6- "what in the football world dude?"

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Recap (Valentina POV:)

"Pedrrriiiii I wanna go home. Why do you want to find her anyways?"

"Because I made a mistake years ago and I need to fix it. I'm missing my best friend and I want her back"

"oh boy" was the last thing I heard before they spilt up and went there own ways.

To be continued...


Pedri POV:

I couldn't find her, she was gone already. I asked Xavi if she could join the FCBF and he said it was okay as long as I could get it fixed with there coach and the team. I planned on talking about it tomorrow cause the girls have training right before our training. That beside the point...

I was driving home, well not my home... Gavi's home. We just arrived and I stepped out of my car. "You coming inside?" Gavi asked.

"Yeah, it has been a long time since I have seen your mother and I need to ask her something. Personal, you know" I explained. I'm gonna ask her advice about Valentina... I have absolutely no clue how I am going to fix this. There probably is nothing I can do to fix what I did but it wouldn't hurt to try right?

"Yeah, I got you man, no worries. But come tell me if you're leaving okay?" Even tho he act like a kid sometimes, he is one of the most understanding person on the earth, well after Valentina... She understood me the most and helped me through everything. Why did I have to be a dick and shut her out of my life just because of a stupid footballclub.

But, don't worry. I'll fix it. Even if it is the last thing I do.

"Thanks man. and I will"

We went inside and the first person that saw me was Aurora. I was always her favorite, ever since she was a baby. (Pretend Aurora is 4) Gavi did have a hard time to proceed everything and had to have time for himself to accept the fact that he would be big brother and he would have to live with a baby sister. Even if he find it hard he loves his little sister to death, he doesn't want to admit it, but he is.

"PEDRIII" she screamed and ran up to me, hugging me. "Well hello little one. How have you been?"

"Good! Where have YOU been? It's been so long since I have seen you" she complained. And she wasn't wrong. Last time I was here was almost a month ago. Gavi told me his parents asked him if we had a fight or something, or if everything was okay with me.

"I know, I'm sorry, princess. But I'm promising you that I will come over more often. Does that sound okay?"


"AURORA, BEDTIME" Gavi his mother yelled.

"Please hide me" she whispered.

"I can't, if you don't behave and listen to your mom then I won't come over."


"goodnight princess" I gave her a hug, kissed her head and set her down on the ground. "Goodnight Pepi" she said and ran upstairs to her mom.

I went to Gavi's room to wait until Aurora was asleep. "You going already?" He asked me. "No, I'm waiting for your mom. She's putting your sister to bed. But I know it can take a while."

"Yeah, she's not the easiest to go to bed" he said and my mind threw memories at me... Valentina is also not an easy person to go to sleep. If she could, she would never sleep. But I never allowed her to stay up all night.

4 years ago

Valentina and I just came home from the movies. In the car I saw that she had a hard time to stay awake.

My best friend became my enemy and lover~ PedriKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat