
By samuraioni

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[Ben/Gwen] [BWEN] Ben runs away after realizing his feelings for Gwen, this doesn't sit too well with Gwen or... More

Run Alone
Run Together: Part 01
Run Together: Part 02
Run Together: Part 03
Run Together: Part 05

Run Together: Part 04

87 1 1
By samuraioni

Chapter05: Run Together Part 04

Gwenand her family were shivering by the time Carl opened the door, thetemperature had dropped 20 degrees in the short drive it took to getto Ben's house.

Theywere quickly ushered inside and offered warm drinks, the heater inthe house going full blast to keep them all warm.

Gwenwas still shivering, her freezing fingers wrapped around a hot mug ofchocolate, the pain of the heat on her frozen appendages was painfulbut more than welcome. She sighed as she took a sip of the warmingliquid, her eyes closed in bliss. She could hear similar sounds fromher parents. She smiled as the warmth flooded her body.

Openingher eyes she glanced out the window and saw it was getting darker,while it was only five in the afternoon, with it being winter the sunwas going down much earlier, but she could tell this darkness wasn'tentirely from the season. The unexpected storm clouds were dark andheavy as they hovered over the city.

Gwenwas pulled away from her musing on the weather by the sound of feetpounding down the stairs.

"Gwen!"Ben called as he slid into the kitchen on his socked feet. He eagerlygrabbed one of her hands and began jumping in place as he held it,oblivious to the adults in the room.

"Gwen,"he repeated, "the weather says it's going to snow!"

Herjoy at his presence dropped when she heard this, her family hadn'tput on anything warmer than a jacket as the weather was stillpleasant when they left. If it snowed, she wouldn't be able toenjoy it with Ben.

"Comeon," He said as he began to pull her hand, "I want to show yousomething."

Hissmile was infectious as he pulled her up, the mug being carefullybalanced in the other hand.

Gwengiggled as Ben eagerly pulled her up the stairs and to his room,their parents, all except Natalie, smiled at the interaction.

Oncethey were safely in his room, the mug carefully placed on the desk,Ben pulled Gwen to him and eagerly kissed her, their arms wrappingaround each other to hold the other close.

"Ben,"Gwen whispered when they pulled apart for air, a smile on her face asshe looked at the boy she loved.

"Gwen,"Ben replied as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips before pullingaway with a huge grin on his face. Taking her hand he pulled her tothe window so she could see the outside.

"Look,"he said as he pointed at the scattered snowflakes that had begunfalling, giving the ground a light dusting of white.

"Snow!It's actually snowing!" She said as she pressed her face againstthe freezing glass to see it. "We haven't had snow in Bellwood inyears."

"Iknow," Ben replied with a grin as he bounced on his feet, eagernessradiating off of him. "I can't wait to play in it."

"ButBen, it's gotta be freezing out there and we don't have any warmclothes."

Hegiggled and rushed forward to kiss her lips again before he grabbedher hand and pulled her to the closet.

"Butwe do my beautiful Gwen," he told her as he pulled the door openand showed her two sets of winter clothes.

"Ben,"she said as her eyes lit up in delight. "You dug through yourentire closet to find these?"

"Ofcourse," he said with a smile at her happiness, "I knew that youwould want to play outside and couldn't do it if it was freezing,so I started digging and found these. They may be a little small, butthey should keep us warm."

Gwenbeamed from ear to ear as she rushed forward and planted a kiss onhis cheek before grabbing the set of clothes he'd indicated was forher and rushing out of the door to change.

Bengrinned as he started to change into his own set.

Severalminutes later the cousins were at the bottom of the stairs, matchinggrins on their faces as Ben pulled Gwen out the door and into thebackyard, anything their parents may have said was lost as the doorclosed.

Benand Gwen giggled as they ran through the snow, flakes gently coveringtheir jackets as they ran, their feet crunching through the inch ortwo of powder that had already settled.

Benpulled her through the backyard to the forest that bordered theproperty, his smile grew as he heard her giggle behind him. Hecontinued to pull her deeper into the trees until the house washidden from sight.

Spinningon his heels he pressed her against a tree and captured her lips withhis, his tongue gently caressing her lips as their kisses grewheated.

Pullingaway he allowed her to wrap her arms around his neck, the snowflakeslanding gently on her nose and eyelashes, causing her to blink andwrinkle her nose. Ben couldn't remember a time that she had lookedmore beautiful than she did at that moment with the glow from thecity lights reflecting off the clouds and giving the entire forest asurreal and ethereal atmosphere.

"Ilove you," he whispered, afraid to break the spell the falling snowwas weaving around them.

"Ilove you too," she answered softly as she pulled him close andpressed her lips to his.

Theyboth smiled through the kisses they shared for the next few minutesbefore the cold began to seep into their bodies and their lipsseparated from each other.

Asthe cold settled they just stared into each other's eyes, the lovein their emerald depths shining through. With matching smiles theyleaned forward and touched noses, softly rubbing them together in ashow of affection, while kissing was good, these gentle touches weremagical to them.

Pullingapart they walked back hand in hand toward the house, stopping in anearby clearing to play in the snow and throw snowballs at eachother, not just as a cover for their flushed faces, but also becauseit was fun.

Laughingand brushing the snow from their hair, Ben and Gwen stumbled into thekitchen and collapsed into the kitchen chairs as they talked abouttheir snowball fight.

Sandrasmiled as she placed two cups of hot chocolate in front of them.

"Thanks, Mom," Ben said as he let go of Gwen's hand and grabbed the cup,the heat melting his frozen fingers.

Gwengrinned as she reached for her own cup.

"Thanks, Mom," she said absently as she and Ben continued to talk abouttheir outdoor adventure.

Sandrawas shocked at first by Gwen's slip of the tongue, something thatshe didn't even notice, but after a moment the shock wore off andSandra sighed. Poor Gwen had not had a very nurturing mother, whileNatalie did indeed try her best, she was still very aloof whenraising Gwen, so of course the poor girl had latched onto thematernal caring that Sandra offered. Sandra knew she wasn't perfecteither, but she would do what she could to fill the gap Natalie hadleft as a maternal figure while not stepping on Natalie's toes asGwen's mother.

Glancingat the wall clock Sandra noticed that it was almost time for dinnerto be served.

"Alrightkids," she said as she took their now empty mugs, interruptingtheir argument about who actually won the snowball fight. "It'stime to go get cleaned up for dinner. It should be ready in a fewminutes."

"OkMom," Ben said as he rose from his chair, Sandra thought he wasgoing to race off but instead he turned and pulled Gwen's chair outfor her and helped her to stand before they left to clean up, handsstill entwined.

Sandrasighed as the kids disappeared upstairs, turning to the stove and thefood waiting for her.

Sheknew she had a lot to process and share with Carl once she had.


Dinnerthat night was enjoyable, even Natalie got into the spirit of theseason, even if it did require a few glasses of wine.

Oncethe adults had tucked their respective children into bed, Ben on thefuton on the other side of the room, and Gwen in his bed enjoying thenewly laundered sheets, they retired to bed as well. As they leftthey reminded the kids to get some sleep or Santa wouldn't come.

Benand Gwen just rolled their eyes at this as their parents left,leaving only Max in the room.

"Grandpa,"the kids said in unison, they would have leaped from the beds to hughim, he had arrived right at dinner time, and they didn't get anytime to see him, but Max told them to stay in bed.

Witha sigh, he looked at where his grandchildren were sleeping and how farapart they were. Grabbing the futon he pulled it closer to the bedwith Ben still on it.

Benlaughed as his bed became a sled as he rode closer to Gwen.

"Thanks, Grandpa," he said as he rose and hugged the man.

"You'rewelcome, sport," he replied as he released the hug and wrapped hisarms around Gwen for her hug.

"Youkids need more time together if you're ever going to figure thisthing you have out."

Gwenjust smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You'rethe best," she said.

"Justdon't tell your parents, they might get jealous," he teased as helet her go and stood back up.

"Goodnight,"Max said as he walked toward the door, flipping the light off andclosing the door behind him. He had to hide a smile as he heard thesound of sheets rustling as Ben climbed into bed with Gwen.

Oncethe door was closed Ben pulled Gwen tightly against him, his nose inher hair as he inhaled the scent that was entirely just Gwen.

"Ilove you," he told her in a whisper, his mouth against her ear andhis breath tickling her neck.

Shegave a muffled giggle and turned in his arms to face him, ending upbeing nose-to-nose with him, their breath combining as they breathed,their arms coming up to wrap around each other.

"Ilove you too," she whispered as she closed the distance to capturehis lips in a gentle kiss, one filled with love and hope.

Pullingapart they just smiled and looked into each other's eyes.

"Igot you a Christmas gift," Ben whispered as he tenderly caressedher face, her eyes closing in pleasure as he did so. "I want you tohave it tonight."

"Whytonight?" she asked in a low voice, eyes still closed in happiness.

"BecauseI can't give it to you tomorrow, it's not the type of gift acousin would give another cousin." He explained as he gently pulledaway from her before standing and moving to his desk. He carefullyopened the drawers before taking the gift out, closing the drawer hecrept back to Gwen.

Sittingon the bed he helped her to sit up before placing the box in her lapand sitting back on his heels.

Gwengently picked the box up before slowly unwrapping the paper. Whileshe was eager to see what it was she knew how much this meant to Benand wanted to make sure she didn't rush it.

Oncethe paper was off and placed to the side she slowly removed the topof the box, once she had her breath caught in her throat. Shining upat her from the box was a Lucky Girl charm necklace with a mask charmattached.

"Ben,"she said as she ran her fingers over the mask charm, memories oftheir first summer trip with Max filling her mind, specifically thosewhen she discovered her magic and became Lucky Girl, crime-fightingpartner to Ben 10.

"Assoon as I saw it I knew it was made for you," he told her in a lowvoice, not wanting to break the spell the gift had put her in. Benwatched as a small smile grew on her lips as she remembered thatfirst summer, while he knew that memories of Xenon might come up, hewas prepared to face them. After all, the joy she had when she wasLucky Girl was something he wanted her to remember for the rest ofher life, and this necklace is exactly what would bring thosememories back.

"Ilove it," she whispered as she raised her eyes to his, tears of joyshining in the corners.

Benonly smiled as he leaned forward and softly kissed her lips.

"MerryChristmas, Gwen," he said as he pulled away.

"MerryChristmas, Ben," she answered with a smile before it dropped away,"but, I didn't get you anything other than the gift downstairs."

"Gwen,"Ben said as he lifted her chin to look at him, "you're the onlyChristmas gift I'll ever need."

Hermouth opened in a shocked 'O' before she smiled and leanedforward to kiss him.

Whenthey pulled away Ben gently took the box from her hand and placed iton the desk.

"I'llhelp you put it on in the morning," he explained as he laid down onthe bed and pulled her to him, her head nestling against his shoulderand her hand on his chest. "Tonight, I just want to hold you sincewe don't know when we'll be able to do this again."

"Mmmm,"she replied as his warmth slowly soothed her to sleep. Ben could onlysmile and kiss the top of her head.

"Ilove you," he whispered before he closed his eyes and drifted offto sleep.


Theiractual Christmas day was almost as good as their private one, almostsince there was no kissing or cuddling.

Maxhad volunteered to wake the kids up since, as he stated it 'I neverget to see them except when they are doing homework'. So it waswith a great relief that Ben and Gwen were gently awakened by theirgrandfather instead of two sets of irate parents.

Aftersharing a morning kiss with each other and a hug with Max, Ben andGwen separated with their respective bundle of clothes to get dressedfor the day. Ben had thoughtfully allowed Gwen to use the showerfirst while he talked with Max and gathered his present for Gwen.

Oncethey were both showered and dressed they made their way downstairsseparately to not rouse suspicions, especially since Gwen had sneakeda few kisses during the time they were alone.

Breakfastwas as cheerful as could be given Natalie's dislike of Ben's sideof the family. Thankfully it passed quickly and the family was soongathered around the Christmas tree.

Theadults were chatting as they drank coffee and opened their gifts,polite 'thank you's' offered for the enclosed gifts.

Benand Gwen were sitting in front of the tree, wrapping papersurrounding them as they showed off their gifts to each other. Smileson their parent's faces as the teens tore the paper from the gifts.

Soonall the gifts were given, and the adults were starting to clean upwhen Ben rose and walked to the tree, kneeling down he pulled out agift that had been hidden behind the tree.

Witha smile, he rose and walked slowly to Gwen, the eyes of the adults onhim.

"MerryChristmas, Gwen," he said as he placed the package in her hands.

"Ben?"she asked in curiosity, especially at the weight of the object.

"Whydon't you open it, Pumpkin," Max suggested from where he sat, asmile on his face.

Wastingno time she tore the paper off to reveal a carefully wrapped book.Gwen could tell it was very old just by the binding.

"Ben,"she said in awe as she read the title of the spell book, simplytitled Magicks.

" saw it online and I know how much you like that antique stuff,so..." he wasn't able to explain more as Gwen had launchedherself at him. As soon as she had held the book, she could feel themagical power emanating from it, something only someone in tune withmagic could. She knew a book like that would not be cheap or easy tofind, and despite her best efforts, she could not stop herself fromwrapping Ben in a hug. Thankfully, she had enough control not to kisshim, at least not in front of their parents, when they were alone inhis room again, well, she made no such promises.

"Ilove it," she whispered as she released him with a huge grin on herface, the book soon back in her hands and clutched to her chest.

"I'mglad you like it," he replied with a blush, mainly because they hadan audience.

"Whichreminds me, I got a gift for you too." She said as she went to thecoat closet and pulled out a large box. Ben was confused as hewatched her slowly walk over to him, a grin the size of California onher face.

"Here,"she said as she placed it at his feet, "open it."

Bensearched her eyes for a moment before he ripped the paper off,revealing one of the new PlayStation 4 Pro gaming consoles.

"Gwen,"he said in shock, he knew how much this version cost, especiallysince he could see it was one of the higher 1 Terabyte drives, notonly that but he also saw there was a second controller tucked intothe wrapping.

"Gwen,"he said again in awe, for once at a loss for words.

Gwencould only grin bigger if that were possible.

"Iknow you love it, Ben," she taunted as she pulled another gift frombehind her back. "But I know you'll love this even more."

Takingthe gift he numbly unwrapped it, as the paper fell to the floor itrevealed the newest Sumo Slammers game.

Ben'sjaw soon met the floor as he quickly calculated how much this allcost her.

"Gwen,"he said as he finally pulled his eyes up to meet her smiling face.

"Ifigured that you deserved it for all the studying you did. Grandpahelped me get it all for you."

Bencould not form words at that moment, instead, he wrapped his armsaround Gwen and pulled her into a hug that would keep her warm allday long.

Shelaughed as she pried his arms from around her and took his hand,tucking the console and accessories under the other arm. With hercousin and the game in tow, she led the way upstairs, the sound of Maxlaughing following them as they disappeared.

Severalhours later as Max, Carl, and Frank were sitting around the kitchentable talking and enjoying some coffee, Ben reappeared.

Hishair was disheveled and his clothes were slightly rumpled, his head wasdown as he was muttering to himself. The men sitting at the table hadto stifle their laughs as they caught some of what Ben was saying.

"...stupidredheads and their cheating ways..." he mumbled as he walked tothe refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water before trudgingback up to his room and his waiting cousin, mumbling more aboutGwen's cheating. He never noticed the adults at the table.

"Well,"Carl began as he took a sip of his coffee, "that was interesting."

Maxonly laughed before replying.

"Youdon't know the half of it, those two are super competitive whenplaying games. I once saw Gwen try to smother Ben with his pillowjust so that she could win their race."

Franksnorted into his cup mid-sip, coughing, and laughing at the sametime.

"Thatsounds like her alright," he said once he stoppedcoughing/laughing.

"Theyare an interesting pair," Carl said as he placed his cup on thetable and raised his eyes in the general direction of Ben's room."Is it my imagination or did they grow a lot closer over thesummers? And I mean ALOT."

"Whatdo you mean?" Frank asked as he turned to look at his brother, Maxfrowned, he didn't like where this conversation was headed.

"Well,for instance, they aren't trying to strangle each other every fiveseconds," even Max laughed a bit at this comment, but his worrystill remained. "But I meant they seem to be more, I don't knowhow to phrase it, more like family?"

"Isthat a question or a statement Carl?" Max asked as he took a sip ofhis coffee.

"Both,I guess," he replied with a shrug. "I can't put my finger onit, but something is different, they seem much closer than before."

"Well,"Max said as he placed his cup down, he had to be careful with what hesaid. "They did spend almost three months together in theRustbucket, they'd have to grow closer in some way."

"Iknow, but, they almost don't seem like the same kids," Carl saidas he looked into his coffee.

"Ihave noticed they are a lot closer," Frank said as he sat back inthought. "They seem to actually enjoy and want to be around eachother."

"Gwenhas been tutoring Ben," Max added to hopefully redirect theconversation.

"True,"Frank said, "but that doesn't explain the expensive gifts theygave each other."

"Maybe,"Carl started to say slowly as he processed the thoughts, "maybe,they are trying to make amends and become friends again. If youremember they were as close as peas in a pod when they were babies.Maybe they're tired of always fighting and are growing up?"

YES!!Max thought as hesilently cheered.

"Idid notice that over the course of the summer, the kids stopped hatingeach other," Max added. "It didn't happen overnight, but theydid grow to care about each other. I think Ben was just grateful forGwen's help with passing his classes. You know how much we've allbeen getting on him for his poor grades." Max said with a grin,hoping that directed them away from how close the kids really were.

"Isuppose you're right," Frank said as he sat forward, his cup inhis hand again. "So, tell me more about the next summer trip youhave planned for them."

"Youwant them to go again?" Max asked in surprise.

Franklooked at Carl and shrugged as he grinned.

"Threemonths without the kids and alone with the wives? What more could weask for."

Maxroared in laughter as Frank and Carl joined him at a more subduedlevel.

"Well,it's too early to really plan anything yet, but I was thinkingabout heading north to Washington and into Canada and the upperstates." Max said as he pulled a piece of paper from the counternearby and started discussing the next adventure with the kids.


Bensmiled as he recalled the conversation Max had told him about later.Frank and Carl had been on the cusp of figuring it out, but neitherwanted to see Ben and Gwen's relationship for what it was. It wasstrange their subconscious felt that way, after all, Carl hadpractically caught Ben and Gwen making out earlier in the holiday.But of course, Ben didn't know that until later when Max once againfilled the teens in on a conversation he'd had with Carl over theValentine's Day holiday of the following year.

Bensuppressed a snort as he let his eyes wander to his closet, the doorof which was partially open. Hidden deep in the recesses in a secretcompartment was the gift that Gwen had given him for that Valentine'sDay. There hadn't been anything fancy about it, there was no wayfor there to be without raising suspicions. But Gwen had stopped byto help him with homework and had casually slid the wrapped box tohis side of the table.

Benhad snatched it as fast as he could to prevent anyone from seeing.

Now,that had been an interesting holiday, for sure, but still not asinteresting as New Year's Eve a few days after Carl nearly caughtthem.


Gwenand her family had decided to just stay the rest of the holiday withBen and his family, Max had taken up residence out front in the RustBucket.

Overthe days leading up to the New Year, the two families enjoyed a lotof quality time together, some more than others, and some less. WhileNatalie tried to monitor the time that Ben and Gwen spent together,she was slowly allowing them some more freedom out of her sight.

Currently,the cousins were building a snowman together in the backyard, a featthat would have been considered a sign of the apocalypse only a yearago.

Benand Gwen were laughing as they rolled the snow and argued over whatfeatures the snowperson, as Gwen was adamant to call it, would have.

Insidethe much warmer kitchen, Max smiled as he sipped his coffee andwatched Ben and Gwen play. He was glad that the entire family haddecided to stay over, it gave everyone a chance to mend the smallerbridge fires, and to build entirely new bridges in some cases.

Heturned away from the window and made his way to the table, pullingout a chair he sat and just contemplated.

Himusings were cut short when a near frozen Ben and Gwen burst throughthe kitchen door laughing. They shook the snow off their clothesbefore sitting at the table with Max. Ben made sure Gwen was seatedbefore h moved to the counter to make some hot chocolate for themboth.

"Havefun?" Max asked rhetorically.

"Somuch fun," Ben replied from the pantry as he dug out the chocolatemix.

Maxchuckled softly as he watched Ben rummaging through the pantry. Hehad always enjoyed these simple, lighthearted moments with hisgrandchildren. Pouring the hot chocolate mix into two mugs, Benjoined Gwen and Max at the table, placing the steaming mugs in frontof them.

Gwenwrapped her hands around the warm mug, relishing in its comfortingheat. "Thanks, Ben. This hot chocolate is just what we need towarm up."

Bensmiled and took a seat next to Gwen. "No problem, Gwen. Anythingfor my favorite cousin."

Gwenrolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, so now I'm just your favoritecousin?"

Maxsipped his coffee, enjoying the banter between the two. He couldsense the deep connection they shared, a bond that went beyond merecousins. He knew their feelings for each other were strong, even ifthey hadn't yet revealed them to the rest of the family.

Benleaned back in his chair, grinning mischievously. "Well, let'sjust say you're my favorite snowman-building partner too."

Gwen'scheeks flushed pink, and she playfully nudged Ben's shoulder."Likewise, Ben. You're definitely the best at arguing oversnowperson features."

Theyshared a moment of laughter, the joy of their secret relationshipdancing in their eyes. Max watched them, a twinkle of understandingin his own eyes. He knew the time would come when they would be readyto reveal their love, but for now, he cherished these moments ofinnocent happiness.

Asthey enjoyed their hot chocolate, Max decided to steer theconversation toward their future plans. "So, you two, anyexciting New Year's Eve plans?"

Benand Gwen exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them.Ben cleared his throat, a hint of nervousness in his voice."Actually, Grandpa, we were thinking of spending New Year's Evetogether, just the two of us."

Maxraised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing at his lips. "Oh? Andwhat do you have in mind?"

Gwen'sgaze met Ben's, and she took a deep breath, her voice steady. "Wethought it would be nice to watch the fireworks display at the park.It's always so magical, and we've never experienced it together."

Maxnodded, his smile widening. "That sounds like a wonderful idea.It's a night for new beginnings, after all."

Benreached across the table, gently squeezing Gwen's hand. "And itwould be the perfect night to create our own special memory."

Gwen'sheart skipped a beat, her eyes sparkling with love. She knew what Benmeant, and her excitement mingled with a touch of nervousanticipation.

Asthe night grew darker outside, Max leaned back in his chair, hisheart filled with happiness for his grandchildren. He knew that theirlove was strong, and he had a feeling that New Year's Eve would be aturning point for them—a night they would remember forever.

However,before that could happen they had to make it through the next fewdays. The first thing they had to do was convince their parents tolet them go to the park.

"Iwas thinking," Max began as he sat his mug on the table and lookedat his grandkids. "Your parents might not let you go to the parkfor the fireworks."

Witha sigh, Gwen slumped on the table.

"Ihad considered that too," she replied as she stared into herchocolate. Ben took her hand and squeezed it for a moment before hespoke up.

"Metoo, but I have an idea if they say no," he told them with a grin.When both sets of eyes were on him he told them. "We'll just siton the roof to watch the fireworks, that way we'll have a greatview and still be close to the house."

"Ben,"Gwen said with a smile as she sat up and looked at him, "that's agreat idea!"

"Iknow," Ben told her as he jokingly replied with mock arrogance, "Idid think of it."

Gwenlaughed as she gave him a slight shove, Max grinned as he watchedthem banter once more.

Maxchuckled at their playful exchange. "Well, I must say, Ben, youhave quite the knack for coming up with creative solutions."

Benshrugged, a hint of pride in his voice. "What can I say? I'mfull of brilliant ideas."

Gwenshook her head, her smile never fading. "You're lucky you haveme to keep you humble."

Maxleaned back in his chair, feeling a warmth spreading through hisheart. Seeing the love and connection between Ben and Gwen filled himwith a sense of joy and hope for the future.

"Well,I have a feeling that your parents won't be able to resist yourenthusiasm," Max said with a twinkle in his eyes. "But ifthey do, you always have the rooftop plan as a backup."

Bennodded, his gaze locked with Gwen's. "Exactly. We'll make surewe have the best seat in the house, even if it means sitting on theroof."

Gwensqueezed Ben's hand, a mixture of excitement and nervousness dancingin her eyes. "I can't wait, Ben. It's going to be a night toremember."

Maxsmiled, knowing that this New Year's Eve would mark a significantmilestone in their relationship. He could feel the anticipation inthe air, the sense of a new chapter unfolding for Ben and Gwen.

Asthe day of New Year's Eve dawned, Gwen and her parents woke up with ashared excitement. They were already staying at Ben's house, and Gwencouldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation in her chest. Todaywas the day they would create their special memory together.

Gwenand Ben woke up in Ben's room, the space they were sharing duringtheir stay. The room had a cozy charm, adorned with posters ofsuperheroes and a small desk cluttered with gadgets and drawings.Gwen, snug in the comfortable bed, stirred awake, her eyes meetingBen's as he lay on the floor with a blanket and pillow.

Witha mischievous smile, Ben quietly rose from his makeshift bed,tiptoeing to Gwen's side. Carefully slipping under the covers, hecurled up next to her, seeking warmth and comfort in her presence.Gwen, her heart racing with a mixture of joy and tenderness, welcomedhim into the bed, their bodies finding solace in the shared warmth.

Theday progressed with the snowy landscape outside, and the air grewcolder. Bundled up in their winter clothes, the family gathered inthe living room, where they brainstormed and organized their plansfor the evening. Ben's parents, Carl and Sandra, joined them, eagerto contribute to the preparations.

Together,they created a festive atmosphere in the house. The living room wasadorned with colorful streamers and sparkling snowflake decorations.The scent of hot cocoa filled the air, inviting everyone to warm upfrom the wintry chill. Gwen and Ben exchanged knowing glances, theirconnection hidden beneath their excited expressions.

Inthe afternoon, they ventured outside to set up an outdoor seatingarea. They arranged chairs and cushions on the covered porch,creating a cozy space where they could relax and enjoy the fireworks.The snowflakes fell gently around them, adding a touch of enchantmentto the atmosphere.

Withthe preparations in place, they retreated to their respective roomsto bundle up for the evening's festivities. Gwen layered herself inwarm clothing, pulling on a thick winter coat, a scarf, and gloves.Ben did the same, ensuring he was well-equipped to face the cold.

Whenthey reconvened in the living room, their families exchangedapproving glances. They chuckled and shared stories, their laughterfilling the room. Gwen's parents, still unaware of the true depth ofthe connection between their daughter and Ben, enjoyed witnessingtheir newfound closeness.

Asthe family gathered in the living room, finalizing their plans forthe evening, there was a moment of tension when Ben and Gwen broachedthe subject of going to the park alone to watch the fireworks. Theirparents exchanged concerned glances, worried about the snowyconditions and the potential dangers of venturing out in the cold.

Natalie voiced her concern."I don't think it's safe for you two to go to the park byyourselves in this weather."

Frank nodded in agreement."I have to agree with Natalie. It's slippery out there, and wewouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Carl chimed in, offering analternative. "How about sitting on the patio instead? We can setup a cozy seating area with blankets and make sure you're safe.You'll still have a great view of the fireworks."

Gwen and Ben exchangeddisappointed glances but quickly realized that their parents'concerns came from a place of love and care. Reluctantly, they agreedto the compromise, understanding that their safety was a priority.

With a mixture of relief andexcitement, their parents arranged the blankets and cushions on thepatio, making sure everyone would be comfortable. The patio offered apartially covered space, shielding them from the snowfall while stillallowing them to witness the magic in the sky.

As twilight painted thesnow-covered landscape with hues of pink and purple, they bundled upand made their way to the backyard. The snow crunched beneath theirboots as they settled into the chairs, wrapping themselves inblankets to ward off the wintry breeze.

Ben and Gwen foundthemselves seated next to each other, their bodies pressed close forwarmth. Their hands intertwined beneath the blanket, their fingersfinding comfort in the familiar touch. In the midst of the snowflakesand anticipation, their hearts beat in harmony, their love silentlyweaving through the wintry night.

As darkness enveloped them,the distant sound of fireworks reached their ears. They craned theirnecks, their eyes fixed on the sky, eagerly awaiting the spectacle.The first burst of colors illuminated the snowy backdrop, casting amesmerizing display that elicited gasps and cheers from the group asthe clock struck midnight.

Witha laugh their parents turned to each other and embraced theirpartner, kissing them in the ages-old tradition of kissing atmidnight. Behind them, slightly hidden by the patio roof, Ben andGwen turned to each other and tenderly kissed, enjoying the euphoriathat came with starting the new year together and in love. They brokeapart quickly and turned their attention to the fireworks, smiles ontheir lips thanks to more than just the spectacle of light beforethem.

Benand Gwen sat side by side, their cheeks rosy from the cold, theirbreaths creating small puffs of vapor in the air. They exchangedglances, their eyes sparkling with a shared secret. In the midst ofthe awe-inspiring fireworks, their hearts danced to an unspokenrhythm, their connection growing stronger with every explosion oflight.

Asthe final firework dissipated into the night sky, Gwen leaned closerto Ben, her voice a soft whisper against the backdrop of celebration."I'm glad we could be together like this, even if it's notexactly how we imagined."

Bensmiled; his eyes filled with warmth. "Me too, Gwen. It's still aspecial night, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here withyou."

Theirparents, caught up in the spectacle of the fireworks, remainedunaware of the stolen glances and secret exchanges between the youngcouple. They laughed and applauded, savoring the magic of the moment,oblivious to the budding love story unfolding right beside them.

Asthe final burst of fireworks faded into the night, the air filledwith a sense of contentment and wonder. Gwen rested her head on Ben'sshoulder, her hand still intertwined with his. They sat incomfortable silence, allowing the beauty of the moment to linger.

Thesnow continued to fall, creating a serene and ethereal ambiancearound them. In that tranquil setting, Gwen and Ben found solace ineach other's presence, their hearts entwined in a shared journey oflove and discovery.

Thenight was far from over, and as the family slowly made their way backinside, Gwen and Ben exchanged a knowing glance. They knew their timetogether wasn't limited to New Year's Eve. Their connection wouldcontinue to grow and evolve, creating a tapestry of moments thatwould shape their lives.

Unbeknownstto their parents, Ben and Gwen's bond transcended the boundaries ofcousinhood, forging a connection that was destined to endure. The newyear held endless possibilities for their love, and they weredetermined to embrace every moment, cherishing the magic that hadsparked between them.

Asthey stepped back into the warmth of the house, Gwen and Ben'sfingers remained intertwined, a silent promise to each other thattheir journey was just beginning. And as the snow fell gentlyoutside, covering the world in a blanket of purity, their loveblossomed, ready to face the challenges and joys that the coming yearwould bring.

Inthe cozy living room, with the crackling fire and the laughter oftheir loved ones surrounding them, Gwen and Ben settled into acomfortable embrace, their hearts overflowing with hope, happiness,and the knowledge that they had found something truly special in eachother.

Andso, in that moment, as the clock struck midnight and a new yearbegan, Ben and Gwen whispered their own private wishes, their voicesblending with the soft melodies of the winter night. They were readyto embark on a journey of love, one that would unfold beyond theconstraints of family ties, guided by their shared dreams and themagic of New Year's Eve.

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