Titana's Toy Story 2

By TitanX557

725 21 0

Several months later after the events with Malty, Titana gets captured by a greedy toy collector named Azula... More

Chapter 1: The Sword
Chapter 3: Titana's Own Show

Chapter 2: Last Minute PlayTime

203 7 0
By TitanX557

Lilac was then tied to a rope on a lamp.

"Help, help! Somebody help me!" Ash said in Lilac's voice.

"Let her go, Arkyean Conquertron!" Ash said in Titana's voice.

"Never! You must choose, Titana. How shall she die? Man eating walrus, or death by Mankeys?" Ash asked in Arkyean's voice.

Ash then makes monkey noises for the Mankeys.

"Choose wisely!" Ash said in Arkyean's voice.

"I choose Houki Shinonono!" Ash said in Titana's voice.

Ash then brings out a remote to reveal a box with Doc Huston and Houki inside. Ash then presses the button on the remote to make Doc and Houki zoom to a ramp that leads to Arkyean.

"What!? That's not a choice!" Ash said in Arkyean's voice.

Then, Doc and Houki went flying from the ramp, straight for Arkyean.

"For all of Japan!" Ash said in Houki's voice.

Doc and Houki then crash into Arkyean, making Arkyean's money fall out of him.

"I'll save you, Lilac." Ash said in Titana's voice.

"My hero." Ash said in Lilac's voice.

Ash then makes the two kiss each other. Ash then picks up Houki.

"Thanks Houki." Ash said in Titana's voice.

"No problem, friend. You should never tangle with the unstoppable duo of Titana and Houki Shinonono!" Ash said in Houki's voice.

But then, Titana's right arm then gets ripped.

"Oh no." Ash said sadly.

Then, Delia walks into the room to get Ash into the car.

"Ash, let's go! Emi's already in her car seat." Delia said.

"But, Mom, Titana's arm ripped." Ash said, showing Titana to his mom.

"Oh, no. Maybe we can fix her on the way." Delia suggested.

"No, just leave her. I don't want her more damaged." Ash said sadly.

Delia then puts Titana on the shelf.

"I'm sorry, honey, but you know, toys don't last forever." Delia said.

Ash was really hoping to bring Titana with for camp, but due to her ripped arm, he had to go without her. Delia then picks up Ash's bag and the two head out to the car. As the two left the room, Titana then comes to life, seeing that she's on the shelf.

The toys below see that Titana has gotten shelved in shock.

"What happened?" Xenophanes asked.

"Titana's been shelved." Kaos said.

Xenophanes gasped in shock because this is a rare thing to happen to toys. If the toy on a shelf is left on the shelf for too long, the kid might forget that the toy is even there.

Titana looks at her ripped arm and sees that she can't move it. She then also sees that Ash was leaving.

"Ash!" Titana said.

Eventually, the car leaves the drive way and heads to came. Titana was shocked that she got left behind due to her arm. She blames herself for her ripped arm. Xenophanes, Raphtalia, Kaos, Arkyean, Lilac and Houki below look above the shelf to see if Titana is okay.

"Titana?" Raphtalia asked in worry.

"Titana? Babe, are you okay?" Lilac asked in worry.

The six can only see her boots as Titana brings her boots back to her in sadness. Houki and Lilac look at each other in sadness that their friend wasn't able to go with Ash this weekend.


It was the next morning and Titana was sleeping on the shelf. But, then out of knowhere, Ash's car comes back to the house, show Ash with a fake sword on his hands, swinging it around. Titana was shocked about that Ash is back early. How is this even possible?

"He's back? Hey, everybody! Ash's back!" Titana said.

Below, Kaos, Raphtalia, Xenophanes and HulkBuster were playing cards until hearing Titana's voice.

"He's back early from knight camp!" Titana said.

"Places, everybody! Ash's coming!" Carol said.

Everyone then scattered to their original spots as Titana went into toy mode. Ash then eventually comes into the room, gets a chair, and gets Titana from the shelf.

"Hey, Titana! Did you miss me?" Ash asked.

Ash then grabs Titana and plays with her a little until see the ripped arm from earlier.

"Ohh. I forgot. You're broken. (Robotic voice) I don't wanna play with you anymore." Ash said.

Ash then for some reason, drops Titana to the ground to the pile of cards. Titana then goes through the cards and eventually lands right into a trash can! Titana comes to life to see in fear that she's in a trash can filled with toy arms everywhere. She then tries to get out of the trash can.

"No, Ash! No. No, Ash! No!" Titana yelled.

Then, a cocoon of toy arms grabs Titana by the neck and drags her down back into the trash can. Ash then shows his face above the trash can.

"Bye, Titana." Ash said creepily.

"No! No! Ash!" Titana yelled, begging Ash to save her.

But then, Ash puts the lid on the trash can and only darkness was left.

But thankfully, it was all a nightmare. Titana wakes up with her ripped arm on her neck, she then gets it off of her neck and it's the arm on a dusted book. Titana coughs a little due to the dust on the shelf until hearing a cough as well on the shelf. She looked to see who was on the shelf with her and it was a white penguin with a little of black on him, with a little bow tie barely showing on his chest. His name was Mumble.

"Mumble, is that you?" Titana asked.

Mumble then turns to see Titana on the shelf with him.

"Hey, Titana." Mumble saids sadly.

"What are you doing up here? I thought Mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago. Ash was so upset." Titana said.

Why would Ash's mom put Mumble on the shelf and not try to fix him?

"Nah. She just told him that to calm him down and then put me on the shelf." Mumble said.

"Why did you yell for help?" Titana asked.

"Well, I tried squeaking. But I'm still broken. No one could hear me." Mumble said.

Mumble then shows Titana as he tries to squeak but coughs instead. Titana was feeling really bad for Mumble, being left here on the shelf for months.

"Besides, the dust aggravates my condition." Mumble said.

Mumble then wheezes and coughs again and was about to fall. Thankfully, Titana caught him.

"What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there." Mumble saids, pointing outside.

Titana looks where Mumble was pointing and sees Delia is doing a Yard Sale today!

"Yard Sale? Yard Sale! Yard Sale!! Guys, wake up, wake up! There's a Yard Sale outside!" Titana saids to the toys below.

Everyone then wakes up to hear the news.

"Yard Sale?" Houki asked.

Titana then turns to Dreadwing's direction.

"Dreadwing, emergency roll call!" Titana ordered Dreadwing.

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am! Red alert! All civilians fall in position now! Single file! Let's move, move, move!" Dreadwing order the toys.

The toys then made a line to make sure everyone was here. Houki the checklists everyone.

"Arkyean?" Houki asked.

"Here." Arkyean said.

"Kaos and Glumshanks?" Houki asked.

"Here." Kaos and Glumshanks said in unison.

"Carol and Milla?" Houki asked.

"Here." Carol and Milla said at the same time.

"I hate yard sales!" Xenophanes said in worry.

Everyone then hears footsteps coming towards the room.

"(Yelps) Someone's coming!" Xenophanes said.

All the toys then head back to their original spots and Titana puts Mumble back behind the book so we won't be seen by Delia. Delia then enters the room with a 25 cents box in her hand to see what Ash grew out of.

Delia looks under the bed to grab a pair of old roller skates below and puts them in the box. Delia then goes to where Xenophanes is a picks him up, thankfully she was aiming for a 5 year old board game beneath him and puts Xenophanes down. Delia then puts the board game in the box.

Delia then heads to the shelf to grab a toddler toy, an 3 year old book and finally grabs Mumble! Mumble looks at Titana one last time before going into the box.

"Bye, Titana." Mumble said quietly.

Delia then puts Mumble into the box and heads outside, while unknown to her, Titana was looking in worry of her friend being carried away.

"Mumble! Think, think, Titana. Think, think, think. Ooh!" Titana said.

She then tries to whistle with her left arm but only raspberry came out. She then uses her broken arm to whistle to command Garurumon to come to the room. Garurumon enters the room and then looks up.

"Hey. Here, boy. Here, Garurumon! Up here! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Titana said.

As she tries to climb down, she accidentally slips and falls. Thankfully, Garurumon caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Okay, boy. To the yard sale! Hyah!" Titana said.

Titana then rides Garurumon to the Yard Sale to save Mumble. The other toys however didn't know what she was planing.

"What's going on?" Arkyean asked.

"He's nuts!" Kaos said.

"Her arm ain't that bad." Raphtalia.

"Don't do it, Titana! We love you!" Xenophanes yells.

Garurumon and Titana the arrive at the stairs and heads straight for the front door. The two slowly open the door to see a bunch of stuff being sold and Titana sees the 25 cents box that Mumble was in.

"Okay, boy. Let's go. And keep it casual." Titana said.

Garurumon acknowledged but then went far to casual like a goofball he already is. Titana meanwhile was hiding on the left side of Garurumon. Titana was utterly confused that this was not what she meant at all.

"Not that casual." Titana said.

Garurumon then now knew what she meant by casual. Garurumon then walks to the yard sale like a normal digimon.

Meanwhile, the toys in Ash's room looks to see what Titana was up to.

"Conquertron coming through, coming through." Arkyean said.

"Is she out there?" Xenophanes asked.

"Can you see her?" Lilac asked.

Houki was using Tai's mini telescope to see where Titana is outside. She then sees Garurumon and Titana.

"There she is." Houki said.

Meanwhile outside, the two were able to get to the table where the box was. Titana climbs up on the table, avoiding human detection in the process and heads to the box. The other toys however, thought she was selling herself for 25 cents.

"She's getting in the box!" Xenophanes said.

"She's selling herself for 25 cents!" Arkyean said.

"Titana, you're worth more than that." Carol said.

"Hold on. Hold on. She's got something." Houki said.

Titana then picks up Mumble. The toys were shocked about this.

"It's Mumble!" Houki said.

"Mumble?" The toys asked in shock.

Xenophanes then puts the pieces together and finally figured out what Titana was actually doing.

"Hey, it's not suicide. It's a rescue!" Xenophanes said with glee.

Titana then drops Mumble to the ground as Titana did the same. 

"Good boy, Garurumon. Hold still. (Puts Mumble on Garurumon's collar) there. There you go, pal." Titana said.

"Bless you Titana." Mumble said with glee.

"All right, now. Back to Ash's room. Hyah!" Titana said.

Garurumon, Mumble and Titana then head back to Ash's room. The toys in the room above were cheering that she saved Mumble.

"Way to go, knight girl." Houki said with cheer.

As Garurumon picks up speed, Mumble was falling off!

"Titana, I'm slipping!" Mumble said in worry.

Titana then pushes Mumble back in the collar. But due to Garurumon jumping above a toddler toy on the ground, it made Titana slip and fall! She then looks to see Garurumon and Mumble heading back inside. Titana was glad Mumble was saved, but who'll save her? She then sees a kid head to her direction. Titana then goes back to toy mode.

"Mommy... Mommy, look! Look at this! Mommy, look! It's a female knight dolly!" The girl said.

The girl then picks Titana up to bring to her mom.

"Hey, that's not her toy!" Xenophanes said.

"What's that little girl think she's doing?" Raphtalia asked.

The girl then shows her mom Titana.

"Mommy, Mommy, can we get it? Please? Mommy, please?" The girl asked.

The girl's mom then looks at Titana.

"Oh, honey. You don't want that toy. It's broken." The girl's mom said.

The mom then throws Titana to a table, making her voice box activate.

"For Alphys X!" Titana's voice box played.

Then, a woman turns around to see Titana, she then gasped. Why is this a shock to her?

"Original hand-painted face. Natural -dyed, black belly shown jacket! (Sees the rip) little rip. Fixable. Oh, if only you had your plastic, well-done..." The woman said.

She then sees Titana's sword on the table.

"SWORD! I found her! I found her! If found her!" The woman saids with joy as she puts the sword back on Titana's waist.

She continues to laugh until seeing Delia walking towards her. She then puts some objects on Titana so Delia won't see Titana in the woman's hands.

"Excuse me. Can I help you?" Delia asked the woman.

At the window, Raphtalia was upset with the woman holding onto Titana.

"Yes. You can help take her hands off my friend." Raphtalia said angrily.

Outside, the woman was trying to bribe Delia.

"I'll give you 50 cents for all this junk." The woman said.

Delia then finally notices Titana in the woman's hands.

"Oh, now, how did this get down here?" Delia asked, trying to reach Titana.

"Just hand her the knight. Nice and easy." Houki said at the window.

Delia then grabs Titana from the woman's hands but the woman wasn't going to leave easily.

"Now just walk away. The other way." Houki said at the window.

"I'll give you 50 bucks for it." The woman saids to Delia.

"50 bucks ain't bad." Carol said.

Arkyean and Kaos nod in agreement.

"It's not for sale." Delia said to the woman.

"Everything's for sale. Or trade. You like my watch?" The woman asked as she tries to get Delia to sell Titana to her.

But, Delia puts Titana in a safe box.

"Sorry." Delia said to the woman.

Delia then locks the safe box and walks away.

"She's safe." Houki said at the window.

"Way to go Ash's mom!" Arkyean said.

"She showed her!" Raphtalia said.

The woman was now heading back to her car in defeat.

"Yeah. Go home, Mrs. Fancy Car." Kaos said.

The woman then accidentally steps on a skateboard. The woman then had an idea, a really bad one.

"Hold on." Houki said.

"What's up?" Carol asked.

"What is it, Houki?" Xenophanes asked.

The woman then makes the skateboard crash into stuff to distract Delia. Then woman then quickly tries to open the safe box.

"What's happening down there!?" Kaos asked in worry.

"What is she doing?" Raphtalia asked in worry.

"I can't watch! Can someone cover my eyes?" Xenophanes asked in worry.

"She's stealing Titana!" Houki said.

The woman the puts Titana in her purse and heads back to her car.

"What? She can't take Titana! It's illegal!" Neera Li said.

Houki then quickly slides down the water pole of the house and into the yard sale.

"Get her, Houki." Kaos said quietly.

Houki then quickly heads to the other side of the yard sale without detection while seeing the woman putting her purse in her car's trunk.

The woman enters her car and starts the engine. As the woman drives away, Houki quickly jumps onto the rear of the car and heads to the trunk.  But, as she eventually opens the trunk, a bump on the road makes her fall off the car! Making her watch the car speed off while some pieces of black fabric fly out of the trunk. 

The toys at the window were shocked that their best friend just got kidnapped. Lilac was the most worried.

"Why would someone steal Titana?" Lilac asked in sadness.

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