The Loud & The Quiet (RUSAME)

By Obsessed_Country

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Ame was a quiet person, however once college started he met Russia. Ame tried to just brush him off, but Russ... More

College Part 1
College Part 2
Eager To Meet
Wanna Join?
Mall Time
The Get Away
Going To Work
Now They Know
The Cliff Has A Cave?
Panic, Panic
Close Call
Curious Part 1
Curious Part 2
Curious Part 3
The Meeting
My CountryHuman AU Facts
Eh, next part Ig
Bird Attack Before The Meeting
The café
Texting accident

Passed Out

121 3 106
By Obsessed_Country

No plates in his room? Hasn't eaten. Says he eats his dinner in his room? He passes out. Is he sleeping?

Me: People, am I right?

That One Person Named People: YOU RACIST MOTHERFU-

Guys, nothing is wrong with me I swear. Anygays, I'm doing this offline so no video :P  And No other languages :(  so just pretend they are speaking the language.

But don't worry! Cause there will be Rusame fluff :D


America POV

I woke up before my alarm this time, I didn't want to be late to work. I got up, putting my glasses back on. Someone knocking on my door already.

Ame: what?

Germany: Have you been eating?

Ame: yeah in my room.

Germany: you sure?

Ame: yes.

Germany: alright.

I haven't actually been eating, I've been telling them I'm eating in my room. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my ripped short Jean overalls & a white crop top. I put on thigh high socks. Added a necklace and went outside my room, I got on my black sneakers and walked over to Canada's dorm. I knocked on the door. Apparently he was ready to. He was wearing ripped jeans with a beanie, brown shirt & white vans.I said hi & this time we drove to work.

Ame: soo? Did you sleep well?

Canada: yeah actually. What about you?

Ame: yeah.

I slept for about 3 hours last night.

Canada: do you think Rico is there already?

Ame: maybe, it's like she knows when we're going to go to work.

Canada: I know, I think she's gonna be there.

Ame: yeah.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out.

Ame: alright.

I said as I locked the car.

Ame: ready for work?

Canada: yep.

We walked into the small shop.

Ame: Rico!

Pretend that she's speaking Spanish, same with Ame.

Puerto Rico: Yeah!?

Ame: we're here.

Puerto Rico: Alright! We have a big order.

She walked out from her office.

Puerto: A big order. And we can't mess up. Got it?

Ame: yep!

Alright, no Spanish from here I think

Canada: what she say?

Ame: big order that we can't mess up.

Canada: oh okay!

Ame: better get to work, don't think we can open today let me go ask. I went to her office and asked, she said we can't because of the big order.

Ame: she said we can't open today.

Canada: okay! Better get started on the order.

Ame: yep, it's written right here. And when she said big order she MEANT big order.

Canada: why? What does it have on it?

I gave him the piece of paper receipt.

Canada: Holy fuck.

Ame: i know. Better get to work. How much u wanna bet Russia is going to come over.

Canada: $50 he doesn't.

Ame: $50 he does.

Canada: deal.

Ame: I'm gonna go grab the pastries from the back.

Canada: alright. I'll get the coffees going.

Ame: I'll be back.

Once he got back with the pastries :)

Ame: soo? How's Ukraine?~

Canada: Do you just know everyone's crush or something?

Ame: yea, except Russia. Don't think he likes anyone.

Canada: I'm sure he likes someone. Like maybe. You?~

Ame: I don't think he's gay.

Canada: oh? But you would be fine with it if he was?

Ame: No! Just shut up!

Canada: maybe you do have a crush on him?~

Ame: I don't. Watch out for that coffee.

He almost spilled a coffee.

Canada: So, who DO you like?

Ame: no one yet.

Canada: uh-huh. Sure.

Ame: do you got the coffee's?

Canada: yeah, putting them in the bag.

Ame: alright I got the rest.

I put it in the bag.

Ame: alright, now we can open up.

I walked over to the door and changed the sign to open. As soon as I did that someone came in.

???: Are you guys done my order?

Ame: yep! Here, that will be 32.65

???: Here, thanks!

He ran out the door. Must be in a hurry. Not paying any mind to it, I set up the coffee maker. When I turned around I saw Russia coming in.

Russia: what's up!

Ame: you owe me $50 Canada.

Canada: yeah, whatever.

Russia: what?

Ame: made a bet.

Russia: about me?

Ame: yeah.

Canada: y'all need a room to make out in or..?

Russia started blushing immediately. Me, not taking the bait started yelling at Canada. And Canada was just laughing.

Russia: Ч-Что!? (W-what!?)

Ame: просто не обращай на него внимания, ты хотел кофе или что-то в этом роде? (Just ignore him did you want coffee or something?)

Russia: No, I'm good. Just came to uh v-visit.

Ame: righttt.

I said as crossing my arms.

Russia: w-well I gotta go now!

He left the small shop.

Ame: well now I'm skeptical of if he likes me or not.

Canada: I think he does, he was blushing immediately.

Ame: maybe he was just..Embarrassed.

I saw a small family come in.

Ame: What can I do for you today?

???: Just a dozen donuts please.

Canada: What flavor?

???: uh, we'll do Vanilla all vanilla.

Ame: Alright.

I grabbed the dozen donuts and gave it to them.

Ame: that will be 9.24

???: Here! Thanks!

Canada: Good-Bye!

They left. 

When They Were Closing Up :)

Ame: that was a busy day.

Canada: Tell me about it.

Ame: I'm hanging out with Kaz later so I can't hang out today.

Canada: Kaz?

Ame: ya, got something to show him.

Canada: What is it?

Ame: you can't know yet.

Canada: Aw shucks

Ame: it's fineee

Puerto Rico: ¡Hola, chicos! Yo limpiaré. Necesito que vayan a buscar más café. (Hey Guys! I'll clean up. I need you guys to go get more coffee.)

Ame: Muy bien, entonces volveremos. (Alright then, we'll be back.)

Puerto Rico: Gracias! (Thanks!)

Canada: What did she say?

Ame: we need to go get more coffee. I swear, you need to pay attention in Spanish class.

Canada: I will! Let's go.

Ame: get in the car I'll be out in a second.

Canada: Okay.

I he left and I saw him enter the car. I stood there for a second. And walked out to the car.

Ame: Готовый? (Ready?)

Canada: No idea what that means.

Ame: Ready?

Canada: yep!

I drove to the store. & grabbed a few.

Ame: want to race?

Canada: what?

Ame: 3 2 1 Go!

I started running through the store.

Canada: wait up for me!

Ame: Not a chance!

Canada: noo!

Ame: Your to slow!

Guys I have to :A

Ame: Your to slow!

Canada: Try to keep up with me now!

I can't help it, I'm listening to my playlist (Which has like all the Odetari on it) I'm Listening to my playlist while writing this. Okay I'm done now. :D

Ame: alright.

Canada: your to fast!

Ame: I know!

Canada: Are you paying?

Ame: yeah.

We were both out of breath, still standing.

Ame: I think I was too fast for myself!

Canada *sigh* yeah.

Ame: okay got it. Let's go.

Canada: ok.

We got in the car and drove back.

Ame: I'm going to bring the car back to college, I need to see Kazakhstan soon and you can't drive. But i can fly you back.

Canada: alright.

I drove back to college and flew back.

Ame: I'm back.

Canada: Yay! Could you drop me off at Britain's house?

Ame: yeh.

I grabbed his hand then flew to Britain's house.

Canada: Still do not miss that.

Ame: gotta go.

I said bye to my family and flew to the park. I saw Kaz sitting on a bench waiting.

Ame: whats up Kaz!

Kaz: i was wondering where you were.

Ame: i had work, and i had to drop Canada off somewhere.

Kaz: you work?

Ame: yeah. Alright ready?

Kaz: we flying there?

Ame: yep! Just follow me. Ready set go!

I took off he was right behind me. I flew all the way to the cliff.

Ame: alright! We land on the cliff here.

Kaz: This is beautiful!

Ame: there's something else to it. Fly down just a bit off the edge. Here's my secret cave.

Kaz: woah! Can we sit here?

Ame: yeah! It's only for you and me since we have wings to get here.

Kaz: Thanks! I'll definitely be here sometimes.

Ame: nice! Here, let's sit down. It's a nice view.

Kaz: it's beautiful!

Ame: thanks. I found this the other day.

Kaz: how?

Ame: I was exploring. And I saw this under where I was sitting. This I claim as my cliff. I love this place.

Kaz: I can see why. Thanks for bringing me here.

Ame: yeah! Hey, you going to visit your father?

Kaz: yeah, want to come? He's been waiting to see you again.

THIS IS MY AU SO DON'T YELL AT ME. In my AU Soviet & Ame are best friends. Don't blame me okay?

Ame: yeah! I haven't seen him in a long time.

Kaz: yeah, wanna go now?

Ame: sure.

Kaz started flying towards his house so I followed after him. I did want to see Soviet again. We got there and Kaz opened the door.

Soviet: Kazakhstan is that you?

Kaz: Yeah! I brought someone with me too!

Soviet: who?

Kaz: well, come see!

Soviet: is it Russia?

Kaz: No

Soviet: Is it one of your siblings?

Kaz: nope!

Soviet: A friend?

Kaz: yeah!

Soviet: alright, I'm coming.

He came into the entrance area and when he saw me he had a very surprised look on his face.

Soviet: America!?

Ame: What's up Soviet?

Soviet: I haven't seen you in such a long time! How are you?

Ame: I'm doing fine you?

Soviet: I'm great now!

Ame: can I come in?

Soviet: of course! So, how's college?

Not wanting to tell him all the bad things that happened I told him the good things.

Ame: good. Made friends like Kaz & Russia.

Soviet: you? Made friends? Kaz, you sure this is America?

Ame: I know, big surprise. Actually Russia is the one that made friends with me. 

Soviet: Now that, isn't a big surprise.

Ame: figured that out a bit ago.

Soviet: So, want anything? Drink?

Ame: nah I'm good.

Ame: what have you been up to?

Soviet: I was just washing dishes, house chores are easier with all the kids out the house.

Ame: How old is Russia? Never told me his age.

Soviet: Course he didn't. He's 17.

Ame: damn, he's young.

Soviet: yeah. Wanted to go to college early.

Ame: eager?

Soviet: yeah.

Ame: I guess I can understand sometimes.

Soviet: I guess. I did it too.

Ame: oh yeah?

So here's a good part to explain. So, we all know America is older than Soviet. So in my AU America was bombed and had been cursed making him have episodes those dizzy things and making him younger than Soviet because of the curse. And because of the bomb he forgot about some things like when he was older than Soviet. Something will happen in the future of this story making him get rid of the curse (still staying the same age) but will get some of his memories back. :) Confusing I know. I will have a chapter that will explain all this okay? For now stay healthy :P

Soviet: yeah, I wanted to go to college so bad I bugged my father about it for years.

Ame: well then. I actually don't like college as much as you or Russia.

Soviet: really? Why not?

Ame: I hate math, and it's just plain boring. But I managed to make a tree house, sneak in my eagle & claim a cliff that I built another hang out spot at.

Soviet: wow really? That's cool.

Ame: ya.

After 2 hours of talking.

My phone dinged.

Ame: oh! Let me check that!

I looked at my phone. Text from Canada.

>Maple-boi: WHERE ARE YOU?

>Gay-Burger: Somewhere, I'm fine.

>Maple-boi: Come back now!

>Gay-Burger: did something happen?

>Maple-boi: uh yeah! You said you've been eating in your room right? No plates? And I know for sure you haven't been eating around me! Get back now!

Ame: fuck.

Soviet: you good?

Ame: uh yeah! I need to go! Talk to you tomorrow!

Soviet: Alright then?

I ran out the door. This is bad they found out! What were they doing in my room anyways? Oh right they couldn't find me. Oh god! I forgot to clean up from one of my episodes I had a couple days ago. If Canada finds that he's going to pity me. I need to get back fast. I was almost there. I ran into my dorm to my room.

Canada: where were you!

Ame: I was somewhere! I have been eating I swear.

Canada: where are all the dishes? Not in here or the sink!?

Ame: I already washed them and put them away!

Canada: I don't believe till you have proof.

Ame: how am I supposed to have proof?

Canada: when? When did you do them? Because Germany told me he does the dishes. And is in fact not missing any!

Ame: because I put them away!

Canada: I still don't believe! All I need to know is where you were.

Ame: Russia's house! And I ate there!

Canada: Russia's house? He told me he didn't see you?

Ame: I was with Kaz!

Canada: oh yeah, then I'll ask Kaz if you ate!

I pulled out my phone quickly and sent him a text saying to tell Canada I ate. He said,

>Flying-Kaz: Sure?

>Gay-Burger: just do it please, no questions!

>Flying-Kaz: Ok.

Thank god.

Ame: what did he say?

Canada: he said you did. Fine, I believe you!

Ame: thanks, now get out of my room please.

He left my room. I sighed. I was in fact starving, but i didn't let that get to me. I sat down on my bed.

I still need a new mirror because of my last episode. I was thinking of going to the store to get a new one. I figured first I would go back to Soviet's house. I walked out my dorm (I still had my shoes on) 

Germany: Where are you going now?

Ame: Are you always on the couch?

Germany: Maybe, where are you going?

Ame: Somewhere. I'll be back later.

I walked out the door. I ran down the hallway. I was running when someone grabbed my shoulder.

Ame: Yes Russia?

Russia: how did you know it was me?

Ame: doesn't matter, what did you need?

Russia: Where are you going?

Ame: somewhere, don't tell Canada!

I ran back towards the way I was going, he tried running after me but he hasn't been keeping up in gym class so he wasn't as fast as me. I ran to the door and opened it. Now I was walking to Soviet's house.

'-When he got there-'

I knocked on the door.

Soviet: Who is it?

Ame: I'm back.

Soviet: coming.

He opened the door.

Soviet: what happened earlier?

Ame: nothing, Canada texted me demanding to know where I was.

Soviet: come in.

I walked back to the couch.

Soviet: Are you heading anywhere after this?

I knew he didn't know about my episodes so I said,

Ame: yeah, store. I broke my mirror by accident.

Soviet: How?

Ame: accidentally threw something at it. I might have to get going now. I have a curfew.

Soviet: Alright, stay safe!

I got up but fell down. No no no this isn't the time. He doesn't know about this either.

Soviet: You okay? What happened?

Ame: oh, I just slipped.

Soviet: be careful.

I got up and limped to the door. Might've hurt my knee with that fall. I opened the door and closed it. I fell again. I knew I wasn't having a dizzy panic. I decided to get the mirror tomorrow. I'm just going to go back to my dorm. I half flew half limped there. I got there and opened up the door. I saw Russia, Canada & Germany on the couch. I looked at Canada.

I was in between the door, holding the door handle.

Canada: Where were you!?

Ame: somewhere.

Canada: you can't keep doing this! I keep getting worried!

Ame: you don't have to worry about me.

Canada: yes I do! You're my brother.

Ame: I'm older, I'm supposed to worry about you. Not you worry about me. I am perfectly fi-

All I saw was black. I must've passed out. I hit the ground with a thump. I knew I lost grip up of the door handle. I heard someone calling my name but it sounded far far away. I saw I white figure.

Ame: Guardian?

Guardian Angel: you can't keep doing this America. You're supposed to live a happy healthy life. Stop doing this.

Ame: I can't, it just...feels right.

Guardian: well it's not right. You're supposed to set a good example for your siblings right?

Ame: I just..I know but..I can't..I don't know. Fine, I'll try to stop.

Guardian: my time is up. I expect you to be better when I next see you.

Ame: I'll try.

I woke up, I saw Canada asleep at the end of my bed. I groaned. My head hurt a lot. I sat up. I looked at my hands. My hoodie was gone. It took my a minute to realize. My hoodie! Fuck. Canada must have seen. I saw my bandages replaced, fuck he did. Unless it was...Russia. I tried getting up from my bed but I felt something wrapped around my body. I looked over to see...RUSSIA!? What the FUCK was he doing!? I was blushing. Fuck, I wiped it away. I wasn't really falling for him right? He's not gay? At least...I think... I saw Canada wake up.

This is all whispers :)

Ame: Canada! What is Russia doing!?

He looked over at me.

Canada: I don't know but I think he likes it~

Ame: Canada! Help me!

Canada: no can do brother. I also found out he's bisexual~

I started blushing immediately. W-what!?

Ame: s-so?

Canada: was that a stutter I heard?

Ame: shut up! Help me!

Canada: fineee just this once.

Ame: thank you!

Alright, done whispering :)

I also promised for Rusame fluff didn't I? ;>

I got up after Canada freed me. I held my hand to my mouth. He was Bi? I started biting my nails. I never knew that? Wait- why would I care? It's just Russia anyways. I know but he's! What am I thinking.

😉 hehe 😉 

All done for today.

To Do:

-Chapter ✅

-Chores ❌

-Cook ❌

-Fix Laundry Washer ❌

Alright Good-Bye Comrades!

Also, next chapter Ame will hurt himself punching mirror, Canada & Russia find out that Ame was talking to Soviet, Ame will have a panic attack, That's all for now!

Word Count: 2970

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