Vicissitude • Hunger Games

By Styx_T

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Vicissitude • /vɪˈsɪsɪtjuːd,vʌɪˈsɪsɪtjuːd/ a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelc... More

Author's note
Chapter I

Chapter II

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By Styx_T

It was a soft morning when the sun started to peek at the window of a wide awake young girl. Willow was laying down on her bed, quietly staring outside her window, trying to glance at the gardens of the houses, where flowers and plants grew, planted by herself and her mom .. When a beam of light finally planted itself on her face, she scrunched up her face and decided to sit up, looking right in front of her.

She was stressed, scared, she was a little girl about to be reaped.

A soft knock on her door, Willow turned towards it to see her mother pass her head through the gap and softly smiled at her.

« Good morning sweetie, you need to get prepared »

Smiling a little, she young girl got up from her bed and approached her mom, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek, she whispered a good morning too before going towards the bathroom to clean up quickly, scrubbing and washing off the dirt. Once satisfied with the result, she wrapped her towel around her body and headed towards her bedroom to see her dress layed down on her bed, her mom must've get the dress from her wardrobe because she never saw this dress. Wondering why her mom gave it to her, she dressed herself, and went outside her room towards the living room to see her parents.

When they saw her, her mom laughed a little while her dad softly smiled. Willow got closer with wonder on her face;

« Where does the dress come from mom ? »

« Oh, it was mine when I was your age, I wanted to give it to you »

A broad smile on her face, Willow jumped in the arms of her mom so hug her with all her might. She softly pulled back and asked her mom to do her hair with a sweet smile. She agreed and Willow sat down, and took off her glasses and set them on her lap to let her mother play with her hair while she twisted it into braids. Humming quietly, Willow kicked her feet a little, trying to make time go faster while she sat uncomfortably still.

After some time, a braid was sat comfortably on her shoulder while her mom played with some blond hair that was too short to stay in the braid. She had a frown on her face, concerned .. Yet Willow didn't notice, her back still faced her sweet mother. Until she felt her hug from behind, a little surprised, the young girl stopped kicking her feet and turned her face towards the adult.

« Mom ? »

«  .. I love you sweet heart .. »

After a beat of silence, Willow smiled and placed her arms around as best as she could. She returned the hug, a hug between a mother and a daughter.. A hug from a scared mother, and a terrified daughter. This sweet moment was soon cut short by the sound of some sort of bell going off in the district. It was time, this year reaping was starting.

With a scared look, the mom and daughter let go of each other but still held hands. Walking towards the district main place, her father soon joining the duo. With a final kiss on the forehead, the small family parted ways, the two adults went towards their place while Willow went into a line to get a drop of her blood, soon she was told to go with the others, waiting in ranks in front of this stage put specially for this fantastic event .. On it, you could already see the victors from previous years, her father being one of them. There was also the escort of their district, dressed in bright colors.

With everyone finally arrived, the escort finally stepped up with a sickingly sweet smile

« Hello, Hello, and Happy Hunger Games ! Before we start, the Capitol has a message for all of you. »

With this, they passed this short video, like every year. At this point, everyone here knew the video by heart, the propaganda by heart. Few adults had distasteful looks but said nothing, afraid of the consequences with all those peacekeepers around, fully armed. Once finished, the escort came back towards the microphone with a smile.

« I get the chills every year .. » Said the escort, waiting for some kind of reaction, only to be met with utter silence. Clearing her throat, she began her yearly speech.

« As every year, a male and female tribute will be chosen from district 5 for the Hunger Games.. As usual, Ladies first .. »

A bright smile on her face, she walked towards the bowl filled to the brim with pieces of paper. The female tributes. Putting her hand in it, she grabbed a random paper and took it, walking towards the microphone, slowly opening the paper.

« This year's female tribute for the district 5 is ... »

Finally looking down on the paper, she quickly looked back up with a smile. Somehow, Willow had a bad feeling, she felt uneasy, as if something was about to happen. Looking around, she met the gaze of her friends, all smiling. She saw her mother, she was concerned. And her father, he was emotionless. Of course, he wasn't, but years ago, he kept a straight face, passing for a cold blooded killer, ready to do anything to go back to his home. Since then, he had to keep this persona, under the threats of Snow. With the district, without all the Capitol, he was a sweet man, ready to do anything for his district. Just as she looked back up towards the escort, she heard what she wish she would never.

« Willow Vega ! Willow Vega ? Come ahead dear. »

As if she was sick and her illness was contagious, all the girls around her moved away, leaving little room to not understand that se was in fact, the new tribute for this years Hunger Games. She quickly gathered her spirits and softly smiled as she started to walk towards the stage, two peacekeepers were next to her, escorting her. She tried her best to keep smiling, pushing her glasses up her nose, she met the eyes of her father.

He seemed crushed.

Who wouldn't with their only daughter being reaped for the Hunger Games. She couldn't help but wonder of all the parents who lost their children, a little more towards the first Hunger Games, they were still searching how to do it, there was no real rules...

Finally on the stage, she placed herself next to the escort who sported a bright smile while putting the microphone under the face of the young blonde.

« So, Willow dear, how old are you ? »

« I am 15 years old miss »

« Oh my how polite ! »

With a smile, the escort took back the microphone and placed it back in it's place. She placed herself back in front of it « Now, the turn of gentlemen's ».With this she went towards the other bowl and delicately shoved her hand in it, to get it back out with a piece of paper in it. She went in the middle of the stage and opened the piece of paper, briefly looking at it before looking towards the district 5.

« This years male tribute for the Hunger Games is .. Arthur Peek ! »

Before the poor boy cold even g towards the stage, even i everyone could see he didn't want this, a new voice spoke up. She knew this voice, and she had hoped that it was just a joke. She had hoped that he wasn't stupid enough to volunteer for these barbaric games.

« I volunteer as a tribute ! »

With the confidence of a career tribute, Leo started to walk forwards, the two peacekeepers from earlier flocked next to him. He quickly walked up to the stage, under the fearful gaze of his family, and the more than grateful gaze of the family of the poor Arthur. His friends, Daphne and her, were livid, while the latter could freely express this feeling, Willow couldn't dare express them, after all there were cameras on her to film her every reactions.

« A volunteer ! How wonderful ! Come quick boy » Leo did not wait another second and posted himself next to the escort with a broad smile. « Tell me boy, what is your name ? » With all the confidence in the world and a quick glance towards Willow accompanied with a wink, of crise, the no one missed this, including the oh-so-feared-cameras. « I am Leo Stone ! ». With a nod ad a smile, the escort ushered the boy to take his place in front of Willow, telling them to shake hands while the adults happily introduced the tributes of the district 5 for the 67th Hunger Games.

Now that it was finished, peacekeepers advanced and pushed the two teens towards the building and separated them into different rooms. It wasn't long until her mother bursted into the room, her father soon following her. They both engulfed the young girl into their arms, hugging the trembling girl. She did not want to participate, she was scared.

« Sweetie, everything will be alright, you will have your father with you. You will come back home, I know it » Said her mother, kissing the crown of her head, pressing her daughter closer to her. Her father did not say nothing, he did have to, he would be with her throughout the whole thing, he would watch his dear daughter learn t fight to kill other teens. They all knew that their time was running out, so her mother smiled and caressed her cheek with tenderness « I love you sweetheart, with all my heart. Come back home safely. »

With a final nod, she smiled to both her parents and squeezed their hands before watching as peacekeepers entered and pushed her towards the exit and walking towards the train. She soon entered and gaped at the luxury of the train. If she thought her family was rich in the house of victors, it was nothing compared to the table covered in silverware and food.
Her surprise was soon quieted down as she saw her friend coming in the train after her. She frowned and walked towards the boy t scold him as if he was still a little boy.

« You idiot ! I thought you were joking when you said yo were going to volunteer ! Why would you do something so stupid ! ». The poor boy shrinked and looked at the small scary teen that was scolding him « Willow, when I told you ad Daphne this I wasn't joking ! I wouldn't joke about something like this, you know this ! » Angry at his stupid behaviour, the blonde balled her fist and walked away with her frown always present. Their little quarrel was soon cut to an end as her father came into the train and sat himself in the numerous couches. The escort soon followed and sat in the couch next to him.

The two teens followed suit and laced themselves in the seats in front of the two adults.

« Let's introduce ourselves darlings, I am Eden Bliss and I am your escort for those games, I assume you know Sebastian Vega ? He will be your mentor and if I understand correctly, he is your father Willow ? »

« Yes he is ... We actually all know each other, Leo is my best friend and an idiot » Willow crossed her arms on her chest when saying that, her frown still present. And while Leo rolled his eyes, him and Sebastian both knew it would pass her soon enough, yet it did not help Eden as she laughed a little, not understanding the problem. « Wonderful ! I assume you will be an alliance, maybe with more people later on ? »

Even with their little conflict, they both knew how protective of each other they were, and both nodded, Willow pushing her glasses up with doing so. She looked up when she heard Eden talk in her overly sweet tone.

« You know, the Capitol could fix your eyes ? It wouldn't take more than a day or two »

Surprised she even proposed, she thought back about their conversations in the field, the days prior and smiled a little. « No, I want to keep my glasses, I know there aren't a lot of tributes or victors with glasses. ». Proud of his little girl for her choice of keeping an handicap, she smiled and softly nodded at her, little wrinkles coming next to his eyes. But he soon lost his smile and sighed, leaning forward to talk.

« We should get started right away, we won't take long to arrive at the Capitol like the peripherals districts »

Author's notes

Why hellloooo there ! I know i already had a second chapter out, but I thought it was gong too fast so I decided to rewrite it ! I do hope you guys like it better, I certainly do lmao !
With that, how are you guys ? Did you drink water today ? Took care of yourself ? If not go !
Please, leave a vote, or a comment, so I know you guys enjoy this story :)

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