My best friend became my enem...

By Ok_ayyy

4.9K 82 26

SLOW UPDATES! Valentina and Pedri were once best friends, but due to some actions and life changing experienc... More

1- practice day
2- who said I hated you?
3- saved by the bell- uh Gavi
6- "what in the football world dude?"
7- Please, forgive me
8- Forgive but not forgotten
9- first training
10- the decision
11- movie night
12- nightmare
13- sleepover
14- First game
16- date?
17- Game on!
Author's Note

15- Stubborn and forced

246 4 0
By Ok_ayyy

"Miss Romero, you will not be allowed to play these next 6-9 weeks" the doctor said.

"No, I need to play! This is my first game! I promised a little boy I would win because he was my biggest fan! Please you can not bench me!" I might be a little dramatic but I have been sitting more on a bench than actually play! Thanks to Real Madrid

I ended my sentence crying. Until he lets me play, I will be the most unpleasant, most stubborn patient this man has ever had!

And that's a promise!

To be continued...
Valentina pov:
I kept my promise and was probably the most annoying patient this man has had. I ended up crying and still benched. I hate this

It came to the point where it was actually hard to breathe. The doctor put a breathing mask over my nose and mouth and gave me some oxygen and a relaxer.

Pedri came, held me and sat me down on the bed. He never let go of me and held me until i was almost sleeping. Since the relaxer did his job, soon i was out like a light.

Pedri pov

Valentina fell asleep in my arms. She was tired from being stubborn and crying. While she was sleeping the doctor put her foot in a cast since he couldn't do that when she was awake.

Her cheeks were red and her nose was probably blocked. And still she managed to look so good, so beautiful. When the doctor was done it was time for the second half of the game. Val was still asleep so Gavi and I stayed with her while the others went back to the field to watch.

15 min later she woke up. First thing she looked at was her foot, and immediately she started crying again. I hugged her tighter again and kissed her forehead. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Gavi went to open the door and we saw a little boy standing there with a worried look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Gavi asked.

"I am looking for Valentina..." he said and looked down.

" why? Who are you little guy" Gavi asked again and kneeled down to his hight.

"I am Manuel, I am Valentina's biggest fan" he said proudly. "I was worried because I couldnt see her on the field or the bench. Normally when you guys are injured you would come back and watch the others, but I couldnt see her. Is she still here?" He really is a true fan

Since the door was not all the way open and Gavi stoot in his view he couldn't see anything. Gavi looked back to us and we nodded, telling him he can let the boy enter.

"Valentina!" He yelled. She smiled a little. "Im okay kiddo. Dont worry"

"Will you be able to play again?"

She looked at me with a sad face, as if asking me if she really had to tell him that...

"She won't be playing anytime soon kid, Val's foot is broken and she cant walk on it. But she will be back once it's healed." I said.

"Miguel, WHERE ARE YOU??!!!" We heard in the distance. "Did you tell your mom you went looking for me?" Val asked. He looked down again "noo..."

"Gavi go get his mom" I said. "Why me? You do it"

"Gavi, mom, now" val said. "Yes ma'am"

"Come here kid" i said. I picked him up and sat him down next to Valentina. They hugged and I took a picture of the moment, it was so cute. Val is so good with kids.

The door opened and Gavi came in with a woman. "Miguel here you are! I have been looking for you everywhere! Don't ever run from me again understood?"

"Yes mama"

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry miss Romero, it wont happen again" his mother apologised.

"No need to be sorry. I love meeting fans! Im glad he is safe."

"Yeah well we'll be going now. Take care. We hope to see you back on the field soon!" She said.

"Thank you! And Miguel don't forget, never leave without your mom ever again. Okay? This world is to dangerous" he nodded and gave me one last hug before they left the room.

"Do you want to go back to the field or not?" Gavi asked. "I'd rather stay here actually but you can go if you want"

"No thank you" She couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing. "What?" He asked


We didn't stay in the doctors office even tho he said we could. We went back to the locker rooms and she changed into some comfortable clothes. After Gavi went to the coaches bleachers to tell them we were going home and to tell the paparazzi that she just wanted to go home. While he did that Valentina and I went to my car. She was going to ride with me and Gavi would drive her car.

"GAVI COME HERE" she yelled. "Yes ma'am"
"If you dare to harm my baby I sweat to god I wont be the only one with a broken bone"
"Yes ma'am, You can trust me with your life. I wont harm your car!"

Soon we arrived back at her place. She went to her car to see if there was a scratch on it, and luckily for Gavi there was none. He visibly relaxed and sighed. We went inside and sat on the couch in the living room.

We talked about what happened on the field once again. "They did not do that on purpose!"

"Girly they did!" "Shut up" "Yes, of course"

"Val, they did do that on purpose, Im telling you. And if I ask for the camera footage you will see it with your own eyes"

"Well do that then. You'll see they didn't mean to"

I went to the live match and replayed the part where she fell. They put it in slow motion and to everybody else it seems like an accident but we as prof footballers see a bit more then the picture they show.

I paused the video and looked at her. On the tv was now the truth, and that is that she is no longer "friends" with Real Madrid.

To be continued...

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