A diamond hidden within the g...

De Spiky314

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Imagine a alternate world where the mario universe has a modern feel to it, and is full of action. Full of se... Mais

A diamond hidden within the gray line introduction
Chapter 1: Uneasy ground towards a new beginning.
Chapter 2: New experience.
Chapter 3: The best first day. Part one.
Chapter 4: The best first day. Part two.
Chapter 5: Unique reunion between childhood friends.
Chapter 6: Max's ballsy stunt and his new room.
Chapter 7: Examining a new room and a new morning.
Chapter 8: The phone call leading to concern.
Chapter 9: Magical emergency.
Chapter 10: Pivotal memories, and a challenge issued by roy and morton.
Chapter 11: Handicap battle and mike's request.
Chapter 12: Wholesome bond.
Chapter 13: Kamek's reveal and a wholesome encounter.
Chapter 14: Tutelage for max.
Chapter 15: Bizzare encounter.
Chapter 16: Strange memories and a agonizing temporary transformation.
Chapter 17: Bowser's reveal and max's bombshell.
Chapter 18: Updating mike on what's going on and a clever idea.
Chapter 19: Subtle guidance and the arrival of the magishadow.
Chapter 20: Unavoidable choice.
Chapter 21: Mike's reveal and larry's suspicion.
Chapter 22: Tense trip, max's prowess against the odds and marx's surprise.
Chapter 23: The return of fawful and a bloody sacrifice.
Chapter 24: Roy's rage max's acceptance and fawful's blunder.
Chapter 25: Brutal fury, a undeserving end and a strange name.
Chapter 26: The encounter within the darkness, the dollhouse and the barn.
Chapter 27: Seconds make a difference, and max's awakening.
Chapter 28: Max's surprise and reveal leading to kamek's realization.
Chapter 29: Rising emotions.
Chapter 30: Mike's grief and rylie's arrival.
Chapter 31: Uncanny likeness, roy's emotional turmoil and familiar eyes.
First a/n
Chapter 32: New feet to stand on.
Chapter 33: Unique discovery and a familiar number.
Chapter 34: Touching reunion and a hilarious memory.
Chapter 35: Unexpected media, the offer, lemmy's idea and marx's gift.
Chapter 36: Strange but useful gift, unintended melancholy and max's grief.
Chapter 37: Uraveling the bandages and max's new shades.
Second a/n.
Chapter 38: Comforting support and marx's advice.
Chapter 39: Scattered puzzle pieces and the second visit.
Chapter 40: Candymaker's arrival and wrath, and the key to the first vision.
Chapter 41: First vision and larry's curiosity.
Chapter 42: Mad dash for home, and larry's helpless horror.
Chapter 43: Silent admiration.
Chapter 44: Recapping events, and important clues part one.
Chapter 45: Recapping events and important clues part two.
Third a/n.
Chapter 46: Heated conversation and future uncertainty.
Chapter 47: Unique revealations.
Chapter 48: Max's brief trip down memory lane and the intense encounter.
Chapter 49: Puzzling questions and a nightmare's beginning.
Chapter 50: Nightmare's mercilessness and a unexpected assist from the shadows.
Chapter 51: Prideful avoidance, and bowser's gift.
Chapter 52: The airship, mike's gift and a familiar face.
Chapter 53: Reporter's lucky day, the clown copters and marx's prediction.
Chapter 54: The view from the sky and jasper's recording for later.
Chapter 55: Bowser's airship and surprising information.
Chapter 56: Song of the past, and mike's challenge to max.
Chapter 57: Max vs mike, unexpected result and the ominous feeling.
Chapter 58: Bowser's castle and a ominously creepy encounter.
Chapter 59: A wholesome moment and the grand tour.
Chapter 60: Raw emotions, max's rememberance and ludwig's reveal.
Chapter 61: The burning question and the dread that knocks.
Chapter 62: The encounter and the dark power's wrath.
Chapter 63: Chilling words, thunderous vengeance and digging deeper.
Fourth a/n.
Chapter 64: Bombshells and revealtions. Part one.
Chapter 65: Bombshells and revelations. Part two.
Chapter 66: Kooky's letter, mike's heartache and max's wisdom.
Chapter 67: family ties and junior's turmoil.
Chapter 68: Tyson's theories and offer.
Chapter 69: A haunting feeling and the second vision inside the dollhouse.
Chapter 70: Kooky's surprise and rememberance of the past.
Chapter 71: Max's crazy ideas and bowser's offer to mike.
Chapter 72: Junior's frustration, ludwig's realization and a partial memory.
Chapter 73: Rite of passage, max's mask and unexpected visitors.
Chapter 74: New outfit, intense meeting, improvised name and a familiar smell.
Fifth a/n.
Chapter 75: candymaker's return and the whisper only they hear.
Chapter 76: Kylie's new assignment and helpless horror.
Chapter 77: Marx's warning, subject change and a unexpected reunion.
Chapter 78: Unforgtten memory, nate's secrets and max's first mission.
Chapter 79: Personal family matter.
Sixth a/n:
Chapter 80: Max's return, the burning scar and zöhm's words.
Chapter 81: Nate's letters and gifts and the starlight crystal's purpose.
Chapter 82: Mixed reactions and the box.
Chapter 83: The box's contents, kooky's history lessons and a week to prepare.
Chapter 84: Preparations and max's encounter leading to unexplained guilt.
Chapter 85: Conflicting emotions, mike and marx's worry and max's theory.
Chapter 86: The starlight saber's history and mike's silent theory.
Chapter 87: The saber's ignition and special training.
Chapter 88: The rematch and bowser's phone call.
Seventh a/n:
Chapter 89: Jasper's interview and the phone call with a familiar voice.
Chaper 90: Recap, aftermath and the same stare.
Chapter 91: Unspoken guidance and mike's phone call.
Chapter 92: Old yet familiar and max's unintentional hilarity.
Chapter 93: Ghostly encounter and the warning that sets off raw emotion.
Chapter 94: King boo's true form, max's raw emotional speech and admittance.
Chapter 95: Emotional reunion, a haunting revelation and a promise to keep.
Eighth a/n
Chapter 97: Memory lane, the letter, emotional response and mike's explanation.
Chapter 98: A father's assurance and a familiar smell.
Chapter 99: Mike's realizations and bowser's speech before the encounter.
Chapter 100: Unexpected surprise, marx's return and zöhm's sudden appearance.
Chapter 101: Candymaker's departure, family bond and raw tension.
Ninth a/n
Chapter 102: Baron's thoughts, brotherly confrontation and nate's text.
Chapter 103: Max's change.
Chapter 104: A scarf's legend and arrival at the gate of the abyss.
Chapter 105: The eventual meeting and max's crazy entrance and unmasking.

Chapter 96: Shouting match and max's verbal admittance.

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De Spiky314

The beginning of this chapter has implications of a...negative kind. Reader's descrestion is advised.


For a few seconds, everyone remains silent aside from kooky angry breathing. Max on the other hand, felt as if something had clicked within his mind even though he now has a black eye. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" Kooky screams as max slowly sat back up. He wasn't pissed at being punched, which would more than likely piss roy off for sure, but not max. If anything...that one punch triggered memories that flooded his mind. Of pico's...HIS memories. "...Do you have any what YOU'VE done?" Max retorted which caught everyone except for baron off guard.

"You honestly think punching me is gonna make me suddenly remember that i have to be like YOU? An ass kisser who is stuck in the old way of living? Tell me, is living in the shadows worth living for?" Max had a look in his eyes that could unsettled anyone, but not kooky. "OH HERE WE GO AGAIN!! AFTER ALL THIS TIME, YOU STILL THINK OUR FAMILY IS WASTING AWAY WHILE ALSO BEING DYSFUNCTIONAL?! NOTHING WAS EVER TRULY WRONG!!" Kooky yells, looking as if he was disgusted. "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST HELP YOUR OWN FAMILY?!"


Kooky's mouth was agape as max who looked at him with pure anger. His angry gaze hid the fact that max, while he looked horrified at the fact that he's remembering any of this, had truth in his words that he didn't like. "HOW DARE YOU?!?!?" He roared at max.

"Tell me. Did you even bother hearing the stories? Some consisted of others being abusive to their own family and while some von ghouls knew about it, they didn't do a damn thing. Shameful. Just shameful! There are other stories, but i can't even say them out loud knowing that they would rather talk about it themselves, and that's assuming that they want to talk. BUT, the one rumor i heard the most, is one that mentioned you knowing who my parents were at that time. I need to-" Max was quickly interrupted by kooky who became infuriated while everyone except baron just looked gobsmacked and possibly terrified when max started talking calmly.

"ENOUGH! i told you that i would tell you when you're ready." Kooky snapped. "IT'S BEEN ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS!!! I DESERVE TO KNOW!!" Max yelled before baron intervened. "That is enough..." Baron's tone of voice sounded almost horrifying that it made even max flinch.

"I won't have you two at each other's throats. Too much has happened and i cannot allow this to continue. Not when the magishadow and zöhm have become far too dangerous for anyone to deal with alone." Baron says with sigh while showing how disheartened he is.

-Kamek pov-

Baron von ghoul himself...in the flesh...and to hear kooky and max argue like that...to hear that the von ghoul family was dysfunctional...it couldn't be..no historical records i've come across has ever mentioned such a thing! Also..what other stories is he talking about..? He makes it sound as if we're better off not knowing...

-Bowser pov-

This is all too much for me to process...never have i ever seen ANYONE yell at kooky without them getting seriously hurt! Well, max did get a black eye, but that's besides the point! And..i never want to hear that baron guy talk like that ever again...

-Mike pov-

Yeesh...baron sounded terrifying just now...that hardly matters considering what kooky and max were yelling about! Max is pico, but..he hardly looks like him!

-Tyson pov-

Hm..a chill down my spine...not often that happens...

-Roy pov-

Max just got clobbered...HAH! I knew that it was only a matter of time, and i would be laughing my ass off if it weren't for all of us seeing max and kooky yelling at each other! And that guy...ugh, how creepy can he get?


Ehhh...i know i can sound 'creepy' as others say, but this guy just took it on a whole other level! Besides, i can't believe all max got was a black eye knowing that kooky would do a lot worse!

-Wendy pov-

I'm..too freaked out to like, say anything...

-Lemmy pov-

That guys' voice just now...that sounded like a nightmare...

-Morton pov-

Geez...this day keeps getting crazier and weirder by the minute...

-Larry pov-

...I never...EVER want to hear that guy talk like that again...

-Junior pov-

First, we see his king boo guy in a whole different form getting his ass kicked by max, and now THIS?! Rrrgh! Why is it always max who gets to be in the middle?!


"...You knew what xaczxar was...didn't you? You took him in even you knew what zöhm did to him...right?" Kooky asked max who remained quiet. "...When i first met him, no. I just knew that he didn't deserve to be alone which is why i brought him here. He deserved better. What i do know, is that...i knew it was him when he..." Max trailed off hoping in vain that he didn't have to say it, but knew that it was inevitable.

"Max..? What are you trying to say?" Mike asked max while bowser looked both confused and annoyed. "That third time...i saw his eyes go from pure glowing red, to red eyes that looked as if they were glowing for a brief moment. Dark bowser and xaczxar...they are the same person." Max answered reluctantly.

"W-WHAT? But..HOW?! Are you sure of this?!" Kamek screeched while bowser looked completely dumbfounded while trying to hide the fact that he's pissed. "I am. I don't know how or why he looks like dad, which i assume that was when the 'dark star' incident happened, but i never wanted to say anything because i knew that it would make things far more complicated!" Max says with a sigh while the koopalings all looked uncomfortable and shocked upon hearing this.

-Bowser pov-

How...HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!? I can't believe this...max KNEW and said NOTHING?! Ohh, as much as i wanna wring his neck, i can see that this does make things complicated...especially for me considering that it's without question that this xaczxar was...just a kid? DOES THIS MEAN THAT I WAS FIGHTING A KID THAT WHOLE TIME?!

-Mike pov-

I knew it...i KNEW that max was lying, but he didn't lie just because he could. He knew that this would make things far more complicated not just for him, but for everyone else, and i can't say i blame him...


Before anyone else could question what max just said, roy suddenly became agitated. "Can we JUST see what this letter says?!" Roy says almost shouting impatiently. "Yes, i want to read this letter too..." Bowser says just as max slowly got to his feet. "Where are you going?" Mike asked him who began to walk off. "To what was once my room..." Max says gloomily as he walks towards a nearby staircase and slowly walks up the stairs. "Such drama...never have i expected this!" King boo says with a chuckle after being silent for a long while. "Yeah? Well -I- never expected to see you in this...form of yours and watched you get your ass kicked!" Bowser quickly says to him which made king boo growl. "Quiet, you.."

-Kooky pov-

Ugh..i was always told that i was hotheaded by pico...i can't believe that i'm agreeing with him for once even though he physically looks so different. I'm beyond glad that i don't have to hold back as well. "I'll let ludwig be in control...just..ugh! I've had enough for one day..." I say angrily before i let ludwig gain control. This day has become infuriating..and painful.


As soon as ludwig became himself again, he looked a little disoriented and worried. "He's never pulled that before...please tell me didn't do anything bad..." Ludwig muttered before looking worried. "There's..a lot you gotta know..." Larry says nervously while Mike walked up to bowser with the letter in hand that he himself just read while roy was more interested with the letter.

"FINALLY. Let's see what this damn letter says..." Bowser grumbles as he almost snatches the letter from mike's hands. What he wasn't aware of, is that the letter he's about to read, will ultimately lead to heartache.

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