7. in my head

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"my imagination's too creative, they see demon, I see angel"

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"my imagination's too creative, they see demon, I see angel"

"my imagination's too creative, they see demon, I see angel"

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I laid on my bed, hugging the pillow against my chest. My adoptive parents hadn't asked why I was home so late from school nor did they really care. They also didn't know about my part time job and I wasn't going to tell them. It was not like they were really going to care; they didn't even care about me, a human being that they had adopted when I was a baby. When I was little and wasn't able to form my own opinions, they loved me. But now that I'm much older and can think for myself, they absolutely hate me. 

I wasn't even sure what I had done to deserve it. It seems like the only person who doesn't truly hate me is Kanya.

She was the only person in my life who didn't make me feel like shit or make me feel like I didn't belong here anymore. I knew that I looked different, but I couldn't help the parents I was born to. Why hadn't they wanted me? Deep down I told myself that they did want to keep me but couldn't. Maybe they had me too young or simply couldn't afford to care for me... But they could've still had me in their lives somehow.

Taking a deep breath, I sat up and looked out the window. Sighing, it was still dark outside. Which meant that I did not sleep as long as I wanted to, well, need to. Lately, I wasn't getting enough sleep and it was making me feel worse. If I was going to endure being a target at school, I needed to at least have the energy to get away. If only I was like Gorya...She wasn't afraid of standing up to F4, to Thyme. 

Unlike me...

It was obvious that I wasn't strong like her, I'm not sure if I would ever be. 

Reluctantly I got out of bed and went ahead with getting into my school uniform. I hated that aspect of this fancy school. Grabbing my backpack, making sure it had all that I needed, I headed out of the house while shrugging it over my shoulders. Maybe if I got to the school quick enough and got to class, I would be safe today.


My hopes were quickly destroyed as I entered the building. A giant bucket of red liquid came splashing down on me. Laughter echoed through the large room and I heard the photos being taken, the phones clicking away.

"Look how pathetic she is!" A boy shouted.

The shout came from one of the girls, "She looks like that demon character Carrie!"

They all laughed, "That's what we'll call you, Carrie."

I've seen that movie, it was good. But having something like that used against me hurt.

"Carrie Carrie Carrie, red as a cherry!"

That sentence told me that they've at least seen it or actually know of it. It's obvious they've never read the book though.

The trio of girls gasped, the one in the middle covering her mouth. I was so confused that my brows furrowed together. They weren't looking at me though, instead they were staring directly over my shoulder. Even the tapping at their phones stopped. Slowly, I turned my head and looked over my shoulder. There stood MJ, covered in the same sticky red substance with a pissed expression. Just as I started to look away he grabbed onto my arm but I didn't look back behind me. After what happened that night, I couldn't look at him. 

"If this is how you are going to ignore my orders, I'm less than impressed." He practically shouted, making slightly flinch.

Without another word MJ pulled behind him, his leather boots stomping against the floor. It was difficult for me to keep up because of his long legs. Not to mention he was going faster than Sonic, the Hedgehog cartoon. 

I wanted to make myself let go, but part of me didn't want him to. Part of me never wanted him to let go. The warmth that spread throughout my body from his touch just couldn't be helped. Whether I welcomed it or not.

 Whether I welcomed it or not

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