Martian Manhunted

By SidKnee_______

83 8 0

A new original take on a bunch of DC cosmic characters, J'onn J'onez goes mad who can stop him? More

Chapter 1: The Guvinators
Chapter 2: Revolution
Chapter 3: Home
Chapter 4: Madness
Chapter 5: Manhunt
Author's Note

Chapter 6: Manhunted

9 1 0
By SidKnee_______

Ma'alefa'ak, Sinestro, Jor-El, and Hanibal stand before the Martian Manhunter, ready for the fight of their lives, a fight to end J'onn J'onez,

J'onn "I said, LEAVE!"

J'onn's eyes glow fire-red,

Ma'alefa'ak "He's mine, protect the city."

Ma'alefa'aks eyes glow red as well, Sinestro, Hannibal, and Jor-El run to help civilians escape the bloodbath.
Ma'alefa'ak begins to blast his laser vision at his younger brother, J'onn retaliates by doing the same, the lasers are pushing each other against one another, and J'onn begins to feel weak, as he screams for his brother to stop, the two Martians stop attacking one another,

J'onn "Help me..."

Ma'alefa'ak floats over to help his brother, but before he could even notice something was wrong he was stabbed in the stomach by J'onns warped hand, J'onn lifts his hand and slits Ma'alefa'aks throat, and the near-death martian falls to the streets of Nocturna, J'onn begins to float away from his brother, looking for others to slaughter,

J'onn "Love... such a weakness."

Jor-El sees J'onn coming straight for a bundle of Civilians,


Sinestro floats out from behind a damaged building, power constructs made to look like swords, The second J'onn sees this, he warps his arms to look like the same swords Sinestro had created,

Sinestro "STOP THIS J'ONN!"

Sinestro charges at J'onn, their blades clashing on another, they have been dueling for quite a long time, and J'onn seems to have the upper hand in this battle, Hannibal sees the struggle Sinestro is having, he runs and jumps into the confrontation and that small period, J'onn takes his Arm blade and slashes it at Hannibal's head, decapitating the Space ape in the process, His yellow blood stains J'onns arm blades, sinestro switched one of his constructs to a shield and rams J'onn backward, Jor-El flies down from the sky and smashes J'onn into the ground, leaving a crater in place, Jor-El looks down at Hannibal's body and his eyes full with red, using his superspeed he grabs J'onn by the jacket he is wearing and prepares to strike, until, J'onn stabs him in the chest.

J'onn "You are weak Kryptonian, you did not absorb enough solar energy to fight me."

Then Jor-El's mouth opens, blood gushing from his nose as J'onn uses his warped hand to slice his skin up to his lower jaw, J'onn pushes Jor-El's body off of him, and stands up,

Sinestro "Look at you, you are covered in blood, this is not what your wife would have wanted J'onn"

J'onn "I don't give a damn what she thinks."

J'onn then phases his body into the ground and appears behind Sinestro, he places himself inside Sinestro and unphased his body, making Sinestro explode from the inside out.


Ma'alefa'ak's body lays in the rubble until he starts to breathe, he reaches into his jacket pocket and grabs a device with a large turquoise button in the center, he presses that button, and his hand drops to the ground

Ma'alefa'ak "Goodbye you bitch."

He then closes his eyes to rest in peace, J'onn looks up to the sky and sees an incoming burning space rock, he sees it crash into the surrounding area, it begins to crack, and a monster emerges, a grey beast, with white spikes among its back, and greenish pants, large teeth,


Doomsday lets out a very large screech of fury before rushing towards J'onn, J'onn begins to float upward, but before he can get too high, Doomsday grabs his foot and pins J'onn the the rubble filled ground,

"Self Destruction System Activated"


J'onn is struggling to attempt to leave Doomsday's grasp until he gives up,

J'onn "It doesn't matter, nothing does."



A large explosion has erupted out of Doomsday, leveling the city, vaporizing everything and everyone in it, the only thing that remains is the head of J'onn J'onez sitting there with a blank expression.


6 hours later

M'gann M'orzz and Sheyera Hol walk in front of J'onn's removed head, M'gann Kicks his head away from them, and she begins to sob,

Sheyera "Hey, Hey, no need to cry, it will be ok, we will go through this together..."

Sheyera pulls up M'gann's chin and moves in closer, inevitably touching lips, once she moves away she continues to speak,

Sheyera "In New Thanagar!"

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