two red cards | F4 Thailand :...

By klarohunter

48K 1.2K 139

loosely based on the show, F4 Thailand : Boys Over Flowers ^ VERY LOOSELY [ "Might I make this clear, today... More

~ casting ~
- playlist -
1. she
2. logical
3. show and tell
4. tattoos
5. hold the applause
6. lonesome
7. in my head
8. fatal flaw
9. bad kind of butterflies
10. are you satisfied?
11. stay numb and carry on
12. growing up can go to hell
13. poison
14. gity
15. bad idea
16. playing with fire
17. how I look on you
19. promise

18. karma

1.5K 40 4
By klarohunter

"Cause karma is my boyfriend"

While we were at the party, MJ held me close almost the entire time. There was only one instant where he had to. Quite literally, he couldn't take me into the restroom with him. Well, he could but that wouldn't be a good look for either of us. I didn't want to be in the same bathroom as him anyways, gross. Some of the girls who had purposely went in to one, came back with the story of how disgusting they were and how they wished they had never entered to begin with.

That fate I did not want to meet. 

To each their own, but respectively never happening.

I wondered how much longer that he would take, people were staring and it started to make me feel uncomfortable. Being here made me feel so out of place. No matter if I was here alone or with somebody, I'm the black sheep. I thought that Gorya was supposed to be here as well but I haven't even seen her anywhere. Did MJ just say that to get me to come? No, I wouldn't think like that. Maybe Gorya is just running a little late, but it would be nice if she were already here.

"Oh, my baby sister."

I slowly lifted my gaze at the voice, it was a woman with long wavy dark hair. She looked alot like Thyme's mother. Wait, Thyme has an older sister--this must be her. From how she addressed me, she knew the truth too. Before I could even attempt to get a word out she wrapped her arms around me, squeezing. It was making a bit uncomfortable I can't deny that. I barely knew her and here she was hugging me. My eyes scanned around to see MJ walking toward us.

Get her off me please

We might be related by blood, but none of them cared to try to contact me. They weren't my family and I don't think they ever would be. Especially Thyme.

"Tia," MJ had a light tone as he unwrapped her arms from me.

It was like he had read my mind. Tia raised a brow at MJ when he pulled me against him, his hand on my waist. A server came by with drinks and he grabbed one, taking a sip of it.

"I didn't know that you were so close to my sister."

My breath hitched at the mention of the word sister and my gaze went to the ground. But at least I wasn't being hugged by her anymore.

"Obviously you wouldn't." He took another drink of what I assumed was champagne.

Tia looked taken aback at his direct words, but he was right. She wouldn't know anything about me, not of them would. Thyme might know about what was going on between MJ and I, but he didn't seem like a family-orientated person. Let alone, a sharer of what happens in his own life.

"You're nicer than Thyme, but you shouldn't hug someone who doesn't even know you. Blood relations or not." 

As she was about to respond, she was interrupted by someone's voice coming from a speaker. It was their mother, my biological mother. She looked like a power-hungry shark up there, her outfit screamed business woman. Well, that's what she was. But this was supposed to be a birthday party for Thyme.

Who had seemingly started to take a liking to Gorya. He had revoked her red card and not mine. The only reason that I have made it this far was probably because of MJ. A wind blew my hair into my face and sent shivers down my arms. I tried my best to remove my hair out of my face, but more wind blew. MJ somehow spun me around to where I was facing the wind, his hand landing right back at my waist.

I stood there, my hands were now pressed against his chest, underneath by his suit jacket. Why he was wearing it unsnapped was beyond me. But it was keeping my hands warm so I didn't really care in the moment. Though, my face was much colder then I would've liked but it was better then cold hands. Better then hair constantly being in my eyes.

There was a shouting voice as someone came running in Thyme and Gorya's direction. I turned my head and saw Gorya being thrown to the ground. All this happened just as his mother announced that he was engaged to marry the exact girl who trampled Gorya. The girl stood up and grabbed onto Thyme's wrist and pulled away. Everyone including were wide eyed and confused as shit.

Poor Gorya.

We all stood there for a moment, before Kavin threw keys to Gorya. Then Ren and Gorya were both off in a car.

a/n : couldn't remember that scene clearly lol, apologies

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