Demon King of Tyranny Anos Vo...

By Ridoux_Studio

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Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in... More

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Revelation
Chapter 3 - Reflection and Resolve
Chapter 4 - Academy Inspection
Chapter 5 - Mushroom Gratin
Chapter 6 - Cid Kagenou Execution
Chapter 7 - Claire Kagenou
Chapter 8 - Demon Blood
Chapter 9 - Shadow Garden
Chapter 10 - Millia's Decision
Chapter 11 - Alexia Midgar
Chapter 12 - Zenon Griffey
Chapter 13 - Stress Relief
Chapter 14 - Iris Midgar
Chapter 15 - Calculated Chaos
Chapter 16 - A Demon King's Warning and A Human King's Fear
Chapter 17 - An Encounter with the Shadow Garden
Chapter 18 - I AM ATOMIC 『 1st Volume END 』
Chapter 19 - The Demon King's Dilemma
Chapter 20 - Brothers in Chaos
Chapter 21 - The Princess' Dilemma
Chapter 23 - Promise and Warning
Chapter 24 - Epsilon's Watchful Eyes
Chapter 25 - Encounter with the True Demon
Chapter 26 - New Atomic Magic
Chapter 27 - Quantum Magic & Family Drama

Chapter 22 - A Meeting with Anos Voldigoad

891 29 7
By Ridoux_Studio

It was a journey of several hours by train, from the capital to the Kageno territory and then a few more by carriage from the station to the estate. Alexia had made long trips like this many times before, but never under such circumstances. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her hands were clammy with nervous sweat. The gentle rocking of the royal carriage did little to soothe her anxiety.

The landscape passing by was a familiar one – the vast, sprawling farmlands that fed their kingdom, the lush forests teeming with magical beasts and ancient trees, and the quaint little towns and villages that were a testament to their kingdom's prosperity. Yet, under the weight of the task entrusted to her, all this seemed surreal, as if she was traversing an entirely different world.

The closer they got to the Kageno estate, the more her anxiety intensified. She kept going over what she was going to say, rehearsing the words over and over in her mind. However, no amount of rehearsal could prepare her for the unpredictable nature of Anos Voldigoad, the man she was about to face.

Even in her worry, she couldn't help but remember their past encounter. He was intimidating, yes, but there was also an undeniable charisma about him. His sheer power was awe-inspiring, his confidence infectious. But this very aura that made him so attractive also made him terrifyingly unpredictable. His reactions to situations were not something that could be easily gauged or prepared for.

The Kageno estate, when it finally came into view, was a modest and unassuming structure - a far cry from the grandeur of the royal palace. Under any other circumstances, she would have appreciated its simple charm, the way it blended with the surrounding landscape in a display of elegant humility. However, her anxious mind barely registered these details.

As the carriage slowed to a stop, Alexia barely noted the lack of ostentatious decorations, the absence of any obvious show of wealth or power. She stepped down, her mind a whirl of rehearsed sentences and potential outcomes, hardly aware of the 'maid' who greeted her.

"Welcome, Princess Alexia."

"Yes, hello. Anos...umm, thank you. Where is he... Oh! Could you... I mean, could you please guide me to Anos Voldigoad?"

Alexia's nerves were so frayed that she failed to even recognize Millia. She was in a state of utter disarray, the scrutinizing glances from her knightly escorts made her wish the ground would swallow her up right then and there.

Millia gave a nod, a hint of understanding softening her gaze. Without another word, she turned and led the way through the estate. The silent journey did little to alleviate Alexia's nerves; instead, the suspense seemed to thicken with each step, winding around her like an invisible shroud.

The interior of the estate mirrored the exterior's understated charm, a serene simplicity pervading every corner. Corridors lined with paintings of serene landscapes and ancient ancestors led to numerous rooms, their function hidden behind the heavy, ornately carved doors. Yet, despite the homely feel, the entire place bore an air of tranquil authority, an unspoken reminder of the power housed within its walls.

Eventually, Millia stopped before a simple set of doors, not much different than the others beside it. "Anos-sama is in here," she announced, her voice breaking the stillness. Before Alexia could muster a response, she pushed open the doors and gestured for her to enter.

Inside, the room was spacious and bathed in a warm, soft light that streamed in through the tall windows. At the far end, behind an elaborately carved desk, sat Anos Voldigoad. His crimson eyes met hers instantly, and in that moment, her rehearsed words faltered, disappearing like wisps of smoke into the charged silence. She was left standing at the threshold, clutching the rim of her dress in a desperate attempt to ground herself.

His crimson eyes momentarily met hers before returning to the book in his hands. She remembered how those eyes, filled with unyielding power and absolute confidence, had both awed and scared her when they had first met. Even now, they made her heart skip a beat. His naturally overbearing figure was striking, a sharp contrast to the plain room, his aura filling up the space with a suffocating pressure. His unreadable smile sent a fresh wave of nervousness through her.

"Should you need anything, Princess Alexia, don't hesitate to call on me," Millia said, her hand resting on the door handle.

"Uh... Wait—"

But the closing of the door cut off her protest, leaving them in solitude, she realized there was no turning back now. Alexia squared her shoulders and stepped forward, ready to deliver the news that might just change everything.

"L-Lord Voldigoad," Alexia began, trying her best to keep the tremor out of her voice. Anos lifted his gaze from his book, his crimson eyes meeting hers. A suspended moment passed between them before she swallowed, gathering her thoughts, and pressed on. "I have been sent by my father, King Klaus Midgar, with a formal decree."

Anos merely inclined his head, indicating her to continue. Fortifying herself with a deep inhalation, Alexia forged ahead. "You have been chosen to be wed to my sister, Iris Midgar."

She watched as a flicker of something akin to amusement lit up his eyes, although his overall demeanor remained remarkably calm, as if he had already been aware of the impending announcement. Before he could voice a response, she quickly added, "My father believes that this union will help promote unity among the nobles, a marriage connecting the highest and lowest ranks."

The room descended into a weighted silence as Anos processed her words. He was silent for a few breaths before finally responding, "So, a marriage to bridge the gap, you say?" His tone was unreadable, but there was a glint in his eyes that suggested he was picking apart her explanation.

Feeling a knot tighten in her stomach, Alexia nodded, "Yes, it is a symbol of unity."

Anos reclined in his chair, his calculating gaze never leaving her. "The Midgar family, being the royal household, doesn't partake in the noble hierarchy. Hence, it cannot be deemed the highest-ranking noble family. Also, I am aware that there exist other noble families perceived as 'inferior' to mine." His observation was astute and undeniable, a fact that Alexia had prayed he would overlook.

Anos leaned back further in his chair, studying her for a moment before continuing. "Furthermore, if your goal was to truly bridge the gap between the nobles. Then there's another factor that complicates this proposed arrangement politically," he said, his tone suggesting he was about to delve into some deeper intricacies of the kingdom's law. "You see, I have already stepped down from all of my inheritance rights in the Kageno family."

Alexia's eyes widened in surprise; this was news to her. She had caught whispers of such a development in recent months, but she had dismissed them as baseless rumors. Her bewilderment only grew when he added, "According to this kingdom's official laws, with the exclusion of the rightful heir, if any other sons or daughters of a noble of rank Earl or lower renounce all their rights to inheritance, then they are subsequently no longer recognized as nobles of the kingdom by law."

The princess stared at him, her mind trying to process the implications of his words. She had not been aware of such a law, mainly because it was so rare for a situation like this to arise. For a noble to renounce their rights was unheard of. She found herself scrambling for a response, her mind a whirl of confusion.

Anos' voice brought her back to reality. "I understand that this might be hard for you to believe. But I assure you, I'm telling the truth."

As if to solidify his point, he raised his hand and a set of documents materialized in the air in front of him, along with a book that appeared to be a copy of the kingdom's law. Alexia watched with bulging eyes, awestruck by the miraculous display of magic, as he flipped through the book to a specific page and then pointed at a clause. "Here," he said, "This is the law I mentioned."


Alexia took a moment to read the highlighted portion, her heart sinking as she realized that his words were indeed true. The realization left her feeling even more bewildered. This unexpected turn of events was something she hadn't been prepared for at all.

Anos then mercilessly leaned forward, his gaze as terrifying as ever. "Moreover. Your father, King Klaus Midgar, is a dedicated ruler who has committed his whole life to the prosperity and stability of the Midgar Kingdom. Under his great rule, your human kingdom has enjoyed more peace and prosperity than most of your neighboring countries."

Alexia recoiled at his words, surprised at the extent of his knowledge about even the affairs of other countries.

She was momentarily speechless, her mind reeling with unanswered questions. Who was this man, truly? Could he really be the younger brother of that unassuming Pochi?! It seemed incomprehensible.

"Given that, do you truly believe that your father would propose a political marriage of such naive nature, especially given that he also knows full well the complexity and structure of the noble hierarchy?" Anos questioned, a knowing look in his eyes. "Or perhaps, this idea of 'promoting unity among the nobles' is not his, but rather... yours?"


"The very fact that we're having this discussion right now, paired with King Klaus's well-documented political intellect, suggests to me that you haven't even checked this idea with your father. If you had, he would have undoubtedly pointed out at least one or two of the inconsistencies I've just noted," Anos stated, his insight painting a clear picture of the situation.

For the first time ever in her life, Alexia felt a vulnerability so intense it was as though she stood naked, even though she was in fact fully dressed.

Caught in the web of her own deception, her heart throbbed violently against her ribcage. Terror widened her eyes, her body rendered immobile by the dread that he would react negatively, that he would bear no tolerance towards her dishonesty.

Rather than react, Anos comfortably reclined into his seat, a teasing grin gradually appearing on his countenance. "Deception isn't exactly your forte, Princess Alexia," he gently admonished, his voice imbued with a lightness that barely disguised the serious undercurrent of his words. Then, nonchalantly as if mentioning a trivial fact, he casually brought up one of her deepest secrets. "You know, perhaps it's time you took a hiatus from those antiquated romance novels and gave that neglected dark green tome, 'The Art of Deceit,' a chance. It might prove... enlightening."


Casually, as if discussing the weather, he referenced her hidden adoration for the old library tucked away in the palace's eastern wing.

A fact that was utterly private, something she'd never breathed a word about to another soul. A secret refuge where she could lose herself in the comforting embrace of ancient romance books and quiet solitude.

The realization that he knew such an intimate fragment of her life felt like a jolt of lightning, freezing her to the core. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, every pulse a testament to the paralyzing terror gripping her. This wasn't just casual knowledge; it was a window into her inner sanctum, something he shouldn't have had access to. Her world seemed to tilt, a sudden sensation of dread overwhelming her as she was confronted with the depth of Anos's knowledge about her.

"And what of Princess Iris's thoughts on this arranged betrothal?"

Alexia swallowed hard, the knot in her throat nearly choking her as she admitted, "She... did not take the news well," the memory of Iris's vehement reaction surfacing. "However, my father is steadfast in his resolution."

Anos remained silent for a few more beats, his gaze drifting away from her and back to the book in his hands. "I see," he finally said, his voice carrying a note of finality. The following silence was palpable, a quiet indication that their discussion had reached its end.

With a heavy sigh, Alexia rose from her seat, her legs feeling strangely weak beneath her. "T-Thank you for your time, Lord Voldigoad," she said, inclining her head respectfully. Even as she spoke the words, the fear within her remained, a chilling reminder of the conversation they just had.

He merely nodded, his attention already back on his book, seemingly dismissive of the weighty implications their discussion held. "The pleasure was mine, Princess Alexia."

Her departure from his chambers was a blur, her mind whirling with the thoughts of the unexpected turn the conversation had taken. The fact that Anos knew about her secret love for the abandoned library was frightening. It meant he could see far more of her than she'd ever intended to reveal. The implications of this were vast and terrifying, leaving her with a feeling of exposure she had never experienced before in her entire life.

Once she was somehow back in the safety of her own quarters in the royal capital, Alexia absentmindedly collapsed onto her bed, her body trembling from the strain of the confrontation. Her mind replayed the conversation over and over, dissecting each word, each look, each silent moment. She could hardly believe that she had lied to Anos Voldigoad, and he had seen right through it.

The question remained, however, of what he intended to do with this knowledge. He had let her off easily this time, but what of the future? Would he hold this lie against her, or use it as leverage in some political game? And just how 'much' more did he know about her life?

These questions haunted Alexia as she tried to rest, her thoughts churning in a turbulent sea of uncertainty. As she lay there in the dim light of her room, she made a promise to herself. She would be more careful in the future, more guarded than ever. She would need to be, especially if she were to navigate these treacherous political waters with any hope of emerging unscathed against that monster.

The short confrontation with him had completely drained her, yet also instilled a peculiar sense of relief. The task her father gave her was at least accomplished. The message had been relayed. The future, however uncertain, was now in the hands of fate.

Alexia found her mind endlessly replaying the day's proceedings. Iris's fury, her father's adamant determination, and the inscrutable response of Anos. In just one day, she suddenly found herself embroiled in a vortex of political maneuvering and coerced alliances, all while confronting her own impending betrothal to Cid.

In the grand theater of power and politics, she was a minor character, a chess piece maneuvered by players of greater influence. But as she laid on her bed, her gaze lost in the ornate patterns on the ceiling, she made a solemn promise to herself. She would not be buried under this burden. Rather, she would rise to meet these challenges, navigate the labyrinth of power and politics, and emerge fortified. For her own sake, for Iris, and for the destiny of their kingdom.

In the swirling maelstrom of her thoughts, Alexia sought a shred of comfort. With a sigh, she rose from her bed, padding over to a small, well-hidden safe tucked away in a corner of her room. Carefully, she keyed in the combination, the lock clicking open with a soft thud. From within, she pulled out a small plush toy - a handmade doll of Cid.

Alexia clutched the plushy tightly to her chest, returning to the sanctuary of her bed. She laid down, hugging the doll closer. It was strange, she thought, how this simple toy could provide such a sense of security. Her fingers traced over the stitched features, the material comforting under her touch.

Her heart was a flurry of uncertainty and fear. Her conversation with Anos replayed over and over in her mind, his words echoing hauntingly in the silence of her room. How had he known about her secret love for the old library? What else did he know about her?

Amid the whirlpool of her mind, Alexia clutched the doll more tightly, as if its consoling touch could provide her an armor against the avalanche of her worries. Yet, no amount of effort could erase the haunting image of Anos's scary smile, the occasional shimmer in his ominous dark crimson eyes that seemed to dissect her very soul.

'Anos is not a person. He is something that transcended individuality itself.'

'We must handle this entity, Anos, with the utmost delicacy.'

Recalling her wise father's chilling words. A troubling thought began to nag her - could Anos even be considered human? He was too extraordinary, too beyond the realm of human comprehension. It felt as though she was conversing not with a mortal, but a deity or some otherworldly entity. His very existence seemed to be on an entirely different plane, and it left her feeling profoundly unsettled. Frightened even.

She let out a soft exhale, her eyes drifting closed, her grip on the plushy doll of Cid remaining unyielding. The remnants of Anos's smirk remained etched in her mind, a chilling reminder of the enigma that he was and the unnerving knowledge he held about her... no, about everything.

For the moment, however, she chose to shelve these disturbing thoughts, yielding to the comforting embrace of sleep. A fresh day awaited her with its own set of trials, and she was prepared to confront them with unflinching resolve.

Yet, even as she drifted into the world of dreams, the specter of Anos's knowing smile pursued her, etching itself into her subconscious slumber.


Chapter 23 (Preview) 「 Promise and Warning 」


Following Alexia's departure with her royal escorts back to the capital, an unusual quietness enveloped the Kageno estate that evening. The sun had set, casting long shadows that danced with the flickering candlelight in the grand dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Kageno sat at the head of the table, their faces etched with worry. The only other person present with them was their youngest son, Anos Voldigoad, who sat quietly, his crimson eyes reflecting the dancing flames.

"Anos," Mr. Kageno began, his voice heavy with concern. "We received a letter from the royal palace today."

Anos looked up from his plate, his gaze steady. "Oh?" he asked, his tone nonchalant. "What did it say?"

Mrs. Kageno wrung her hands nervously, her eyes darting to her husband for support. "It was—————— [You can read the rest of this chapter on my Patreon for free, all you have to do is Create an Account and then choose the Casual Reader 7-day free trial]


" ⥆ Previous Chapter "◈◈◈" Next Chapter ➠ "


Chapters 1 through 22 can be accessed by the public on Patreon.

Chapter 23 「 Promise and Warning 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 24 「 Epsilon's Watchful Eyes 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 25 「 Encounter with the True Demon 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 26「 New Atomic Magic 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 27「 Quantum Magic & Family Drama 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 28「 A Reincarnator From My Era? 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 29「 A Date with the Demon King 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 30「 Assistant Principal Lutheran 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 31「 A Father's Dilemma 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 32「 The Academy's Arrival 」 (Now available on Patreon) [ Unreleased Chapter ]

Chapter 33「 A Father's Desperate Plea 」 (Will be available on Patreon in two weeks)

More chapters coming soon.

Patreon page (Replace _ with .): www_patreon_com/ridoux





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