula rolled his eyes

whatever said Dracula 

the three of them were having so much fun as Dracula was still chasing them until he started calling out random table number to block their way 

oh you really wanna do this count Dracula said Autumn as she and Johnny flew through the gap between the tables and they were now running on the tables

oh come on dude man and foxy, nice said Dracula as he flew over as one of the tables were praying and Dracula did the same thing Johnny and Autumn did and he was now running on the tables until he ran out of tables and he was now falling until Johnny and Autumn caught him with their table

we got you buddy said Johnny as they were now flying through the halls and they were laughing and messing with each other 

do not disturb people are trying to sleep here said the shruken head as one of the witch maids were walking with some towels and she screamed and ducked as the table flew past her, they guys were laughing as the pulled the towels off of them until they saw a suit of armour walking by and they all screamed and hugged each other as they crashed into the suit of armour

oh ho ho did you see that asked Dracula as he picked up the helmet of the the armour

did you see that, who is that guy sir brakes a lot, oh boy i have to say, that was fun said Dracula as he tossed the helmet away and he wiped away a fake tear and he saw Autumn was getting up and rubbing her head

Autumn you were right, i should have given Johnny i chance said Dracula as he held out his hand and he helped her up 

see i told you said Autumn as she and Dracula looked into each others eyes but they looked away with a blush and Autumn chuckled a little, Dracula made his way over to a table cloth 

ok, the fun we were talking about earlier, nailed it said Dracula as he pulled the table cloth off but to his surprise the cloth was covering the chest part of the armour

Johnny asked Dracula as he looked around 

wait where's Johnny asked Autumn as she looked around until Dracula saw a mud trail, he knew exactly who took Johnny

Quasimodo said Dracula

who asked Autumn

but Dracula was alreading running at full speed following the trail until he almost ran into his daughter Mavis

Mavis, why are you still up, the sun is out it could kill you my honey gut said Dracula 

i couldn't sleep, do you know where Johnny went asked Mavis 

uh i don't know he- Dracula stopped talking when he realized what his daughter asked and he zoomed over to her

why do you want to know asked Dracula

oh uh said Mavis as she tried to come up with an excuse

do you like him Dracula 

what, no dad, he's so wired and awkward, it's like are an idiot or do you know you're adorbale said Mavis as she tugged her hair behind one of her ears, oh and i also saw how you're getting along with Autumn, do you like her asked Mavis 

uh, hold that said Dracula as he zoomed over to the suit of armour

do you have the location of Quasimodo asked Dracula

yes sir, he is walking through the lobby towards the kitchen said the suit of armour

i need him stopped immediately is that clear said Dracula 

yes, we are on it said the suit of armour

a bit later Dracula led Mavis into the library 

look honey there's no falling love at your age said Dracula 

mom was my age, Eunice said mom kissed you first cause you were too scared to make the first move said Mavis as she walked out of Dracula's hold and she had her hands on her hips 

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, forget about me and mom and the kiss said Dracula 

dad at some point i'm going to get married, i can't be here forever said Mavis as she was walking away from Dracula as he followed her

what, why not, you're barely out of your training fangs said Dracula 

true but i can see the way you look at Autumn, i can tell you zinged with her said Mavis 

what, no i didn't you can't zing twice it's impossible said Dracula 

i thought that too, but you have been getting along with Autumn way more than you getting along with Johnny, you smile a lot when she's around, i can tell she makes you happy dad and i want to be happy too said Mavis as she walked over to a statue

Dracula thought for a second, yes he knows that Autumn makes him smile and she does make him happy but snapped out of it 

but why all the sudden interest, everytime we used to talk about love, it was always ew dad that's gross, and ew dad i don't want to know about that said Dracula as Mavis sighed as she touched the statues face with her finger until the suit of amour opened the library doors 

sir, he made it into the kitchen said the suit of armour 

he what, what do i pay you for, i'm sorry honey i have to go said Dracula as he hurried out of the library as the suit of amour started to follow him but he went back to the door

he doesn't pay me said the suit of armour as he left the library as well and Dracula started flying into the kitchen in his bat form 

meanwhile in the kitchen Quasimodo was roasting Johnny over a fire

before you kill, can i please talk to my backpack one more time, i don't want to leave anything unresolved said Johnny until Dracula opened the kitchen door

bonjour misure Dracula said Quasimodo as Dracula hurried over to Johnny and he freed him, they were about to make their way out of the kitchen until Quasimodo stopped them

now you are helping him, what is it with you and this human asked Quasimodo

he's not human, he's a stein said Dracula 

that's right little man i'm a stein said Johnny 

if he is a monster, let him scare Esmerelda said Quasimodo as he gestured towards the mouse

the mouse, without a doubt said Dracula as Johnny walked over to Esmerelda and he tried to scare her while making his best scary faces but it didn't even scare her one bit, she squeaked and it scared Johnny into the shelves

a human! exclaimed Quasimodo as he was climbing all over things and swinging on a rope until Dracula used his powers to freeze him and he and Johnny left the kitchen

Quasimodo asked for Esmerelda's help until a gargoyle walked over and he fixed his hand and he placed his finger in his nose and he walked away

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