A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


1K 41 41
By Just_Another_IDK

An Unwelcomed Visitor
In which you gotta hide Tommy from the homeless masked man

(Y/n) swiftly wiped her hands on her apron, a sense of urgency replacing her casual cleaning routine. Spotting Dream in the distance, she hurriedly approached Technoblade, who was working on some tasks nearby.

"Techno, we've got a problem," she whispered, glancing back to ensure Dream hadn't come too close.

Technoblade raised an eyebrow, sensing the urgency in her tone. "What's going on?"

"Dream's heading this way. We need to hide Tommy," she explained, her eyes flickering toward the chest nearby.

Understanding the situation, Technoblade nodded. "Quick, stash him in the chest. We can use that invisibility potion we've been saving."

Together, they swiftly dashed into the basement. Techno wrapped a cloth around Tommy's mouth to keep him from screaming, careful not to make a sound they threw him inside a chest. (Y/n) retrieved the invisibility potion and splashed it over Tommy, who vanished from sight.

As they closed the chest, Technoblade muttered, "Stay quiet and hidden until Dream is gone. We'll handle this."

(Y/n) nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Let's make sure he doesn't find anything suspicious."

Opening the door, (Y/n) feigned a pleasant smile as Dream stood on their doorstep. His eyes immediately caught sight of the ring on her finger, and a curious expression crossed his face.

"Hey, Dream. What brings you here?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation light.

Dream's gaze lingered on the ring before he shifted his attention to (Y/n). "Nice ring. Something special?"

Technoblade, who had joined them by the door, replied casually, "Oh, just a little something we picked up. You know how it is."

Dream raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by the nonchalant response. "Looks like more than just a trinket. What's the story?"

(Y/n) exchanged a quick glance with Technoblade, the unspoken agreement clear between them. "Well, we decided to make things official," she said, her tone holding a hint of mischief.

"Official?" Dream echoed, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

Technoblade chimed in, "Yeah, we're engaged. Thought it was about time to take the plunge."

Dream's expression shifted, processing the unexpected news. "Engaged, huh? Never saw that coming. Congratulations, I guess."

(Y/n) thanked him with a gracious smile, "Thanks, Dream. We're pretty excited about it."

As Dream entered, (Y/n) motioned him inside while Technoblade closed the door behind them. Dream's eyes scanned the interior of the cabin, taking in the rustic furnishings and the warm glow of the fireplace.

"I gotta admit, I didn't see this coming," Dream remarked, referring to their engagement. "You and Techno, a couple."

(Y/n) chuckled, feigning surprise. "Life's full of surprises, isn't it? We just found something special."

Technoblade added, "Yeah, it's not all wars and battles. Sometimes, you stumble upon something unexpected."

Dream nodded, still processing the information. "Well, congrats again. I guess everyone has a side we don't see."

As they engaged in small talk, Dream's eyes occasionally flickered toward Tommy's invisible form stashed in the corner. (Y/n) and Technoblade expertly redirected the conversation, keeping the focus on their engagement and steering clear of any suspicious topics.

"I know Tommy has been here," Dream said, turning to face, (Y/n) and Technoblade.

(Y/n) turned to Technoblade, ignoring Dream and casually remarked, "We're running low on glass bottles. I need to restock for potions."

Technoblade nodded, playing along with the diversion, "Yeah, we should make a trip to gather materials soon. Maybe visit the desert for sand."

"Go ahead Dream," Techno prompted

But before Dream could speak, (Y/n) cut in. "You know, Techno, I've been thinking. I bet I could outcook you any day."

Technoblade raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Oh, really? You're challenging the master of the blade to a cooking duel?"

She nodded, a playful grin on her face. "Absolutely. I've got some secret recipes up my sleeve that would put potions to shame."

Technoblade chuckled, "Well, potions do add that extra kick. But I'm not afraid of a little friendly competition. Bring it on."

"Um, listen," Dream said trying to catch their attention.

(Y/n) playfully tilted her head, teasing Technoblade. "If you're the master chef, why am I always the one doing the cooking around here?"

Technoblade raised an eyebrow, pretending to ponder. "Well, someone has to keep you on your toes. Can't let you forget who's really in charge."

She chuckled, shaking her head. "So, you're saying it's all part of your grand plan to assert dominance through culinary skills?"

Technoblade smirked, "Exactly. Besides, watching you work your magic in the kitchen is its own kind of victory for me."

"Sorry Dream go on, go on," Techno prompted.

But Dream remained silent to see if either of them would cut him off. "I-

"Remember that one time you decided to cook, and you managed to burn the potatoes into charcoal?" (Y/n) randomly brought up.

Technoblade scratched his head, a smirk forming on his lips. "Ah, yes, the legendary potato disaster. In my defense, it was an artistic interpretation of a classic recipe."

She laughed, shaking her head. "Artistic, huh? I think the charred remains would have been better suited for abstract sculpture."

Technoblade chuckled, "Well, they say the best chefs learn from their mistakes. I, on the other hand, have perfected the art of turning potatoes into makeshift charcoal."

"I'm sorry Dream, what we're you saying?" (Y/n) asked him with a sweet smile on her face.


"You know, Techno, I was thinking. Snow can be both beautiful and annoying. What are your thoughts?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Well, it does make everything look pristine. The whole winter wonderland aesthetic." Techno replied.

(Y/n) chuckled. "True, but it's also a hassle. Walking in it feels like navigating a slippery maze, and don't get me started on the shoveling."

He nodded in agreement. "I guess it's a trade-off. Beauty versus inconvenience. Still, it's better than rain. Snow doesn't get you wet."

"That's fair. I'll take the dry inconvenience over getting soaked any day," she replied, returning to her cleaning with a smile.

"Are you done?" Dream asked.

"It was a nice conversation Dream but I would appreciate it if you could leave so we can... uhhhh," Techno hummed, not able to think of an excuse.

(Y/n) smoothly jumped in. "We were just about to clean the kitchen, weren't we, Techno?"

Technoblade blinked, caught off guard but quickly catching on. "Oh, right! The kitchen. It's a mess, and we were just getting to it because the missus hates a messy house. So, if you don't mind..."

(Y/n) nudged her head toward the door, signaling Dream to leave.

Dream, lingering at the door, decided to extend an offer. "You guys want to have a conversation?"

"If it's about the favour then I wouldn't mind a conversation," Technoblade replied.

Dream leaned against the doorframe, his gaze moving from Technoblade to (Y/n). "You know, I might not need that favor right now, but I've got to ask again – where's Tommy?"

Technoblade scratched his head, feigning ignorance. "Tommy? Haven't seen him around. Maybe he went on another one of his escapades."

Feigning innocence, (Y/n) and Technoblade exchanged puzzled glances at Dream's revelation about Tommy. "Tommy?" Technoblade questioned, his tone laced with confusion. "We haven't seen him around here."

Dream narrowed his eyes, studying their expressions. "Don't play games with me. I know he's been here, and I need to take him back to exile."

(Y/n) shrugged, her gaze sincere. "We really have no idea where he is. Maybe he found his way out."

Technoblade chimed in, "Yeah, we've been keeping to ourselves, you know, enjoying the quiet life. No Tommy drama here."

Dream brushed past Technoblade and (Y/n), his curiosity evidently piqued. Without waiting for permission, he headed towards their basement, his demeanor leaving a lingering unease in the air. Technoblade exchanged a wary look with (Y/n), a silent acknowledgment of the unpredictable turn the situation had taken.

Dream's gaze fell upon the to-do list, and a skeptical expression formed on his face. "What's this list about?" he inquired, eyeing Technoblade.

Techno, maintaining a nonchalant demeanor, offered, "Just some chores. Nothing exciting."

(Y/n) chimed in with a wry smile, "When I'm mad at Techno, It's the basement or the couch. I thought he'd appreciate the variety."

Dream raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Chores, huh? Interesting choice of activities."

Dream's eyes narrowed as he fixated on the peculiar entry. "What's the deal with 'sell foot'?" he asked Technoblade, skepticism evident in his tone.

Techno shrugged, adopting an indifferent demeanor. "Just a figure of speech. No literal foot-selling going on here."

(Y/n) added with a smirk, "Yeah, Techno's not really in the market for a foot trade. It's more of a metaphorical thing."

"Upgrade weapons? You both have maxed out gear?!" Dream questioned.

Technoblade chuckled awkwardly, reaching up to pull down the outdated part of the list. "Yeah, we've already maxed out our gear. That part's from a different era."

(Y/n) chimed in, "We're not exactly following a script here. Sometimes things change, and the list adapts."

Dream was completely baffled. "Take Technos weapons?!"

"Have you ever heard my saying Technoblade never dies, I refer to myself in the third point of view all the time," Techno shrugged.

"That still doesn't explain this!?" Dream huffed in frustration.

(Y/n) quickly interjected, "Oh, that's just a safety measure. Sometimes Techno gets a bit carried away with the explosions, and we worry he might accidentally blow up the entire place. So, I have to, you know, temporarily confiscate his weapons."

Technoblade nodded in agreement, playing along. "Yeah, gotta keep things safe around here. Wouldn't want to accidentally level the place while cooking dinner or something. Don't want to make the missus mad."

"No he doesn't," (Y/n) chimed.

"Get wife?!" Dream screeched pointing at (Y/n).

"Knowing Techno he was probably a nervous wreck thinking about how to ask me to marry him," (Y/n) chuckled.

Technoblade shrugged casually, "Oh, that's just a reminder for me. You know, getting the courage to pop the question."

Dream raised an eyebrow, "Pop the question?"

"Yeah," Technoblade chuckled nervously. "It was a work in progress. Gotta make sure she wasn't going to say no."

(Y/n) chimed in, "I'm was surprised he didn't ask me sooner, because there ain't no way a woman other than me would agree to the anarchist lifestyle."

"Yeah,  there's so much pressure to get it right, you know? It's not as easy as fighting mobs or taking down a government." Technoblade nodded, "I had to convince her that this was going to be a good deal."

(Y/n) nodded, "Exactly, he really had to sell it."

Dream looked slightly bemused but seemed to buy their explanation. "Fine but if you see Tommy let me know."

(Y/n) showed him to the door and couldn't help but express her frustration. "Honestly, a little heads-up wouldn't hurt. It's just common courtesy, you know?"

Technoblade chimed in, "Yeah, unexpected visits aren't really our thing. We like to be prepared for whatever comes our was who knows instead we may greet you next time with tridents and arrows."

Dream, with a nod, assured them, "I'll keep that in mind. Sorry for the intrusion."

(Y/n) offered a small smile, "No hard feelings. Just... try not to surprise us like that again. It's not good for the nerves."

Technoblade chuckled, "You know, Dream, understanding house courtesy is crucial, but I guess you wouldn't get it since no one has ever seen your house."

Dream protested, "Hey, I have a house! It's just... a bit far from here."

(Y/n) playfully teased, "Techno, do you think we should start a charity fund for Dream's house?"

Technoblade joined in, "Yeah, 'Help Dream Find a Home.' We can make banners and everything."

Dream rolled his eyes, "Very funny, guys. But I have a house."

"Sure thing," Technoblade grinned. "(Y/n) and I can bring the housewarming gifts."

(Y/n) chimed in, "Maybe some curtains for those windows we hear so much about."

Dream then frustratingly sighed and left. (Y/n) and Techno sniggered and watched him build a dirt shack.

Techno raised an eyebrow, glancing at (Y/n). "Is that... his house?"

(Y/n) stifled a laugh, "Well, he did say he had a house. Didn't specify the kind, though."

As Dream placed the last dirt block on his humble abode, Techno chuckled, "Guess he's embracing the minimalist lifestyle."

Back at the cabin, Techno and (Y/n) swiftly opened the chest where Tommy had been stashed. "The Dream interrogation is over," Techno announced with a grin.

Tommy, emerging from the chest with a relieved sigh, asked, "Did you guys witness the house?"

(Y/n) nodded, laughing, "Oh, we were front-row spectators. Dream has a unique taste in housing."

Techno, still chuckling, stretched his limbs. "Never thought I'd see the day when Dream, the mighty, builds a dirt shack. What's next, a treehouse made of crafting tables?"

(Y/n) smirked, "Knowing Dream, it's entirely possible. He's got a flair for the unconventional."

Tommy teased, "Maybe he's trying to start a new trend. Dirt chic, they'll call it." Tommy joined in the banter, "Can you imagine the house tours? 'Here's my minimalist dirt abode, complete with natural ventilation.'"

Techno added, "And a backyard filled with floating trees for that avant-garde touch."

They shared more laughs, the playful banter creating a light atmosphere in the cabin. As the conversation continued, Tommy felt a sense of camaraderie with Techno and (Y/n), appreciating the unexpected humor in an otherwise eventful day.

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