Eremika (OneShots)

By Blackheart-SAN

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These oneshots will be mid to long, and some will contain smut so if you're not into reading those I'd recomm... More

Awkward confession
Just me and you πŸ”ž
Halloween party Au πŸ”ž
Stay with Me
Just be you: Au
No hard feelings
Not Today
Just a nightmare
What am I to you? πŸ”ž
Not alone Au
Forgotten memories Au
Forbidden love Au part 1
Let me take care of you
Welcome Home Au
I miss him Au
Sickened love
My freedom
I can't lose you too
Reunion Au πŸ”ž
Unfrozen heart
I'm still here Au
Dance of love
Forbidden love Au part 2
Runaway with me Au
Box to death Au πŸ”ž
Seven minutes in heaven Au
Sick day Au: slight πŸ”ž
Unbreakable bond πŸ”ž
Don't give up πŸ”ž
Starry night
I'm sorry πŸ”ž
I never hated you
You're free
Peace and quiet
You're safe with me Au
See you later
You're safe with me Au: part 2
Embarrassing problem
So precious Au
You came home? Au

Road trip

159 2 0
By Blackheart-SAN

Mikasa's POV

My mother and father had just dropped me off at school and we were all told to wait by the entrance for registration. It was there I spotted Sasha and Historia who greeted me with smiles and hugs. My two best friends. Mikasa and Sasha knew that most boys had a thing for me, but I wasn't interested in all the creepy stalkers. Although I had pretty much every boy under my finger, I'd never get with... Eren. My crush. I've known him since elementary school, and I fell in love with him during our time at the swimming pool at high school. I was struggling to do my bra so he offered to help tighten it up, easily getting distracted by my wet hair and beautiful skin.

"So are you excited for the field trip Mikasa?"

"I guess, Sasha. Where are we going again?"

"We're going to New Jersey, to stay at a hotel that's very much meant to be the place you have sex with a partner. At least that's what all the guys said." Historia said with a still face, smirking over at Ymir her girlfriend. She was with the good girls of the school, making Historia a very lucky girl. Meanwhile, I was still hesitant to tell Eren I loved him, seeing as he didn't show any interest in me as far as I saw. My face dims a bit, my heart aching with sorrow. Historia noticed and hugged me patting my head.

"Hey, don't worry Mikasa. I'm sure you'll find someone. We don't have to go with them... we can have our girls' room."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course! We're your pals!" Sasha squealed, hugging us both, as we all laughed hysterically. The teachers came out and assigned us all coaches, before giving us the bad news.

"Now when we get there, the students will only be able to choose one person to sleep with. Which will be the same gender!" They all whined and sulked but I saw that as a perfect idea. For me anyway. Historia and Sasha were upset and went over to their partners to complain about the news, and I felt bad for them. Then touch on my shoulder made me jump turning around to see Eren with the smirk that made my heart fumble before him. He was wearing a tight T-shirt grey and pale, accompanied by ripped jeans.

"Hey Mikasa, how's it going?"

"J-just fine Eren!"

"Gotta feel bad for the people who wanted to screw each other. Hey, I was wondering... if you wanted to share a room with me tonight?" He offered me, making me blush lose my voice and whimper like a dog. He smiled smirking too much, patting my head looking confused, as he walked off into the crowd leaving my blush to manifest.

Eren's POV

The teachers all called us to the bus coaches to get prepared for the trip ahead of us. I skived getting on because, in all honesty, I didn't want to go. Field trips weren't my cup of tea. Somehow I still managed to get roped into this by that stubborn raven as she hurried over breathlessly, while I just watched with a blank expression lighting a cigarette.

"Oh come on Eren! Spit that out, it's not good for you!"

"Worry about yourself pretty girl, I'm already screwed onto this thing. If you think you're going to convince me, think again."

"Eren, please! You've skipped out on every single trip! Please just come this once... for me?" She pleaded. I sigh blowing smoke out of my nose, looking at that gorgeous girl but with an annoying attitude, as I flicked my cigarette away and turned to face her.

"Fine! I'll come, not because I'll enjoy it... because it'll make you happy."

"Thank you!" She thanked me, hugging me tight around my torso, just showing the difference in size between us. I felt like I could consume her into my soul, with my arms around her head almost. I smiled a little, looking in awe at her cuteness, but having it pulled away by her yanking me to the bus. I climbed aboard and ushered to the back where I wouldn't be disturbed, kicking my feet up against the window and pulling my hat down to sleep. I didn't know how long I was asleep, but I got shaken up by someone who sounded like that stubborn raven. I took my cap off frowning seeing her concerned face.


"We have to get off. The coach broke down, and we have to camp in the woods tonight. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"For real? Fuck yeah! Camping is so much more exciting than some dumb expensive building!" I jumped in excitement, dragging Mikasa out of the bus and joined the others who all looked miserable, exactly the way I liked to see their faces. I let go of Mikasa and went to the teacher to get my tent. They handed me a duffel bag and tent kit as I went to set up my area. I settled for a spot near the river where I get water to boil.

Mikasa's POV

"Okay, everyone! You will be sleeping in pairs, so pair up, with the same genders! No further than the lake please, stay within shouting distance!"

"Oh no... everyone's got a partner and I'm left on my own!" I panicked. I hated sleeping alone away from home, with no one to comfort me or be there in case of danger. Historia and Sasha were paired up by the teachers, who begged them to let one of them sleep with me. Oh how I adored them, but I didn't want them to be with someone random because of me. Soon I had Jean approach me who smirked resting his hand against the tree next to me.

"Hey, Mikasa. You wanna sleep with me? I'll make sure you are taken care of." He creepily said, touching my hair and stroking it, as I slapped it away.

"No! Get away you creep!"

"Getting aggressive, are we? Well, I can't work with that."

Jean got punched to the ground making me gasp, seeing Eren holding his wrist after hitting him. He looked like he hurt it, I heard him wince as he stared at me. I blushed nervously seeing him close to my face, taking me by the hand away from that creep. He brought me to his tent allowing me to sleep with him, which I felt humbled. Did he offer me his tent to sleep in, without any complaints or issues?


"Well, I don't think it's okay to be harassed by Jean for one. Two, I don't want you with someone who's gonna not interact with you. Like all the boys just wanna use you for attention. No offensive. Hey, why don't we go somewhere? Away from all of the others?"

"Eren you heard what the teacher said!"

"Oh come on! Let me take the pretty girl for a walk." He said with that smirk, making me blush again and gulp. Breaking the rules was not part of my way of living, disobeying a rule was disobeying the law. To lose this one chance with the boy of my dreams, all because of a simple request from the teacher?

"Oh... okay."

"Yes! C'mon!" He pulled me by the hand and we ran together through the woods. This felt nice. I could see Historia and Sasha both staring at me with a smile, feeling happy with me being with my crush. I soon was dragged to the river with Eren as we climbed on some rocks leading to the waterfall, which made me afraid, Eren turned around and grabbed my shoulders. He shyly smiled, holding my hands and helping my shaky body across the strong current. We stopped at the waterfall which had a little cave underneath, seeing we could have a fire of some kind in there. Almost like he planned to bring me here?

"Follow me!" Eren ran in past the water that drenched him in a single second. I reached my hand out testing the water to see if it was warm or freezing, to have Eren's hand emerge and pull me inside the invisible door. Eren ended up slipping due to the slippery rocks and I fell right on top of him, my chest on his as I blushed madly my whole face red. My heart was racing to see Eren just as nervous and shocked as I was. I got off quickly and shook with the cold stinging my skin, causing my nerves to kick in the rotors of my bones shaking with the racketing of a car engine.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Eh? Oh! Oh... my god." I looked up to see the cave had a crystal-like tiled ceiling reflecting beautiful colours that of a gem you'd find in a museum. I gazed in awe at the breathtaking scenery, taking me away from all my problems and thoughts seeing how calm it made me feel. A wet hand touched mine as I watched Eren look at me with a smile like nothing I'd seen before. He genuinely smiled with his cheeks red as a rose.

"Mikasa? Can I tell you something?"


"I'm sorry it seemed like I had got a grudge against you. Or if it seems I'm not interested in you. It's just that I was afraid to hang out with you because I thought you wouldn't want a delinquent like me to be your friend." He revealed to me, debunking some of my thoughts and theories. I scooted closer and put my hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that I was completely fine with him as my friend. Well, not just a friend I hoped.

"Eren... today you saved me from Jean. You didn't have to do that. I convinced you to come on this field trip with me. You didn't have to. Why did you come?"

"Because you asked." He simply said it. Making my heart skip a beat. I felt my clothes soaked entirely, only noticing my clothes were see-through and I could see my bra. I caught Eren looking and smirked making him look away feeling guilty for being a pervert. My hand cupped his cheek and pulled his face to stare back at me. My heart was pumping so fast, feeling it punching its way through my ribcage. Eren suddenly puts his hand behind my head and starts pulling me close. My breathing became quicker, as I gasped feeling his hand on my breast cupping making me twitch. Our lips then met as he slammed his into mine, kissing me tenderly while still moving me onto his lap.


"I guess I should've expected this to all work out. I suppose now's the time to tell you. I like you, Mikasa."

Y-you, do?!"

"Yes, haha! You're so god dang cute I just couldn't get enough of you. When it grew into romantic feelings I tried pushing myself away because I was afraid of what people would think of us. But I'm no longer afraid, and I want us to be together if that's what you want?" He confessed making my heart burst out free, as it latched itself with Eren's. I had tears streaming out my eyes, as I cried happy tears covering my face with Eren hugging me. My crush not only loves me but accepts me as well. It couldn't have been more like a fairy tale.

I broke apart from the hug as I smiled at Eren nodding my head and accepting his love, which made his eyes well up in tears hugging me tighter. I pushed his hair out of the way of his neck, placing my lips on him making him gasp and begin moaning.

Third-person POV

The morning rose with birds chirping with each other, the nice soothing sound of the waterfall pouring rapidly into the pool. Mikasa yawned waking up, with a blanket wrapped around her naked body, seeing Eren with a little fire going, cooking some food. He looked over to his baby raven, smiling as he turned the meat over to the other half, while he admired her girl.

"Sleep okay?"

"(Yawns) Yeah. You?"

"Amazing. Last night was, really something. You were so shy." Mikasa's face glowed red with flashbacks of last night flooding her mind. Mikasa felt so embarrassed about showing that side of her to a confident bold boy like Eren, but she felt so relaxed and warm around him. Eren was cooking some meat that he'd taken from the teacher's satchel, just in his pants.

Mikasa held the blanket around her body, coming over and sitting next to Eren who wrapped an arm around her shoulders kissing her forehead. Mikasa smiled warmly, holding him close while the meat was sizzling to a tasty medium temperature. She heard the teachers all talking with the students across the lake, giggling at their confusion about where they disappeared off to.

"I love you Eren. O-or is that too soon to say?"

"Aww! Baby!"

"Why are you calling me that?"

"It's my nickname for you. Don't argue, it's what it is and it's staying that way." Eren said kissing her cheek, Mikasa blushing with a smile creeping up her lips. She gently kissed Eren's cheek back giving him a sneaky moan, making Eren slightly annoyed knowing she was trying to rile him up. He finished cooking them their breakfast, and they ate up quickly and got changed ready to head back and link up with the others. Historia and Sasha were packing up their tents, talking about their interesting nights.

"Oh, sleeping with Ymir's arms around me was so bliss. Sneaking out of our tents to join them was so worth it. How was your night with Connie?"

"Mental! All sorts of stuff went down."

"Sasha our tents were right next to each other I didn't hear you at all." Historia blankly said. Eren and Mikasa came from behind their tent to see the two girls before Eren stopped feeling hesitant.

"Eren? What's wrong?"

"I- I'm not sure if I can do this. They're gonna hate me."

"Eren... they're not gonna hate you. They love you already. Don't be ashamed of being who you truly are, because pretending to be someone else isn't healthy. Okay?"

"I-I'll try." Eren shyly nodded hiding his face as his raven babe pulled him over to Historia and Sasha.

"Hey, guys! Eren, this is Historia and Sasha, my two best friends. Guys, I'd like you to meet... my boyfriend."


"Pleasure to finally meet you properly Eren. Mikasa's said a lot about you, doesn't stop even when she repeats herself." Sasha teased making Mikasa ramble on in shaky words, with Eren's face still shy looking away. The teachers all called them to get back to the bus to carry on their trip to New Jersey, Mikasa was approached by Jean again, and Eren's eyes got heated and walked over.

"You think it's funny what you did last night?"


"Hey, baby, this freak causing you trouble again? Want me to kick his ass twice?" Eren asked hugging his baby from behind, holding her hips close to his body.

"N-no sweetie, that's okay. Let's just go." Mikasa frowned, heading off with Eren flipping off Jean from behind. They got on the coach, Eren going to the back where it was quiet and safe. All the students were way up front so he could do what he liked. Till he was interrupted by a very attractive guest.

"M-mind if I sit with you?"

"You have to ask? No." Mikasa's eyes lowered in sadness. Eren still seemed like the rebellious boy he'd always been, which upset Mikasa. She teared up a little preparing to walk away Eren panicked and pulled her back to fall onto his chest, faces meters apart.

"B-but I thought you?"

"Oh Mikasa, I was joking."

"Well don't do it again!" Mikasa began to sob which surprised Eren. He thought it wasn't that serious. Not wanting a scene to break out, he hugged her tightly stroking her hair. Mikasa cried quietly, before having her chin lifted and kissed on the lips, making her relax and kiss Eren back intensely. Eren pulled her onto his lap as Mikasa laid on top of him kissing away her tears.

"Hey, don't cry baby. I'm sorry... I won't make a joke like that again."

"(Sniffles) I-I... I love you Eren."

"I love you too Mikasa. That is my promise to you, to always love you and protect you from scumbags like Jean." Eren said lovingly. She heard footsteps coming over looking up to see Historia and Sasha with Connie and Ymir, looking concerned for their friend.

"Can we sit with you guys?"

"Baby? You want them to?"

"(Sniffles looking up at them) Y-yes... please." Historia and Sasha sat in the seats in front of them, Ymir and Connie sitting beside them both, as they were all there for Mikasa, who was emotional for no other reason, and that wasn't a bad thing. People can cry for no reason and yet still have that comfort they don't feel they deserve.

The coach finally after hours of driving, made it to New Jersey. The teachers got all the students into the reception and were getting all the keys to their rooms. Eren was in the bathroom getting some water from the sink and wetting his face from the blistering heat. He only noticed his neck had a mark on it, and it caused him to blush. It was Eren's first time with anyone, which to him, was so worth waiting to be able to experience with her.

If he got abuse thrown at him for his decision, he'd take it and roll with it. Nothing was gonna make him change his mind about Mikasa now, he was just upset he didn't realise it sooner.

Eren exited the bathroom to see his newfound friends all huddled around and laughing. He smiled feeling this sensation that he'd been craving for so long, that he'd forgotten what it felt like to be loved by people. Mikasa came over and jumped into Eren's arms wrapping her legs and arms around him, Eren carrying her with ease. This girl had serious separation anxiety.

"Eren... can we share a room?"

"Of course, we can. I'd have to have broken the law if I didn't. Also if you want, we can hit resume on last night?"

"Yes. I want to but first... can we go out for dinner?"

"Oh, I'd want nothing more than to treat you to a date. And I know just the place." He smirked kissing her lips sweetly. Eren and Mikasa got their bags and headed up to their room to unpack and get changed for their date. Eren wore a tuxedo with a white bow tie. He awaited his princess to come out from the bathroom, to see the woman he'd be taking to dinner.

"Almost ready baby?"

"I don't know Eren. I look hideous."

"Impossible, I'm sure you look beautiful!" With Eren's reassurance, she came out of the bathroom to have Eren's cheeks lit up his break lights seeing this angel step out replacing Mikasa. She wore a red rose kimono dress with her hair accompanied by a rose tucked in nicely, her hair tied back.

"Holy fuck... you are so sexy."

"You look so handsome too." She said coming over and moving her hand up Eren's chest and kissing him softly. Eren wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling her soft back and how smooth it was. Mikasa got a little cheeky slipping her tongue making Eren all riled up and placing his hands on her moaning.

"Oh, I'm so gonna punish you when we get back."

"Hehe, come on babe, let's go." Mikasa cutely said, taking Eren's arm and locking it in hers. Eren smirked and opened the door for his princess, taking her down the hallway, stealing glances at every step they took.

"I'm so gonna marry you someday."

"Is that a wish?"

"That's a promise."

"Hehe, (kisses his cheek) I'm gonna hold you to that. There better be a ring on this finger within ten years." She challenged Eren, which he gladly accepted, kissing her back. The two then left the premises to go dine at a fancy restaurant, just the two of them. Historia and Sasha had suggested somewhere else for the other students, to make sure Eren and Mikasa were left alone. Eren had a sushi wrap with BBQ chicken, while Mikasa had udon noodles with spicy chicken.

"How's your food?"

"Spicy... but I'm handling it. This is sweet of you, y'know that?"

"Oh don't mention it, I mean it's the least I could do. I never thought I'd get to this part, sitting here with you, eating amazing food. I couldn't have asked for a better girl to spend it with."

"Oh, Eren... I love you." She cups Eren's face and kisses him with tenderness. Eren kisses back, his hand on his girl's thigh, rubbing it gently making Mikasa gasp a tiny bit.

"Eren? You're a naughty boy."

"As I said, I'm still a delinquent when I like to be. Now let's hurry and finish so we can have dessert back in our room."

"Haha, okay baby... let's get the check."

The end

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