Tell Me About Tomorrow | Omin...

By SallowsKeeper

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Dark Ominis AU. Rosemary was supposed to be excited about her first date with the proclaimed Heir of Slytheri... More

Chapter One: Kneazle's Out of the Bag
Chapter Two: First Date, Wrong Date?
Chapter Three: Numb
Chapter Four: Welcome the High Reeve
Chapter Five: A War Full of Snakes
Chapter Six: Roman Empire
Chapter Seven: The Stolen Kiss
Chapter Eight: Bring It On, Fido
Chapter Nine: A Glutton For Punishment
Chapter Ten: Cafe Le Nemours
Chapter Eleven: Confessions
Chapter Twelve: Kiss Goodbye
Chapter Thirteen: Trouble is Brewed, Not Stirred
Chapter Fourteen: Stairway to Heaven
Chapter Fifteen: It's Taboo
Chapter Sixteen: Preparations
Chapter Seventeen: The Vote
Chapter Eighteen: Death Before Dishonor
Chapter Nineteen: Redeemed
Chapter Twenty: Requited Love
Chapter Twenty One: The Spark - Mature Read
Chapter Twenty Two: Slice of Normalcy
Chapter Twenty Three: The Summoning
Chapter Twenty Four: What Happens in Berlin, Stays in Berlin
Chapter Twenty Five: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter Twenty Six: Ghost of You
Chapter Twenty Seven: Everyone's Dead
Author's Note + Voting
Chapter Twenty Nine: Forget About Tomorrow
Chapter Thirty: Forget About Yesterday - Mature Read
Chapter Thirty One: Forget About the Present
Chapter Thirty Two: The Death of Another Weasley
Chapter Thirty Three: What a Surprise
Chapter Thirty Four: A Tricky Situation
Chapter Thirty Five: I Need You to Survive - Mature Read
Chapter Thirty Six: Domesticated
Chapter Thirty Seven: Grief and Anguish
Chapter Thirty Eight: Occlumency Over Breakfast
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Walls are Caving In
Chapter Forty: The Legend of Godric Gryffindor
Chapter Forty One: Malfoy Manor: Part One
Chapter Forty Two: Malfoy Manor: Part Two
Chapter Forty Three: There's No Tomorrow
Author's Note + New Story!

Chapter Twenty Eight: Reunited

375 28 29
By SallowsKeeper

Draco held his hands up, "In my defense, I can't tell you unless I'm under extreme duress. My witch's orders!"

Ominis' smile was extremely apathetic and borderline sociopathic as it sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn't often he was genuinely scared, but this was the High Reeve after all. Torturer extraordinaire. "I'm willing to oblige. Tell me what bones you want broken."

"Ah... None...?"

"Then tell me what happened, Draco. You're still alive right now because I consider you a friend." He brandished his wand, but held it by his side, "If you become my enemy, you won't see a tomorrow."

Draco coughed, "Bloody hell, this sounds like extreme duress. Alright, alright, put your wand away." He grumbled, sticking his hands into his pockets. Hermione would forgive him, right? He lasted a whopping ten minutes. "Weasley used an Unforgivable on Rosemary."

"The Imperius Curse?" Ominis voice was dark with loathing.



"The Cruciatus Curse?"


Ominis didn't ask another question. Instead, a thunderous crack echoed throughout the room as he disappeared from sight. Draco slumped in the armchair, reaching for the bottle of Elf made wine. Might as well drink himself into a stupor before the news broke out that the entire Order was murdered. He laughed to himself humorlessly.

They're so fucked, he thought, bringing the bottle to his mouth, Oh well.

Reunited - DRACO POV

Draco was about halfway through the bottle when the nagging sensation started in his chest. Someone was shouting his first name.



He sighed, wondering why him and Ominis ever put a taboo on their first names for those two witches.

Oh that's right.

The two blokes were in love.

Specifically, to the most obstinate, fierce, annoyingly swotty witches they knew.

Draco took a few gulps from the wine before setting it down and Apparating to the Order's safehouse. The wards were a joke to get through again which meant that someone other than Hermione placed them. He'd had to remember to have a talk with her later.

"Finally!" The first words were shrieked at him, "I've been calling for you."

Draco grimaced, taking in the scene. The great Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived was currently in the corner cowering with Hermione in front of him while Minerva McGonagall was trying to defuse the situation. Ominis was standing a few feet away with his wand brandished.

"Yes, well. Ominis decided to break into a bottle of Elf-Made wine I've been saving my entire life for a celebration, but it looks like the secrets out now." He noticed the surprise on McGonagall's face with a wry grin, "Professor."

She was silent for a moment, "I understand it now how Miss Granger always had the most astute plans when it came to the Death Eater's next attacks."

Draco winked, "Don't tell her that or she'll get miffed. You know she likes to pretend to be the smartest in the room."

"Pretend?!" She pointed at him accusingly, "Now's not the time, Malfoy." Hermione squinted, her warm brown eyes narrowing with disbelief, "Are you intoxicated? I need you to tell Ominis not to beat the living shit out of Harry!"

"Ominis don't beat the living shit out of Harry." He repeated without hesitation, then smiled. "Can I go now?"

"No!" Potter and Hermione shouted together.

Draco slid his eyes over to his close friend, seeing all the signs of irrefutable anger. The air around him was crackling with pent up magic as his intention and focus was on killing the wizard. A few of the sparks crackled in front of Hermione, causing her to flinch which sobered him up.

"Ominis. Not in front of Hermione." Draco's voice was steady and deathly calm. He cared about him like a brother, but he'd burn the world just as he would for the woman he loved.

Hearing the severity of his voice, Ominis' tone was dark. "Where is she?"

"I'll take you there." McGonagall offered, gesturing for her to follow him.

He watched as the blind wizard followed the prior Professor with ease. Potter sagged his shoulders, relaxing for the first time in Salazar knows how long. He thought he was in the clear until his little witch strolled up to him with fire in her eyes.

"You lasted ten minutes?!"

Draco smirked, resting his hand on her hip. "You know quite intimately I last much longer than that."

Potter pretended to vomit in the background, "I change my mind. The High Reeve can kill me."

"Settled then." Draco said with mock cheeriness, "I'll go inform him."

"No, No... No need to do that." Potter mumbled before glancing at Hermione worriedly, "Do you think he's going to go after Ron?"

Draco answered before Hermione could interject, "Is that really a question? Are you that naive? There is no outcome where Weasley isn't dead. Best to ask the Weasleys if they've got an extra casket since they dumped Percy and Fred into the ground. I hear there's a two for one sale at Borgin and Burkes."

"Remind me again why I'm supposed to be alright with you dating this arse?" Potter inquired, causing a fire to start in his chest.

As if I need your bloody permission, Draco was about to growl out when Hermione put a hand on his chest.

"He's an arsehole, but he's my arsehole." She replied blithely, "And the only reason why Ominis didn't kill you before going to find Rosie."

He ran a hand through his hair, "You would have been able to save me."

The brunette spun on him, "Now you sound like Ron!" Draco raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment as the witch grabbed his hand, "Let's go check up on Ominis and Rosie. Make sure he hasn't blown up the infirmary."

"What a shame that'd be." Draco drawled sarcastically, smirking at the glower sent his way.

There wasn't enough alcohol in his system to deal with the sorrow and fear spreading through Ominis like poison. If the roles were reversed and it was Hermione in that bed, Draco wasn't sure if he'd have stopped himself from killing everyone involved.

While it may have seemed extreme to people who don't kill on the regular, Ominis and him often killed people for annoying lesser reasons. He didn't value life much until Hermione became so important to him. Same with Ominis and by collateral, Rosemary as well. He hoped to see more of his dark brunette friend putting Ominis in his place.

Speaking of the bloke, he was seated on the edge of the bed next to her waist. Rosemary looked as if she were already dead; still with her chest barely breathing. Ominis had his hand gently on her her chest over her heart as if to make sure it was still beating.

Madam Pomfrey was standing on the other side of the bed with a timid look on her face. Draco supposed it made sense since this woman regularly healed life threatening wounds on people that came across him.

The blind wizard casted his own diagnostic spell that read out her blood pressure, magical energy reserve, and other vitals. Draco wasn't a healer, but he at least knew none of them were negative.

"You believe she'll wake up in the morning?" Ominis inquired in a sharp tone, causing the elder witches to flinch.

Madam Pomfrey nodded, "Yes, this was precautionary. She is quite low on her magical energy reserve, but I believe that to be a side effect from the Cruciatus Curse that hit her from Lestrange and a result of all the charms, and spells she casted in the fight."

Draco watched as Ominis grabbed her hand and closed his eyes. Hermione glanced at him confused before flickering her eyes to Draco, but he was equally confused. It was only McGonagall that realized what he was doing as a his veins began to glow a somber green color and lit up Rosemary's veins as well.

"How..." The Professor's eyes widened slightly, "This is highly advanced healer magic. Not even our Madam Pomfrey would be able to do such a thing."

Ominis kept his eyes closed, a scowl line appearing on his face. "I don't need to hear about your own incompetence when I'm trying to heal her. Shut the fuck up."

A hand slapped over Draco's face before he could burst out laughing from the looks on the old birds' face. Hermione casted him a warning look, but he could see that she was biting her lip.

"Language." McGonagall observed quietly, miffed and if he wasn't mistaken, impressed at the audacity the wizard had.

The swot beside him couldn't keep her curiosity from asking, "What's he doing, Professor?"

"He's transferring some of his magic to her. It's like a Pepper Up potion, but curing her of a depleted energy state rather than the common cold." McGonagall replied as Potter strolled up. "Madam Pomfrey will be able to wake her up now."

Ominis heard the older woman's footsteps move towards Rosemary and the look on his face was nocuous. It was like the gaze of a Runespoor's third head before it decided to attack. His mouth was set in a familiar firm line, "You will do no such thing. In fact, you two will leave immediately and take the Boy-Who-Lived before he gets a new name."

"Can no one call me just Harry?" Potter sighed before walking away.

Draco's lip twitched as the two birds walked away with matching upset expressions, "Are we killing just Harry or just Ron?"

"Haven't decided." Ominis replied quietly, pressing the back of his hand lightly against the witch's cheek. "Let me clarify. I haven't decided on killing both of them or one of them."

Hermione scowled, crossing her arms. "I understand you're upset, but you can't go around killing people."

"Have you told your friend that?"

Draco smirked, seeing his swotty witch at a loss for words, "I.. It was out of character for him."

Ominis raised an eyebrow, "Is that supposed to make me forgive him?" He closed his eyes for a moment, irritated. "Two people now know that Rose and I are together along with you and Draco. The moment any of this gets back to the Dark Lord, we're as good as dead."

"Then you won't kill my brother." Another figure in the corner of the room sat up. Draco sighed to see it was the female Weasel, "I'm sorry that he hurt Rosemary, but my family has lost enough people."

Draco's fists clenched, "What a rubbish apology. Rosemary is all Ominis has-besides me of course, but I don't fancy bollocks. More of a breasts man." He felt Hermione nudge him, "Regardless, your idiot brother almost took away his reason for breathing. It would be like something happening to Hermione. Do you think the Order has a fucking chance if hurt came to either of these girls? Hell, I took Hermione away from the Berlin because I didn't give a fuck if you survived or not."

The female Weasley's gaze hardened, "How the two of them fell in love with such wankers is beyond me. Neither of you care about the cause."

"My patience is practically non-existent." Ominis interrupted in a voice that told Draco he was on the edge of snapping at everyone, "You have two options. Shut the fuck up or go somewhere else."

"What about option three?" A quiet voice whispered. Draco looked down to see Rosemary's eyes blinking in a sleepy fashion, "After almost dying, I could use a hug."



They're reunited!

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